A Surprising Development Ch. 10

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Life is getting better.
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Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 05/11/2023
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A Job Offer

Jackie found herself seated in the head of the History Department's office. The room was unlike the offices of her other history professor. It was richly appointed with upholstered furniture and a large mahogany desk. Two of the walls were lined with books and another one contained what appeared to pictures of famous and important people. Jackie was tempted to go over and take a look but she felt too nervous. She was afraid the Dean would enter and find her curiously looking over the pictures. Instead she sat nervously and waited.

The clothes she chose for this meeting reflect how seriously she took it. It was the same outfit she wore for her meeting with Dr. Lang with a few exceptions. The white blouse was again sleeveless but not unbuttoned this time. She buttoned it up to the collar and had a caveat extend down the front. The jacket fit comfortably over it.

She added two inch black heels and black stockings. Jackie hated pantyhose and didn't know how women could wear them. She loved the feel of the garters on her legs and how the stockings added to the shape of her legs. "Nope, no pantyhose for me!"

A pearl bracelet and small pearl earrings finished her look.

Jackie had received a phone call the other day from Dr. Robinson's secretary stating that the Dean wanted to speak to her. The woman was vague as to why but insisted that Dr. Robinson wanted to see her soon. Jackie had no idea why and the unknowing was making her extremely nervous. One thought that careened around in her head was that Dr. Robinson had found out who she really was and now she was going to be taken to task for it.

She brought it up to Kelly.

"What do you think, Kelly? Do you think it's possible?"

"Look, sweetie," Kelly answered as calmly as she could. "Any thing is possible but I don't think so. Who would tell on you anyway?"

"My sister?" Jackie answered.

"Wow! Do you really think she would do should a thing? That seems pretty drastic. I mean, she can be a bitch but to do that?"

Jackie shook her head. "No, no, you're right but this has got me pretty nervous. Why would Dr. Robinson want to see me?"

Kelly hugged Jackie. "I don't know but you will find out tomorrow."

As Jackie sat there, nervously tugging on the hem of her skirt, she thought about what she knew about the Doctor.

Jackie had not taken any classes with her as the Doctor only taught graduate ones, and very few of those. She had heard she very tough and unforgiving of excuses or poor work. She demanded full attention to her classes and total commitment. That was one of the complaints Jackie heard. Dr. Robinson acted like hers was the only class anyone was taking and to hell with the others.

It was rumored she knew a lot of rich and powerful people and used these connections to get ahead. Jackie glanced over at the photos on the wall, which seemed to back this up.

There were other rumors too. Dark ones. One was that the good Doctor attended some wild parties after hours. There was talk of orgies and S&M stuff. No one had any proof and most people dismissed it as nonsense. Jackie smiled and shook her head. At that moment, the door opened and in strode Dr. Phyllis Robinson.

Phyllis Robinson was an imposing figure. Standing less 5'5", she carried herself with authority. Her rich brown hair was pulled back in a bun and her steel blue eyes peered out behind her wire-rimmed glasses. Her glaze seemed to freeze you. Jackie judged her to be about Claire Harrington's age. Her clothing said nothing but business with her and hid her figure well.

"Good morning, Miss Morgan," she said in a clipped voice, "I'm glad you could make it on such notice." As she sat down behind the desk, she quickly gave Jackie the once over. She liked what she saw. "Now, let's see." She picked up a folder and opened it.

Jackie squirmed nervously in her seat.

"Your GPA is outstanding, Miss Morgan, 4.4 in History and a 4.0 overall. It says here you are a member of Phi Alpha Theta and you are VP of our local chapter. Outstanding. I see here that you have received a full academic scholarship from NPS. Excellent. We don't get many of those." She held up two sheets of paper. "I have here two excellent recommendations, one from Dr. Shaw, and the other from Prof. Rose. I must say, I'm impressed."

"Thank you, Dr. Robinson," Jackie said, forcing a smile. "Just where was this all going?" she wondered.

"You are probably wondering what this all about, Miss Morgan, so I'll get right to the point. Your name came up in a conversation at our last staff meeting."

Jackie clenched her hands and took a deep breath. "So here it comes!"

Dr. Robinson continued, "I have received a grant from the university to continue my research. The grant allows me to hire an assistant. From all I read and heard about you, I am offering you the job."

