A Surprising Development Ch. 12

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Kelly helps Jackie.
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Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 05/11/2023
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The Next Month

The summer seemed to be flying by. After the German encampment, there was the 4th of July, which meant lots of tourists but no big events. Jackie set up many cooking demonstrations to be seen but nothing like the last one. The American Continentals and colonial militia camped the last week in July. It wasn't the same as her first one. The Continentals were set in their ways and had their own plans, even down to provide their own music. The militia was less organized and when Jackie offered some help, she was ignored. She spent the weekend doing her cooking but not nearly in the same way as before.

The Monday afterwards Ralph congratulated her on another success but even he realized that it wasn't as good as before.

"Well, Jackie, another job well done!"

"Thank you, sir," Jackie replied but he knew from her tone that she wasn't as pleased with this one.

"They can't all be home runs," he said, "It went well. Both the public and enactors went happy. That's all we can expect."

Jackie stepped out into the courtyard. The summer heat and humidity made it uncomfortable. She wiped her forehead as she waited for her tour group to gather. No demonstrations today, just tours of the Battle Road. While she waited she had time to think. "What made her first encampment so great?"

It had to be the people. Caroline and Jennie made her feel right at home. Caroline had stayed in contact with her, even sending Jackie pictures of her two little girls. The invitation to visit still stood and Jackie felt she had made a friend. Even Jennie emailed her a few times, jokingly saying Carl wanted to know if she drinking any real German beers! By the end of that weekend she felt she had known them all her life.

Of course there was John. Jackie twirled the bracelet as she thought about him. The first week he had been constantly on her mind. She checked her email and text daily hoping to hear anything but so far nothing. Not any more. Kylie was right. It was just a magical weekend. She smiled thinking just how lucky she was to have Kylie in her corner.

She walked home after her day was over. She was glad Claire had the pool. She was never one to just hang out but with this weather, she changed her mind. The pool, it was.

Claire and she had become much closer as the summer wore on. Claire still sat around the pool naked but it still bothered Jackie. Not as much as before but it still did. Also it seemed that Claire was a little provocative in her in her movements and some of her conversations. Jackie spent most of time there in her two-piece. There were days she went topless to sunbathe but she was still self-conscience about that. She didn't have the nerve to wear the string bikini Bev gave her. That was a little too much.

Every Tuesday they ate dinner together, usually something simple on the grill. It was bringing them closer. And every Monday, Claire went off to have dinner with her friends.

Ever since that night of the thunderstorm when Jackie noticed Claire in the window, Jackie became curious as to just what Claire was doing Monday night. A few times, when she couldn't sleep, she would get up and notice a light on in Claire's bedroom. Twice she was awakened by the sound of Claire's car returning early the next morning. She dying to know what was going on but was afraid to ask. She felt a little guilty spying on Claire.

"Hi, Claire," Jackie said opening the gate, "I'll be right down."

Jackie hurriedly changed and returned to the pool. "It's a hot one, isn't it?"

She decided today to get some sun on back, hoping to even her tan out. She removed her top and reclined, face down on the lounge. The sun felt good on her back.

Claire looked over at Jackie and smiled. She remembered her saying she was a late bloomer. Well, she certainly bloomed in all the right places! Claire was pleased that Jackie had become more comfortable about lying here with her. She looked over at Jackie and thought, "She does have a hot little body. She should be proud of it."

That was one thing about Claire, she was proud of her body. She worked hard to keep in shape and thought she had done a good job at it. She wasn't ashamed to show it either. Her late husband understood her well and indulged her ways. As long as she was discreet and with him when needed, he was okay with her whims. After he passed, she still needed to be discreet. After all, she was a pillar of the local society.

After meeting Jackie's aunt, Kylie, Claire could see where Jackie got her looks. Claire liked Kylie from the start and she was very pleased to see that Kylie was relaxed about her body. The first time she sat at the pool, she removed her top and showed off her breasts, something that Jackie still appeared hesitant to do. Claire liked women who were confident, not only about their bodies.

Claire stood up and walked over to Jackie. She took some lotion and put some on her hands. Rubbing them together, she dripped some lotion in the middle of Jackie's shoulders.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Jackie exclaimed, lifting her head.

"Relax, dear," Claire said softly. "Just making sure you don't burn."

Claire began rubbing the lotion. Her hands expertly kneading Jackie's back. It was more of a massage and she could feel Jackie's tenseness.

