A Succubus and a Priest

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A succubus corrupts a priest who thwarted her hunt for men.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/01/2023
Created 10/10/2021
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The old woman lifted the bottle against the light filtering through the chapel's stained glass windows. Her lips pursed, and she sent Caleb a skeptical look.

"This here's holy water, then? Looks no different than the stuff from the well."

"It is from the well," Caleb said. "But I prayed to the goddess overnight so she would infuse it with her power."

The woman's fingers tightened on the bottle. "And it will really keep that fiend away from my layabout husband?"

Caleb nodded. "Sprinkle some over your windowsills, and no succubus will be able to enter your home for a week or two."

The woman eyed him beadily and reached into her purse. "All right, then," she said, meticulously counting off ten coppers. "But if it doesn't work, I'll be back for my coin."

He plastered a smile onto his face. "Goddess bless you."

Caleb kept up his smile until she departed, then allowed himself a sigh. That was the third report this month; clearly, a succubus had made the village her hunting ground. So much for his hopes to quietly serve the requisite years in these backwoods and return to the city where he belonged.

The sun was about to set, so he swept the floor, spoke the evening prayer, and locked up the chapel. Nodding to the farmers returning from the fields, he made his way to the small house assigned to him by the church. As he deposited today's donations into the coffer, his mind returned to the woman who had come for holy water. If she was less of a hag, perhaps her husband wouldn't be so keen to fool around with succubi.

He immediately chided himself for the uncharitable thought. The unrefined attitudes of the locals were irritating, but that was no reason to get blasphemous. Succubi were evil by their very nature, even if comely and less shrewish than wives. Nothing good could come from consorting with such creatures.

It was getting dark, so he lit a candle and fixed himself a simple supper. Back in the city, he would have magic lanterns to chase away the darkness, but this place had no such luxuries. Finishing his meal, he blew out the candle and headed upstairs to his bedroom.

The shutters were open, swinging lightly in a breeze and letting in the birdsong from the nearby forest. He tried to recall whether he had left it ajar this morning but soon gave up; there was nothing to steal except the coffer downstairs, and that was enchanted to high heavens. Shrugging off his cassock, he draped it over a rickety chair and stretched languidly.

A faint rustle reached his ears, and a peculiar smell wafted to his nose. Sweet and heady, almost like enchanted perfumes from the city. He sniffed curiously and turned to follow the scent until he faced the window and froze.

A horned woman lounged on the windowsill, one smooth toned leg dangling above the floor, the other bent artfully to rest atop the sill. Her skin was dusky, and her hair and eyes were crimson like the depths of hell she had spawned from. His heart hammered in his chest as he made a warding gesture.

The succubus flinched, but that was all. Leaping off the sill, she closed the shutters and sashayed toward him, her spade-tipped tail swishing behind her back. He backtracked until his legs met the edge.

"In the n-name of the goddess," he exclaimed, making another gesture. "Begone!"

The succubus laughed, and her ample breasts threatened to spill from her tight leather bodice. "There isn't much conviction in your words, priest," she said in a sultry voice. "But I recognize your power. It is you who has been depriving me of the company of local men, isn't it?"

He lifted his gaze back to her face. "What of it, fiend?"

"There's no need to be rude. My name is Lilith." She tossed back her flowing hair, spreading that maddening scent. "And you're Caleb, a young priest sent from the city. Don't look so surprised; people talk."

His gaze darted around the room. He had no weapons, and even if he did, he wouldn't know how to use one. Given her resistance to his warding, he doubted it was worth trying again. She was no ordinary succubus but one who had centuries to grow her unholy power.

"Are you here to kill me?" he asked warily.

She laughed again. "We never kill, unless you count what some call the little death. No, Caleb, I'm here for the same reason I visited those men. If I can't take what I crave from them, I shall take it from you."

His cheeks heated up. "You're mad if you think I would--would lay with you."

"Am I?" She swayed her hips and ran her hands down her sides to her obscene leather thong. "Your goddess doesn't forbid you from loving women, does she?"

Despite himself, he followed the journey of her hands as if mesmerized. Then his mind caught up with his ears. "Not just for bodily pleasure! And never demons."

Her mouth split into an impish grin. "My nature is what it is, but I may satisfy the other requirement yet. I could think of no better revenge against an overly dutiful priest than turning him into my... accomplice." She sashayed closer, relaxed yet radiating danger like a poisonous snake.

