A Tale of Two Switches Ch. 09


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"Feeling better?"

A slight tremor ran the length of Alex's legs then up her spine. If they went out like this she would be completely in the hands of Zabina. Her heart thumped against her ribcage as her breathing rate began to increase.

Zabina's hand played over her thigh bringing more tremors.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Zabina asked seriously.

Alex nodded not daring to speak.

"Any time you feel uncomfortable or scared just say so and we stop."

Unable to tear her gaze from the helpless woman in the mirror Alex nodded again.

"One last thing." Zabina told her as she lifted a long leather coat on to her shoulders. "I know you love the feel of mine so I thought you may like your own."

Alex looked at the coat. It was made from very supple smooth leather with a deep red lining. It was cut to suit her figure and slightly gathered at the waist, it stretched down to mid-calf, and it was beautiful. With it draped over her shoulders it looked as though she was just standing with her arms by her sides.

"You look perfect Alex." Zabi said as she did up the top button to hold the coat in place.


One of the Ascension Club limos carried them from the apartment to a run of bars just at one end of the Strip. As she had when they got in, Zabi aided Alex out of the black car, smoothing the coat down as she stood.

"I think we need to have a drink before we do anything." Zabi told her as she placed a hand firmly on the hidden bar at Alex's back. Gently she guided Alex towards a quiet looking establishment where she ordered two glasses of red wine before steering Alex towards an alcove set in one side.

As they waited for their drinks to be brought over Zabina positioned the coat so it splayed out across the seat to show off Alex's legs, ensuring her hands came in to contact with skin as often as possible.

After the waitress had delivered their drinks, Zabi slipped a short straw in one of the glasses and offered it to Alex, who drank deeply. Sipping from her own glass Zabina gave Alex's thigh a squeeze.

"I thought we could one drink here then move on." Zabi told her, and Alex nodded in agreement. "Have I ever told you that when you're helpless you look so adorable?"

Alex began to turn as red as the underwear that showed faintly through the dress.

"It's true, your eyes go really wide and doe like. It's so cute. I can't wait to see how you look when I begin to undress you."

Her breath caught in her throat. She knew that this was the plan all along, but to hear the words from Zabi's mouth added a finality to the situation. Especially as there was very little she could do to stop it happening. All she could hope for was that Zabi would do it discreetly and no one would notice. Even though she wanted to be stripped in a public place while she was powerless to prevent it. It didn't mean she wanted the world to see it happen. There had been stories she had read where the woman in question had ended up nude and been fairly matter of fact about it. But the ones that had interested Alex the most, were the ones where the woman just managed to escape being seen by anyone. The higher the risk the more stimulating it felt.

A smile danced across Zabi's lips. "Oh wow, the way you looked then was just so divine. I think I'm going to enjoy this." She teased. "Let's just move on somewhere a little darker."

Taking a deep breath Alex nodded once more.


The next bar Zabina guided her to was dark and fairly busy. Alex felt herself guided towards a vacant table by an ever present hand on the restraint bar across her behind.

"I should have had this made to sit a little higher." Zabi told her, giving the restraint a little tug. "It's getting in the way of me grabbing your arse."

Alex coloured again fearful that someone may hear and realise what was going on. Even when they had been running through the woods naked, she hadn't felt this vulnerable. Her breathing stepped up a notch again as panic began to rise in her chest. All it would take would be for someone to brush against her and feel the solid metal holding her arms in place to realise something was amiss. For a moment she was tempted to use her safe word and they could return to the safety of the apartment. Then she felt a firm hand on her arm that turned her around.

Zabi's arms slipped around her, pulling her close in a tight embrace as their lips pressed together. The kiss seemed to go on for eternity, and Alex felt all her fears wash away in the passion of that one clinch.

Then she felt something else.

Zabi's hands had slipped under her coat and slowly crept up her back to the zipper of her dress. There was a momentary slackness as the zip inched downwards.

Fearing she was about to lose her dress she leant against Zabi's body unable to prevent anything with her hands or say anything as Zabi kept their lips pressed together.

