A Swiftly Changing World


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"No! Tell me!"

"She said, 'Go ahead and try.' Just like that. Not even a second thought. Hell, she said that the thought of it alone sent her over the edge."

"She climaxed?"

"Definitely," I answered. "I don't know exactly how many times, but it was easily more than three."

"I stopped counting at eight," my daughter said from the bedroom door. I looked up to see her there, leaning against the frame. She was naked as the day she was born, not a stitch of clothing on her, and smiling at me with love in her eyes.

"She just walked in," I told my wife.

"Lemme talk to her!" Jessica cried from her end of the line.

I held the phone up in the air and signaled to my daughter that her mother wanted to talk. Emily sauntered over to my side of the bed and sat down on the edge. As she took the phone from my hand, she leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. Her hair smelled so good and clean, like strawberries and cream, and her bald pussy mound had a bright sheen to it, a clear sign that she'd touched up the shaving job on it. When she'd leaned down to kiss me, my hand had almost instinctively gone to her hips and began to stroke her soft, young skin. "G'morning, Daddy," she purred and then turned her attention to the phone while I continued to caress her, now working my way to her supple backside and occasionally dipping my fingers into the crack of her ass and pussy from behind while she talked.

"Morning, Mom! Yep, we sure did! Oh, Mom, I can't begin to describe it! It was, like... well, exactly like you said it would be: amazing. Yeah, he did. I would've gone for more, but we were both kinda tired. Yeah. Oh, uhm, I'm not sure... I think I did, but I don't remember for sure. Oh, no, he slept like a baby. It was so cute, Mom, when I woke up. He was, like, totally oblivious to the entire world. Now, though, he's fingering me a little while I talk to you. I hope it's okay- ooo!- okay." She glanced down at me and said, "Not so deep, Daddy. I'm talking to Mom." Then, satisfied that I had been properly rebuked, she continued the conversation with her mother. "Yes, I made breakfast for him. Yeah. Actually, that's what I came to get him for- I didn't think he'd be awake yet. He did? Really? REALLY? Well yeah, me too, I guess. It was just... I dunno... it felt right. Oh, definitely. Oh, definitely! The sooner, the better! Really? I'm gonna hold you to that, Mom. Yeah, me too. Heh. Yeah, I thought about it some... I'm willing to give it a go if you are. Sure! Wow. That's just... wow. Really? Mom, I know this might sound weird for me to say this now, what with all we're talking about and stuff, but I REALLY love you. You know that, right? I love Dad, too, and I don't want you to ever think that I'd, y'know, come between you guys or anything. He may be my father, but he's YOUR man. Seriously? You're not just saying that- oh, wow. Okay. Well, I've still got some things to finish up for breakfast. Don't keep him too long, he needs to replenish. I know. I love you, too, Mom. You bet I will! Thank you a thousand times over. You really are the coolest. Love you!"

Emily handed me the phone, kissed me again and said fiendishly, "Now you're OURS! Mwahahahahah!" And, with that, she hopped off the bed. "Food's waiting!" she called out as she ran out the door, her naked backside winking at me with youth and vigor.

I put the phone back to my ear. "I think I caught most of that, from her side," I told my wife. "Are you absolutely sure-"

"Duncan," my wife said sternly, "if you don't stop second-guessing this whole thing right this minute, I WILL put a stop to it for good! That girl of ours just had the best sex of her life and, my ego aside, I'm willing to bet that you did, too. Emily's still young, sweetheart. She's sharp as a fucking tack, but she's still young. You treat our daughter right, do you hear me? She's got lots of energy and she's gonna be acting like a demanding bitch in heat and, so help me God, if you don't nail her every chance you get, you're never going to hear the end of it from me. Understood?"

I just sat there in stunned silence for a moment until my brain sent down the suggestion to my mouth that it had better get moving quickly. "Yes, dear," I said. "I'll... uhm... wow, I can't believe I'm actually saying this... I'll, uh, fuck our daughter as much as I can until you get home. I promise."

"Now that's more like it," she said breezily and brightly. "I've got to go now, too- I haven't had breakfast yet, either, and I'm starved. You're probably famished, too, after last night's festivities. Go join our daughter for breakfast and be sure to thank her for the trouble we went to with making it. And by thank her, I mean you'd damn well better fuck her senseless. And that's an order, Duncan. Whether she gets pregnant or not, I want Emily to be your cumslut by the time I get home- I've got a special fantasy that I want to live out."