He wasn't sure as to her meaning, but it boded him no good. Shoving her away, he bolted to the door.

Lilith snapped her fingers, and all his strength suddenly drained from his body. He toppled backward like a puppet whose strings have been cut and collapsed on his bed. Try as he might, he couldn't so much as twitch a finger. It wasn't that he was bound; rather, he couldn't put any strength into his limbs. Only his eyes and facial muscles obeyed his will. He glowered at her.

Her fanged smile widened. She prowled onto the bed, straddled him, and studied him with her crimson eyes. Licking her lips, she leaned in. Her flowing hair draped over his face, filling his nostrils with its luscious scent.

"Get back," he said faintly. "No--don't--"

He squeezed his eyes shut as if expecting pain, but her soft lips brushed his with unexpected gentleness. She kissed her way along his jaw, then his ear. His skin tingled everywhere her lips touched. When her fangs grazed his earlobe, his eyes flew open, and he whimpered.

Smiling, she straddled his waist and unbuttoned his shirt. Her long-nailed fingers felt much warmer than a human's. When they slipped under his shirt to caress his chest, he couldn't help but hiss. Why was her touch so pleasant?

"You're a well-built young man," she remarked, tracing the contours of his muscles. "All the more reason to get your seed."

He looked away but could not entirely suppress his pride at her appraisal.

She raked her nails across his chest, not breaking skin but certainly getting his attention. Her lips quirked in satisfaction. Clearly she wanted him to watch.

She slid lower, her knee brushing his crotch on the way, and draped herself over his chest. Her tongue traced the scratches left by her nails, setting his skin ablaze. She kissed and licked her way to his abdomen, making him tense at her direction, but then wandered back to his nipple. He gasped as her hot tongue flicked at it and gritted his teeth, determined to stay silent.

Her fangs flashed in a grin as she rose off him. With effortless strength, she heaved him into the middle of the bed and nimbly divested him of his boots and socks. Then her crimson gaze found his, and she reached for his belt.

Again he tensed; his trousers were feeling too tight, and he knew his body betrayed his shameful desire. Yet he could not resist as she slowly unbuckled his belt and tugged off his trousers, leaving him in his simple undershorts. Her slit pupils widened.

"Looks like you're hiding quite a tool in there," she said, tracing a slender finger over the tent in his undershorts. "Shall I set it free?"

Caleb squared his jaw and averted his gaze. The mattress creaked as Lilith changed her position. Something warm pressed on his crotch, and he looked up with a gasp.

She sat before him with her legs brazenly spread, her bare feet sandwiching his cock. With a devilish smile, she started to rub him through the fabric.

He looked away again, but her heel pressed painfully on his balls, and he got the hint. She resumed her caresses. Her eyes fixated on his face, registering each sharp intake of breath, each tremble of his lip. Her pupils were dark and wide, and her breathing rapid.

"You're so hard," she whispered. "My body's burning at the thought of taking you inside."

The motions of her feet paused as she reached down to untie her bodice. Her heavy breasts spilled out, topped with dark pebbled nipples. Caleb would have stared even if she wasn't forcing him to.

She smiled at his hungry gaze and cupped them. "You can touch me anytime you want. Just say the word."

He swallowed. She fondled her breasts and moaned. Squeezing his cock between her feet, she resumed stroking him, faster than before.

He suppressed a whimper. His cock struggled against the confines of the fabric and stained it. Lilith moved one hand to her leather thong and rubbed herself over it.

"Doesn't this feel good?" she breathed. "It can be better, so much better."

"No!" His voice cracked. "Let me go, fiend!"

She laughed throatily. "I like a man with willpower. The night is young; let's see how long you can resist."

Her feet glided unceasingly against him. He bit the inside of his cheek. Lilith rubbed herself faster, panting almost as much as he. His muscles tightened. Why did this have to feel so good...

Lilith tossed back her head with a low moan and squeezed him hard between her feet. She sucked in a few deep breaths, then raised the hand she had been petting herself with and licked it slowly.

Caleb blinked with confusion and a smidgen of disappointment. He had been so close he was certain she would finish him off and mock him for soiling his underwear.

