A Strong Business Contract

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Lawyer picks billionaire friend over controlling family.
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All characters are over eighteen. A woman who is not in a relationship by choice owes her husband nothing. If you disagree, please leave now.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable for every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Finally, I would like to thank volunteer_ and kenjisato for their time and help.


"So, as you can see, sir, we're one of the largest employers in the area. If we lose our contract, it could have devastating consequences for the entire town."

Chelsea wanted to kick her father. Not only had he interrupted her—again—he'd chosen the worst possible argument for why they should keep their subcontractor status.

State law required the metal sheet manufacturing company her great-grandfather founded to renegotiate their contract every five years. With demand stable, it should've been a slam dunk. Unfortunately, her father had allowed his rivals to grow into legitimate competitors. She was prepared to show how their quality control issues outweighed any savings in cost, but that required her dad to stick to the plan they'd agreed on.

"What about safety?" asked Billy Strong, the new owner of their parent company. "Relative to quarterly budget change per projected output, how is the probability of an accident affected?"

"We pride ourselves on our safety record, sir," Chelsea's husband answered. "We do everything we can to ensure we are strong enough to adapt to any situation."

Nathan's response was better than her father's, but he still didn't answer the question. More importantly, he might think he was being clever by injecting the word 'strong' every chance he got, but Chelsea knew better.

It was hard to believe the Billy she'd known since she was a kid was now one of the richest and most influential men in the world. They'd even dated back in high school, which was why she knew he preferred to be addressed as 'Billy' rather than 'Mr. Strong,' and that he favored empirical numbers over vague reassurances.

Her turn came, and unlike her family, she didn't try to sugarcoat or deflect. She was very specific about what budget increases they would need to increase production and the bare minimum required for each scenario if they wanted to cut costs without increasing the risks. Chelsea knew Billy had always been concerned with safety, and she was confident data like this would make a difference.

When she was finished, the rising star of the business world gave her a sincere nod. "All right. Have a copy of this sent over to my team. I'll try to make a decision within a week."

"Yes, thank you," her father said, shaking his hand enthusiastically. "We appreciate this chance, Mr. Strong."

"Please, call me Billy."


Biting her lip to hold back a smile, Chelsea watched the company drama queens, Abby and Lindsay, pity themselves for not getting a date with their billionaire visitor. While she usually had little patience for their shenanigans, she found herself oddly amused by the scene in front of her.

"I don't get it!" Lindsay bemoaned. "I even put my fake nipples on. How could any guy not look at these?"

"He's gotta be gay. He didn't check out a single pair of tits the entire time he was here."

It took all her training not to laugh. Even if Chelsea hadn't done the perfectly normal thing of looking up more about her ex, she knew perfectly well that Billy wasn't gay. He just wasn't a playboy.

The rest of her coworkers were huddled around the TV. Local news outlets were airing footage of Billy from the previous day after he'd finished making a generous donation to the community hospital.

His smile appeared sincere, but it was the way he carried himself that really caught her attention. Even on camera, it was clear he dominated the scene. He had an air of importance that identified him as a natural-born leader, someone who could always be trusted to make the right decisions.

Reporters were interviewing everyone around town, trying to find anyone with even the slightest connection to Billy. So far, no one seemed to remember the fact that she used to be his girlfriend. She was starting to worry that even Billy had forgotten her.

"Chelsea," her father exclaimed when he found her. "Have you sent that data to Mr. Strong yet?"

"Not yet. I'm still on my lunch break," she said, indicating the plate in her hand. "Plus, accounting needs to do a final cross-reference on my numbers."

"That could take hours," he complained. "Head back and do it yourself. I want those numbers sent over by the end of the day."

"Yes, father," she sighed as respectfully as she could manage.


Chelsea was wrapping up her work when she heard a knock on her office. While officially a company lawyer, staffing and budget shortages often required her to assume additional responsibilities. Before inviting her unannounced guest in, she quickly jotted down her last step so she could resume where she'd left off.

"Hi," she said with her most charming smile. "How can I... help you?"

