A Swapping Mistake Ch. 03


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It was hard finding something nice that was that cheap. Finally, Gina grabbed a tea set. It was a table set for four, with the wee little cups and saucers. It only costs eight dollars but Gina was happy, I was proud and Julie laughed. God, I loved her laugh.

We were into our fifth day together and I did a lot of things with them. I'm sure I didn't do anything that proved how serious I was. Then, I came up with a solution. A way to prove to Mr. and Mrs. Cass that I was serious about Julie and Gina.

I asked my mom if she could watch Gina for a couple of hours. She didn't have any problems with watching her. I asked Julie if I could look at Gina's birth certificate. She handed it to me and I looked at it.

While Julie got Gina ready to take her to my parents' house, I put the birth certificate in my pocket. When we got to mom's, Gina walked in and said, "Gama." When my dad walked in to the room, she ran to him and called him "papa."

I looked over at my mom and she told me, "Gina has always called us her Grandma and Grandpa. She also calls Harold and Virginia the same thing. We never told you because we didn't want to upset you. She's only called us that for a couple of months. Shawn, you need to know that we have always loved her. She was just an innocent child born in an unstable situation."

The more I saw how my family reacted to Julie and Gina, the more I realized what a real asshole I had been. I guess it took going to Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait to realize how much worse other people had it. I was now trying to right many of the wrongs I had done. I just hoped it would be enough.

Julie looked at me. Shawn, where are you taking me? You've never said."

"It's a minor surprise. Please trust me for one hour," I asked.

We left and I drove to the courthouse annex. It's where they took care of the legal documents.

"Shawn, why are we here?" asked Julie.

"I've tried everything I can think of to try to prove to everyone how sorry I am for the way I handled Gina's birth. Your dad told me that actions speak louder than words. Just come in with me."

I walked up to the counter and told the lady I needed a birth certificate changed.

"What's wrong with it, sir?" she asked.

At this point, I did have to lie a little. "My wife gave birth to my daughter when I was overseas and my name was never put on my daughter's birth certificate."

Julie stood there stunned. The lady looked over the certificate and under father it said, "unknown."

"I want this amended immediately. I don't want my daughter growing up and some day looking at her birth certificate and not seeing, 'Father - Shawn Michael Ward' where it belongs."

I was talking rather loudly when a supervisor came to the counter and I re-explained my situation to him.

"Mr. Ward, we can do this as long as the mother of the child is here and we have a copy of your birth certificate and we will need to see both of your driver's licenses."

I laid down my birth certificate and driver's license. Julie showed him hers still not saying a word but she was staring at me. He didn't need to see her birth certificate because we weren't changing anything about her on Gina's birth certificate. It was funny that we still both had the same address. I never did get mine changed. Julie never did get her name changed and Gina's last name was Ward.

I filled out the amended form, listing father as Shawn Michael Ward. I smiled at Julie and she was somewhat misty eyed as she squeezed my hand.

The Supervisor gave us a copy of Gina's amended birth certificate. He said we would get an original mailed to us in seven days to two weeks.

The Supervisor apologized for taking so long. He said that in his ten years working there, no man has ever wanted his named added to a birth certificate, but at least five times a week people come in wanting their names removed.

I thanked him and Julie and I went to the car. I opened her door and she turned around and kissed me. It was the first time we kissed since she was admitted to the hospital for the birth of Gina.

Finally, I knew I did something right.

"Shawn, why did you do it? You were so adamant against it that you divorced me. I'm having a hard time understanding this. You do understand that it was more than just signing your name, don't you? It was her birth certificate and you saying you are her father and are willing to take responsibility for her well-being."

"Yes, I know. I do love the little tyke and am willing to do what it takes to be a good father. I will help support her and take care of her. There is something I feel I should tell you."

"Shawn, what if we don't get re-married. Are you still willing to help support her, not only financially but also as her father? She really likes you and I don't want to see her get hurt if we don't get back together. Now, what is it you need to tell me?"

"I can't have kids. My mother told me right after Gina's birth."