She grinned at him, and he knew his reaction hadn't gone unnoticed. Positioning herself before his crotch, she extended a sharp nail and hooked it under the leg of his undershorts.

He gulped. The nail slowly advanced, slicing the fabric and skimming his skin. He went absolutely still as she neared his cock. Those nails of hers could slice flesh like paper if she so chose.

The nail finished its journey at the waistband. Smiling, she started from the other leg. As the fabric gave way with a rustle, the tip of her nail grazed his flesh. He whimpered and went rigid.

Finally his undershorts were destroyed, and she unceremoniously yanked off the tatters. His cock sprang up under her hungry gaze.

"Now that's a proper manhood." Lilith stared as if it were a precious scepter, tickling him with her hot breath. "I was right to choose you."

Caleb's cheeks burned. If he lost any hardness from his panic, her closeness was making him regain it in spades. Every syllable falling from her lips was a promise of libidinous pleasure.

Her breasts swayed hypnotically as she crawled forward and draped herself over him. Her dusky skin was hot as if feverish, and despite a subtle sheen of sweat, she somehow smelled even more alluring. Perhaps he oughtn't to be surprised; her body was made to beguile men.

She kissed him and flicked her tongue across the seam of his lips. Snapping out of his reverie, he turned his head aside. She pouted. Something warm and slick poked his cock, then coiled around it, making him gasp. Her plush lips pressed to his again, and her hot tongue danced inside. His shock was such that he forgot to resist and allowed her to plunder his mouth.

She pulled apart, trapping his lower lip between her teeth before letting go. "I can tell you like my tail," she said huskily. "You're even harder than before."

He tried to glower, but her tail wrapped his cock from the root to the ridge under his crown, making him hiss. Its spongy tip pressed to his underside, and her entire tail began to tighten and loosen.

Moaning, he shut his eyes to her mocking gaze. She pressed her breasts to his chest and slid against him. Her tail kept coiling and uncoiling and stimulating him in breathtaking ways he had never even imagined before.

He clenched his teeth, then released an explosive breath. It was pointless to resist, wasn't it? If she got what she wanted, perhaps she would leave sooner. He wouldn't make it easier for her, but he wouldn't beat himself up over his body's natural reactions either.

"Giving up already?" she said. "I thought you tougher than that."

"I'm not," he spat. "You can toy with my body but you won't break my will."

"We'll see about that," she said with amusement.

Her lips crashed against his, and her tongue slid into his mouth. Her tail tightened and loosened, tightened and loosened, the slick tip gliding up and down against him. He moaned helplessly against her mouth. Her devilish technique was eroding the shreds of his willpower.

The muscles of his lower body tensed, and he knew he would climax soon. She broke the kiss, but he didn't open his eyes, not wanting to see her mocking grin.

Her tail squeezed tighter, making his hips twitch unconsciously. Just as he approached release, her tail abruptly uncoiled from his cock, leaving it throbbing in the air. A disgraceful groan of frustration escaped him.

"What's wrong?" she asked with mock confusion. "Did you want to give me your seed after all? Why, you should have just said so."

He glared, but that only seemed to delight her. She brought her tail to her mouth and licked its glistening tip. A shudder went through her body, and her dark pupils widened further. Realizing he was staring, Caleb turned away.

The mattress depressed as she shifted her weight. From the corner of his eye, he could see her turn around and straddle him in reverse. He stubbornly glared at the wall until she backed into him and pinned his cock to his stomach, making him gasp.

Lilith's leather thong hardly covered the luscious globes of her behind, her tail swaying like a snake above. Pressing her smooth thong against his cock, she eased back and forth.

"Can you feel how hot I am?" she asked throatily. "There's nothing I desire more than to have your thick cock inside me."

His breath hitched. She was hot, even through the leather, and her thighs were wet with her arousal. His lust was overpowering him. Knowing he wouldn't last, he struggled to get away. His muscles trembled with effort; perhaps her magic was weakening.

She ground on him harder. Panting, he sagged to the blankets. A pearly bead leaked from his cock. Shameful as it was, some part of him was looking forward to her finally bringing him to release.

"You're so thick and hard," she moaned. "I need you so much."

He bit his lip to suppress a moan. His fingers clutched the blankets as his pleasure mounted. It couldn't be helped. It wasn't his fault that the succubus was making him feel so damned good--

She rose off him, and the next stroke never came. His cock twitched pathetically, releasing a few droplets that dribbled to his belly. "Fuck," he groaned, looking at her almost with betrayal.