"Relax, Jackie, enjoy," Claire said as she continued.

It did feel good and slowly Jackie began to relax. Claire's strong hands were loosing up her muscles and sending little tingles through her body. As Claire moved to Jackie's lower back, Jackie's tenseness was leaving her body.

Jackie had never had a real massage before and now she knew what she had been missing. It felt great. Claire's hands sliding over her skin made her close her eyes and sigh. It was heavenly.

Claire knelt on the lounge causing Jackie to spread her legs. Jackie gave no resistance as Claire began to rub her legs. The lotion felt warm and tingled on her muscles. Jackie sighed in contentment.

Claire moved her hands higher up Jackie's legs, pushed up the corners of her bikini, and exposing some of her ass cheeks. It felt so good.

Suddenly Jackie rolled over. Quickly she grabbed her towel. Holding it close to waist, she jumped up.

Claire rocked back. "Oh my, what's wrong, dear?"

Jackie said nothing but bolted up the stairs to her apartment. She moved so quickly that she left her top behind. She slammed the door and leaned against it. Looking down, she saw her suit tented out before her. Her cock stood hard and erect.

"Oh my God," Jackie said out loud, "What if she saw that?" Her face turned red with embarrassment. She paced the floor, muttering, "Oh, God!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Jackie, are you alright?" It was Claire.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Everything is alright." Jackie replied, "I'll be down in a minute.

"Or when I take care of this!"

Jackie returned to the pool. "I'm sorry, Claire," she explained, "Lately, my stomach has been a little funky. Sorry." Jackie thought it was better to use this excuse than explain the real reason.

"As long as you are alright. I didn't want to be the cause of any discomfort."

"No, Claire, it felt wonderful," Jackie said truthfully. "A little too good!"


Road Trip

As the car sped down the Mass Pike towards Albany, Kelly looked over at Jackie. She was curled up in the seat, legs tucked under her, and sound asleep. She was wearing that dress they bought when they went bathing suit shopping. It could be used as a beach wrap or a casual little dress. She looked good in it.

That was one thing Kelly noticed about Jackie. No matter what she was wearing she somehow managed to look cute. She was pretty, not really beautiful. As much as she changed physically, one could say there was more of a change in her personality. She was now always bubbly and upbeat, a joy to be around. Kelly knew that Jackie got down and worried at things and what was going on in her life but to the outside world, her enthusiasm was a breath of fresh air. People genuinely like her.

She had known Jackie for almost two years. She knew her when she was Jack and even then liked her. Then it was just a friendship that had now grown into much more. She missed Jackie when they were apart and not just the sex. She enjoyed just being with her like now. They had each other's back. Kelly did realize that she was a little more dominant than Jackie but they went together well. She smiled to herself as she thought of her own parents. Angie and Kylie went together well. Both were strong people but she could tell that Angie was the more forceful of the two. It didn't matter. Both were great parents.

It raised a question in Kelly's mind; did she love Jackie? She thought the answer was yes but in what way? A dear friend? A sister? Or something more? As Jackie became more of a woman, then what? It was clear her parents were in love. Was she in love with Jackie that way?

Kelly pulled the car off at a rest stop.

"Hey sleepy head, wake up! Let's grab some breakfast," Kelly said hopping out of the car.

Jackie stretched. "Wait up."

As they stood in line waiting for their order Jackie asked, "How long till we get to Ithaca?"

"I think about 3, maybe 3 1/2 hours. I don't think much more," Kelly said handing Jackie her tea and bagel.

"Do you want me to drive?"

"No sweetie, I got it," Kelly replied.

The drive went quickly. As it passed, Jackie looked out the window. "You know, Kel," she said still looking at the scenery. "You're pretty lucky."

"In what way," Kelly asked.

"This is the first time I've been out of New England," Jackie explained, "You have been on a cruise to the Caribbean, to Disney World, some pretty great places. You have seen a lot and your parents took you places."

"Yes, so what's on your bucket list? Besides historical places!"

"Ok," Jackie laughed, "I always wanted to go on a cruise to some tropical place. Lie on a sandy beach, swim in the bright blue ocean, and let the sun caress my body. Now more than ever."

"Maybe we can do something like that over Christmas break," Kelly replied, "I'm sure my moms would help us, maybe even go along. Would you like that?"

"That would be awesome," Jackie answered, "You think Angie and Kylie would help out?"