"I know, Shawn. Your mom told me about it when you left for Iraq. I'm so sorry but it didn't change the way I felt about you," said Julie

"I'm hoping that you love me as much as I love you. If for some reason you choose not to marry me, God forbid, I still want Gina in my life and I know she's already in my parents and sister's life. Especially, since I can't give them any more grandchildren. I just knew accepting her as my own was the right thing to do."

We walked into my parents' house and Gina came running to me; well, kind of waddling to me in a somewhat straight direction. I lifted her up and said, "Give daddy a big kiss." She gave me a big wet one right on the lips. I gave her a really big hug.

She hugged my neck and said, "Da-Da"

My parents stood there looking totally surprised until Julie handed them the copy of the amended birth certificate. My mom started crying along with Julie.

We all talked for a while and then went over and saw Julie's parents. We got pretty much the same reaction. "Mr. Cass, I don't intend on shirking my responsibilities any longer. I hope my actions are speaking louder than my words."

He extended out his hand to me and I shook it.

I had less than a week before I had to go back to Kuwait for another four months. Julie had to work the following week but I came over every day after work. One day I asked if I could come to the house and stay with Gina all day.

"You're her father, so I guess you've earned that right. Are you sure you can handle it by yourself?" Julie laughed.

"She's only a fourteen month old girl. I'm sure I can handle it," I laughed.

Julie left me her work number and her mom's number in case I ran into any problems. I showed up first thing in the morning and made Gina a bowl of cereal while Julie got ready for work. I had my coffee and had some cereal with Gina while she ate. She liked me sitting there eating with her.

Julie came in and kissed Gina goodbye, "See you later, Sweetie. You be good for Daddy, Ok?"

"Da-Da," was all Gina said but it made me feel pretty good.

I looked at Julie. "Don't I at least get a kiss goodbye too?"

She came over and gave me a pretty good one. Smiled and said, "There's more where that came from; see you tonight."


I had fun with Gina but she did wear me out. After she finished eating, I had to change her again. Boy, I thought it would take some getting used to. She always laughed while I changed her. I dressed her and we went to the park. I was a proud daddy when all the women said what a cute daughter I had.

I was glad when naptime came. I lay down on Julie's bed with Gina and she fell asleep next to me. I could smell Julie on the pillow and it smelled great. I was wakened by a little girl jumping on me. "Dada, Dada," was what I heard.

Gina was smiling at me and was ready to go again. We went to the couch and she watched her children's programs. She got up and brought me some books to read to her. While I was reading to her she got down and went and got her tea set.

She gave us each a little cup and saucer. I got up and filled her little teapot with water, and got us out some cookies. I guess we were having a tea party while I read to her. She hardly drank her water and just took little bites out of her cookie.

She filled my tiny cup and I would drink it straight down. It made her laugh and she would fill my cup again. After she had enough of me reading her stories, she sat in front of the TV and watched her programs, thank God. I just lay on the couch and watched her. Whenever there was an advertisement, she would pour me another little cup of water. I was getting pretty full.

We heard someone at the door and it was Julie. She said she thought she would come home early.

"You didn't think I could handle it, did you?" I smiled.

"I have to admit it looks like you did pretty good," remarked Julie.

Right then Gina came with another teapot full of water and poured me a cup. I forgot to mention that I did have a towel under the cups to help catch the spills. I looked up at Julie expecting to get a compliment since I remembered the towel.

As I drank down my little cup of water, Gina smiled and I smiled back. "You make the best tea I've ever drank," I said to her.

Julie asked, "How many pots of water have you drank, Shawn?"

"I don't know, maybe five of her little teapots," I answered.

"Shawn, you do know the only place she could reach water to fill her teapot is the toilet, don't you?" laughed Julie.

I jumped up and spit in the kitchen sink. I got out a beer and nearly drank it straight down. I still have a lot to learn. Julie could hardly stop laughing.

On my last night home, I asked Julie if she would like to go out on a real date, just me and her?

"I'll ask mom if she'll watch Gina. I'm sure she will," said Julie.

When I arrived at her apartment, she had already taken Gina to her mom's. She looked beautiful, as pretty as I could remember. I took her out for a nice dinner and dancing. She told me she didn't drink much anymore but she did have a wine cooler and I ordered a beer.

