A Streaker started it all Pt. 01


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When Angie woke up and moved a little, her laptop display burst into life displaying the story about a girl in a bar talking to a group of men, the girl being totally naked. She bookmarked the webpage thinking that she'd finish the story some other time.

Then she realised that she was leaving wet marks on the laptop's keyboard. She looked at her hand and saw that it was wet. She remembered that her hand had been on her pussy when she woke up.

"Jeez girl," Angie thought, "did you rub one out during your sleep?"

Angie shook her head to erase the thought, properly shutdown her laptop then got up and plugged the charger in.

Bathroom time and again Angie just grabbed her towel and wash bag and left her room being confident that all the other housemates were still fast asleep. As she did her daily routine she added her pussy to the list of tasks and decided that she liked her new look.

She again walked naked back to her room then had to decide what to wear. It was going to be a dress again but what to wear underneath it. Angie knew that she should wear knickers and a bra but she'd gone commando the previous day and actually enjoyed it so it was going to go commando again.

Angie turned to face the mirror and cupped her breasts. They are small enough for her to get just about all of them in her hands and she moved them up and down as much as they would go, which wasn't very much. Confident that they wouldn't be bouncing up and down more than a tiny bit as she walked, Angie decided to go without a bra and knickers for the day and see how it went.

She thought back to her time at home with her parents and remembered her mother telling her that good girls always wore a bra to make sure that her nipples weren't making little tents in her tops. Angie looked at her nipples that were soft and decided that tenting nipples wouldn't be a problem with the dress that she'd chosen to wear that day especially as it was warm in the office where she worked.

As Angie walked to the bus stop she felt the air flowing passed her bare, bald pussy and it started her pussy tingling a little bit. She also realised that, although her breasts weren't bouncing about they were moving a little as she walked and she could feel her nipples rubbing against the material of her dress and that was contributing to the tingling.

As she always does, Angie stopped at a coffee shop between getting off the bus and arriving at work to get her daily caffeine fix and as the barista was serving her she noticed that instead of looking at her eyes he was looking at her chest. She blushed a little but there was nothing that she could do. When she got out of the shop she looked down at her chest and confirmed what she suspected, the material and colour of the dress was not hiding her hard nipples.

"Thank goodness that it's warm at work." Angie thought as she hurried to the office building then got on with her work.

The work distraction and the warmth of the office soon made Angie forget about her choice to not wear any underwear and late that morning she got a phone call telling her to go to Mr. Whitelock's office.

"Ah good morning Angie." Mr. Whitelock said, "I'm definitely going ahead with the George III law as my defence and I thought that you might like to come to the court with me to follow the proceedings. It's now an open and shut case and shouldn't take long unless the judge decides to not take our word for it that the law hasn't been repealed and get his team to check. If that is so he will adjourn the case for a few days whilst his team confirms our findings, or opposes them. Again, making that decision won't take long unless his team have found something then it's back to square one for me."

"Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Whitelock. I've sat in on a court case before when one of my professors took us but actually having being involved in a case and following it through the court will be a good experience for me."

"Right, I'll give you a shout at 1 o'clock and we can walk over."

Angie was excited, her first involvement in a case in court. Okay it should be a short one but it was still a live court case that she was involved in. She went back to her desk and wrote on a piece of paper the URL of the webpage where she'd found the George III document, and the URLs of all the legal document websites that she'd searched to try to find any reference to the law. Happy that she was prepared for anything that could happen Angie left her desk and went to get herself a sandwich for lunch.

Just about everyone in the law firm go to a little sandwich shop close to the office building and as Angie was walking there one of the male junior lawyers who was going to the shop asked her how she was. This was the first time that this man had said anything to her other than 'good morning' and Angie was quite surprised until she saw where his eyes were looking.

"Oh my gawd," Angie thought, "I should have worn a bra."

But at the same time she felt some tingling and moisture between her legs. Her thoughts continued,

"Him looking at my nipple tents is turning me on, what would it be like if I was naked?"