"I don't think it would be a problem," Kelly said looking over at Jackie.

Jackie pulled her legs up under her and looked out the window. She sighed.

"What's wrong, sweetie," Kelly asked.

Jackie turned her head and looked at Kelly. "Why are you so good to me?"

"Why not?" was Kelly's answer.

Jackie laughed. "I can think of lots of reasons. I mean, you are the most put together person I ever me. You're confident, and good looking. You have a great body. I should know. You take charge. Look at me."

"I don't know, sweetie," Kelly answered. "I liked you since I first met you. I thought you were sweet, kind, and sort of cute. You stood up to that bully to protect me, remember?"

Jackie laughed again. "Yeah, don't know where that came from. I guess what I'm really asking is, 'Are you happy?' I mean I was a guy. I guess I still am, sort of, who wants to be a woman. It seems so confusing at times. I think you deserve better. That's all."

Kelly pulled the car over.

"What are you doing?" Jackie asked, surprised.

"Look," Kelly said sternly looking directly at Jackie. "I know what I'm doing and it's all good, sweetie. I get it. It is a little confusing but I couldn't be happier. I will never let anyone hurt you in any way. I think the bigger question is 'Are we happy?' As long as the answer to that question is yes, then we are good."

Jackie's eyes began to fill with tears.

"Don't cry, baby girl. Things can only get better." Kelly said pulling back onto the highway.


Lindsay's House

The drive up the west side of Lake Cayuga was breathtaking. The sparkling water stretched out beside them and across the lake they could see the buildings of Cornell. There were fields and orchards along side the road as they headed to Lindsay's house.

To say the girls were excited would be putting it mildly. They remembered the week before school ended and they were looking forward to some more of it.

Jackie had been thinking about for the last few days and she ready to burst. Last night because they decided to leave very early, they refrained from making love. Jackie realized that might have been a mistake. The whole ride over her cock has been swollen and semi-erect. She glad she wore a skirt today. At one point during the drive between Albany and Ithaca, she thought about asking Kelly to pull over so they could have a quickie. She decided against it.

It might have surprised her to known that Kelly was thinking the same thing. Her pussy had a dull ache, just needing to be fucked, but she thought she should wait. So the two drove on, getting horny by the mile.

"The turn should be just up here," Jackie said looking out the window, "Lindsay said we might miss it if you drive too fast."

"I got it," Kelly said. "Something about a rest area. Turn just before it."

"There's the sign!" Jackie exclaimed, pointing to it.

Kelly made a sharp right turn onto a dirt road and headed towards the lake.

"Are you sure this is it?" Jackie asked.

"Lindsay said it was a dirt road," Kelly replied.

They drove some distance down the road until they came upon an opening. There the view opened up to the lake and off to the left was Lindsay's house.

"Wow!" Jackie gasped.

The house appeared to a simple ranch style house but the view was spectacular. As they stopped the car, Lindsay ran towards them.

"I'm so happy to see you," she said excitedly as she hugged Jackie who stepped from the car. She ran around to hug Kelly. "You don't know how happy!"

Kelly and Jackie looked at each other and smiled.

"Come on, I'll show you around." Lindsay took them by the hand and led them to the house.

Once inside they realized it was more than a simple ranch. It was two floors, which you entered on the second one. The house was built into the cliffside with the first floor underneath. Through a set of glass doors, you walked on to a full deck that overlooked the lake.

"That's some view, Lindsay," Kelly said.

"We like it," Lindsay said. "Mom, this is Jackie and Kelly, the two girls I told you about, my next year roommates."

"Very pleased to meet you, girls. Lindsay has told us all about you. Make yourselves at home."

"Come on, I'll show you where we are staying," Lindsay headed towards the stairway.

The stairs led down to a boathouse.

"Ok, I figure we could stay down here. Is it ok?"

"Ok?" Jackie answered. "It's fantastic."

The boathouse was two stories. Where they standing was the second floor. It had a large bedroom towards the back with a king size bed with a screened in area with two couches, chairs, and table. Then there was open deck with a grill and deck chairs that overlooked the lake. Below there was dock for the motorboat.

"I thought we could sleep and stay down here. It's more private," Lindsay said a little sheepishly.

"Why would we need privacy, Lin?" Kelly asked with a smile as she walked towards her.

