A Surprising Sunday Service


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Her hand shot out from where she knelt on the balcony and gripped his belt. He thought she might be trying too unbuckle it, but she merely used it to haul herself up to her knees. Then she was grabbing with eagerness, and adorable inexperience, at his fly. He had to help her find it in the folds of his pants. Together they managed it, and the button on his boxers. His dick, once given an opening, however, needed no help. It burst out of his trousers, which earned him a giggled of surprise from Becca, and brought out her dimples.

She was just looking at his swollen length, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. "I have never actually..." She began, but he had no patience left. He pressed the head of his cock against her plump lips. He felt himself hit her teeth, and watched the surprise pass over her face, before her eyelids grew hooded and her lips encircled his girth.

She was clearly new to this, but Mike didn't care. He couldn't remember the last time Carol had sucked his dick. Becca's little mouth was so wet and warm, it hardly mattered that she clearly to have no idea what to do with her tongue. He was a beast off his leash, he took the pleasure he wanted from her, fucking her mouth as hard as he dared.

Then she pulled away, releasing his cock with a flood of saliva that left several trails back to her gasping mouth. Mike swore.

"Wait," She said, forcefully, swiping a forearm over her sticky mouth. "I have something better in mind." She grabbed his dick in one hand and strode, still stark naked, back into the church. He had no choice but to follow, though he resisted this new and horrifying turn of events.

"No! Stop!" He hissed, as she dragged him to the balcony. "Shit, what the fuck was she doing?" He thought.

She moved him to where he could just see over the balcony into the congregation below. He knew they had to be recessed in shadow, they were behind the lights, but still he felt like someone, most probably Carol, could look up at any second and see him.

Becca held a finger to her lips and gave a smile and a wink. He was going to pull away, to tell her she was crazy, but then she swallowed his cock again, and his mind detached from his body.

His shaft was buried four inches inside the mouth of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was young enough to be his daughter, and she was sucking on his cock like it had a coat of paint on it she wanted removed.

As her head bobbed up and down, Mike looked down on the people seated below. He could see friends, neighbors, his fucking wife! They were all staring ahead contemplating the afterlife, completely oblivious to his own private heaven just meters away.

It made him want to come so hard. Becca must have sensed it. She rocked back on her heels and released him again. He very nearly cried out in frustration.

He mouthed the words, "What the fuck?"

For an answer, she stood, and stepped over to the balcony. She calmly surveyed all the people below before, in a gesture she somehow made to seem almost demure, she spread her ass cheeks for him.

Mike gaped. Her little pussy was still dripping wet, and her tiny asshole was ripe and puckered like a berry. He wanted to lap at it. She beckoned him closer. He leaned over her so that he too was staring down into the central aisle of the church.

Shit! He could see Carol. She was so close he could have probably got her attention with a loud cough. He felt pre-come surge out the tip of his cock at the thought. It coated Becca's tight little asshole as he brushed his tip against her.

He had his head pressed next to hers as he stood over her. She turned her head and whispered, barely moving her lips, "I want to feel you inside me. You'll be my first."

He felt his chest constrict painfully.

"Are you sure?" He was very conscious that this was a very unusual chain of events. There had to be a catch.

"Yes, I am so fucking turned on right now that if I don't feel your dick inside me I think I might just scream."

Mike looked down at all the people again. He swallowed hard.

"It may hurt."

"I know, I've been preparing."

She caught the flicker of his curious gaze.

"What?" her voice was barely audible, "I have several large dildos at home. You should see me come when I have one of those buried deep in my ass."

It was all he needed. He stood back and took a moment to stare at her finely sculpted backside. He dipped a finger into her liquid sex and used the moisture to lube up her anus. It felt as tight as it looked. He was dubious as to how he would fit. But still, he was not one to pass up probably his only chance at anal sex with a goddess.

His cock was still roped with her saliva. He pressed at her little button of an asshole, feeling a powerful resistance. He saw the tension build in her shoulder muscles.

He pressed harder. His cock bent under the strain. He was about to give up, to beg her to finish off the blowjob, when she reached back with one hand and held his shaft tightly in position. Then, she eased herself back onto him. She gasped audibly as he pierced that unrelenting sphincter.

