A Surprising Development Ch. 09

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Jackie comes to a realization.
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Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 05/11/2023
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It had only been two weeks but there had been some noticeable changes going on to Jackie's body. She was continuing to take two pills a day though at times she wanted to take a third one. She talked over the idea with Kelly who urged her to be patient.

"It is coming along fine, sweetie," Kelly said reassuringly. "Take it slow."

Jackie laughed. "I don't want to wait." She cupped her hands under her breasts. "I want at least a hand full!"

Her breasts had grown to be about a B cup in the two weeks. Kelly insisted that Jackie wear a training bra. She wanted Jackie's new breasts to be perfect. It was odd to shop for the bra but through the Internet it made things much easier.

"How big do you think they will grow to?" Jackie asked in all seriousness.

"Good question. I don't know," Kelly answered.

Jackie turned to the mirror. "I hope at least a C, maybe a D. I think anything bigger just wouldn't be right."

"I agree," Kelly said reaching out and pinching one of Jackie's nipples.

"Hey!" Jackie shouted. Another thing that was noticeable was how sensitive her nipples had become. Last night while they were making love, Kelly began to fondle and suck on one of her breasts. The sensation went right through Jackie, like a shock of electricity. It was something she longed to experience. No more cowls or fake boobs. She had her own and she loved it.

There were other changes too, not just with her breasts. She noticed a subtle change in weight distribution. It had shifted to hips and thighs including her ass. She began to notice that her panties fit much differently and she filled out her jeans more.

There was more. Her skin was softer and even before taking the pills her body hair had been somewhat sparse; it was now even more so. It was clear that before one could say that Jackie was a cross dresser, man pretending to be a women. This was no longer true. Jackie was becoming what she wanted to be.


Moving Forward

Jackie stood in front of her mirror, looking at her reflection and smiled. It had been an entire month and what she saw sent a rush through her. Yesterday was the first day she went without wearing that cumbersome cowl or a training bra. She was able to wear the soft lacy bra Kylie bought for a while back and she wore it to support her own breasts. The feel of material against her own skin was undescribable. What she longed for was finally here.

Today as she slipped on the black sports bra, she tucked in her D-cup breasts. They were perfect, full and round, and almost completely filled the cups. The bra pushed them up, forming a cleavage she only dreamt about. Her blue bobble necklace nestled between the creamy mounds.

Jackie sighed thinking about last night. As she thrusted deep into Kelly, the tips of breasts brushed against Kelly's. It was unlike any feeling she had ever experienced. A warm sensation spread from her nipples throughout her body. She began to move faster, making the feeling increase. It became stronger until her whole body tingled. She cried out, "Oh God!" as she came. It was a whole body orgasm, one that excited her from head to toe. She rolled off Kelly and collapsed.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" Kelly asked rolling onto her side.

"Yes, oh fuck yes," Jackie said between breaths. "That was unbelievable. Wow!"

Kelly reached over and cupped one of Jackie's breasts. "They are beautiful, sweetie, and full." she said as she lowered her head and began to suck on one of the nipples.

Jackie put her hand behind Kelly's head and sighed.

That was other thing the pills had done to her. Her need to have sex had grown almost as much as her breasts had. She was constantly horny and was lucky Kelly was so understanding. Whether giving or receiving, it didn't matter.

As she slid her yoga pants up, Jackie looked down at her cock. There had been a change there too. When flaccid, it had shrunk quite a bit. Her balls had too. Kelly noticed that the amount of cum was less. The good thing was that when erect, it seemed to lack none of its original size or even its hardness. She had no difficult in getting or maintaining erection. It was all a bit confusing.

Every weekend Kylie called to see how things were going. After she talked to Kelly, Kylie would then talk to Jackie. Kylie wanted Jackie to know that she had support and could ask questions about any of her concerns. Size was number 1 on her list.

"Right now," Jackie told Kylie, "They are almost a D and I really think I look good in that size. I'm not sure if bigger is better but I might like them a little bigger. I mean I'm not that big framed to begin with."

Kylie laughed, "So you think I am?"

Jackie tried to back pedal. "No, no, its not that. You look great but you carry them better.

"Well, thank you, I think," Kylie replied. "How many more pills do you have left?"

"If I keep taking two a day, then 15 days."