Angie didn't get the chance to continue her thought along that line because they arrived at the shop and the man held the door open for her. They continued talking while they got served, and on the way back to the office. As they walked Angie could feel that her nipples were rock hard and tingling a bit, just like her pussy was. She thought,

"If him seeing my tenting nipples makes him talk to me what would he do if he knew that I wasn't wearing any knickers. And what would he do if I was naked, after all, I'm legally entitled to be naked."

With a smile on her face Angie went back to her desk to eat her sandwich.

At 1 o'clock Angie was waiting outside Mr. Whitelock's office and as they walked down the street Mr. Whitelock said,

"Angie, you look a lot more radiant today, have you done your hair differently?"

"No sir, but I am happy to be coming to court with you." Angie replied and wondered if he was actually referring to her tenting nipples that had gone to attention as soon they had got outside the office building.

Angie smiled and had a similar thought back to when she was walking back from the sandwich shop.

In the court building they waited outside the court room where the case would be heard. They'd only been there a couple of minutes when Angie saw Lucy Waterman and, presumably, her father walk up to them. After introductions Mr. Waterman said,

"I hope that you have some good news for us Mr. Whitelock."

"Yes Mr. Waterman, with a lot of sterling work by my intern here there is an excellent chance that when this case is over Lucy will have had the charges against her dropped."

Mr. Whitelock then went on to tell the 2 Waterman's how Angie had spent days searching through a mountain of legal documents and found some forgotten law that will help Lucy and probably thousands of other women; and probably create a lot of work in the courts over-turning thousands of judgements.

Whilst the 2 men were talking Angie had noticed that Lucy had a very nervous look on her face.

"Relax Lucy," Angie said, "I'm sure that everything is going to be okay."

"Easy for you to say, but thanks."

Soon they were called into the court and the trial started. The prosecution told their case and Angie discovered that Lucy had indeed been running naked across a football pitch whilst a big game was going on and that there had been thousands of people watching. The police hadn't managed to catch Lucy until she was attempting to run out of one of the exits.

As the story was being told Angie felt tingling in her nipples and pussy. Not because she fancied seeing Lucy naked, because she was imagining herself being in Lucy's shoes as she was committing the non-crime.

Then Mr. Whitelock got to his feet and announced that the case should never have been brought to the court and that the police were wrong in arresting Lucy for that offence. He added that the document that was at that moment being passed to the judge, and a copy to the prosecution, would vindicate Lucy and the many women that had been wrongly prosecuted for being naked in public.

The was a few minutes silence as the judge read the document then he finally spoke and said,

"Well Mr. Whitelock this document is quite a find. If I'm reading it right it would appear that George III did make it legal for women of all ages to be naked anywhere. Obviously I will need to authenticate this and make sure that it has never been repealed but if your findings are correct then I agree with you, there is no case to answer. I'm adjourning this case for 1 week."

As they was leaving the court room Angie heard the prosecution lawyer say,

"Well Mr. Whitelock if this is genuine it is quite a find for women's liberation."

Angie smiled.

Outside the court room Mr. Whitelock and Mr. Waterman talked and so did Angie and Lucy.

"Was it you that found that old law Angie?"

"Yes it was but Mr. Whitelock will take all the credit."

"Well I for one are really grateful to you, we must meet up sometime and talk."

"Yes, we must, I have a couple of questions for you that I can't ask you here."

The girls exchanged numbers then Mr. Waterman thanked Angie and they left leaving Mr. Whitelock and Angie to walk back to the office.

Once outside Angie again felt her nipples harden and gently rub against the material of her dress with the resultant tingling. There was a gently breeze that found its way up Angie's skirt making the tingling increase.

As they walked they talked and Mr. Whitelock said,

"The outcome is going to be good Angie, you did good work."

"But I just could have missed something sir."