While we were dancing, I held her close. She smelled so damn good. We did have a couple of more drinks before going home. When we got back to her apartment I said, "I wish this night wasn't coming to an end."

"Who said it was over?" said Julie. "Mom has Gina for the night. I just had to know that you really had changed and did really care for Gina. I believe you've proven that you are really trying. Come on in and stay for awhile."

We stepped into the living room and she let me kiss her. I kissed her over and over again. She stared at me without saying a word. I knew she was in deep thought. She took me by the hand and I followed her.

We went into the bedroom and I dimmed the lights and slowly but methodically removed her blouse and skirt. We kissed over and over again. As I was standing there kissing her neck, I undid her bra.

I slipped my clothes off down to my briefs and we lay on her bed. I spent a goodly amount of time kissing and gently massaging her breasts. Her perfume was so intoxicating. She moaned as I went lower and kissed her belly.

"Oh, God, Shawn, I missed your making love to me so much."

I pulled her panties down just a little and licked the light fuzzy part above her mound. I could hear her moan even more. I slipped off her panties and buried my face in her muff. As I pushed my face into her, she pushed her hips up. I went lower and was licking her clit. She was so wet I would have thought she had already climaxed. She tasted so good.

"Tongue me, Shawn; tongue me like you use to do. Oh, so good. I love it so much."

I was tongue fucking her for all I was worth. She had her lips pulled apart so I could have better access. I needed to have her. I needed to sink my dick into her wet pussy.

"Do you want me to wear a condom, Julie?" I asked.

"It's not necessary since you can't have kids. Shoot your sperm as deep as you want. I want to feel you filling me up. Come in me all night till you can't get it up. I'm here for you, Shawn. Please love me."

I have to say it was the greatest night of lovemaking of my life. It wasn't sex, it was making love. Julie was everything that I remembered. In the morning, we showered and were going to my parents for a goodbye barbeque for me. My parents were happy seeing Julie and me together. Joyce came over with her family and pulled Julie aside for more girl talk. I never did find out what they talked about. Mom did tell me they became best friends which answered a lot of the closeness of my family with Julie.

Julie's parents came over and little Gina came staggering up to me smiling. I picked her up and she gave me one of those big wet kisses and hugs. God, how life changes so quickly! I loved this little girl.

We all ate and talked about me going back to Kuwait and Iraq. I told them that it was dangerous but the military had our back. Other than unexploded mines and things of that nature we were relatively safe.

I told them about all the kids and people I had met there. They all looked sad when I told them about Aadam and his struggles, I think they all began to understand what had changed me.

Mrs. Cass asked, "Shawn, what do you see about your future with Julie and Gina? I know you adopted Gina..." I interrupted her.

"Mrs. Cass. I didn't adopt Gina. She's my daughter, I accept her as that; I'm her father and will support her. If Julie wants support through a court, all she has to do is file for child support and I will honor it.

"As of right now I will be sending two thousand dollars a month home to Julie to help support my daughter." Julie had tears in her eyes. I never had time to discuss it with her.

"I will be gone for four more months; I figure it will give Julie time to think about our future together, and whether she will want to marry me when I return. I can't expect her to make such a big decision on me being home less than two weeks. Regardless of her decision, Gina will always be my daughter. I was stupid and gave her up once. It won't happen again," I said very seriously.

Everyone was quiet and wasn't sure how to respond. Julie broke the ice, "Hey, we're supposed to be having a party here, not a wake," she smiled over at me.

When it was time for me to leave, I said goodbye to my parents and gave them a hug. My Dad whispered in my ear, "Son, I'm really proud of you. Take care of yourself."

I hugged Mrs. Cass and shook Mr. Cass' hand. "You take care, young man, and be careful."

I reached down, picked up and hugged my little daughter. I know I had tears in my eyes when I asked her for one of her big kisses and hugs. "Daddy loves you, Gina," I said.

I walked into the house with Julie who looked really sad. "Julie, you have four months. I just want you to know I love you with all my heart. Take care of my daughter."

"I love you too, Shawn. Please write to me and take care of yourself."

We kissed a lover's kiss before I went out and got in my truck and headed to the airport. After returning the rental car, I was on the plane and already missing my family.

