A Surprising Development Ch. 08

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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 05/11/2023
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Back At College

So far this semester had been going like a dream for Jackie. Her classes were great as her History courses had an A or A- average with the writing course coming in with a B+. For the first time she was truly motivatived and was putting forth a maximum effort. She felt confident, poised, and positive about herself and where she was going. Even Kelly noticed.

"Good lord, Jackie," Kelly exclaimed one night after making love. What has gotten into you, sweetie?"

Jackie pulled Kelly over on top of her. "What do you mean?"

"First, you are busting your ass in your classes. Going to the library and staying up late doing your assignments. Why you are even stopping by to chat up the professors."

"I talked to Dr. Lang about that NPS scholarship and what I have to do to get for next term. I really want it, not only for my future but also for my independence. You know what I mean?" Jackie explained.

"Ok then explain this," Kelly said rising up on one elbow. "Your lovemaking has gone up a notch too. Your oral skills were always great but now, dear God, there are times during the day a feeling comes over me that I just want to race home and sit on your face. It makes it hard to concentrate in class if you know what I mean."

"I'm sorry," Jackie apologized.

"Don't apologize, girl," Kelly laughed, "And like tonight, when we are making love, you are hitting all the buttons. Plus we're trying new things, positions; I think we have fucked in every room. I feel that we'll be trying someplace different soon. Each time it is fucking amazing."

Jackie gave Kelly a hug. "Ever since New Year's and staying with your parents, I feel so much better. Actually it started with Miss Selkirk. She gave me boost when I was at my lowest. Then you, Angie, and your mom, remember you said it was going to be a night to remember? Well, it was. Then be accepted by Billie and now I'm his girlfriend. It is all coming together, Kel."

"I'm glad," Kelly said, "For both of us!"

Jackie pushed Kelly onto her back and quickly slipped her cock between the folds of her pussy. It entered easily, already being wet from their previous lovemaking.

Kelly arched her back and moaned. "Oh fuck me, baby, make me cum!"

Jackie sat down at a table in the school's cafeteria. She grabbed a salad for lunch and popped open her computer. She had just finished up two classes and had one more class this afternoon. It was Professor Stilwell's Early American History and it was her favorite. The time period covered the American Revolution and the early Republic, topics she was always interested in. She felt it was a course that could help her in her job at NPS.

Stilwell was tough but he seemed to be fair. Jackie felt he challenged his students and made them think. She was reading an article on Jefferson vs. Hamilton and she wanted to be prepared. During the last class she questioned the Professor's views on Jefferson and she felt Stilwell might call her out today.

She was deeply involved in her reading with a voice surprised her.               "May I join you?"

Jackie looked up to see a young man standing before her, holding his tray. He appeared to be about 5'10" with sandy hair, blue eyes, and a runner's build. He was dressed as any college student; blue jeans and a sweatshirt being the standard uniform.

"Sure, please do," Jackie replied.

He sat down and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Kit. I'm in your Stilwell history class." Kit's voice was softer and more delicate than Jackie expected.

"Sure, I've seen you. You sit towards the back."

"Yes, that's me," Kit laughed. "That was a pretty bold argument you questioned Stilwell on last class. I commend you for it."

Jackie smiled. "I hope I don't pay for it."

"You might. Haven't you heard the rumors about Stilwell?" Kit asked.

"What rumors?"

"He favors his female students, especially the cute ones." Kit said in a whisper.

"Well, I'm female, not sure about cute though," Jackie answered back.

"Don't cut yourself short."

The two talked during lunch. Jackie found out Kit was a communications major and was hoping for a career broadcasting. As they talked Jackie noticed a few things about Kit. Some of his movements and mannerisms screamed girlie but overall Kit appeared and acted like a regular guy. Jackie found herself looking him over as she talked to him. She found him to be very interesting to talk to.

They walked together to class and upon reaching the building; Kit held the door open for Jackie. Very gentlemanly move.

"Why thank you," Jackie said.

"No problem," Kit replied.

Heading to the class Jackie began to feel that Kit wasn't hitting on her. He was just a friendly guy who happened to be in the same class.

Jackie headed to her seat. As she did, she turned to Kit. "Thanks for interesting talk. Perhaps we can do it again."

"Sure, why not," Kit replied, "Oh boy, here comes Stilwell. Good luck."