I swallowed in a single gulp. "Fantasy?" I asked. "Uhm... may I inquire?"

"I want you," my wife said, "to fuck our daughter from behind while I lie underneath her in a sixty-nine. After you cum inside her, I want to suck your cum from her. Pretty simple, actually, but I read it in a story once and thought it was hot as hell. I wanna try it. If she's willing, of course."

"Of course," I repeated. When did I stumble into this universe and how can I ensure that I never leave? I asked myself silently.

"Now... breakfast and our daughter are waiting. I love you, honey," my wife said cheerfully, "more than you will ever know! Oh, honey, I am SO proud of you and happy for the both of you! You'll see: all of our lives will only get better. And that's a promise! I'm starving, so I'm gonna hang up now. Bye, honey!" And, just like that, the line went dead.

I put the phone back in its cradle and just stared at it dumbly for a few moments in deep thought. I really had stepped into the Twilight Zone, I thought to myself. In less than 24 hours I had gone from a relatively mundane life as a writer and family man to at hedonistic, incestuous letch in danger of impregnating my own daughter. I surveyed the bed once again and decided that while changing the sheets could wait until later, doing a half-assed job of straightening it out might help me get things in order. After all, an outward appearance reflects one's inward reality, right? So what if I fucked my daughter in the same bed that I share with my wife? At least it's not going to be a disaster to look at. I quickly pulled the sheets and covers up to the pillows and nodded to myself at the improvement. My stomach growled and my bladder twitched. Before going to get breakfast and possibly fucking my daughter yet again, I decided that having an empty bladder would probably make things go much more smoothly and went immediately into the bathroom to do just that. When I was done relieving myself (two shakes to get the dew off the lily, of course), I stopped in front of the mirror and consulted my reflection once more. I looked no different than the night before except that I was naked and my hair was somewhat disheveled. I put my hands under the faucet, wet them and ran them through my hair, to make myself look somewhat presentable. When I was satisfied with my general appearance, I strolled out of the bathroom, didn't bother to put on any clothes, and made my way to the kitchen, where my beautiful, naked daughter was waiting for me with nothing but a smile on her face.

"Oh, look at you," she said happily, "you brought the breakfast sausage, too!"

I looked down at my penis, which was still having trouble waking up, and then back up at her. "Nah," I quipped. "That's dessert."

"Yummy!" Emily said with a laugh. "So sit down and eat up. Dessert looks like it won't wait long!"


When I sat down to the kitchen table across from Emily, I forced my eyes to leave her gloriously naked form and take stock of what was on the table. Sure enough, there were eggs, bacon, toast and a filled coffee mug (which read "World's Greatest Dad"). Two unusual items, however, were place next to Emily's place setting. She had the cordless phone and a small white pill in front of her. When my gaze fell on the pill, I looked at her curiously. "Vitamin?"

"It's my morning-after pill," she explained. "You came inside me like a firehose last night." Then she patted her tummy, just below her navel. "Don't want any Daddy juniors running around just yet, do we?"

I blanched at that. "I'm sorry, Babygirl. I... I should've-"

My daughter waved the apology off. "Nothing to be sorry about, Daddy. If you'll recall, I ASKED you to do it. I didn't mind it a bit. Actually, I really liked it, so I've decided that, in the future, that's how I want you to finish every time. Besides, Mom said that it's a fetish of yours and you love it, so who am I to deny you a little kink? And if I do end up getting pregnant by you," she added with a shrug, "I could think of worse men to father my children."

I took that at face value and nodded at the phone. "So why the phone? Waiting on a call?"

She shrugged again, making her creamy breasts jiggle slightly. "Kinda," she said as she reached for a fork and stabbed some eggs. "Actually, I expect to hear from a few people today. First there's Ricky- he'll probably call to ask if I'm okay after yesterday. Then there's Uncle Sam or Cousin Polly, wanting to know if I'm really okay with what they told us. And, finally, there's Mom. I get the feeling that she'll be calling in to check on us a little more frequently." She leaned forward conspiratorially, even though no one else but us was in the house. "I think she wants to catch us inflagrante delecto and listen in on it."

I picked up my own fork and began to eat. Between bites, we continued our conversation. "So... I guess you're okay with all of this."

