A Tale of Two Switches Ch. 06


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"Gods Jinn." Zabi said as she sliced through her beef. "Are you sure this is dead?"

"It's a good Oz breakfast. Full of protein and iron. And by the look of you two skinny bitches you need it."

Neither of them really complained as they shoveled in steak, mushrooms, onion and fried eggs washed down with some glasses of very smooth red wine.

With the food finished Zabi sat back in her chair, a content smile on her face.

"Thank you for a wonderful day Jinn. I think I can speak for both of us that we are glad you turned up."

Again Alex detected a tiny hint of envy flicker across Jinn's face. "No problem." She replied. "It's nice to see you two so happy together."

"Are you happy with Dominic?" Zabi asked out of the blue.

The room went quiet as Jinn remained silent. Staring at her wine whilst she swirled the red liquid.

"I love him." She replied quietly.

"And you're envious of us because he doesn't show it." Zabi stated softly.

The wine vanished in one gulp.

"I know he likes me, but now and then I just wish he would be a little more affectionate. I see how loving you two are together and it reminds me of what I don't have."

"Jinn." Zabi said firmly. "After Alex you are my closest friend and I think I can tell you something you may not know. Dominic is attracted to you because unlike everyone else, he can't tell what you are thinking. He finds that absolutely fascinating which is why he is devoted to you. Has he ever asked if you want him to anything?"

Jinn nodded looking a little shocked.

"Exactly." Zabi emphasised. "He is asking because he doesn't know what you want from him. He maybe be a genius, but with emotions he is a child. You need to tell him just how you feel so he understands."

Not knowing what to say and feeling slightly guilty that she had assumed that Jinn was actually in love with Zabi, Alex remained silent. Watching various emotions play across Jinn's face.

Shock turned to sadness then drifted in to thoughtfulness and then in to realisation.

"Gods I've been so blind." She exclaimed. "So many times he has asked me if there was anything I wanted him to do for me. Until now I just assumed it was related to the club."

Jinn stood suddenly. "I need to make a phone call." And like a whirlwind she flew from the room.

"Wow." Alex commented. "That wasn't what I was expecting."

A knowing smile split Zabi's face as she reached out and took hold of her hand. "I know baby, you thought Jinn was in love with me and you weren't sure if you should mention it or not."

"How did you know that?" Alex asked gaping.

"I may not have Dominic's talents, but I can read you like a book. Don't forget, I knew what you wanted from me before you did."

"You know Zabina Vitelli, I am so lucky to have you."

"And I you Alexandria Rowe." She replied seriously.


When Jinn had returned she was beaming from ear to ear. Whatever had transpired between her and Dominic had indeed made her quiet happy.

Another bottle of wine was opened and the three of them remained seated around the table chatting until Zabi suggested playing a board game.

After some discussion Jinn decided they would play Trivial Pursuits Movie version, as Alex refused to play any quiz related to music with Zabi.

The board was set up and everyone chose a colour to play.

"Okay the player to you right asked the questions and for every wedge question correct the player to your left loses an item of clothing." Zabi announced as she shuffled the question cards.

Alex shrugged, she had been practically naked for most of the day in front of Jinn and had nothing to hide. Plus the wine had eased away nearly all of her inhibitions. She was slightly surprised to see Jinn blush a little though.

Alex rolled the dice fist and got the first question off Jinn.

"After all, tomorrow is another day! Was the last line in which Oscar-winning Best Picture?"

"Gone with the wind." Alex replied rapidly.


As the game wore on it became clear that Zabi was a closet movie buff and Jinn was sat in her underwear. Alex had lost her jeans and Zabi, who was typically not wearing a bra, was down to a shirt and thong.

"Whose turn is it to get more wine?" Zabi asked slightly tipsy.

"That would be you." Alex told her. More for the reason that she could watch her nearly bare backside cross the room than it actually being her turn.

"Again." She pouted and shrieked as Alex spanked her bottom as she passed.

"Zabi told me you want to learn how to surf again." Jinn said her accent slipping more towards Australian as the alcohol took effect. "She also told me that you got banged up pretty badly and that's why you stopped."

"Yep." Alex said as she showed the scar on her thigh to Jinn. "I got bashed in to a hidden rock whilst I was being stupid."

Jinn whistled as she followed the line of the scar. "That's a real beauty. Well any time you want to hit the beach let me know, I was an instructor on Venice for a few years so I can sort you out no problem."