Nothing happened in class but afterwards Stilwell asked Jackie if he could see her. He walked her down the hallway and into his office where he asked her to take a seat. Jackie nervously sat down, pulling the hem of her skirt over her knees. She wondered what was going to happen to next.

"So Miss Morgan," Stilwell began, "That was a very compelling argument you made in class the other day. I take it you are not fond of Thomas Jefferson?"

"No, Professor, I'm not," Jackie replied. She figured why not be firm on her opinion. "I think his States' Rights and little government ideas wrong and he demonstrated the weakness of them during his two terms as President."

Stilwell walked around the desk and sat on the edge. "A Hamilton man, err, lady I see. I'm impressed. I don't get many sophomores who have an opinion one way or the other and can express themselves so well."

"Thank you, Professor," Jackie said with a smile.

Stilwell leaned forward. "Miss Morgan, I checked and I see you are a History major. That's good. I think I can be a help for you as you go further along. There are many opportunities in the department for a bright young lady like you. If you need anything, just ask." As he finished, he gave her a quick pat on the knee. It was done quickly and before Jackie could react, Stilwell was behind his desk.

Jackie stood up. "Thank you, Professor," she said and walked out the door. She was a little confused by what happened but before she could figure it all out, Kit was standing next to her.

"Everything alright?" Kit asked.

"Yes, fine," Jackie quickly answered.

"I hope you didn't mind I waited," Kit said as they walked out the door. "I don't trust that guy."


At The Apartment

Jackie stood in front of the kitchen sink finishing up the dishes. She was humming along with a popular tune that playing on her ear buds.

Kelly snuck up behind her and slipping her arms around Jackie's waist, hug her.

Jackie shrieked. "Don't do that!" she said spinning around. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Kelly said apologizing. "You just looked so happy and cute standing there that I had to." She pulled Jackie closer.

She did look cute, standing there over the sink, wearing just a t-shirt and a hint of her pink panties showing. She was happy too. She had worked out an uneasy truce with her parents. She didn't call herself Jackie when she was with them and they didn't make any comments about it to her. Her grades were excellent and that went over well too with her parents.

She was also saving them money by sharing an apartment with Kelly. It would have been more if Carrie was still living with them but she decided to stay at home and help her folks with their store. She was still taking classes online and hoped to return in the fall. That along with her college fund made the cost less. That was something her dad really liked. When Jackie explained about the possible NPS scholarship, her dad was all on board.

Jackie also liked living alone with Kelly. She liked the routine they had and the fact it was just two of them. Their relationship had grown so much since the first of the year. It was more relaxed and natural feeling. It had become more intimate, in more than a sexual way. There was still that physical side but there was now a stronger emotional tie. Jackie found herself at times just staring at Kelly, watching her just do nothing.

"Hey, I really think you should meet Kit sometime," Jackie said Kelly still holding on her. "You would like him."

"Hey, should I be jealous of him?" Kelly asked.

"Nope, he is just a friend. Nothing to worry about," Jackie assured her. "I don't get that feeling about him. It's almost like he is acting more like a big brother to me. We have lunch twice a week and then go to class together. That's all but he's nice."

"Ok, when?"

"Are you free for lunch tomorrow?"

"I can be."

"Good, I'll meet you out front of the café about 12:15 tomorrow. It will be fun.


Meeting Kit

Kelly was right on time and the two entered the cafeteria. They got their food and found an empty table. A few minutes later Kit arrived.

"Kit, this Kelly Stevenson, my roommate," Jackie said doing the introductions. "Kelly, this is Kit Carson."

Kelly raised an eyebrow. "Kit Carson?"

Kit laughed. "Yes, I'm afraid it is. My real name is Christopher but my dad was a westerns lover so it is." He sat down. "I've heard a lot of good things about you from Jackie."

Kelly blushed a little and then looked at Jackie. "I hope they were good."

The three settled into an easy conversation, talking about a variety of topics. Kit told Kelly he was from around Lake George and when he found out she never been there; he tried to tell her what she had been missing. Kelly countered with the beauty of the Cape.

As they talked, Kelly felt that Kit was hiding something from them. She wasn't sure what it was but she was dying to find out. When Jackie excused herself to go get another drink, she asked, "Alright, Kit, what's the deal here with you and Jackie. She has a boyfriend."

"I know," Kit smiled, "And a girlfriend." He paused for a minute. "I know who she is."

Kelly rocked back as if she was struck with a blow. "What do you mean? If you ever..." She leaned back closer to Kit. There was anger in her voice.