Emily's face broke into a big grin. "Are you kidding me? That was, like, the most amazing thing I've ever done." She pointed her fork at me. "If you think that was a one-off, Daddy, you're in for a BIG surprise. Mom told me to jump your bones whenever I can."

"She told me the same thing," I put in.

Emily nodded and chewed a bite thoughtfully. "Y'know," she said, "if I didn't know better, I'd think she WANTS you to knock me up. I mean, it's like she's seen this opening, this incredible opportunity for something, and she's doing everything she can to get us together as much as possible."

"It does seem like that, doesn't it," I agreed. "Are you... are you really okay with that? I mean, not the getting pregnant part, but the sex thing. I mean, I get it that you liked it- so did I!- but I mean, how do you FEEL about it?"

Emily blinked at the question and appeared to give it some serious thought. "Well," she said slowly, "I really don't know how I feel ABOUT it. I know I liked it and want to do it lots more, but how do I feel about it? Well, I love you. I mean, you're my dad, right? And I know you love me, so how can I not feel the same way? Yesterday we started off as a normal father and daughter. Today we're still the same, but now we're lovers, too. I guess the only real misgiving I have is about Mom. And maybe you. How do YOU feel about it?"

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Honestly? I don't know. Like you, I definitely enjoyed it and, yes, I'd love to make love with you again, sweetheart. And, yes, I'm just as concerned about your mother as I am. I'm worried that it's easy for her to get so excited about this when she's far away from here, but when she comes home in two weeks, she might sing a different tune. I just don't know about that. But about us... it's all so strange to me, really. I mean, I raised you, honey. I held you in my arms as a baby, I changed your diapers, I fed you, I taught you how to ride a bike and I see so much of both your mother and myself within you that it's sometimes like looking at a mirror. Eighteen years of watching you grow up into a beautiful young woman, and now I find myself having sex with you, shooting my sperm into your body, talking about getting you pregnant, wanting to have more sex with you and talking about incest not just in our immediate family but in our extended family, too- it's a lot to take in. I don't think I'll ever really stop looking at you as my little girl, even though my eyes keep telling me that you're anything but."

Emily smiled warmly. "Oh, Daddy, that's so sweet! But look: I don't want you to stop looking at me as your little girl. I'll *always* be your daughter, no matter what. This sex thing? It's just a new dynamic. We know that the love and trust is there, just like it always has been. So can I make a suggestion?"

I shrugged. "Sure, go ahead."

"Rather than think of sex with me as 'making love', which is something you do with Mom, just think of it as fucking with some kink. If I end up pregnant, we'll deal with that. But I've already decided that, if I do, I'm going to have it. But I'd feel that way if I was having sex with ANY guy. The fact that it'd be yours just makes the decision easier."

"It does?" I asked with surprise. "Why?" I decided to just shut up and listen to my daughter for a little while as I ate my food. Lord knows that I was hungry, so I attacked it with relish while keeping my attention on her.

"Because it's YOU," she said with a small laugh. "You might have special memories of raising me, but I have some of the same memories, Dad. I remember how you told me it'd be all right after my first crush broke my heart. I remember dancing with you in the living room when I was five while the radio played. I remember every Christmas we had together. I remember our vacations and the trips and the sights we saw when I was a little girl. I remember you taking me to school in the winter, when the buses weren't safe to ride on. I know that you're a good father. Sure, your work interfered with a few things, but the man you are was never separated from me and Mom. All a woman wants in a father for her baby is a good man who'll do the right thing and take care of her child. I know you'd do that because you have, with me. Now don't get the impression that I'm all eager to do that just yet, but if it happens, it happens and I'm okay with that. That said, it's a sexy thing to think about and talk about, though, isn't it? When I had your cock inside me last night I just couldn't stop focusing on it, the thought of you getting me pregnant just spurred me on and got me so hot. And when you finally did cum inside me? God, Daddy, part of me actually wanted to catch with your baby. That's when I realized that I've got a thing for it, but only with you. Mom said that it trips your trigger, too."

"Gets my motor running every-," I started to say and then glanced down at my crotch. Unsurprisingly, my cock was at full mast already. It's amazing how it picks up on these kinds of conversations. "Yep. Every time."

Emily drank a mouthful of orange juice. When her throat was clear, she smiled. "I think it's time to see if that thing's still in good working order, after the pounding it gave me last night."

