A Surprising Development Ch. 05

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Confrontation and a decision.
11.9k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 05/11/2023
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Chap 5

Rachel, Jackie's sister, sat across from her at the kitchen table. Kelly had gone to the library in order to give Jackie time to talk with her sister alone. Jackie had cooked a simple dinner and now they were enjoying a glass of wine. It had been awhile since Jackie had talked with his sister. Rachel had seen her at dinner most nights but stayed away, as if she wanted to distance herself from what was going on. Jackie felt the time was right to discuss what was becoming the 800lb gorilla in the room.

"You can't be serious, Jack," Rachel said putting her wine glass down. "This all started as a joke."

"This is no joke, Rachel," Jackie looking straight at her, "And I'm deadly serious."

Rachel stared across at her brother. There she saw a young lady, with long shoulder length hair that complimented a soft feminine face that had just a hint of make-up. She was wearing a white cotton t-shirt and a necklace that gracefully sat between her all to real looking breasts. An Apple watch with a pink band was on her one wrist and on the other wrist there were a couple gold bracelets. To cap it off two manicured hands sported French style nails. It was hard to believe that this was her brother.

Not only in looks but also in mannerisms did Rachel see that her brother had changed completely. She could how the girls who ate with her every day now could be fooled. That was the problem. All this was a lie, a sham, a cruel joke.

"You look like a fool, Jack. You're not a girl and this isn't Halloween. You're just fooling yourself," Rachel said trying to convince herself. "Its wrong."

"Why is it wrong, Rachel?" Jackie replied, "I'm comfortable with who I've become. I'm not hurting anyone. The girls on the swim team accept me. Kelly and Carrie too."

"Don't make me laugh," Rachel said downing her wine. "How do you think Lindsay or the others would react if they knew Jackie was really Jack? I don't think it would go as well as you think. As for Kelly, I think she is playing you, like you're her own personal Barbie doll. Someone she can dress up and play with!"

Jackie gripped the edge of the table to hold back her anger. "I asked you here to talk with you, explain things. I thought as my sister you would understand and support me. I guess I was wrong."

"Jack, I don't understand but don't you see what you are doing it wrong. It's perverted. It an embarrassment to know my brother is dressing like a girl." She paused for a moment. "It might just be a phase. Did you ever think of that?" Rachel asked.

Jackie said nothing for a moment. She slowly stood up and said, "Ok, I guess we just disagree. Changing the subject, what time are we leaving to go home for Christmas? Where shall I meet you?"

Rachel stood up. "I come by and pick you up after classes on Friday." Rachel suddenly gasped. "Oh my God, Jack, you can't go home dressed like that! What will Mom and Dad say?"

"They have to know sometime," Jackie answered.

"Not at Christmas!" She took Jackie's hand. "Please don't do it! Think about what trouble it will cause, Jack."

"I'll think about it."

Kelly was the first one home and as she entered the apartment she found all the lights off. In the kitchen the dirty plates were stacked in the sink. "That was so unlike Jackie who always cleaned up after dinner," Kelly thought. She could hear soft music coming from the bedroom so she headed that way.

"Sweetie," she said softly, "Are you ok?" When there was no reply she called a little louder, "Sweetie?"

"I'm in here, Kel," Jackie answered.

Kelly could see Jackie sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed. She was wearing the shortie pjs they bought a while ago; ones Jackie hadn't wore in quite some time. As her eyes adjusted to the lack of light, Kelly noticed a bottle of wine on the bedside table. She walked over to it and picked up the bottle. It was nearly empty.

"Are you alright, sweetie?"

"Sure, never better." Jackie slurred her words proving otherwise.

Kelly took the bottle and set it on the floor. She then took the glass from Jackie as she climbed on the bed. She put her around Jackie's shoulder. "So it didn't go well?"

"It went great! I learned a lot night," Jackie said with a laugh. "Let's see. I'm an embarrassment. I'm a pervert. I must be kidding myself if others accept me. All this is just a big joke." She gave off a big sob as she finished.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry."

"There's more. At Christmas I can't tell mom and dad because it will ruin it for everyone! So everything is great! Don't you see?"

Kelly started to hug her but Jackie pushed her away. "Oh one more thing Rachel told me. You are just using me, something about your own dress-up doll." Jackie stopped and looked at Kelly. "Oh babe," she sobbed, "What am I going to do?"

Carrie walked a few minutes later. "Hey, how did it...?"

Kelly cut her short. "Shhh!"

