A Special Treatment for Karen


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The doctor and nurse watched and listened attentively at my disgusting exhibition as I debased myself by performing this unspeakable act. I should have been mortified at this humiliation, my lewd performance, but I was completely captured in the moment of my sexual release.

"Yes, that's it Ms. Mason, show us how you fuck yourself, go on you know it's what you crave..."

"OK nurse, now report her bodily status."

The nurse described the results of my examination, "Everything normal. No cuts or open sores. Her armpits and crotch thoroughly shaven. She is sexually highly charged and displays a strong clitoral and vaginal response to my examination, with significant fluid secretion, but is shy about displaying her sexual instincts and bodily functions."

Dr Marussova ordered Jenny to continue the prep, with taking of my temperature.

She unscrewed a tube of KY jelly smeared a liberal amount on her gloved finger and applied it to my anal crease and hole, even pushing through my sphincter. I wondered what further indignities would be imposed on my, even more embarrassing in the presence of the imperious female doctor. The nurse then took from a draw a large thermometer, longer and fatter than an oral thermometer and brought it to my rear opening, first though traversing the length of crease before slowly twisting it at my ring as she inserted it deeper and deeper into my rectum. My feeling was that I was about to open my bowel and instinctively I tried to expel it. The nurse held it inside me, still twisting and stirring it around. I could not think why it was necessary to keep moving it except that I suspected she wished to heighten my sensation. At the same time she was stroking my lower belly with her other hand, occasionally teasing at my mound and outer labia.

The examination and anxiety was causing my bladder to fill and I suppose the doctor recognized that I was becoming agitated.

"By now you perhaps need to urinate. Don't be shy about saying, it will be much better if you do it now as you will not be able to piss during the treatment.

Red-faced I admitted and asked to go to the bathroom to pee. But instead the doctor gave nurse a plastic bowl. To my horror she held it between my legs and told me to let go into it right there. Although my bladder was full and becoming uncomfortable I could not bring myself to urinate in front of them.

"Nonsense! In the camps in Russia it was normal for us to do our toilet in full view of anyone, and men and women used the same room together with just a line of buckets along the wall. Show her, nurse."

Jenny looked back at the doctor and blushed deeply, and then at me. She pulled up her hem, revealing that she too was completely shaven and, turning and bending over she revealed that was naked under her uniform. She spread her legs and positioned the bowl, and released a torrent of yellow liquid from her pee-hole and almost filled the receptacle. Prompted again by Dr. Marussova, she showed me the contents.

"You see there is no need to make such a fuss about the simple act of pissing. See how much the nurse has produced. I have trained her to expand her bladder its capacity and to hold her water all day."

Nurse emptied and rinsed the bowl into the toilet and held it in position for me. I was still too inhibited but the doctor stepped forward and pressed a hand roughly onto my lower belly, gripping my bladder and I urinated involuntarily. I was ashamed to have the two ladies see the stream jetting out from my pee-hole, completely uncontrolled so that some of it spilled onto the table, and some squirted on the doctor's uniform and dripped onto the floor.

"Goodness, no control," she scolded, "but I expected as much. I see I was wise to wear this uniform. I had better fit the device now."

The doctor removed her gloves and took from a wrapper a device which looked like a small triangular sheet of black foil with an odd looking plug in the middle and elastic strands at each corner. She told me to lie on my back now, "keep your legs spread wide as though inviting a man to fuck you."

I was again cruelly exposed, my sex open lewd and inviting. She spread my cunt lips and paused as if to enjoy the view of my open vulva, wet and darkly pigmented, and my engorged clit. Suddenly, and without preparing you for the intrusion, she pushed the device firmly into place, then manoeuvred it so part of it was tight against my opening. She presses the sheet onto the surrounding area where it adhered, due to some sticky compound, and secured it behind me with the elastic ends which fastened together. It looked like a mini string panty, with the covering shrunk down to the area of by pubic triangle and vulva, although the strings crossed diagonally over my buttock cheeks instead of running up the crack between them.

"This is a vaginal shield to prevent anything bad entering you. It forms a waterproof seal and you will feel the plug fill you like a short fat cock. Enjoy it, slut."

I was naked except for an obscene covering of my sex. The device seemed to accentuate rather than hide my nakedness and I felt as an object to be sacrificed as part of some perverted rite. And though I hated to admit the fact, I did enjoy it.

"Now hold your bum cheeks apart and relax. I want nurse to see right up your arse, right into your shit hole."

I noticed how she was now referring to my intimate parts in the most common terms. Yet the shame caused my excitement to mount and I dutifully pulled my buttocks apart to expose my rear hole.

