A Study in Fragrance Pt. 05


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It was easily 20 degrees cooler downstairs. Once again the sweat had pooled in her creases, soaking her shirt, her underwear and jeans. As she drank and headed upstairs she could feel the liquid oozing out of her pores. Finishing the last of the water, she set her glass down near the top of the stairs and without a second thought kicked off her boots and stripped out of her clothes. She gathered them up and dumped them in her room, slipping her boots back on and returning to her work. She knew it was stupid and that she was taking a risk, but the chances of anyone other than Cos coming upstairs were nearly zero. They hadn't yet. They had no reason to. It wasn't nearly closing time, she checked her phone, 2:05, so there was always a chance, but she still decided to risk it.

Even with the octagonal windows open, the air was close and heavy, the ever-present scent from the room filling the air. She had gotten used to it, only noticing the florally herbal smell when she had left and come back. Turning her attention back to her drilling, she continued to position and drill, position and drill, watching drops of sweat make miniature craters into the dust. Should have brought a pitcher of water up. But going downstairs would mean throwing on some clothes. She finished the one side and stood up, wiping the sweat from her forehead and face, rubbing her hands down her sides and under her breasts. Fuck it.

She quickly threw on a t-shirt and pulled shorts over her boots, grabbed the glass from the floor and returned downstairs to fill a pitcher.

"How's it going up there?" Cos looked at her from the basement stair, noticing she'd changed clothes.

"Hotter than an oven. Need to get some water. Finished one side. Going to drill the other." She filled the pitcher and the glass, pausing to drink some before filling it again. "Going to move to the sanding in a bit." She watched as he eyed her, his gaze focused on her breasts, her nipples clearly visible against the cotton material.

"You should go," he cautioned, nodding toward her. "The guys wouldn't know what to make of it."

She smiled thinly and nodded back, heading up the stairs. With so little on, she had figured she'd just stay in her clothes, but the sweat soaking into her shirt and shorts was way more uncomfortable than just letting it evaporate. She set down the pitcher and glass in a far corner of the room, peeled off her clothes and turned her attention to the other side of the bookshelf.

Carefully removing the side she'd just worked on, she replaced it with the blank one. The light was still pretty good, and the drill had its own, but she realized after being downstairs that turning on the work lamp would make things easier. Now, with the light shining on the work, the intersections were clearly visible...and making the room even warmer. She saw her shadow cast across the floor and onto the wall, the silhouette of her breasts moving in and out of focus. Position, drill. Position, drill. She stopped at about the same place -- 30 or so in -- and grabbed her water. It was already warm. Back again. Over and over, her mind drifting into the repetition, losing track of time, focusing on the work. And then she was done.

"Woo-hoo!" She raised her fists in victory, congratulating herself, wiped her face and downed another glass. She took a moment to check her phone and see if anything might be happening later with her friends. 2:45. Emily set the glass down, set her phone down, looked around the room and prepared to start the sanding. She remembered the mask, slipping its bands over her ears.

She grabbed the sander off the floor and moved to the piece she had just finished drilling. Remembering what Cos had just shown her, she flipped it on and was prepared for the jerk as it whined up to speed. Moving slowly and with as equal a pressure as she could manage, she moved down the board, watching the tool leave a thin film of dust in its wake. It didn't take long to get to the bottom and she turned it off, her ears ringing from the noise.

"Fuck that's loud," she exhaled, looking around for the ear muffs. Her skin was dripping, not just under her arms, breasts and between her legs, but all along her forearms and down her neck and sides. With the lights on and the still air, it really did feel like a Swedish sauna, complete with a floral perfume and now fresh wood shavings. The feeling of cool air across her skin when she took off her clothes was a distant memory. Taking her mask down, she took another swig of water and walked out into the hall. The air was moving a little more out there, and Emily walked a slow lap around the hall, feeling it drift across her wet skin before returning to The Study. The thought of putting another piece of equipment on her head only added to her discomfort, but the thought of suffering that noise was worse. She picked up the muffs, the goggles and the mask and got them all arranged, and just because she had to see what it looked like, grabbed her phone and took a selfie. The image staring back at her made her giggle: like a bug's head, her nakedness implied, as there wasn't any obvious clothing visible in the shot, but nothing explicit. She posted it to Facebook and Insta before returning once again to the room.