"Are you two comparing scars now?" Zabi shouted as she appeared from the basement a bottle clasped in each hand. "I brought two up, thought it would save another journey."

With their glasses were filled once more. Zabi announced she was bored and they should do something different.

Feeling more than a little drunk and quiet brave Alex suggested dare games.

"Good idea." Zabi agreed eagerly. "I dare you to swim the length of the pool naked."

It wasn't the first time since their relationship had started Alex wished she had kept her thoughts to herself.

Sighing she stripped off her remaining clothes and opened the door to the pool area. A cool breeze wafted across her skin raising goose bumps and making her inhale sharply. The tiles under her feet had retained a little of the daytime warmth and were quiet pleasant to walk on. There were no houses for miles around and she wasn't worried about being seen by anyone, but the sensation of the dare was quiet arousing and by the time she reached the far end of the pool she could feel herself warming to the thrill of it.

Zabi and Jinn were watching framed by the doorway.

Alex wiggled her ass at them cheekily then performed a smooth swan dive in to the pool.

The water was icy cold on her warm skin and her breath was snatched away briefly. The feeling of the cold water washing over her exposed breasts and mound brought back the memories of the skinny dip back at the lake and her stomach did its customary backflip in response to the memory of being left naked and far from home. Once again she made a silent vow to be more adventurous with Zabi.

Her naked body cut easily through the water, covering the majority of the length under water then she kicked off the bottom and broached out of the water and lifted herself on to the poolside effortlessly. When she regained her feet she completed a dainty curtsey to her audience.

Zabi squealed with delight. "I have never seen your nipples stick out that far. I think you enjoyed that far more than you let on."

"Maybe." She replied teeth chattering. "But right now I would be very grateful for a towel."

Back inside and wrapped in a large white fluffy towel Alex contemplated just how much she had enjoyed the last two days. Zabi had been totally correct in the fact that she did get a massive thrill out of being left without clothing, even thinking about it now was arousing her further and carefully so the others wouldn't notice she slipped her hand down inside the towel to touch the wetness between her legs.

Blood rushed to her head making her feel a little dizzy and before she got carried away she removed her hand and settled for another glass of wine.

"Someone's turn to dare me." Zabi announced.

Alex's head swam as she tried to focus through the haze of arousal and alcohol. She desperately wanted to come up with something that would arouse Zabi as much as the swim did for herself. She knew Zabi loved being tormented.

"I dare you to put one of those steel vibrators inside yourself and set the program to random for ten minutes." She heard herself say.

"Now that sounds like my kind of dare." Zabi said smiling widely. "Would you go and get one for me Jinn?"

When Jinn left the room Zabi leaned over and kissed Alex on the cheek. "Thank you Alex. I can tell you're really trying hard for me."

"I just want to make you feel like you make me feel Zabi." Alex confessed. "And I am so damn hot for you right now I could burst."

"Well let's see if I can catch you up." Zabi replied as Jinn returned.

Alex watched intently as the steel toy disappeared below the table. Then listened as Zabi let out a shallow breath. The odd expression of contentment that Alex knew meant she was being her submissive self, slipped across her face. Then she nodded and pressed the start button as Jinn started a timer.

"Nothing yet." Zabi said then went rigid. Her hands grabbed the table top as she threw her head back gritting her teeth.

A long low moan uttered from her mouth.

Alex cast a concerned glance towards Jinn seeking confirmation that Zabi wasn't in pain.

Jinn mouthed the words 'Don't worry' to her.

Feeling a little happier that Jinn was watching to ensure that no harm came to Zabi, Alex took another sip of wine.

Zabi took a short breath and her shoulders slumped as she relaxed once more.

"Crap. How much longer?" She managed to gasp.

"About seven minutes." Jinn replied.

"There's a chance I may not last the long." She managed to pant before going rigid once more.

Alex found herself holding her breath wondering exactly what Zabi was going through.

"How long now Jinn?" Alex asked as Zabi began panting like she was in labour.

"Five minutes."

Zabi shook her head and withdrew the vibrator. She looked up at Alex her eyes watering. "Sorry baby I couldn't hold on any longer. It was a lot higher than anything we felt earlier."

Alex just settled for reaching out and half dragging Zabi over to sit on her lap, then wrapping the towel around both of them she kissed her on the shoulder.

"I think you lasted a lot longer than I would have."