Before Jackie could answer, the Doctor held up her hand. "Before you answer, you need to know a few things. I can be tough and demanding. I don't suffer fools gladly. This job may require you to give up weekends or work late. I do travel to seminars and other such things so there may be times I would want you there. I expect your full cooperation in this. If you take it and do well, you will be rewarded. The salary is good and the perks and extras will be worth it. Now what do say?"

Jackie's heart jumped into her throat. In all her imagination she wasn't expecting something like this. It took her a few seconds to calm down. "Yes, Dr. Robinson," she replied, "I would be honored."

"Good, then," Dr. Robinson said as she got up and came around the desk. "I'll have my secretary draw up the papers. One more thing." She sat on the edge of the desk.

Jackie's heart sank. "Here it comes!"

As the Doctor sat on the desk's edge, she crossed her legs. The slit in her skirt let it ride high up exposing her thighs and a pair of well-toned and formed legs. It even gave a brief view of her gartered stockings. The sight surprised Jackie and for a moment, distracting her as it was something she didn't expect to see.

Dean Robinson looked at Jackie, watching for her reaction and then continued on.

"This paper you wrote for Dr. Shaw. It is excellent, something we don't usually get from undergrads. There is a symposium coming up this fall on the American Revolution. I know the people who run it. With your permission, I would like to submit it. You could present there. What do you think?"

Jackie was taken aback. She was still thinking about the Dean's legs and it took her a brief moment to gather her thoughts. "Sure, if you think its that good."

"It is," replied the Doctor. "There we are all set." She held out her hand. The interview was over.


Heading Back to the Apartment

Jackie felt like she was on Cloud 9. The results were better than she could ever expected. She had worried herself sick over believing she was going to be outed and everything, her life, would come crashing down around her. Instead, she was offered a great opportunity, a chance to really succeed in her goals and her future. She couldn't believe how things had turned. Everything was perfect. Then she added, "So far!"

As she headed back to the apartment, she heard a voice. "Hey, beautiful, where you are going?"

She turned and saw two boys stop in their car. "Hi, Jimmy, Joe," she said as she walked to their car. "Just enjoying the good weather, that's all."

Jim Collins and Joe Carroll were two boys Jackie met in her history classes. Both were majoring in History and were in the History fraternity. Jim was a junior and Joe a sophomore like Jackie. She liked both of them but just as friends. They had a lot in common.

Jimmy, who was driving the car, said, "Wow, all dressed up, must be something pretty important."

Jackie smiled. "It was. I just came from Dean Robinson's office. I had a meeting with her."

"Not the Iron Maiden," Jimmy said with a whistle, "I heard she can be brutal. How did it go?"

"It went well. I'm going to be working for her next term."

Joe leaned around Jimmy. "Be careful, Jackie, I've heard some stories about her."

"Me too," added Jimmy. "Watch yourself."

Jackie laughed. "Come on, you don't really believe those rumors, do you? Wild parties and stuff?"

"I don't know," answered Jimmy, "But it seems everyone has heard them. Maybe?"

Jackie laughed again. "I'll be careful. I'm a big girl and can take of myself. Good luck on your exams, boys."

As she walked, both boys watched her go.

Jimmy said out loud, "You know what I like to do?"

Joe nodded, "Me too."

Jackie continued to walk down the sidewalk. She was in her own world and another voice broke her thoughts.

"Hi, Jackie," the voice said, "It's been a long time." It was Lindsay.

"Hey girl, it sure has been," Jackie replied with a smile. "Where have you been?"

"Super busy with projects and getting ready for finals. Why are you all dressed up?"

"I've just been with Dr. Robinson," Jackie answered.

"The Iron Maiden? Hope it wasn't too bad," Lindsay said.

"You too? No, it wasn't bad. I'm going to work for her. Don't tell me you heard those stories too?"

Lindsay smiled. "I think everybody has. Some pretty kinky stuff."

Jackie shook her head. "I don't think so. If half that stuff were true, she wouldn't be Dean of the History Dept. Beside, do you really think she seems the type?"

"I don't even know what that type looks like," Lindsay said with a laugh. "So you are going to work for her? Doing what?"

"Being her research assistant. I think it will be interesting."

Lindsay gave her a look. "Might be."

Jackie stopped and looked over at her. "Stop it!"

The two girls laughed and continued walking.

"We should get together soon," Jackie said, "How about this Saturday night. A little dinner, some wine, let off a little of that pre-exam stress before the big week? Just you, me, and Kelly."