"I thought you'd never ask."

She rose to her knees, slipped her fingers behind the waistband of her thong, and wiggled it down her curvy hips. Caleb gaped at the string of wetness that stretched from her glistening, hairless cunt.

"You made me this way, Caleb," she whispered. "Now fuck me already." She got on all fours and presented herself to him.

He abruptly realized that he could move--probably could have for a while. He sprang into a seated position, his head swiveling toward the door, but suddenly hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Lilith wiggled her ass at him. "Are you not man enough?"

Caleb saw red. Clambering toward her, he seized her tail at the base. "Demon slut," he growled, aligning his cock with her opening. "I'll show you."

She eagerly raised her ass to meet him. Yanking on her tail, he plunged into her in one stroke. A moan escaped his lips as her molten heat enveloped him. So wet. So tight, clinging to his cock like she was made for him.

"Go on, Caleb," she gasped out. "Show me you're not all talk."

His anger reignited. He grabbed her hips, drew back, and drove into her with force. The exquisite pleasure threatened to overwhelm him, but he gritted his teeth and worked himself into a rhythm.

The act could not be called lovemaking in any sense of the word. It was rutting, an expression of animalistic need and fury. His thighs met her ass with fleshy slaps, and his cock speared her molten depths with each stroke. Yet his fantasies of breaking her remained just that; there was nothing but joy in her breathless moans.

Her tail wrapped his thigh and tugged him closer. "Harder," she breathed. "Fuck your slut."

A groan of frustration and desire tore from his throat. He gripped her hips with bruising strength and pounded into her like a man possessed. She babbled something like encouragement, but his mind was drowning in lust and incapable of comprehension.

His furious pace was getting the better of him, and the endless teasing hadn't helped. Pleasure shuddered through him, and he bellowed, spilling his seed. She exclaimed in delight and squeezed down on him as if not wanting to let go. He plunged deeper, giving her another spurt, and another, until he was spent.

Gasping for air, he sat back on the sheets. Never before had he experienced such all-consuming bliss, and for a precious instant, he had even forgotten about his predicament. But now, with the proof of his sin dribbling down Lilith's dusky thighs, his shame rose anew.

She turned around, scooped some of their fluids off her thigh, and popped her fingers into her mouth. Despite himself, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the spectacle.

"You gave me so much," she said huskily. "My insides are still throbbing."

He feared she would mock him for his weakness, but she seemed too happy to do that. Her cheeks glowed, and her pupils were huge and black. She stalked toward him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss, giving him an unwelcome taste of her and himself. He gave a muffled noise and pulled apart, but she pushed him prone onto the sheets. While he had expended his lust, it seemed hers was only enkindled.

"Enough," he said tiredly. There was no reason to struggle; he had already lost. "You got what you wanted. Just leave."

"Not just yet," she whispered, peppering his jaw with kisses. "Men like you are hard to come by. So passionate and virile... if a bit impatient."

His cheeks heated in humiliation. It wasn't like he had wanted to please her, but he couldn't help the reaction. "You tempted me. Bewitched me with your magic."

"I haven't used an ounce of magic beyond making you immobile." She leaned to whisper into his ear. "That was all you, Caleb. The beast lurking inside every man that you like to pretend doesn't exist. I only gave you a little push."

He scowled and pushed her off. Laughing lightly, she caught his wrists and redirected his hands to her breasts. They were warm and soft, and her nipples pebbled against his palms. Almost against his will, his fingers sank deeper into her soft flesh. She tilted her head back and moaned.

"Yes," she said, her eyes narrowing in satisfaction, "let us savor each other some more."

She fell to his side and rolled him atop her, her slender arms handling him with deceptive strength. Her hair splayed on the sheets like a fiery puddle. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she tugged him in for a hungry kiss. He didn't resist. He told himself it was so that she would have her fill of toying with him and leave, but deep down, he knew that was only an excuse.

Her hand groped his limp cock. "Oh no, this won't do," she said. "Let me get you back in the mood."

Her tail snaked up her stomach and the valley of her breasts. When she gripped its heart-shaped tip, it oozed a clear liquid whose scent made his head spin. She smeared it along the cord of the tail. He stared, curious despite himself.