"I don't think so, you see you are an intern and no good law firm relies solely on the work of an intern so I had one of the junior lawyers search for any trace of a repeal and he found nothing too, so good work Angie."

At first Angie was a bit miffed that he hadn't trusted her but when she thought about it she realised that it was a sensible move on his part.

Back at the office Angie got on with her work and left at the normal time. The breeze had got quite strong and had turned into a bit of a summer storm. Angie hadn't taken a jacket or umbrella with her and she just knew that she was going to get wet. Never-the-less it was relatively warm so she carried on walking to the bus stop.

When she got there she noticed a couple of young men staring at her chest. When she looked down she saw that the front of her dress was plastered to her chest and the thin material was clinging to every little curve. She could clearly see that shape of her breasts and rock hard nipples.

Angie's first reaction was embarrassment and shame but that quickly disappeared and turned to arousal when she saw the lustful expressions on the young men's faces. She took a deep breath which thrust her chest out at the young men. And the tingling was back.

Angie couldn't stop herself wondering what the young men would think if her dress was suddenly to disappear and they'd confirmed that there was no bra and no knickers as well. And that thought increased the level of tingling.

Angie's body heat had partially dried her dress by the time that she got off the bus but it soon got wet again as the storm hadn't abated and she was literally dripping wet when she got to the house.

As soon as she got to her room it was off with the dress and towelling down. As she was doing the latter she looked out of her window and again saw the same man looking at her from his room. Angie waved at him and carried on towelling down, making sure to thrust her chest forward when she dried her back and spreading her legs to dry her pussy that was two kinds of wet.

When she was dry she waved at the man again then wrapped the towel around herself before putting her wet dress in the laundry hamper. Angie needed a hot drink so she went to the communal kitchen wearing just the towel only to find Justin and Eva there, both about to eat their meals. Angie made herself a hot drink then went and sat on one of the sofas opposite the sofa that both Eva and Justin were sat eating off their trays.

They talked about lots of things but nothing that interesting then after a while Justin got up, went and washed his pots them went to his room.

"Angie," Eva said, "I know that you're thinking about turning into a nudist but did you know that for the last half hour or so that you've been flashing your pussy to Justin?"

"Oh my gawd, I haven't have I? Why didn't you say something""

"Yes Angie, you have, and I didn't say anything because I thought that it might be your way of getting the guys used to seeing you naked. You did keep opening your knees for him to get a better look at you."

"Oh shit, what's he going to think of me? And you got that wrong Eva, I never said that I was thinking about becoming a nudist, just that girls can go anywhere they want naked."

"But you're going to be going around here naked aren't you Angie? I can just see you walking to the bus stop naked or going to the pub or club wearing nothing but heels."

"No I am not and I won't be going anywhere naked."

"I think that you are a closet exhibitionist Angie, why else would you be out here wearing just a towel and flashing your pussy to Justin?"

"You know why I'm just wearing a towel and I never intended to sit down and talk to you guys, you kept me talking."

"You keep believing that Angie, me and Justin know different. Hey, Justin and Matt said that they're going to the pub on Friday, I'm going with them are you going to come with us? Clothing is optional for you."

"Grrrrrrrr. I'm going to my room."

"Hang on a minute Angie." Eva said as they both stood up.


Eva reached over and pulled the towel off Angie leaving her totally naked.

"Hey, get off, what did you do that for?"

"Just helping you realise what's trying to escape from inside you."

"Grrrrrrrr." Angie said and stormed off to her room with the towel in her hand.

"Told you." Eva shouted after her.

Back in her room Angie didn't bother putting any clothes on and looked out of the window, subconsciously hoping that the man would be looking her way again but he wasn't so she did some tidying then got on her bed and started reading exhibitionist stories again.

Angie found herself being jealous of most of the girls in the stories and couldn't really understand why. Before a week or so ago she had never even considered the possibility of exposing her naked body to men but here she was wishing that she was in the situations that the girls in the stories were in.