Kit held his hands up. "Her secret safe with me." He stopped and looked around. He looked directly at Kelly. "I'm a fellow traveler."

"What?" Kelly said. Now she was perplexed. "A fellow traveler? You mean...?"

"My real name is Kathleen Carson," Kit began, "That's where the Kit comes from. My dad called me Kitty. I'm just traveling in the opposite direction than Jackie. Never felt much like a girl. All Tomboy. Dad was in the Army so we moved a lot so it was easy that one day, beginning sophomore year of high school, new school, Kathleen became Christopher. Never looked back."

Kelly shook her head. "Ok but why Jackie?"

"I'll make it quick before she comes back. Jackie and I had two classes together freshman year. She was Jack Morgan then. I don't think we talked more than twice. I saw her a couple times last semester. I didn't think twice about it. Fast forward to this semester, Prof. Stilwell's class. I heard the name Jack Morgan called and this cute girl raised her hand and said, 'It's Jackie.' I knew right away who she was."

"It doesn't explain why you are now her friend," Kelly said with some doubts.

"It's Stilwell. He is a real pig and he has a bad reputation, especially with cute girls like Jackie. He noticed her, as she wasn't afraid to speak up class. I don't know, I just decided she might need protection from him. It's hard enough doing what she is doing without some asshole bothering her." Kit smiled at her. "That's all."

Kelly laughed a little. "That certainly explains what Jackie said last night."

"What was that?" Kit asked.

"She said she thinks of you as her big brother!"

Jackie sat down. "What are you two laughing about?"

"I'll tell you later," Kelly said glancing over at Kit.

Later that night at the dinner table, Kelly said, "Kit seems like a really nice guy. He sounds down to earth. I like him. Perhaps you could see if he wants to come over dinner one night."

"I'll ask him when I see him again," Jackie answered.


Kit Comes to Dinner

Jackie and Kit were walking back from Prof. Stilwell's class. The weather had turned cold and raw and they were bundled up against the cold. They walked close together trying to protect one another from the wind. As they reached the library, Jackie stopped and said to Kit, "I want to thank you for all you are doing. Kelly told me that you are looking after me with Professor Stilwell. I'm a big girl but thank you. Kelly and I would like it if you would come over to our apartment for dinner Saturday."

Kit smiled. "I would like that."

"Ok then, say 6 o'clock," Jackie said, "Is spaghetti and meatballs, a little wine ok?"

"It sounds awesome," Kit replied, "Can I bring the wine?"

"Sure, see you then." Jackie gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Kit showed up right on time.

"Come on in. Quickly! You must be frozen," Jackie said ushering him into the apartment. It seemed that almost every weekend since New Year's New England had been hit with either a snowstorm or bitter cold. Today was a little different. Frigid cold with snow!

Kit stepped in and handed Jackie the bottle of wine. "You won't have to put this on ice," he laughed. "Hope it's a good one."

Jackie took his coat as Kelly called from the kitchen. "Dinner is almost ready. Why don't you pour the wine and we'll get started."

He poured three glasses. "I hope one bottle is enough," he said handing one to Jackie.

"Why? Do you think we'll need more?" Jackie asked.

Before Kit could answer, Kelly slipped by with a steaming platter of spaghetti. "Maybe," she laughed. "Dinner is served." As she sat down she exclaimed, "Oh shit! The bread!"

"I got it," Jackie said grabbing the bread and the knife.

They all sat down but before they could start, Kelly raised her glass. "To good friends and good fun!"

They clinked their glasses and dug in.

The conversation and wine flowed freely. Kit was right. They needed another bottle. Lucky the girls had one.

Jackie set it down on the table. "Yes, if you're curious, there is more." The three laughed.

"I'm dying to know, Kit," Kelly asked, "What's this stuff about Stilwell?"

Kit leaned back. "About 10 years ago my older sister went to college, not this one. She was a free spirit and a little naïve. Smart too! Anyway Stilwell taught there. Well, he took a shine to my sister and took her under his wing. He did help her but there was a price. She got pregnant. It was his child but he denied it. Her word against his. He got a lawyer. My family didn't have much money. He threatened to drag my sister's name through the mud so we settled. With all the stress and shit, my sister miscarried any way so no baby, only a little money."

Jackie put her arm on Kit's. "That's terrible."

Kit sighed. "My sister is doing good now. Married a great guy and has two little guys. She lives in upstate NY now." He took a drink of his wine.