Turning the board over, she was about to begin sanding again when she remembered Cos's suggestion to replace the paper. After several false starts, she got everything in order, and finally bent to work on the second side. For the second time she thought about how many tiny steps were required just to get one thing done, and that one thing was just a tiny piece of the larger job. No wonder he said it would take two weeks! She focused again on the sanding, thinking about how much time she'd used on "play" just in the first couple of days. She tried to ignore the sweat and heat, the squishiness between her legs that she knew was just sweat but was a constant reminder of what she had signed up for.

She felt a change in the air before she felt two arms reach around her, rough hands against her breasts, pulling her back away from the board. She screamed in shock and surprise, letting go of the sander and watching it spill onto the tarp with a clatter. And then his hot body against her back, his hair and skin, slick with sweat and his penis, hard against her ass cheeks.

"COSSSS!" She screamed out, trying to pull his hands away. It was useless. He'd lifted her up off the floor and twisted her away from the board, pulling her tight against him, his erection pressed between her cheeks. She realized he must have stripped before he came in. With all of the equipment and noise and lost in her thoughts she hadn't a clue he'd been there. How long had he been watching her??! "STOP! COS! Stop! Let me down!"

She wasn't concerned he would go too far. She trusted the deal and his fear of her father's retribution if he didn't play by the rules, but his actions rattled her, her heart beat hard and she tried to catch her breath through the mask as he let her go. "FUCK! Cos! You scared the shit out of me!"

He had already turned to rescue the sander and keep it from doing any damage to the floor, but she could she see he was grinning. She stared at his body, the muscles under the skin, the skin under his covering of hair, flowing from his neck all the way to his feet, his penis waving as he stood back up.

"Looks like you are making some progress," he smiled some more, staring at her.

She could see the need in him, she could see she needed to do something about it before he did. "Fuck, Cos." Recovering, she wiped her skin, watching his eyes tracking her hands as she dragged them from her breasts down to her feet. Standing back up, she came to a decision. "How long were you watching me?"

She stared at him staring at her, his hands reaching up to her shoulders to hold her. "A while. You're fucking sexy as hell." He leaned in, his hands holding the back of her head, his lips pushing against hers. It was gentle compared to the rough-housing she'd just experienced. But she couldn't shake her feelings of shame and embarrassment, of powerlessness, of his taking her, of him using her. The tendril jumped into her throat, her gut melting. He moved his hand down her back, pulling her breasts against him, his hair rough against her skin. His hand traveled further down to rub against the top of her cheeks and she moaned at the feeling...how his hands had slapped them and how different they felt...and at the fantasy of where he might go. His fingers slipped between her cheeks, the sweat reminding her how wet she was.

Her hands grabbed onto his back, rubbing down to feel his ass, as much to keep her balance as to pull him open, to make him feel the air against his entrance. His erection was hot and firm against her pubic hair. He only had to open his hands and lift her up onto it. But she wasn't ready for that. She didn't want to go there. The moment passed and she pulled away, opening her eyes to look at his. The expression she saw was pure animal lust. Raw, even as he smiled. It wasn't soft and gentle. Predatory. His hands continued to move her ass cheeks, his hips pushed his penis harder against her. She leaned in and kissed him, running her tongue against his lips until he opened them, his tongue meeting her, thrusting against hers. She pulled away again and narrowed her eyes. She needed to change the scene, and quickly.

She pushed her hands against his chest and slipped one of them between their bodies until her fingers wrapped around his hard-on. The other she pushed against his shoulders until he backed away a little.

Still lightly stroking him, she stepped away, looking down and back up again. "You have to come with me." She could feel the tendril loosening with her shift in attitude. She needed to move. She hoped he heard the double meaning.

She didn't wait for his response, pushing away, letting go and brushing past him to the hall, not looking back. When she got to the main stair and turned to go up to her parent's room, she saw he was following her, his erection flagging. He looked at her, his eyes questioning, but he didn't bother to ask what she had in mind.