"Hey, Chelsea," Billy said. "Is this a bad time?"

"No," she said, recovering herself quickly. "I was just about to send over that data you requested."

"Don't worry about that," he reassured her. "This is purely social. I brought some Roughys. Mind if I close the door?"

"Sure," she nodded, accepting a cup of the town's best latte. "Would you mind locking it? I could use a break."

"I'll bet. You did a great job back there."

"Thanks," she said, taking a large sip as her hip rested against the edge of her desk. They both had a habit of drinking and conversing standing up, and it appeared that hadn't changed since they'd gone out.

Everything else had changed, though. All vestiges of boyhood were gone. The Billy who stood in front of her had a commanding presence, an authority that left no doubt his position had been earned, not given. Despite putting her father and husband to shame in every way, she could still see the same genuine kindness on his face she'd seen every day after school.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said. "I just wanted to talk. It's been years."

"Yeah," she agreed. "We never did officially break up."

They spent the next ten minutes catching up and talking about old friends. Chelsea told him about how she'd graduated from law school and now worked at her father's company while also raising her young daughter at home.

For her part, Chelsea felt as relaxed and at ease as she'd been in years, but Billy looked increasingly concerned about something. His brows were furrowed, and his gaze was fixed on her as if he were studying her under a microscope.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Her ex-boyfriend stood next to her. "The only time I saw your eyes light up was when you were talking about your daughter. You barely even mentioned your husband or your father. That wouldn't have anything to do with the way they both kept interrupting you, would it?"

Chelsea sighed. "Not much gets by you, huh?"

"It's a survival trait."

"I'll bet," she grimaced. "And you're right. Dad made it clear since sixth grade that he expected me to attend law school and become a lawyer for his company. Mom said the same thing. When I graduated, I thought I'd finally earned their approval. Instead, Dad told me he wouldn't hire me unless I married a man of his choosing."

"You're in an arranged marriage?" he asked.

"Yup," she nodded sarcastically. "It turns out they're a lot more common than Disney movies would have you believe. To be fair, Nathan isn't a bumbling idiot the way Dad is sometimes, but he never listens to me either. I really did try to make things work, but he was never interested in working on our marriage. He just expects me to take care of everything he doesn't want to do himself. So does my dad. They don't even pay me. All our money is in their accounts. The only reason I haven't left is because I don't have a single penny to my name, much less enough to feed a young girl. They're also expecting me to deliver a son to inherit the business at some point."

Chelsea took a deep breath to clear her thoughts. When she turned, she saw Billy looking at her with genuine sympathy. She felt a strange sense of comfort that even after coming into an incredible amount of money and power in such a short time, he hadn't lost who he was. He was still the respectful, mature, compassionate man she'd known all her life.

"Is that what you want?" Billy asked.

"What? A son? Yeah. Being a mother is one of the few bright spots in my life. I'm actually looking forward to it again. Why?"

"Well..." he trailed off suggestively. "I might be able to help you with that."

Chelsea stared for several seconds before raising an eyebrow. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to make a move on a married woman."

Her smirk was meant to indicate she was half-jesting, but her ex-boyfriend looked unfazed. "I believe in the power of choices, Chelsea," he explained. "I'm not a homewrecker. I'm not a seducer. I'm not trying to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. On the other hand, I also believe that everyone should be free to leave a relationship if they want. If your family has taken that choice away from you, then I don't believe you owe them any loyalty."

He had a point. Chelsea hadn't picked her husband; her father had, and despite her best attempts at conflict resolution, Nathan defined equality as submission. All arguments were expected to be resolved with her admitting fault. When she asked herself if he'd ever done anything to deserve her loyalty, the answer was no.

She decided to see if Billy would prove any better. "That's an interesting proposition," she conceded in a faux-neutral tone. "But as a lawyer, I'd need to hear more before I commit to anything."

Billy's playful smile matched her own. "Of course. First off, I'd strip you naked. Afterward, I'd carry you to your desk, then go down on your beautiful blonde pussy like old times. Then, to consummate our business union, I'd fill you with my hard cock, taking care to make sure you got off at least once before exploding inside you."