He could have cared less, however, if the whole congregation had heard. Her tight little bowels encompassed him so completely he wanted to yell out her name. As it was, he came close to biting his tongue as he fought the urge.

She began to roll her hips hypnotically, slowly sinking back onto him inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt. The pressure around his cock was crushing. He could barely thrust. He had to rely on her using the balcony railing to pull herself back and forth on his shaft.

He knew he couldn't last long like this. He had to find away to distract himself. He looked down at Carol. But, seeing he there, completely unaware that her husband was ass fucking a girl more than half her age just pushed him closer to the edge.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

Instead, he tried to tune his ears to focus in on pastor Rob. He could bore Mike in seconds flat. Ah, there, he could just make out his boring rant about spirituality in the age of Twitter, or some shit like that. "Fuck, yes," Mike thought, "That is keeping the wolf from the door." He smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying beyond measure the way Becca's tight young body fitted around him.

She was clearly enjoying herself too. Her fingers were dipping into her cleft with each rock of her hips. She was staring fixedly at the crowd. Mike knew that, somewhere down there, were her very proud parents. What would they think if they knew their perfect, straight A, virginal princess of a daughter was up here getting her ass fucked by a man their own age?

He looked down with satisfaction at his cock. Had it always been this big? Or did it just seem that way in comparison to Becca's slight figure. He was plunging in and out of her, their bodies seemingly merged. He knew he was going to come inside her in moments. He could sense his stomach muscles being locked down into a hard plate of tension, and little shivers of pre-orgasm where twisting his hips wildly.

She was close too. He could feel the sheath of her ass clenching and relaxing in a pulsating rhythm. Her hand movements had grown staccato as she verged the point of no return.

Somewhere, distant in his hazy mind something tugged at his attention.

What had pastor Rob just said? He strained his hearing. Tearing his attention away from his approaching climax was like tearing off a piece of his own flesh.

"... I know we haven't made use of the organ these past few months," Pastor Rob said, "But we are lucky to have with us Bucky Mortlock, who many of you will remember used to play the organ here before he retired and moved to Florida."

Mike slid deep into Becca, and felt her shudder. He nearly drifted away from his tenuous grip on pastor Rob's voice.

"But Bucky is back with us, out visiting his daughter, who many of you know has just had her third child."

There was a loud round of applause. Becca used the opportunity to let out a throaty wail. Even over the noise Mike was worried someone might hear it.

"His family have asked if he can once more tickle the ivories, for old time's sake. I thought it would be the perfect way to end our worship today."

Something snapped inside Mike's fogged mind. Becca was clearly not listening, lost as she was in her climb to the peak of her climax. He shot a glance to the organ. It was only meters away. The congregation might not be able to see them, but anyone who came up here certainly would. He looked at the balcony. It was no good either, they would still be visible, and there was no where to hide on the tiny platform. He panicked.

He grabbed Becca by the waist and pulled her back. He remained firmly inserted in her ass, but she had her head alongside his. He placed a hand over her mouth. His other hand was over her belly, and he could already feel her muscles tensing deliciously for her forthcoming orgasm.

"Someone," He hissed in her ear, "Is coming up here to play the fucking organ."

She laughed a first, clearly still lost in the sexual abandon.

"No one comes up here, Mike. Not since Rob started his shitty little band. Fuck me harder!"

He dropped his hand and gripped her neck instead, hissing, "I am being serious! What the fuck are we going to do?"

"But, No one ever uses that old thing," She said uncertainly, slowly returning to reality.

"Well, I just heard pastor Rob say someone was definitely is. Is there somewhere to hide? Is there another staircase?"

"No, there's only one staircase."

Mike cursed, they were completely trapped. He felt the panic rising in him. She thought for a moment, then gasped in awareness.

"The organ," was all she said.

"Yes," Mike was angry at her dullness, "That is the fucking problem."

"No," she answered, "Behind the organ, there is a small room. A corridor, really. They use it when they need to do repairs. No one goes in there."

"Can the organist see in there?"

"No, it's completely hidden. I used to hide in there and jerk off before I found the balcony really set my fuse. Come on."

She moved as if to slide off him, but he had neither the time or the patience. Someone, his wife most likely, could look up at any time and see them if they were walking past the organ. He gripped Becca's ass and lifted her legs in the air. Then he ran, with Becca still impaled on his cock bouncing up and down on his shaft with every stride, all the way to the organ.