When she ascended into their room, her eyes glanced at the boxes of Abby's stuff scattered off to the right of the bed. She'd already forgotten about them. Turning to the left, she headed for their bathroom, and more specifically for their shower, kicking off her boots at the door. By the time he'd joined her, she had turned on the taps.

"Nice," he said looking around. The shower took up half of the room, glass blocks created a partition without a curtain or door. The walls and floor were warm grey granite tiles, flecked with pink and green. The rest of the bathroom had a toilet sectioned off behind its own door and a long marble counter with his and her sinks.

"I need to cool off...and so do you," she said, waving him into the enclosure. It was easily big enough for four people; a bench at the end opposite the controls formed from the same stone had always puzzled her. Her parents were fine with her using the shower, but she couldn't imagine what they did with the bench or why her mother had decided to include it when they put the bathroom in. She reached up to open the window above the bench, hoping to let out some of the moisture.

Cooling off was only half the reason she'd needed a change in scenery. "Get in here, Cos. I want to wash the grime off of you." Her smile was open and inviting, but she felt wicked giving him commands. She felt the same way that being captain of the team had felt: unquestioned authority. He had said she was his, the words still made her tremble inside, but merely saying it didn't make it so. He couldn't make her do what he said, not without crossing a line. And then the memory of the spanking made her pause. She shoved the memory aside and focused on the here and now.

The move he'd made just now downstairs was still fresh, she could almost feel his erection pushing in between her cheeks. He wouldn't get her to submit by force, it would have to be consensual. She needed him to understand that. The image that had leapt into her head as she turned to face him sparked an idea, but then she paused as the tendril jumped up, her insides clenching. If she went that direction she would only humiliate herself more.

"Jesus, Emily," he shook his head staring at her from the opening. "This job is going to take four weeks at this rate." But he wasn't complaining. He was smiling.

There were two streams coming from two shower heads. She stood in the deluge between them, holding a bar of soap, her hands pressed against her waist, her legs spread in as good an imitation of a Wonder Woman power pose as she could do. There was no way he was going to just stand there and look at a naked Wonder Woman. She made sure he saw her scanning his body, from his face past his pectorals to his abs, the hair drawing her eye down to his flagging erection, now poking out and down, swollen, exaggerating every small move of his body.

"It'll never get done if you don't come in here and take a bath like a good little boy." She kept her pose, enjoying the idea of being the one in control. "That's it. Let me get you all soapy and clean."

He joined her under the spray, dousing his head under one stream, turning his back to her. She reached around him and ran the bar of soap across his chest, lathering it with her other hand. Swirling both hands across his pecs, she felt his nipples harden, and stopped to pay special attention to them, whispering in his ear.

"You like it when I tell you what to do, hmm?" She pinched his nipples and felt them swell more. "You want me to tell you what's going to happen next?"

She ran her fingers down to his navel, stopping to lather the hair there, turning to kiss the back of his neck, making sure he felt her pubic hair against his ass cheeks, her breasts against his back. She kept him in a loose embrace, her hands traveling down to the thickest part of his hair, feeling his erection stiffening again against the back of her knuckles.

Flipping one hand she rubbed soap along his thickening shaft, letting the soap drop to the floor. Her other hand drifted further down, cupping his balls and rinsing the soap as she cuddled him.

He turned slightly, pushing his hands against the wall, leaning to give her more room, inviting her to explore between his legs.

"Oh," she whispered again, leaning against him to lengthen her arms down. She inhaled his scent, now mixed with soap and water; it was intoxicating. She let go of his cock and slithered her hand between his sac and his inner thigh, turning her fingers to press against the muscle leading to his asshole. "I remember," she teased him quietly, "you like it when I fuck you in the ass with my finger."

He moaned, spreading his legs further, his balls hanging down. The water was streaming from the jet behind her, over her shoulders and across the tops of her breasts before cascading down to flow between them. More water was hitting her in the face from his side, making her close her eyes. In her mind's eye, she watched her fingers traveling across the muscle. She could feel it tensing and pulsing as she moved, the skin of his sac tickling the inside of her wrist as his balls shifted up and down.