"Ok, I talked to my friend in Canada," Kylie said, "She is sending you more. She suggested after those 15 days, cut back to one a day. Right now your body is out of balance. Soon it will balance out but you need to keep taking at least a day. Believe it or not, it will and you'll be fine."

"I feel amazing, Kylie," Jackie confessed, "I can't believe how I look and feel. I have you to thank for all this."

"Don't thank me, it is what you really wanted, deep down inside," Kylie replied. "I only got you to see the real you."

"I guess so but thank you so much."

"It has been my pleasure, sweetie."

"One more thing and I'm not sure how to say this, Kylie," Jackie said slowly.

"Look, sweetie, I'm here for you so just tell me."

"Ok then, here goes," Jackie giggled. "I love the way I look. My hair, my face, even my figure. The feel of a lacy bra on my own breasts and satin panties is amazing." She paused. "I can't help it but I feel horny all the time. I want to touch myself, run my hands over my body, it feels soooo good!"

Kylie was unsure on how to answer Jackie. "And that's a problem?"

Jackie laughed, "Yes and no. It is a good thing Kelly understands. She has been so great."

"I bet she has," Kylie replied with a short laugh.

Kelly who had been standing nearby overheard what Jackie told her mom. "Yeah, mom," she interrupted, "I told her that we might have to lock her up or give her mittens. It has been crazy lately."

"And I suppose it has been just torture for you, Kelly," Kylie answered, "All that sex. Poor girl."

Kelly turned bright red and then laughed. "Well it has been pretty good."

It was Jackie's turn now. "Only pretty good?"

Everyone had a good laugh at that.

"Look sweetie, I'll send you another supply," Kylie said, "I thought I might pop up for a quick stop. I'm going up to visit my sister in a few weeks."

"That would be great, mom," both girls said, "Love you!"


It was a gorgeous early spring day and Jackie decided to take her lunch outside. It was too good a day to waste inside. There weren't many of these days but spring was coming. The sun felt good on her body as it warmed her. Every day felt good to her and she was super content with herself.

The term was coming to an end and unless something went terribly wrong, she was assured of being on the Dean's List. She had been in contact with Dr. Lang and all that was needed on the scholarship was final approval. She told Jackie not to worry, as it was her job to finalize all scholarships. She even told her that the summer job was all set.

As she ate her salad, she unconsciously ran her hand down her thigh. The light touch felt good. She had followed the directions about the pills. She was now taking only one a day and like Kylie told her, her body has balanced out. Her breasts had stopped growing and were now somewhere between a C and D cup. She loved the feel of them as she moved around. Her hips had flared and her ass rounded out to a point that she noticed some guys giving it a second look.

Even her cock had recovered a bit. It still shrunk when flaccid, so much that she didn't think too much about tucking. More importantly, when she was making love to Kelly, it grew firm and hard. Kelly claimed it never changed but Jackie felt that it did. It was strange, Jackie, thought, everything about her was a woman. She thought and acted as one and yet she was concerned about her cock size!

Jackie leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She let her mind wander.


Jackie slowly opened her eyes. Placing her hand over them to shade them from the sun, she looked up to see a familiar face.

"Lindsay?" she said, "It's been a long time."

"Yes, it has been," she replied, "Do you mind if I join you?"

"No, be my guest," Jackie answered, clearing a space on the table.

Kelly had introduced Jackie to Lindsay quite some time ago. Lindsay was one of the first girls from the swim team Jackie met. It was at the beginning of this whole situation, a time when she was more Jack than Jackie. They hit it off quite well and Jackie enjoyed her time with her but they never spent a lot of time together. Different classes and schedules seemed to limit the opportunities. It was not that Jackie wouldn't have welcomed more time. There was something about Lindsay she liked.

Lindsay was a few inches shorter than Jackie and though a swimmer, she didn't have that classic swimmer body. Her shoulders were not broad but her breasts were small like most swimmers. Unlike others, her hips were broad and she had an ass that filled the yoga pants she was wearing. Her legs were toned, as one would expect. She topped it off with blonde hair and bright blue eyes and a sparkling smile. You might say a California girl look. That always surprised Jackie because of the way Lindsay looked, you might expect her to have plenty of male admirers. Yet she never seemed to have a boy with her.

"You are looking great, Jackie," Lindsay said as she sat down, "There is something new about you?"

"Thanks," Jackie replied with a smile, "My hair is a little longer. Maybe that's it."