I fixed my daughter with a skeptical look. "Now? Em, you're not even done eating yet."

Emily got a mischievous look on her face as she stood up. "Why can't I do both?" she asked as she made her way around to my side of the table. "Look," she said as she bent over the edge of the table just a foot away from me, "I can nibble at my food while you fuck me from behind. Too easy!"

"Are you serious?" I asked her incredulously. "Honey, we CAN wait, you know..."

Emily grabbed a piece of bacon and pointed at me with it. "Maybe YOU can wait, Daddy, but I've been waiting all morning. I've taken a shower, cleaned myself and went to all this trouble to make you breakfast. The LEAST you can do, Daddy, is give me the dessert you promised me." She wiggled her ass teasingly. "C'mon. I'm waiting."

"Emily, really, this is just-"

"Look, Dad, I'm not asking for an hour-long session or anything like last night. I just want to feel you inside cum inside me again." She grabbed the phone. "Do I have to call Mom and tell her that you're refusing me?"

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. If there are any other fathers on the face of this planet who've found themselves in this particular situation, I'd be extraordinarily surprised. Well, maybe my brother might have gone through something like this, I guess. With a sigh of resignation, I nodded and pushed myself away from the table. "Fine. Okay. So, how do you want to start?"

Now my daughter rolled her eyes at me. "Just put it in, Dad. All this talk has more than gotten me ready and you're obviously not going to need any attention. Just grab your penis, put it inside me and start fucking. Simple!"

I grabbed my coffee mug, took a long draught from it and put it down. "You, young lady, are insatiable." I got up behind my daughter's exposed ass and did exactly as she said. Without ceremony or any other words said, I pushed the head of my cock into her very wet, tight pussy. Of course, I did it slowly- I didn't want to hurt her. When I had about half of it inside, I said, "There. Happy now?"

Emily pushed her gorgeous rump back slowly so that she could fully impale herself on my shaft. When I felt the tip of my cock once again bump up against her cervix, she stopped. "NOW I'm happy," she cooed. She put the piece of bacon she held in her hand between her teeth and bit down. "I'll bet I get done before you do," she taunted as she looked back me while chewing with a smile on her face. For effect she wiggled her ass again, making my cock shift around inside her tight cunt.

I cocked an eyebrow at her and smiled back. As I grabbed hold of her hips to steady her, I began to saw my meat back and forth into her small body. "Is that a bet?"

"It's- oooooh, yes, Daddy- I guess you could call it a bet. I've got half a plate of food. I think it's a sure thing that I'll win."

I kneaded her ass playfully and said, "I don't know about that, kiddo. It's been quite a few hours since we had sex. I could be on a hair trigger, for all you know. So what are the stakes?"

I saw my daughter shake her head from the back, her luxurious brown mane wafting over her shoulders as her body jostled with my steady thrusts. "No stakes," she huffed. "Just a bet between dad and daughter: I finish eating first or you fill me full of cum. Whoever's done first has the pleasure of knowing that they've won."

I looked down at where we were joined and withdrew slowly, watching her inner lips pull tightly on my shaft as I dragged my hips back. God, what a sight to behold! "Sounds to me," I said as I prepared for a hard thrust into her tiny frame, "like it's a win-win for you." With that I shoved myself into her forcefully, causing her to grunt. When I was fully seated inside her, I felt the tip of my cock push hard against her inner core again.

"Ow!" my daughter exclaimed. "Daddy! That hurt... kinda." She looked back at me with a sly smile. "Do it again."

Now both of my eyebrows arched at that request. "You asked for it," I told her. I then began to thrust into her with all my might, pushing my cock into my daughter's tight, barely-yielding pussy with all my might repeatedly and banging my cockhead against the door to her womb like a hammer. Her body rocked with each thrust and, pain or not, she began to squeal with delight at the forceful fucking. I watched her attempt to grab the fork and try to get a few more bites of eggs but, after a few messy tries, she just gave up on the task.

"Oh, fuck it!" she growled and then looked back at me. "You win, Daddy! Just keep fucking me!"

At that point, there was no way in hell that I'd stop. I dug my fingers into the pliable flesh of her hips and began to pull and push her onto me with real vigor. "You like it rough, Babygirl?" I asked gruffly. "You like your father fucking you like this?"