Chelsea felt a flash of heat with each step he described. While she hadn't taken Billy's cock before, she had taken his tongue. She remembered well how he used to carefully push her buttons with a combination of his smooth tip and rough buds to leave her a writhing mess, begging him to end the delightful torment.

"That sounds like a decent proposal, but I think the first step could benefit from some slight modifications."

"Of course," he said. "I trust you, Chelsea. If you think your terms are equitable, I'm prepared to accept them."

Chelsea grinned and leaned in to whisper, "First, I wouldn't have you strip me naked. I'd strip myself naked."

Role-playing was something she'd attempted many times in an attempt to spice up her marriage. Nathan never even acknowledged it, but Billy looked very interested in the game they were playing. She could almost taste the extra flavor added by pretending they were just two adults engaging in a normal business negotiation.

Stepping back, Chelsea felt an unfamiliar feeling of pride in her body as she slowly removed the buttons on her double-breasted suit. Her ex-boyfriend was looking at her in a way she'd never seen before. His pure, raw, unadulterated lust felt like a physical sensation, increasing her determination tenfold.

Unfortunately, it also eroded her patience. Her plans for a seductive show went by the wayside as she fumbled with her blouse and pants. She barely paused to show him her bra and panties, reasoning she'd look better naked anyway.

"Mm," he hummed approvingly as she took off what remained. "I'm definitely liking this renegotiated contract so far."

"Thank you," she said, posing to give him a view of her body. The hunger she saw as he ran his eyes over her blonde hair, round breasts, and flat abdomen made her pussy instantly wet. "However, since equity is our mutual goal, I think it's only fair you joined me in removing your clothes."

"Agreed," he said. "Your wording suggests you want me to remove my clothes myself?"

"Conditionally, yes," she nodded and smirked. "If you proceed in a timely manner, I would prefer to delegate the task to you. If, on the other hand, I feel you are not being prompt enough, I will be forced to handle it myself."

As much as she wanted to continue the teasing and flirting, she wanted Billy inside her even more. She wasn't sure how much longer she could wait.

Fortunately, Billy was responsive to her needs (or only slightly more patient than her). He moved with military precision to remove his own suit, but the real treat came when he took his shirt off.

Billy must've had a gym in his private jet because he somehow managed to build a first-rate six-pack between his international goodwill travels. The first thing her brain registered was how fit and healthy he appeared, instantly leading her to flag him as a potential mate. The second was just how hot it would be to let her childhood friend impregnate her.

Giving her husband and father a taste of their own medicine, slipping into a role as foreplay, and being fucked on her own desk were all hot, but it was the thought of filling her womb that really turned her on. It was the oldest and most powerful titillation a woman was capable of: the chance to give a man she liked a child. To feel him express his desire for her and end it with a permanent reminder of him growing inside her body.

"Was that to your satisfaction?" he asked once he was as naked as her.

"Indeed," she nodded, watching his rapidly-inflating cock. "I think we're ready to move on to the next stage of our agreement. The one where you carry me to my desk."

"Hold on a minute there, cowgirl," Billy said as he reached close enough to place his hands on her hips. "You got to renegotiate the last step. It's only fair I get to change the terms of this one."

He leaned down and kissed her, his restraint in keeping his hands in place contrasting with the way she freely roamed his body. All those beautiful muscles, that tight ass, and his hard cock pressing against her leg. For this one afternoon, it all belonged to her, and she intended to make the most of it.

Not only was Billy a better kisser than Nathan, he was sending her a very clear message. This wasn't an act designed to get into her pants. His desire to fill her cunt was very real, but he genuinely saw her as a person rather than an object for his own pleasure. That made her pussy all the more eager to have him.

Right when the thrill of kissing her boyfriend turned into a desperate need to be fucked, Billy picked her up and carried her over to her desk, per their stipulations. She got the impression that it was no more difficult than carrying an empty sack.

"Were you displeased by those terms?" he said with a genuine smile that made her feel like a schoolgirl again.