When I did arrive back in Kuwait, I informed my supervisor that I would just be finishing out my last four months. He told me he could hardly blame me. He wished he could go home also but he had another eight months to go.

I stopped at our cashier's office and informed her to send two-thousand dollars out of this months pay and out of each of the following months. We were paid once a month and our money was deposited into our accounts. We could set them up any way we wanted. I saved most of mine but could draw out whatever I needed. We were in a strange country and you never wanted to be caught with a lot of money in your pockets.

Other than basic survival money, I carried very little on me. I had most of it sent to an investment banker. It's why I had so much saved. I never told Julie about it. I wanted to make sure we would be together before telling her we had a nice nest egg on which to build our life.

I still bought all the candy I could from the commissary. The kids would always come around and they loved the candy and gum that we gave them. I truly felt sorry for all these kids and their families. I always heard war was hell but now I knew it first hand.

I worked all day and at night, I would think of Julie and Gina. I would write them letters letting them know how much I missed them. I explained to Julie that it hardly pays to write me back because it sometimes took a month or even two before I would receive the letters. I promised her that I would call her once a month.

The first time I called her, she had told me she had just got my letter two days before. She was wondering why I hadn't written her.

"Shawn, I received a call from the bank where you had transferred two-thousand dollars to help us out. I want to thank you for that. When I told my dad, he said, 'Shawn is a man of his words. I don't think you should lose him.' "

"Tell your dad, thank you and that I agree with him. This call is costing a fortune but I had to talk to you. I'll write you as often as possible. Please kiss my daughter for me and tell her Daddy loves her."

"I will Shawn and you take care of yourself. I love you." She hung up.

I loved talking to her but then I felt lonely afterwards. I couldn't wait to get home again. I kept two pictures in my pocket all the time. One was of Gina that Julie gave me from her first birthday. The other was of Julie holding Gina on her lap. Her mom had taken it the day I had to leave and thought I might like it.

I called the following month and we talked for a few minutes again. She told me there was something she had to tell me, but it would wait till the following month.

"What is it? Can't you tell me now?" I asked.

"One second, Gina wants to say hi to you."

"I heard 'Dada. Hi, dada,' " on the other end of the phone.

"Hi, Sweetheart. It's so good to hear your voice. Daddy loves you." In the background I could hear Julie say, "Tell Daddy bye-bye, Gina"

Then I heard, "Bye-bye, Dada." then Gina must have hung up the phone.

What did Julie have to tell me? Was it that Gina knew a few more words and she let her tell me? Maybe she was going to tell me she was going to remarry me. No matter what it was, it would have to wait till next month.

Two months to go and I'd be going home. I worked extra hard the following month. I wanted to do as much as I could to help these families out with schools, housing and the necessities we all enjoy.

I called home the following month and Julie answered.

"Honey," I said, "last month you said you had something to tell me. Was it Gina learning a few new words?"

"No, Shawn. It's much bigger than that. I'm pregnant!"

End of chapter 3

One chapter to go.
Edited by LadyCibelle and Techsan
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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I do agree with highbrow ,i know you have to write a compelling story that everyone believes is a happy ending but I do not see reconciliation at all in the cards. Yes the husband is retarted to but I just don’t think theirs anyway for him to trust her after that. wife swaps in general sit on the extremes of the feminist or the gross male trying to hit extra pussy. I don’t see normal people doing it or going swingers

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

I just don’t understand why all us men cannot just realize what selfish assholes we are and let women have babies by whoever they want. Maybe it’s not ours, but we can still pay for it, can’t we, fellow assholes? It’s both their faults btw, not just his. This is some heavy Femdom agitprop.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Exactly what @Schwanze1 said.

Why cant she have two number 1 people in her life? What husband wants to be told he's always second? She constantly rubs the child in his face and lets him know he isn't important. Then he has to abandon his dignity and beg for her back.

Cool story tho

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

the story.ended for me when she said her child was always going to be number 1 - who wants to be second in a marraige? Right, no one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

But is it really his? Or one of the various guys she was dating before he came back home?

Really liken this story, but some of it seems like it's missing something...like her telling him about her past abortion being why she couldn't give up Gina.

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