"I think that might be a great idea," Lindsay answered.

"Good, I'll give you a text. Heck, I'll most likely see you around campus. We'll talk."

They parted ways as Jackie headed off towards her apartment. Little did she know how excited Lindsay was at the opportunity to come over Saturday.

When Jackie returned to the apartment she found a note left from Kelly. It said that she was finishing up her final project with her group and would be home late. It said that she would get something for dinner and not to wait up.              

Needless to say Jackie was disappointed. She wanted to share her good news with Kelly and now that would have to wait. She sighed as she looked around. The apartment if not a mess was at least cluttered. It was time to straighten it out.

She quickly went to the bedroom and changed her clothes. She put on a pair of sweats and a college t-shirt. As she hung up her blazer, she noted the amount of clothing she had. It wasn't a lot but certain more than she ever had when she was Jack. Kylie and Kelly helped her pick out what she had and taught her how to mix and match.

Like today she wore her blue jacket and skirt. When she met with Chrissie, she wore a different blouse. Sleeveless and unbuttoned, it set a more relaxed tone but not frivolous. Today with a different blouse and stocking it was more serious and reserved. They taught her how to accessorize to go with whatever she wore. Kelly was great at this and let her borrow lots of things.

Jackie was lucky that school and her job didn't call for much serious clothing. Jeans, yoga pants, pj's and the occasional skirt was enough to go to class in. At the NPS, she had a uniform but most of the time she would be dressed as colonial woman demonstrating at one the sights. She might have to don a British uniform to portray a drummer boy but again she didn't have to use anything from her own wardrobe.

She finished with the clothes and made the bed. "It's looking pretty good," she thought. Next was the kitchen.

As Jackie tidied the kitchen, putting dishes and silverware away she starting thinking about Dr. Robinson. She had heard the rumors too but gave them no credit. It seemed a lot of people had so it made her wonder, "Could there be some truth to them?"

Any time Jackie had seen Dean Robinson on campus she was always dressed very conservanitly, prim and proper like. With her glasses and hair pulled back, how could anyone have a different view? With that one brief view of the black garter and stocking top, Jackie began to think that there might be something in those rumors!

She laughed to herself and then thought again about working for the good doctor. She wondered if she was expected to dress more businesslike if she worked for her. No casual attire like yoga pants and a t-shirt! If so, then she would have work on a new wardrobe.

Jackie finished straightening up the rooms and she took a look around. Satisfied, she decided to shower before she ate supper. She was surprised at the time it took and it was already dark outside. She wondered when Kelly would be home.

The hot water of the shower felt wonderful on her body. The body wash allowed her to slide her hands over it, exciting every part of it. It amazed her how much the touch of her own skin excited her. It was smooth and soft, just like she dreamed it should. She loved the way she felt and looked.

She toweled off and then rubbed lotion all over. It was something Kylie and Kelly encouraged from the very beginning. They said it was the only way to maintain the correct feel and softness to their skin. Jackie loved doing it but especially loved when Kelly and she did each other. Usually it was after showering together and it always led to satisfying lovemaking.

Jackie walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer. Every time she did this she smiled, as it was her favorite, the lingerie drawer. Compared to this, her closest was barren. Demis, half and full bras, bikinis, thongs, and hipsters, all different colors, and silk, satin, and soft cotton material, the drawer was full. In the smaller drawer next to it were chemises, camisoles, and nighties. Other held her garters and stockings.

Kelly commented on seeing it all. "Good God, girl, Do you have enough? You are the only girl that every day makes sure her bra matches her panties!"

"You don't understand, Kel," Jackie answered, " I love the feel against my skin. It makes me feel so girlie. You can't begin to appreciate all styles and types you get to chose from. I love it!"

And tonight was no different. Jackie picked a pink satiny chemise and matching tap pants. She slipped them on and sighed. Running her hands down her breasts to her belly made her nipples become hard and sent shivers through her.

She plopped down on the couch before the TV. Setting her salad and glass of wine, she picked up the remote. "I wonder if there is any thing good on?"

Clicking through the channels she found Outlander. "Oh great, I'll start from the beginning even though I've seen it." It was one of Jackie's favorites, the story, the settings, Claire's amazing outfits, and the hot love scenes with Jamie! Jackie settled in to wait up for Kelly.