"Not at all," she said as she settled in. "However, since we've both had the chance to renegotiate the terms of our contract, for the third step, I'd like to propose an offer, one you may choose to accept or decline."

"Go on."

Chelsea smirked. "The original terms called for you to get me off, but in light of extenuating circumstances, I would like to propose that you merely warm me up instead."


Billy wasted no time giving her another kiss before moving his lips to her tits. He paused only to lick and suck each nipple before continuing to her belly, the very same one that would soon be growing very big because of him.

Finally, he reached her pussy. If Chelsea thought she was wet already, he soon proved her wrong. Foreplay simply wasn't needed. On any other day, she would've encouraged him to spend as much time as he wanted playing with her tits or tongue-fucking her pussy. Today, she just wanted him inside her.

To her relief, Billy didn't make her wait. He stood up and kissed her before guiding his cock to her lips.

"What do you want?" he whispered, his face inches above hers.

"I need you inside me!" she breathed, grabbing his head and pulling him in for another kiss.

What she meant to be a needy groan became a surprised shriek as he pressed in without breaking the kiss. Her pussy lips opened, and Billy's wild, untamed manhood began exploring her depths.

He paused only when he bottomed out. Her body had taken him without any problem, and her cunt was his for the taking.

Their eyes met, and Chelsea knew he was no longer interested in playing games any more than she was. "Fuck me, Billy!" she begged.

He obliged, setting a fast pace that let her feel the full force he was capable of unleashing on her body. It was all she could do to keep herself upright.

Chelsea was no stranger to being taken. Sex with her husband consisted of him trying to get himself off. Billy was different, and not just because he was actually interested in her. Watching a powerful man claim her, knowing she was the one giving him his pleasure, made her feel more like a woman than she'd ever felt with Nathan.

"Feel good?" he panted.

"So fucking good!" she moaned.

It was only then that Chelsea realized how inadequate her husband was as a lover. Billy was listening and responding to her, adjusting and rearranging himself to meet her needs. It was setting her on a collision course with a climax.

Not even five minutes later, she was ready to cum. It should've been a welcome surprise, but Chelsea knew perfectly well this was going to be her only chance to experience Billy, and she wanted to make it last. To savor the feeling of his torso pressed against her inner legs, his balls repeatedly whacking her ass, and the exquisite sensation of their warm skin pressed together while his heavenly cock sent her sky high for as long as possible.

"You gonna cum?" he asked.

Chelsea whimpered, trying to fight the inevitable. "I don't want to!"

"Cum, Chelsea," he grinned even as he continued to pound her. "Don't hold back, baby. I want to see your inner slut before you cum on my cock!"

Perhaps it was his use of the word 'baby,' but she couldn't refuse him. From the moment she felt his hard cock inside her, her body had been urging her to let her inner slut out. The sexy little bitch who cared only about being filled with the biggest creampie she could imagine. Chelsea embraced everything she'd been holding back for years, and it magnified the pleasure of Billy's cock astronomically.

It was too much. She started cumming like the cheap blonde slut she imagined she looked like.

Chelsea knew perfectly well she was being a slut. She was taking another man into her married pussy. According to everything her parents taught her, this was wrong. But her parents were the ones who forced this marriage onto her. If they'd allowed her to make her own choices, she wouldn't have been cheating. Billy was right: she was the one who decided who she spread her legs for.

"Yes!" she gasped as her orgasm hit. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Her arms collapsed like matchsticks holding up a blue whale, arching her back and allowing him free access to her body. She wailed, she cried Billy's name, and she spewed expletives from the safety of her soundproof office. The one thing that kept her sane was the feel of his hands lovingly holding her hips. That one thing gave her something to cling to as she rose and crested.

Once she regained awareness, the only thing she could feel was Billy, still thrusting and filling her. As cum-fuzzy as her brain was, she already knew one thing: she had to repay him. She managed to summon the energy she needed to prop herself up again, but instead of remaining there, she hooked her arms and legs around him, allowing him to shift his grip so he could drive himself deeper than ever.