Carrie could see that Kelly was holding and gently rocking Jackie. As she listened she could hear the sound of Jackie crying.


After Swim Practice

Kelly wrapped the towel around her as she exited the shower. She had been thinking about this moment all afternoon. She kept going over in her mind what she was going to say to Rachel. She knew she couldn't get angry but she was going to speak her mind.

"Hey Rachel, can I talk with you for a moment? In private?"

Rachel looked at Kelly. She had never been friends with Kelly, just teammates. That fact that she was senior and Kelly a sophomore meant they didn't travel in the same circle. The fact that Kelly was a better swimmer than Rachel may have colored their relationship.

"Sure," Rachel said looking around. "Here's good enough. What's on your mind?"

"I think you know," Kelly began, "And I think it's rotten."

"Really," Rachel smirked, "I think it's rotten what you are doing."

"How can you say that? Jackie is trying to figure out who she is. She went to you for support and you turned her away."

"That's a good one," Rachel said, now standing. "And what kind of support are you giving? Seems to me that you are controlling, not supporting. He's just confused and you're not helping."

Kelly could feel the anger building in her. "At least I'm there for her!"

"And so am I, only I'm not playing along with this silly charade. It's time for Jack to get his shit together and grow up." Rachel said now raising her voice.

The other girls could now hear the argument. Even though they couldn't make out the words they knew it was becoming heated.

"Why don't you just leave him alone? Go play your silly game on someone else." Rachel continued. "Maybe if you found a real man for yourself you might stop changing one into a girl. Oh I forgot, you have two moms so the idea of a man in your life never crossed your mind!"

"You fuckin' bitch!" Kelly's anger boiled over and she shoved Rachel.

Rachel shoved her back. "Fuck you!" she yelled.

Kelly grabbed Rachel's towel and ripped it from her, leaving her standing naked. "Maybe if you didn't spread your legs so much, bitch, you might swim faster!"

Rachel swung at Kelly in an attempt to slap her. Kelly dodged to one side, and grabbed Rachel's wrist. "Still faster than you!"

A number of girls had now rushed in and separated them. "Stop it right now," Coach Morrison said entering the room. "What's this all about?"

Kelly looked at Rachel then the coach. "Nothing coach, just a little disagreement, that's all. Right, Rachel?" Kelly gave her a look that dared her to say something. Rachel just nodded.

"All right then, the entertainment is over. Every one go home."

"Hey, you're home late," Jackie said from the kitchen, "Everything ok?"

Kelly walked in and gave Jackie a kiss on the cheek. "I think I just fucked things up for you, sweetie."

"Why? What did you do?"

"Ever since you told me about your talk with your sister, I've been really pissed. So today after practice I decided to talk to her, quietly, calmly," Kelly said sitting down at the table.

"Oh boy," Jackie said sitting across from her, "Why do I feel this didn't go well?"

"It did at first but it quickly got ugly," Kelly said with a sigh, "Then she said something about me controlling you, not knowing what a real man was."

"And then?"

Kelly got up and began pacing. "My intentions were good, honest. I just wanted to talk but then she said something about having two moms and that was why I wanted to change you. I lost it and shoved her."

Jackie got up and walked over to Kelly. "I'm sorry. I can understand why you did. That was wrong what she said."

"Maybe, sweetie but I may have overreacted. I think I just made it more difficult for you," Kelly said softly.

"Wasn't going to be easy any way, babe. I don't think she is going to change anytime soon."

"So what are you going to do when you get home?" Kelly asked.

"Take it slow at first but I'm going to sit with my parents after Christmas and have a talk." Jackie began. She held up her hands. "I removed all the nail polish but kept my nails. Didn't trim them. Only one earring and I'll just pull my hair back and tie it off, just like a good British soldier."

Kelly laughed. "What are you going to wear?"

"Something simple. Regular jeans and shirts. Just plain," Jackie explained.

"And under?" Kelly asked.

"Since it is not of their business, panties and most likely a chemise. I don't think I'll be wearing my boobs though," Jackie said with a smile.

That night lying together in bed, Kelly rolled over and threw her leg over Jackie. "I love lying naked with you. I love the feel of our bodies together."

Jackie kissed her forehead. "I must confess babe, the feel of your body next to mine always get me excited."

Kelly reached down and found Jackie's cock getting hard. She slowly stroked it. "Sweetie, do you think I'm controlling you?"

Jackie arched her back and sighed. "You mean right now? Fuck yes!"