Satisfied, the doctor ordered her nurse to insert the suppository. I looked round and was horrified at the size of the object that Jenny was going to insert into my bowel - it was more than one inch thick and twice as long. She puts on another pair of latex gloves and, holing the large torpedo-shaped suppository in the fingers of one hand, lubricated me with her other, working the jelly past my ring.

"Just relax, Ms. Mason, while I put this suppository inside you. Your treatment required you to retain your stool for the last few days and it has formed a large and firm mass. We need to loosen and soften it and the suppository contains a special agent to make it mushy so you can expel it easily. Now bear down as though you are going to empty your bowel. Good, I can put it in now."

I expected the object to hurt as it stretched my anal ring but as soon as the lubricated end met the entrance it pushed through easily as my sphincter opened and swallowed it, leaving a pleasurable sensation. I found myself enjoying the sensitive hands of the young nurse. I wondered if there would be further invasions of my intimacy.

I watched as she pulled on another pair of latex gloves and smeared them liberally with special lubricating jelly. I felt a finger, no more than one, two fingers enter push past my sphincter and enter me. Then third and a fourth. Her hand was small but surely she could not get all of it inside, could she?

"She has a huge mass of faecal matter filling her rectum, and it is very firm. The suppository is blocked and will not be able to work. Shall I use the jelly to lube her some more?"

"Yes, and I expect it is too firm to pass naturally. Use the wide nozzle plastic syringe and fill the stock with one measure of lube."

The nurse fetched and filled the syringe and applied it to my open hole. I felt her steadily force the full measure into me.

"Now nurse, get your little hand up her arse her mash up all that shit. Then pull out. Ms. Mason, keep your arse spread wide so she can get her hand right in. Nurse, you know how to do it, you have to use some force to get through her ring. It might hurt her, but not too much with all the jelly in her."

I sensed the nurse making some effort as she widened her hand, stretching me more than I imagined was possible. She seemed to be rotating her wrist in a kind of reverse corkscrew motion, and it hurt as she twisted her hand to force the entry of her thumb through my stretched ring. But once in the pain receded and I felt her work her fingers to manipulate the mass. I was even amazed how pleasurable it was to have the girl's hand right inside me, while I lay passive and helpless.

"Ms. Mason, I'm working at a very large piece of stool. Lie still so I can mash it and let it mix with the suppository. Good I feel it working. Now I am going to withdraw, and you will feel as my hand pulls out but it won't hurt too much, so just relax. Some of your stool will come out as though you are defecating into my hand, but do not be embarrassed."

Gently she reversed the movement but when suddenly her hand emerged, I felt a lump come with it, and it splatted against her bib. She caught it before it fell to the floor and dropped it into a plastic bowl. She then pushed something into my anus, and told me it was a butt plug to keep the contents of my rectum inside for a few minutes.

After a few moments I felt an intense pressure inside and the doctor massaged my lower belly to ease the discomfort. Despite her coarse manner and language, her touch was delicate and sensitive. Even in my state of intense humiliation and discomfort I was responding to her skilful fingers. She said that the suppository was melting and as it mixed with my stool it would cause the whole mass to become runny and foamy. Just as I thought the pressure would be unbearable the nurse pulled out the plug and I erupted immediately and loudly


Almost all the mass was propelled in one go, straight at the nurse, striking her uniform. She did her best to hold her apron in a way to gather it but such was the force that almost all of her uniform was splattered. It was on her arms and legs as well but she funnelled most of my waste into the bowl.

"Please don't be embarrassed or feel about the messing my uniform. As the doctor said, it is my job to do these messy tasks and I don't mind at all."

Despite my humiliation I was excited at seeing the mess I'd now made on her uniform.

"Now for the moment you have been craving."

I could not imagine what next I would have to undergo but I was sure it would be something gross. Jenny took my arm and helped me off the treatment table and led me to the shower cubicle. The doctor then added a little of my urine and stirred and mixed it together into a brown and foul smelling pasty goop, then ordered me to stand in the middle with my legs apart and arms hanging slightly away from my body. She brought the bowl containing that foul mixture and dipped a gloved hand into it to scoop some out and approached me. I realized then what the treatment was about - I would be smeared with my own excrement. Starting with my arms she daubed it onto my skin and massaged it in, all over except for my head. My arms, back, neck, legs and buttocks and then came round and worked it onto my breasts, nipples, and into my armpits, making sure the waste was rubbed as deep as possible and soon every inch was covered in a brown layer. Nurse Jenny took part in my daubing and kept one hand pressed against the shield, forcing the plug against my clitoris. I felt a mixture of sensations, disgust, humiliation, nausea, fascination, and excitement. Yes, I was even aroused by this treatment.