Before he got there Becca slapped at him with her hand and indicated a recessed door. He fumbled with the latch and then, together, they tumbled into the cramped room. She fell onto all fours, and Mike came down on top of her, still buried deep in her anus. He just had time to kick back with his foot to close the door before he heard footsteps on the wooden boards just on the other side of the organ pipes. He hoped no one had heard the door shut.

There was a shuffle of papers and a clearing of the throat, done in the way only an old man can do. then there was more clapping. Bucky must have just been pointed out by Rob. Everyone was probably now staring up in their direction.

Suddenly Mike felt little shudders coming from Becca. He looked down and saw she was laughing. Her hand covered her mouth in a way that made her seem even more innocent and girlish. Suddenly he was grinning too. The whole situation was just so preposterous. He looked around him. It was a long narrow space. It was wood on one side, and the other was dominated by the huge organ pipes.

"Shit," Mike thought, "It was about to get very loud."

He was not wrong. Bucky wasted no time. Once he sat down he began to hit keys like he had to make up for the months, or years, he had been away.

The small space shivered with the thundering sound. It was a wall of sound, Mike could feel it physically shuddering through him. It shocked him into a stupor at first, but then he began to feel the benefits. It felt like his entire body was vibrating. He gave a testing shove into Becca's backside.

Becca looked back, surprised, then grinned wickedly. She began to move too. She arched her back and began to rise to meet his every thrust. The sound seemed to encapsulate them. Their very vision was blurry from the surging noise. Mike found himself pounding into Becca, no longer worrying about hurting her. She was meeting him with equal savagery, her hand a blur once more on her clitoris. He could feel their climaxes approaching again with even more force. This time nothing was going to stop them, short of the church collapsing around hem. Which it felt like it might actually do, from where they were. He was screaming at the top of his lungs now and, from the shape of her mouth, he thought Becca must be too. It was nothing compared to the colossal noise around them.

Bucky was building up to his crescendo, Mike could feel it in the increased pace and complexity of the music. Bucky was really quite a skilled old codger.

Mike, in one final push of strength, grabbed Becca around the waist and lifted her. She was confused at first, but went with him, she was close to the final plunge. He turned her to the organ pipes and shoved her against the largest one. She gripped it with her thighs and let her head fall back against him.

Mike slammed harder and harder into her, driving her into the pipe. She twisted and writhed, turning her head to nip at him.

The moment came as if it had been divinely orchestrated. Mike slid the full length of his cock up inside Becca, and held it there, feeling the orgasm inside him boiling like water trying to tip off a pot lid. He pressed her hard from the back so that her splayed sex was smeared against the cold metal of the organ. He held her there for what felt like an eternity.

Bucky, wonderful Bucky, ended his performance, by striking down and holding a single, prolonged note. That key released a stream of compressed air that travelled through a pipe and vibrated it with sound. That pipe was wrapped tightly between the legs of Becca and she, in turn, was impaled on Mike's cock.

When the first vibrations started in the in the pipe they passed over Becca's exposed clitoris in waves, shaking every molecule of her body and traveling through to Mike along his deeply buried shaft.

It shook them until Mike thought it would shake the flesh from their bones. It vibrated both of them into a shared orgasm that nearly swallowed them in its intensity. For that single brief time they were both a single vibrating orb of pure energy. They could have put the Sun to shame.

Mike screamed until his lungs burned, as he felt spray after hot spray of come shoot into Becca's pulsating ass. She was so awash in sensation, with semen flooding her back passage, and a thundering vibrator as tall as a building pounding her clit, it must have felt like every neuron in her body was firing at once. Her orgasm rolled and tumbled and multiplied for every long second that Bucky held that note.

When it finally faded away, and they were left in the hissing silence of the temporarily deafened, Mike saw Becca had tears of exertion streaming from her eyes. He was worried at first, and awkwardly slopped out of her ass, sending a stream of his seed pouring onto the wooden floor.

But she spun and grabbed him, devouring him in a hungry animalistic kiss. He sucked her in deeply.

All the while the congregation applauded, and Mike felt it was for them.


They managed to slip out later. Mike went out first and checked the coast was clear, he still had his clothes on. He fetched Becca's robe and brought it back to her. She threw it on and they had time for one last, deep kiss, before she grinned the smile of the truly satisfied and ran off down the stairs.