And what's more she was feeling really good about it.

Angie went to sleep toying with her clit after bringing herself to a very satisfying orgasm.


The rest of the working week was pretty uneventful. Each day Angie went to work underwearless, in fact she's decided that her underwear drawer was becoming redundant and she considered emptying it into the trash can but she decide that that may be a bit premature.

That junior lawyer, Andy, just happened to be going to the sandwich shop at the same time as Angie each day and she wondered whether or not he was slowly building up to try to hit on her, or maybe he was just attracted to her chest but doubted that because her breasts are only small. She'd seen that she'd had nipple tents quite often but that had stopped embarrassing her and she now thought nothing of it.

On the Friday evening Angie did go out with her housemates and in the pub Eva started going on about Angie becoming a nudist. Unsurprisingly, Angie was embarrassed and denied it but Eva wouldn't stop, even telling the guys when she'd seen Angie on her trips to the bathroom. Then Eva embarrassed Justin as well by saying that Angie had deliberately flashed her pussy to him on the Monday evening.

Fortunately, Matt told the other 3 to just stop it and change subject, but he added,

"Angie, if you feel that you want to live the life of a nudist, even just in the house, you can and none of us will complain or take the piss, WILL WE Eva, Justin."

"Thank Matt, but I have no intention of becoming a nudist." Angie said.

"Been to any good football matches Angie?" Eva said.

"Eva, stop it, NOW." Matt said.

"Sorry, anyone fancy going clubbing?" Eva said.

No one did and they started talking about something completely different.


Over the weekend Angie went for her usual gym session at the university's gym. Normally she wore a sports bra under a white tank top and some lycra booty shorts under a white tennis skirt but this time she decided to leave the sports bra and the lycra shorts back in her room. When she was getting changed she started to think that she'd made a mistake, firstly her nipples were erect and tenting her tank top, and secondly, her tennis skirt was a lot shorter than her work skirts and dresses.

Angie didn't want to miss her exercise session so she decided to carry on but being careful not to flash her butt or pussy to anyone.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, dependent upon which side of Angie's brain you are talking to, Angie soon discovered just how much and often her lycra shorts has been on show and therefore how often her bare butt and pussy were being displayed. Another fortunately or unfortunately for Angie was that most of the time she didn't realise what she was displaying.

Needless to say that the virile young men in the workout room quickly spotted what Angie was showing and no matter which machine she went to there was always 3 or 4 guys exercising close to her feet.

When Angie first realised how often she was putting on a show she had a quick panic and for a few minutes she kept her knees firmly together but it didn't take long for to to realise that accidentally showing her goodies was actually turning her on and she started to relax, ignore and actually enjoy her 'accidents'.

Even when she was doing her floor exercises and yoga poses she carried on the same way as she always did.

Just as she was finishing her routine a guy on his back on a bench was lifting weights and he asked Angie if she would spot him while he tried to break his weight record. Angie knew what 'spotting' was but didn't really think when she agreed to help him.

It was only when she was stood by his head and she saw the direction that his eyes were looking that she realised that he was looking up the front of her skirt.

"Oh shit," Angie thought but for some reason she didn't move. Instead she shuffled her feet further apart then willed her heart to slow down.

For a good 2 minutes the guy had an unobstructed view of Angie's slightly spread pussy which was getting wetter by the second.

After Angie realised what she was showing him, she realised that her eyes were looking at the same area of his body that he was looking at her. In spite of the guy using all his energy to lift the weights a bulge was starting to appear in his shorts. Angie thought,

"Wow, am I really causing that? Maybe I should come to the gym dressed like this more often.

Angie left that gym a lot happier about her body than when she went in.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Keep going, please. I'm loving it so far...

hardcorefoolhardcorefoolalmost 3 years ago

hope the story has more to it.

NewAgeEroticaNewAgeEroticaalmost 3 years ago

I loved this story! Hope to see more from this series!

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