Kelly Comes Home

It was later than Kelly expected but at least the project was done and over with. She felt that it turned out fairly good considering it was group work. There were a number of times things like this ended up being done by only two maybe three people but this time everyone pulled their weight. Tomorrow they would turn it in and it was one class in which she didn't have to take a final in.

She was not surprised to see a light on in the apartment as they usually left one when either of them was out late. What surprised her was the TV being on in the living room. Of the two, Jackie was the one that went to bed early and was an early riser. Besides she told her not to wait up.

She tiptoed into the room and found Jackie sound asleep on the couch. She looked so cute, cuddled up there, dressed in her pink satin underwear. Kelly leaned over and lightly kissed her on her forehead. "Wake up, baby girl," she whispered.

Jackie slowly opened her eyes "I'm glad you're home," she said slowly. She lifted her arm to give Kelly a hug.

"Come on, sleepy head," Kelly said quietly, "Time for bed. Did everything go well today?"

"Yes," Jackie replied with a sleepy grin.

"Ok, tell me tomorrow." She helped Jackie to her feet. "Come on, baby girl."

Jackie crawled under the covers and Kelly headed to the bathroom. It took only a few minutes and she crawled in next to Jackie. She had her back turned to Jackie, who slid closer and spooned with her. They usually slept naked as Kelly was but she liked the feel of the satin and Jackie's warm body tonight. There was something else. She felt Jackie's hard cock press against her butt cheeks. She shifted her hips to let it slip between them.

"Is that a rocket in your pocket, girlie, or are you just happy to see me?" Kelly said with a giggle as she squirmed.

Jackie reached around and cupped one of Kelly's breasts. "I'm always happy to see you."

Kelly flipped over and faced Jackie. "I am too. Why aren't you naked?"

"You know I love the feel of satin against my body and you weren't here."

"I am now, sweetie," Kelly said as she pressed harder against Jackie. She had to admit it did feel good. She slid up Jackie's body, pinning the hard cock between them. "Does that feel good?"

The pressure and the feel of the satin made Jackie groan in pleasure. "Yes!"

Kelly pushed her hand down and tightly grabbed Jackie's cock, wrapping it in the satin panties. Squeezing it, she asked, "How about now?"

"Oh God!" Jackie moaned.

Squeezing it harder, Kelly began to stroke it. "Now?"

"Oh yes, yes!" Jackie moaned again.

"Better than my pussy?"

"Yes, I mean no. Oh I don't know. Oh fuck!" Jackie said in confusion.

Kelly pulled the hard cock from the panties. She sat up and slowly slid it into her pussy. "Do you like that? I'm not that wet yet. I guess I'll have work on it."

Jackie's head moved from side to side. It felt amazing, like a satin glove had engulfed her cock. She led out a long low groan. "Oh fuck, baby."

Kelly slowly moved up and down on Jackie's cock. She felt herself getting wetter with each stroke. She sat up, taking all of in her. She remained like this for a few strokes then leaned forward. This changed the sensation. It also caused her clit to rub up against the edge of Jackie's satin panties. This new feeling caused Kelly to murmur, "Oh fuck, sweetie, this feels so good." She reached out and pinched one of Jackie's erect nipples.

Kelly's strokes were sending warm intense feelings from her cock to all parts of Jackie's body. The pinching of her nipple added an almost electric jolt to her. She had some pretty intense sex but this time it was more than that. Her body seemed so alive and turned on. She formed no words as her head moved from side to side, she could only moan over and over.

The feeling was beginning to overtake Kelly. She could feel her orgasm building and it seemed to radiate from her pussy out to her entire body. She moved faster only pausing briefly to grind her clit against the satin fabric.

Both girls were headed to a fantastic orgasm yet there was no rush to get there. Both were letting it build almost as if they were allowing the other to cum first. As they each got closer, Kelly could feel Jackie's cock grow bigger while Jackie could feel Kelly's pussy grip it tighter.

It was Kelly who came first. When she did, it felt like one long wave braking on the beach, one that went on and on. She pressed hard against Jackie's groin, taking the cock as deep as she could. Her pussy clamped hard around her. She tossed her head back and screamed, "Oh fuck, baby, it's so fuckin' good. Fuck!"

That was all Jackie needed. She grabbed Kelly's hips with her hands and held her down. At the same time, she lifted her own hips, trying to bury her cock deep inside her pussy. Her cock exploded, sending her cum into her.