Mike felt utterly drained. He made it back down on wobbly legs and got to the Sunday school annex just as Carol and Sara arrived.

"Oh hey," He felt his face flush.

He saw their mouths move, but their voices sounded distant.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Honestly, Mike, when will you get your ears checked? I tell you, you are going deaf." Carol berated him.

Mike was still floating on his cloud of weed and complete post-coital satisfaction, and barely noticed his wife's nagging.

"God, mom. Going deaf is just something old people do. Accept it." Sara piped in.

Mike didn't even mind his cheeky daughter joining in.

"Where's Tobey?" Carol asked.

"Hmm?" Mike spoke from high up on his cloud.

"Tobey? You were here with him, weren't you?"

"Yes," The words were starting to make sense to Mike now, "He, uh, just went back inside to thank the teacher. I definitely stayed here the whole time."

"Hey, Sara!" A female voice drew Mike's attention, partly because it was so recently familiar, and partly because it was overly loud, in a way someone with recently acquired partial hearing loss might speak.

He turned to see Becca walking towards him, smiling at Sara. He felt a flash of panic, but couldn't help feeling flash of proprietorial pride. "Did I really just fuck her?" His mind asked itself.

"Oh, hey Becca!" Sara was obviously surprised to be singled out by the older, more popular girl. But, from the way her face lit up when she saw who it was, it had clearly made her day.

Becca greeted Carol next, and gave Mike a shy smile that gave every indication that, had he not seen those very lips wrapped around his cock only minutes before, they were meeting for the first time.

Carol congratulate Becca on her performance earlier in the service. Mike was tempted to congratulate her for her other performance, a bit later in the service.

"Wasn't it a beautiful sermon today, Becca?" Carol asked.

"I loved every minute of it." She wickedly turned her gaze so that her eyes were fixed on Mike when she said this. "I think my favorite part was the organ, though." She made the double meaning clear by letting her gaze drop momentarily to Mike's crotch. He felt himself swell to semi-hardness from that alone.

"Oh, yes. That Bucky is a dear, isn't he? Can you believe he is 84?"

"I'm not surprised. Older men have all sorts of hidden talents." Mike nearly burst into a coughing fit at this.

Becca sighed, "I really hope to have a repeat performance." Her eyes flicked back to Mike again, embedding the meaning. "Will we see you back here next week?"

Carol patted Mike's shoulder, "That all depends on if I can convince this old bear. He does make such a fuss about attending church. I have to keep telling him that it is good for him."

"Oh, I don't know," Mike said thoughtfully, "I rather enjoyed it today. Perhaps I will come again next week."

Carol and Sara weren't listening, though. Tobey had come out of the annex, carrying a drawing he had obviously completed in Sunday school and Carol and Sara were pretending to admire its artistic virtues.

While the other were turned away, Becca looked directly at Mike with hungry eyes and said, "Oh, I can guarantee that."

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NeoDiotimaNeoDiotima8 months ago

Well done. Now my caveats.

1. Sexually assertive woman, passive male puts moral responsibility on the woman. Just the way men like it. Their sexual needs met, their dream of releasing their passion without responsibility…. It is cliche here at Literotica. I suppose rape fantasies are the correlate for women.

How about hot erotica where both have equal agency?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Good premise.

Rush to cock in ass much too rapid.

Needed much more touching/teasing/playing/fingering before cock into ass.

Maybe some rimming to show how much he enjoyed her asshole. And for lubrication.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

One of, if not the best, I have ever read. Thank you, thank you, thank you,. Awaiting more, hopefully!

Hot_SisterHot_Sisterabout 1 year ago

As an author myself, who tries (like you) to craft pieces of art rather than dirty stories, I can tell you that this one is worth far more than the score it has earned so far. There must be a bunch of people out there who really don’t appreciate talent. And you have it, my friend! I seldom read an author’s entire library but I’m working through yours and I love it. This one - and the sequel - is the best, though, so when you finally get back to writing you know where to start! Thank you for your creative ability and please, come back and write some more!! Hot_Sister.

Helen1899Helen1899about 1 year ago

So very different and so hot, Great story, young girl naked under her robes, so hot, what a great story.10/10, I am so wet😋

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