"I don't think so but you look good. So what's up?"

The two girls caught up on recent events. Jackie told her that Kelly and she were still living together, and neither had boyfriends. She was sure Lindsay knew they were lovers but you could never be sure. "How about you?"

"Nope, nothing in that direction. Not really looking."

Jackie was not sure what to make of that comment so she let it go. Little did she know that Lindsay felt attracted to her. Lindsay never had done anything with a girl before and had never even thought about it before. Ever since the first time she met Jackie, she had a curious notion to find out what it would be like to do it though.

"Hey, Kelly told me you quit the swim team. Why did you do that?" Jackie asked.

Lindsay frowned. "It just wasn't fun any more. I never was very good," she explained. "I got involved when I was young and kept it up in high school, mainly for exercise and friends."

Jackie reached over and took her hand. "You got tired of dealing with some of the people, didn't you?" She smiled. "You can say it. My sister can be a real asshole!"

Lindsay laughed. "Wow! That was part of it. I just didn't like some of things you had to do."

"Like swimming nude at practice if you came in last during a race?"

"How did you know?" Lindsay said with a look of astonishment. "Oh right, Kelly."

Jackie shook her head. "Yup, she told me. Said the coach turned her back on things like that. Rachel claims it is tradition."

"Yes, she does," Lindsay replied, "Remember when they joked about if you hung out with the team, you were going to have to swim naked?"

Jackie laughed, "Well, that would have been quite something!"

Lindsay lowered her head. She then looked Jackie in the face. "I think I would have liked to see you that way," she said softly.

Jackie smiled at her, "I can't swim." She stopped and looked directly at Lindsay. She suddenly realized what Lindsay meant. "Oh, I see."


A Few Weeks Later

Kylie sat on the porch in front of the girls' apartment. She was in the neighborhood looking for items for her gallery and she decided to surprise them with a visit. She hadn't seen either of them since January and even though they talked every weekend, it wasn't the same. She missed them.

She understood that she couldn't ask for two better girls. Kelly gave Angie and her no problems and they couldn't ask for a more levelheaded, mature daughter. Kylie wondered if Kelly really knew how proud they were of her.

Now Jackie was a totally different situation. First thing was that Jackie wasn't their daughter except it certainly felt that way. Jackie had taken to calling both Angie and her "mom". At times it made Kylie uncomfortable. Jackie should be working through this with her parents but as of right now, that wasn't happening. Jackie needed their support. Kylie understood that Jackie wasn't getting any from that direction and was looking for it. She was just glad she could help. After all, they were both kindred spirits.

Sitting in the rocking chair, waiting, Kylie thought back on all those people who helped her get to where she was today. There was Alexa who was there when it all started and girls from the Night Out outings, who besides Susan, never knew. Ravenna who helped make the dream real and still does. Kylie smiled when she thought of Cassie, who though young, understood and grew right along with her. Of course there was Bev and Joe who accepted her as she was and loved her for it. There were many others who helped along the way such as her art group and even the town's people who encouraged her in their own way, without even knowing. Finally there were her two biggest supporters, Angie and her sister, Suzi. It was their love, support, and encouragement, which allowed who she really was to come out.

It was the laughter of Kelly and Jackie coming up the walk that made her snap out of her thoughts. She took one look at Jackie. "Damn it," she said softly to herself, "I'm going to do everything I can to make it right for her."



The girls took Kylie to the local Thai restaurant where they caught her up on the latest happening. As they talked, Kylie couldn't help but marvel at the changes in Jackie. "Those pills certainly work," she thought.

Jackie's figure was now smooth and so woman-like. The tone of her skin, her hair, the subtle flair of her hips, and the way her ass fill her jeans stated this was a young lady sitting across from her. Kylie found herself staring at Jackie's new breasts. They looked fantastic. They appeared to be a C cup, maybe bigger and the blouse she wearing made them look full and rounded. Jackie had unbuttoned it enough to show off a nice cleavage and nestled in it, was the necklace Kylie bought her at the beginning of all this. Kylie wondered how those breasts would feel to touch.

She was also amazed at how Jackie acted. The last time she saw her, Jackie, though feminine, still exhibited some manly characteristics. Those were gone. Before today, Jackie appeared to be a little unsure of herself. Not now. What Kylie could see now was a real women, one with grace and confidence. It made Kylie more determined to be the main supporter for Jackie, to be at her side through it all.