Jackie had wandered off to the deck. She stood with her hands on the railing, looking out at the lake. There were sailboats gliding over the water and motorboats zooming by. She waved to one and the woman on it waved back. She could feel the sun on her back and the light breeze coming off the lake. "This is perfect," she thought, "I may never want to leave."

She turned and yelled, "Hey Kelly come out here and look at this."

She waited and when she got no response, she headed back inside. "Where are you guys?"

She heard some noise from the back room and walked that way.

She stopped and exclaimed, "Hey, that's not fair!"

There on the bed were Kelly and Lindsay, naked, and kissing. Their hands were roaming over their squirming bodies. Kelly had Lindsay on her back with her legs spread. It was an invitation Jackie couldn't resist.

She flipped her sandals off and pulled her dress over her head. She climbed on the bed between Lindsay's legs. Putting her face close to Lindsay's pussy, she took a deep breath. Her body shivers from the scent. She took one long lick.

"Oh fuck, Jackie!" Lindsay let out one long moan. "It's been so long!"

Kelly took one of Lindsay's breasts in her mouth. Her mouth pulled on the nipple, making it harden.

Lindsay had waited for this all week. Her toes began to curl and her fists balled the sheets. "Oh God, don't stop! It's been too long!"

Jackie was so turned on that she virtually attacked Lindsay's pussy. She slipped two fingers then three fingers into it. Lindsay pushed against them, greedily accepting them.

When Jackie slid one finger up Lindsay's ass, Lindsay screamed in delight. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck my ass, baby!" At that moment, Lindsay's body stiffened. "I'm cumming, Oh God! Fuck!"

Kelly hugged her, helping her ride it out. Finally she pushed Jackie's head away. "No more," she gasped.

But Jackie wasn't finished. She grabbed Kelly's legs and spread them apart. Before Kelly could react, Jackie buried her face in Kelly's pussy. Kelly arched her back, nearly pushing Jackie away. Instead she placed her hands behind Jackie's head, pushing her tongue deeper into her.

"That's it, eat me baby girl. Make me cum all over your face," Kelly groaned. She threw her legs across Jackie's back, holding her in place.

Jackie locked her lips around Kelly's engorged clit, sucking on it while teasing it with her tongue.

"Oh fuck, baby!" Kelly moan, "I'm gonna cum!"

Jackie pushed her thumb into Kelly's pussy, pushing her over the edge.

"Oh God, I'm cumming," she screamed out, "Don't stop!"

Lindsay watched as Jackie's mouth drove Kelly to cum. Her fingers moved to her pussy and began to stroke her clit. It was so hot watching the girls. She wanted more.

Jackie rocked back on her heels. Her face was wet with the cum of Kelly and Lindsay. Still clad in her panties, her erect cock pushed against the fabric. Her pre-cum soaked through it.

Lindsay got on her knees and moved towards Jackie. With one hand wrapped the hard cock, she kissed her, tasting the juices. "Fuck me, Jackie," she begged, "Fuck me with your cock!"

Pulling off her panties, Jackie pushed Lindsay back onto the bed. She positioned herself between Lindsay's legs. She guided her cock towards the inviting opening. Jackie's cock felt larger than it had in a while. It was harder too.

The cock found the opening and slid easily in. As it did both girls moaned.

"Jackie, it feels so good," Lindsay sighed as Jackie began moving in and out. She put her legs over Jackie's back causing the cock to go in deeper. "Oh fuck!"

The two quickly fell into rhythm and matched stroke for stroke. With each one, the sensations grew and they moved faster.

"I don't think I can last much longer," Jackie groaned.

Totally immersed in their own world, Jackie didn't notice Kelly moving behind her. Kelly wetted her index finger and placed in against Jackie's asshole. Hearing what Jackie said, Kelly pushed her finger in.

The feeling surprised Jackie and caused her gasp, "Oh fuck!" She started pounding Lindsay harder. "Oh God, I'm cumming!" she exclaimed.

"Fill my pussy," Lindsay cried out, "Fuck me hard!"

Jackie collapsed on Lindsay and then rolled off. "Wow, that felt good."

Kelly crawled up next to her. "I think we are just getting started."


That Night

"So what about your parents?" Kelly asked.

The three girls stood on the deck looking at the lake. Each was dressed as casual as possible without being naked.

"What do you mean?" Lindsay replied.

"Well, just met your mom. Won't they come here while we're here?"

"And I think we'll have to dress a little more than this!" Jackie added.