"No, I meant making you dress like a girl, make-up and all that stuff. Do I?"

Jackie pushed Kelly onto her back. "I love everything we are doing. Knowing that you and your mom, even your mother, have my back makes me feel good. I'm worried though when I get home, I'll be on my own and who knows."

"You'll be fine, sweetie," Kelly said calmly, "You can call and talk."

"I know but it won't be the same. I'm not sure how it will go but I have a feeling it will be bad."

"I'm sorry but it will work out. If it too bad you can came to the Cape. I'm sure my folks will welcome you."

Jackie spread Kelly's legs and slowly entered her. Kelly softly moaned as she did. Jackie raised herself up on her elbows. "I wouldn't change anything right now."


Christmas at Home

Jackie threw her bag in the trunk of Rachel's car and then sat in the passenger's. True to her word, she wore black denim jeans and baggy hooded sweatshirt to ward off the cold. "Let's go" was all she said.

They had been on the road about a half hour when Rachel finally broke the silence. "You look good," she said, "I was worried you might embarrass yourself. Or me." She laughed trying to make a joke.

"No worries about that," Jackie replied, "I wouldn't want to do that. And I won't ruin anyone's Christmas."

Rachel tried to break the tension between the two as they drove home. She said that their aunt and uncle were coming over for Christmas day dinner. They were bringing their two children, of course. Their mother was debating on whether to go to midnight mass or wait until morning. She wanted to know if she had plans for New Year's Eve. Jackie hadn't given that much since she had other things on her mind.

As they got closer to home, Jackie could feel her stomach turning into knots and her self-confidence slipping away. It was as if the further from Kelly, the more unsure she became. She knew she was going to have to confront her parents at some time and she felt it was best to be right after Christmas Day. She felt the longer she waited the worse it would be. How she was going to bring it was something she couldn't decide on. The only thing she knew was she had to remain calm and hope that everyone else did too.

The car pulled up in front of the house. They were home.

Their mom greeted them at the door. "Jack, Rachel." Mom said giving them each a hug. "I'm so glad you're home. It makes the holidays. We missed you at Thanksgiving, Jack."

Jackie's mom was dressed in her holiday apron and from the flour on it and the rich aroma that drifted from the kitchen it was clear she was baking cookies and pies. The aroma was one of those things that made the holidays special.

Jackie dropped her bag and headed straight for the kitchen. "So what kind of cookies?" she said opening the oven door.

"Can't you wait, Jack?"

"Nope, been thinking about them all the way here!"

"Let me take a look at you," Mom said, "It's been a while." She looked Jack up and down. "Well your hair is certainly longer."

"Yes, mom," Jackie said with a smile, "Going to need it for my job at Lexington this summer. Thought I get a start on it."

"There's something else different. I can't put my finger on it," his mom added.

Rachel who was standing at the door laughed. "Oh there's something different!"

Mom turned and gave Rachel a funny look while Jackie just stared at her.

"I guess I'll take my bag up to my room, mom." Jackie walked past Rachel. "Don't you dare," she whispered.

"If you have any laundry, Jack, just throw it in the hamper," Mom called after him.

Jackie went to her room and threw her bag on the bed. She flopped herself down next to it and took a deep breath. "It was good to be in her own room," she thought. She felt safe in here. Outside the door, she knew it was only the beginning.

"Jack, your dad's home," his mom called up to him.

"Hi son," his dad greeted him. Jackie's dad was not one for open demonstrations of affection. That was the way he was raised and that's how he behaved towards his own children. He was a big man and it was clear Jackie in no way took after him in size or mannerism. Jackie sensed her dad loved her but he also felt that she was also a disappointment to him.

Dad put the turkey down on the table. "It better feed everyone tomorrow. It sure cost enough." He turned to Jackie. "I see you are letting your hair grow." He grabbed Jackie's face. "I thought you might try growing a moustache but I can see no luck there!" He laughed.

Dinner was served promptly at 6. It had been that way since Jackie could remember. It was the way her dad like it and mom did what he wanted. The dinner centered on a lot of questions about school and how Rachel and Jackie were doing. Grades were always important to their parents. That and the fact that after school was done there better be a job waiting.

"So Jack," her mom asked, "You have a girlfriend? Tell us about her."

"It's about time, Jack," her father interjected, "We were beginning to worry."

Jackie cleared her throat. "Her name is Kelly. She is a sophomore like me and is also on the swim team." She looked at Rachel. "She's pretty good, isn't she, Rachel?" It was definitely a dig. "I met her parents at Thanksgiving. They were very nice."