"Mother, are you even listening?" Kelly said sharply.

Kylie looked at her daughter and smiled. "I'm sorry, sweetie, I was lost in a thought. What were you saying about a job?"

Kelly shook her head. "I was saying I got my job back at the pool only this year I'm going to be head life guard."

Kylie placed her hand on Kelly's. "That's wonderful news. What does it mean overall?"

"I get to set the schedule for people, spent time in the office, and give lessons. That will mean extra pay too. Plus I'll be living at home. I really like that idea!"

"As long as you're happy and satisfied, it is fine with me," Kylie replied. "I like having my girl home."

Both women looked over at Jackie.

"Everything is good with me," Jackie said, "I got my job back as a ranger at Lexington and Mrs. Harrington is letting me rent out her apartment again. It's right in town."

Kylie glanced over at Kelly to see her make a funny face. Kylie didn't understand at first but it suddenly dawned on her. She turned back to Jackie. "So you talked to these people?"

"Just on the phone and by text, why?"

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering."

"I don't understand," Jackie answered, a little confused. "What could be the problem?" She looked at Kylie then Kelly. She suddenly gasped and buried her face in her hands. "Oh no!" she exclaimed. It was something that only briefly crossed her mind. Both Dr. Lang and Mrs. Harrington believed they were dealing with Jack, not a young woman named Jackie. She looked frantically at Kelly then Kylie. "Now what am I going do?"

Quickly Kelly slid her chair over next to Jackie and put her arm around her. "Don't worry, things will work out okay. You'll see." She looked over at mother and mouthed, "Say something!"

Kylie had no idea what to say but reached out and put her hand over Jackie's, "It will be alright, sweetie, we'll figure it out." How? Kylie had no clue.

The rest of the dinner was very subdued. Jackie said very little and any attempts by Kylie or Kelly brought forth only short replies or nothing at all. It was clear that something would have to be done.


Back at the Apartment

The three went back to the apartment where Kelly brought out a bottle of wine. She poured each a glass and raised it. "To good times ahead," she toasted, hoping to raise Jackie's spirits.

Jackie weakly smiled and mumbled, "To good times."

Kelly drained her glass. Setting it down, she announced, "I'm going to take a shower. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She laughed as she left the room.

As Kelly left, Kylie slid over next to Jackie. "Are you ok, sweetie?" she asked as she gently brushed back Jackie's hair.

"No," Jackie sighed, "I thought it was going so well but now I see big problems."

"Sweetie," Kylie said softly, moving closer and smoothing out her hair. "Everything will be fine. Look on the bright side and think about how far you have come." Kylie leaned back. "Just look at you. You look amazing."

"But..." Jackie began to say but Kylie placed her finger over her mouth.

She lightly kissed Jackie on the lips. As she did, her hand trailed along one of Jackie's breast.

The touch, though light, sent a shiver through Jackie's body. She involuntarily sucked in her breath at the feeling. She smiled at Kylie and leaned forward. She kissed Kylie, harder than the last one, and she forced her tongue against Kylie's teeth.

Kylie responded by opening her mouth and letting Jackie's tongue slip in. She cupped one of Jackie's breasts in her hand. It felt firm and full in it. Through the material of Jackie's blouse, Kylie ran her thumb over her nipple. It quick grew hard and erect.

As they broke their kiss both girls looked at each other. They knowingly knew where this was going.

Kylie slowly unbuttoned Jackie's blouse to reveal her white lacy demi-bra. Jackie's nipples were pushing hard against the fabric. Kylie pushed on the snap in the center. As it opened it reveal two creamy white breasts, both round and full. It was now Kylie who sucked in her breath at the sight. Without saying a word, she reached out and cupped each one in her hands.

"Oh sweetie," Kylie sighed, "They are amazing." She moved her fingers to caress the nipples causing Jackie to moan. "They feel good?"

Jackie nodded. She arched her back, offering her breasts to Kylie.

Kylie bent over and took one in her mouth. She gently sucked on it, taking as much in her mouth as she could while swirling her tongue around the nipple.

"Oh God," Jackie moaned, "That feels so good." She ran her hands down Kylie's back, pulling her blouse from her skirt. Her fingers undid the button and the zipper. Her hands slipped under Kylie's panties and grabbed her ass. She pulled Kylie on to her. Kylie grounded her hips against her.