Zabi took a gulp of wine her hands still shaking. "Okay Jinn's turn." She said.

"Actually I'm going to bow out." Jinn announced. "I think you two need some rest, you both look exhausted."

"Oh no. You don't escape that easily." Zabi said wickedly. "I dare you to sit on that chair and let us rub oil on to you."

A fleeting look of desire crossed with relief cross Jinn's face as she finally nodded in agreement.

Zabi stood up and swished out of the room returning in a few moments with some cuffs and a bottle of oil.

"First off we need to ensure you remain seated." She said holding up the cuffs. "If you would be kind enough to attach these around the chair and yourself."

Sighing Jinn agreed. "I knew there had to be a catch." As she cuffed herself to the chair.

"Now we just need to apply the oil." She said as she poured oil straight from the bottle in to Jinn's panties and bra.

"I thought you were going to rub it in?" Jinn asked confused. Then a look of concern crossed her face. "What did you do Zabi?"

A fit of laughter burst from Zabi as she held up the bottle of oil.

It was chilli oil for cooking with.

Jinn's face immediately reddened as she began to squirm on the chair. "You little minx. I am so going to spank you when I get hold of you."

"You look a little warm there Jinn darling." Zabi said trying not to wet herself with laughter.

Alex could do nothing but stare. She had assumed Jinn would be angry at the prank but she actually seemed to be enjoying it and she began to moan as the chilli infused oil began to heat up her delicate parts.

She was restrained for less than a minute when Zabi undid the cuffs. "You may want to have a quick swim before bed." She said still giggling.

Jinn practically torn her underwear off before running outside and jumping in to the cool water with a shriek.

"Was that dangerous?" Alex asked.

"No." Zabi replied still laughing. "Trust me, she did it to me once. We were at a cousins wedding and she poured some chilli dipping sauce down the back of my panties half way through the speeches. I had to sit there for nearly fifteen minutes with my ass on fire while she giggled away."

Try as she might Alex couldn't help but smile at the thought of Zabi squirming in her seat the way Jinn had been doing. Her inner fires began to rise once more.

"Do you fancy another quick swim before we go to bed?" Alex asked coyly.


It was nearly lunchtime when they awoke. It had been a torrid night of love making again when they had finally got to bed.

Zabi volunteered to make coffee while Alex took a shower.

Letting the warm water wash over her Alex again brought the mental picture of Zabi in the throes of ecstasy mixing in with the mental image she had of her at the wedding squirming in her chair.

She decided she was going to experiment with an idea of re visiting the restaurant where they had first met. Zabi would be dressed exactly the same with the chastity belt under her leather coat. The only difference was that this time Alex would have a remote control to the vibrator inside her.

She exited the shower feeling very happy and quiet horny again. Zabi was stood in the middle of the bedroom holding a piece of paper.

"Well Jinn has left a note." Zabi informed. "She's gone back home."

"That's okay. We can spend some time alone then." Alex replied smiling.

A look that was somewhere between excitement and trepidation crossed Zabi's face. "She has taken our clothes with her."

Alex's breath caught in her throat as she felt herself go light headed again.

"I guess it's going to be an interesting drive back then." She replied grinning.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 1 year ago

Girls ..... Giggle ...... But what is strip poker, same same but different or ........ But driving home naked in the us may can cause a reallly trouble, because cops are not tending to be funny guys ...... They are the law with an iron fist ....... 🙄


MarieKNMarieKNalmost 6 years ago
5 stars

Such great sexy FUN!

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicover 6 years ago
One hell of an imagination!

Oh, the kinky things that spring from your mind. I agree with Maonaigh, let's see what you can do to top this. Oh, and where can I get one of those steaks?

MaonaighMaonaighover 6 years ago
Lively imagination

I'm only surprised that Jinn didn't have the girls juggling with funnel web spiders. I thought her very robust Aussie sense of humour couldn't be topped until Zabi used the chilli oil. Ouch! You've got a lively imagination, TM, and you write it up very well indeed---I finish each chapter thinking "Top that!" and you always seem able to do so. So what does Chapter 6 hold in store for your public? We shall see...

stroudlestroudleover 6 years ago
5 stars

Im loving this series. So well written . im truly enjoying reading what Alex and Zabi get up to , with the help of naughty Jinn. Nice to read a different take on the dom/sub dynamic in a relationship. Thank you for sharing.

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