Kelly sipped hers slowly. "So why did you pick Jackie?" Her question made Jackie look at her

"Pick me? What's going on here?"

"Relax, Jackie, it's ok. Go ahead, Kit, tell her," Kelly said quietly.

Kit took another sip. "Stilwell came out of this smelling like a rose and ended up here. Totally by accident, I saw his name listed for a course. I signed up just to see if it was the same one. Sure enough, I recognized him, same sleaze ball. I watched him the first few days and there he was, putting the girls at ease." He turned to Jackie, "Right?"

Jackie blushed as she nodded.

"Then Jackie started raising her hand, showing that she knew her history," he continued, "A cute young girl, smart, maybe a little naïve, perfect for him so I decided that I should watch out for her."

"Really, Kit, that's the reason?" Jackie said indignantly. "I can handle myself, mister!"

"Oh really?" Kit smiled, "Like last Tuesday?"

Now Kelly was concerned. "You didn't me what happened." She looked at Kit questioning.

'Stilwell made his move, sort of," Kit said, looking at Jackie, "He asked her into his office. Second time, wasn't it? Jackie came out all upset, didn't you but she didn't tell me why."

"Jackie?" Kelly asked.

"He put his hand on my knee. I should have told him to remove it but I didn't," Jackie explained, "Then he tried to move his hand up further. I jumped up and left."

"Why didn't you tell me, sweetie?" Kelly asked. You could hear the concern in her voice.

"I don't know, just didn't," Jackie said quietly.

"Anyway," Kit continued on, "I went back and talked to Professor Stilwell. Jackie won't have any more trouble."

Jackie gasped. "What did you say?"

"I just reminded him of my last name and asked him if it rang a bell. He turned ghostly pale. I then told him you were a cousin and I'd be watching him. That's all."

"Wow!" was Kelly's reaction. "I guess we owe you big time, Kit."

Jackie looked at him and smiled. "Thanks and I guess I do too."

They cleaned up the dishes and washed the pot and pans and then retired to the small room they called their living room. A couch, two chairs and a coffee table was all there was so Kit sat at one end of the couch and Jackie the other end. Kelly followed bringing in the third bottle of wine. As she filled everyone's glass, Kit asked, "A third bottle?"

"Have you looked outside?" she said with a smile, "Might as well because you're not going anywhere."

Kit jumped from his seat and looked out the window. "Damn, it is really coming down out. I better get going." He put his wine glass down and headed towards the door.

"Don't be crazy, Kit," Jackie said showing him her phone. "It says wind chill is minus 10 and visibility is poor. You can't go out in that."

"I'm not driving," he said reaching for his coat. "I can make it."

Both girls blocked the door. "Sorry, you are not going anywhere. You can sleep here. Looks like you'll have to spend the night with us girls."

Kit gave Kelly a pleading look, hoping she might understand. "I, I can't sleep here," he stammered.

"Nope, you're staying here," Kelly said taking his coat.

It was a good thing they had the third bottle because Kit needed it to relax. It took a little while to loosen up about staying with the girls but by the time it was time to go to bed, he was okay with it.

When Jackie headed off to the bathroom, Kelly sat down next to Kit. "Relax, Kit, you're among friends," she said quietly, "There is no judgment here. I'm pretty sure Jackie won't care. Christ, tonight you get to see her in all her glory."

"It's just that nobody seen me naked in a long time. I'm a little nervous."

"That's alright," Kelly rested her hand on his, "Take your time. Do what you think is right but it is warmer in the bedroom. The bed sleeps three." She got up and walked towards the bedroom. She turned to Kit and smiled. "And we sleep naked."

Kit sat on the edge of the couch thinking. Kelly was asking him to take a big step, get naked in front of someone. No one had seen him naked except maybe his doctor or mother since he was a sophomore in HS. He was also virgin. Oh sure he used a vibrator before and inserted it deep but no penis. Never even been with a man. Now he was being invited to share a bed with two people. He knew he was right about Jackie too. It seemed Jackie was cool with who she was. Kit sighed.

Kelly and Jackie were settling under the covers when Kit called from the living room. "Kelly can I see you?"

Kelly hopped from the bed and walked to the living room. There she found Kit standing here, naked, his hand covering his crotch. Kelly held out her hand. "Come on, it will be fine."

Kit took it and they walked back into the bedroom. "Jackie, I have someone to join us. He is a little shy."