"Mmm, hmmm," she coaxed him, keeping up the pretense that she was in control. "That's what you want, isn't it..." Her finger had made it to his hole, and she rubbed the tip across the crinkled skin, feeling his hair and the water flowing. He jerked a little and she imagined his cock stiffening. She slid her other hand back and cupped his balls, feeling how tight they were up against the base of his cock. "You like that. You want me to push it into you." She kissed his neck. "Tell me. Tell me that's what you want, Cos. Tell me you want your cute little teenage fuck-toy to push her finger up your ass." She couldn't believe she was doing this, it's so shameful! but she couldn't imagine not doing it, the tendril had wrapped itself around her brain and pulsed, sending the vibration to her fingertip that pushed and released, pushed and released against him.

"Oh fuckkk, Emily," he groaned, his head looking down to see what she was doing. Her hand had lightly grabbed his dick, her fingers moving along the skin. The water had made it too hard to stroke him properly, like she'd done the day before, but that didn't seem to matter. The important part was what her other hand was doing.

"Not going to ask me?" She pulled her finger away, then tapped it lightly, her fingers stopping their light stroking.

He groaned.

"S'okay," she said lightly, pulling away from him and dropping to retrieve the soap. "You can beg me another time."

Now on her knees she lathered up his lower back and ass cheeks, purposely avoiding his crack. She moved her hands high up his inner thigh and soaped first one and then the other, watching the suds drift down as she finished near his feet.

"I'll give you another chance, Cos." She stared up at his face and watched his erection throbbing out of the corner of her eye. "Ask me to push my finger in your ass and I'll do something really nice for you." She could feel the arousal thickening in her core, even as she sounded like she was in control, she knew she was abasing herself, the tendril fat and green, pulsing up and around her brain. She was going to do this thing, no matter what, but she really wanted to believe she was an equal partner in this deal.

"God, Emily," he gasped, looking down at her. "Who the fuck are you?! I still can't believe you aren't a pro."

She pressed her lips together, her eyes narrowing, shaking her head slowly. "That's not nice, Cos. You still don't trust me. Even after you gave me that speech yesterday. Maybe I need to spank you?" She smiled, imagining him offering his ass cheeks to her.

"It looks like you're having a good time." She nodded slightly to his throbbing cock. "You want me to. I want to. I just want you to ask me nicely to do it. I promise you'll be in for a nice surprise."

He closed his eyes and breathed. "Fuck, yes. Emily, just push your finger into my asshole. Go ahead and do it. Yessss!"

She lubricated it with some soap and wriggled her fingertip past the first bit of muscle until she felt his sphincter squeezing against her. Shinnying her way around until she faced him, she continued to work her way in, adding more soap and trying to avoid the water spilling on her hand. He bent his knees to widen his legs a little, giving her better access and she was able to finally snake her finger in up to the second knuckle. Pushing harder, she buried it all the way to the base, feeling his smooth muscles contracting against her.

"God, Cos!" She looked up past his erection to his face. "That feels so fantastic. I can't believe it. I've...fuck...ooooh, I love feeling you pulsing. It's like you're fucking my finger." She licked her lips. "Isn't it....Cos? It's like you're fucking my finger..." She teased him, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

"Yeah" he gasped, keeping his eyes closed. "Yeah."

"And look how hard it's making you! You really like your fox's finger shoved up your ass." She leaned forward, opened her lips and gently took his cock head into her mouth, letting her tongue slowly drift across the surface. He jerked, but her finger kept him from moving too far.

He groaned. She pulled off and looked at his face.

"So, now that you asked me like I wanted, you get a nice surprise." She returned her mouth to his crown and very slowly crawled her lips down his shaft as far as was comfortable, letting her tongue push against him. She could hear him over the pounding of her heart and the sloshing of the water, his breathing coming out as pants and moans. She could feel her spit building up and she swallowed, the movements of her cheeks and tongue and roof of her mouth rubbing against him. He jerked, spasming his anus against her finger. She gave it a wriggle to remind him where she was, and continued moving back off his cock, letting it spring free into the stream of water.