Rachel jumped in. "She has two moms!"

"Oh Christ," Dad exclaimed, "Not one of those people. Leave it to you, Jack, to find someone like that!"

"It's not like that, Dad," Jackie quickly responded, "Kylie and Angie are really great people. I got along great with them."

"Sure," Dad replied, "Pass the bread."

Mom tried to keep the conversation going. "Any plans for this week?"

As Rachel answered Jackie smiled to herself. "How about telling you your son wears women's clothing and loves being a girl?" she thought.


"Oh yeah, I thought I check out the basketball games. I understand there is a Christmas tourney. Might meet some old friends and hang out."

Mom stood up. "All right, let's clear the table. Then we can get things ready for tomorrow morning. We are all going to midnight mass, right?"

Before they went to mass, Jackie called Kelly.

"How's it going, sweetie?" Kelly asked.

"Not well, I really miss you," Jackie started off. "Between Rachel's smarty comments and my dad's digs, I don't know if I can stand it."

"Look sweetie, you can do this. Just keep telling yourself you can," Kelly said urging her to stay strong.

"I don't know, Kel, I feel out of place here. It is not like before. I feel more at home at your house." Jackie confessed, "The closer we got to here, the more down I felt. I feel it can only get worse."

"Ok, then you call me any time or day, understand. If I don't answer for some reason, then call my mom. We are here for you, sweetie."

"That's the problem babe. I'm here and you are there. I miss you so much."

When Kelly got off the phone she turned to her mom. "I'm worried about Jackie, mom. What can I do?"

Kylie hugged her daughter. "Be there for her. Call her and check in. Just reassure her all you can."


Christmas Day

Christmas morning and true to the household tradition everyone stayed in their pj's or bathrobe to open presents. You went and got your morning choice of drink and then gathered around the Christmas tree in the living room. This year was no different.

Jackie remembered as she climb out of bed. Last night she slept in a t-shirt and panties and knew that wouldn't fly if she traipsed down the stairs dressed like that. She pulled a pair of flannel bottoms. She looked down at her feet. "Shit!" she said quietly. She had removed the nail polish but had forgotten completely about her toes. There, staring back at her was 10 bright coral pink toes.

She went over to her dresser and opened the top drawer. She was in luck. There she found a pair of white athletic socks. "Perfect," she thought as she pulled them on.

There was one more thing. She took from the nightstand her bobble necklace. She was going to wear it under her shirt and she didn't care who knew. It felt different without any 'boobs" but she believed it brought some good luck along with it. She felt she was going to need some.

Before she headed downstairs, Jackie called Kelly. When it went to voicemail, Jackie remembered Kelly and her moms were going to her Aunt Suzie's house. It was located in the wilderness of western NH where reception was not the best. Jackie wanted to hear Kelly's voice and wish her "Merry Christmas." Instead she left a voicemail. Not quite the same.

Mom, Dad, and Rachel were seated in the living room, waiting impatiently for Jackie.

"It's about time," Rachel said, "Did you get everything all organized and in place?"

Jackie knew what Rachel was implying and chose to ignore her. "I was calling Kelly to wish her Merry Christmas. Sorry if it took a little longer."

Dad passed out the stockings and when everyone was done, he passed out the larger gifts. As Jackie was unwrapping hers, her mom said, "I can't help but notice how nice your hands look." She took one in her hand. "So soft too."

Dad snorted, "Maybe if he did some hard work it might toughen them up!"

"Wait till you see his toes," Rachel said as she leaned forward and pulled on Jackie's socks.

"Cut it out, Rachel!" Jackie exclaimed.

It was too late as Rachel pulled the sock completely off.

"What the hell?" Jackie's dad blurted out.

"I can explain," Jackie said quickly. "Kelly and I were fooling around. She likes it and besides no one else sees them." She gave Rachel a dirty look.

"Good Lord, Jack," his Dad said shaking his head. "Next you'll be telling me you squat to pee!"

"John! We'll have none of that in this house," mom said angrily. "It's Christmas!"

Jackie sat on her bed. She was waiting for her aunt and uncle to arrive then they could eat. She wanted this day to end but then what? She promised Rachel she wouldn't ruin Christmas but her sister was doing a pretty good job all by herself. Jackie still hadn't figured out how she was going to tell her parents. She even was beginning think she didn't have too, maybe take the easy way out. The coward's way!