Again the doctor's skilled and sensitive fingers were able to find and stimulate my nerve endings in a highly erotic way. I was so highly aroused that my nipples were standing out hard, and I realized I was bucking my pelvis to increase to her ministration... aaaarrgghhhhhhhhh!!... oooooohhhhhhhhaaaarrrrghhhhhhh!!...I climaxed and climaxed again as the filth was massaged into me. Dr Marussova worked my nipples to be even harder them with her practised fingers, while the nurse worked some of the paste into my belly-button, forcing the revolting slime right deep into my umbilical scar. To add to my humiliation I expelled the remnants of my stool which landed with a loud splat on the floor. By the time my body was completely covered, the outfits of both the doctor and nurse were extensively bespattered and smeared.

"Good," she declared, "a rich and copious layer. Nurse, fetch the wrap."

Jenny went to a cupboard and took wide role of permeable cellophane. She held my arms while the doctor wound the wrap round me upper arms, then my chest, waist and legs. Nurse then helped me raise my hips and the doctor continued the wrapping all the way down to my knees. She then helped me to a warm dark room and placed me on a soft padded bench. I was instructed to remain there, bathed in my foul excrement and with the cellophane wrap covering me.

They left me in that state for some hours. Deprived of normal sensory input my mind drifted and I lost track of time. When the nurse arrived and switched on a light I saw her uniform was clean once again.

"Are you feeling better now, Ms. Jenkins?" In fact I felt much better, now it seemed the ordeal was over, but something else caused me to feel good. She helped me off the bench and unwound the wrap and led me to the shower. As it came away it was completely brown where it had been in contact with my skin and there were copious smears of excrement all over my body as well.

"Let us get you cleaned up and fresh now. Would you like to use the shower on your own or would you like me to help you? It will be more difficult for you on your own to see."

She looked very lovely in her skin-tight rubber uniform and I said I would like her to help me. She turned on the two jets and tested the temperature before leading me. "Don't do anything," she whispered.

She skilfully manoeuvred my body and controlled the aim of the strong needle jets and the brown layer quickly washed off me. It felt very erotic on my breasts and pubis, where the plastic shield was still in place. Satisfied that I was free from any obviously traces she gently undid the ties and pulled the covering away, and then rinsed it. "Maybe you will keep this as a souvenir."

She inspected and sniffed and declared that although I was clean the scent of shit would cling to me from its absorption of through my pores. To my surprise she then undid her uniform and stepped out of it, all in one fluid movement. Completely naked and, like me, shaven all over her body, she was lovely, proud and unashamed. She proceeded to cleanse me completely with a sweetly scented jelly containing a herbal scrub which she gently but thoroughly worked into my skin, bit by bit and all over. I was no longer ashamed of my nakedness, nor of the desires the pretty nurse was awakening in me. As she knelt in front of me to work between my legs I put my hands to my pussy and opened the lips for her to see, and touch. As she cleansed my breasts I felt between her legs and put my fingers to the entrance of her hole. I stroked her labia and as gently as I could I prized them apart. I touched her hood with the tip of my little finger and eased her burgeoning clit out into the open.

To my surprise I heard myself whisper in her ear, "I want to finger fuck your cunt, Jenny. Ream my slutty cunt with your fingers, do it hard and fuck me good!"

We pressed and rubbed our bodies together and with our fingers delving into each other's cunts brought each other to orgasm many times. I was holding on to the nurse to keep from falling as her rough abuse of my hole caused me to lose control and revert to the animal I never knew was in me. Finally spent, we collapsed into each other's arms on the floor and when Jenny peed on my hand I too let go my stream and bathed her breasts in the hot nectar from my bladder.

As I left I asked the doctor if she would arrange further treatment.

"Of course, one session of treatment is completely inadequate. Not everybody is willing to continue but I recommend treatment at least once every month. You've come a long way, Ms. Mason. The follow up is more rigorous, and requires an overnight stay. I shall arrange it, yes?"


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janhen86janhen86about 1 year ago

So beautiful. Thank you. You opened up a whole new world to me. Still feeling warm, long after having red this wonderful story.

IncocrippleIncocrippleover 1 year ago

Great story. The way you describe things I can empathize, smell, feel and taste a woman's body. You excite longings I never had before. Thanx.

beta_sissybeta_sissyabout 3 years ago

WOW, what a great filthy stinky and kinky story. I look forward to more of this.

lesliejoneslesliejonesover 4 years ago
exciting account

This is another of your superb renditions of unusual treatments involving feminine excretion and sexual response. Your descriptions of bodily functions and the description of use of suppositories and other mechanisms anally and vaginally are stimulating to the highest degree. I do look forward to your account of Ms. Mason's next treatment.

pip46pip46over 4 years ago
Great story

I do hope that we get to read about session number two

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