The zipper stopped moving.

For a brief second Alex breathed again thinking Zabi had changed her mind. Then she felt fingers pluck at the fastener of her bra and she felt the item of clothing go slack.

Try as she might she couldn't move forwards or backwards to stop the sneaky fingers that slowly drew the bra out from under her dress.

Alex's head spun. She briefly saw a flash of red as the item of underwear vanished in to Zabi's pocket.

"Shush." Zabi instructed as they broke away from each other. She placed a finger on Alex's lips, whilst a free hand pulled the zipper back up.

"Oh look, doe eyes again." Zabina teased.

Alex's mind tried to readjust to her situation. The sudden removal of her bra had caused far more of a shock than she expected. She was only just keeping her breathing in check and to make matters worse, her body decided it was time to remind her that it was getting excited as she felt a warm feeling growing between her legs. She could also feel her nipples harden against the thin fabric of her dress as the sudden loss of support made them shift in time with her laboured breathing.

"You know." Zabi told her. "I think this place is a little busy, let's move on."

With her mind still reeling, Alex let herself be guided from the bar and out on to the street. A gentle squeeze on her behind brought her mind back to the present.

"You holding up okay?" Zabi asked.

She gave a slight nod to confirm she was. In reality she was struggling to focus enough to open her mouth.

"Hold up." Zabi told her, as she pulled her to one side.

Alex saw the flash of red again as her bra disappeared in to a trash can.

"We won't need that again." Zabi said with a wink.

Alex felt her heart begin its rock and roll beat again as she realised this was going to be a one way journey.

Walking around with no bra wasn't an unusual past time for Alex, truth be told they went out commando most weekend nights, but for some reason this felt totally different. Alex wasn't sure if it was the restraint and the way she was powerless to stop what was going to happen, or if it was just the anticipation of what she knew was inevitable. Either way every step she made reminded her of the situation as her sensitive nipples rubbed against the thin material of the dress.

Her mind drifted back to reality as Zabina steered her towards the next stop, a flashy looking club which broadcast loud bass driven dance music. A queue of people stood by the door waiting to get in, divulging how popular the place was.

Zabina guided Alex straight towards the door and flashed the doorman a smile as they breezed straight in. The doorman giving them a polite nod as they did so.

"Sometimes being related to Dominic has its perks." Zabi said with a wink.

The inside of the club was packed and even darker than the previous one, the music was deafening and pounded with a popular dance beat. Fear began to rise in Alex's chest once again as they moved through the crowds. Her breathing became ragged as the fear blended with the arousal she was feeling.

A hand brushed against the curve of her behind and she stiffened, thinking her worst fears were about to come true. Then the hand gave a light squeeze as Zabi kissed her on the neck.

"Relax." Zabi shouted over the noise of the music.

They threaded their way through the crowd of people towards the dance floor. Alex was deeply grateful that Zabi had buttoned the top of the coat otherwise it could have easily slipped off and revealed how helpless she actually was.

With a final squash they found a small spot on the dance floor. And something else keened the edge of Alex's fears.

She was a hopeless dancer.

"Just let me guide you." Zabina assured her as she placed her hands on Alex's hips and began to move them in time to the music.

Alex had never felt so conspicuous. She was wearing a long black coat in the middle of a crowd of people who were wearing far less. Her arms were pinned to her side. And she couldn't dance.

Zabina on the other hand swayed and gyrated like a professional, although this just make Alex feel even more ungainly. She wasn't sure is Zabi sensed her discomfort, or was just getting carried away by the music, but abruptly Alex felt the closeness of Zabina's body as the dark animal that her lover was turning in to, began to rub herself against Alex like an oversexed pole dancer with Alex as the pole.

Fairly rooted to the spot Alex resigned herself to occasionally moving her feet as hands skittered all over her body, one moment squeezing her behind then running up and giving a breast a firm caress.

A strobe flickered to life, turning everything in to a stop motion film. Alex felt Zabina's hands ride up and down her hips and thighs briefly coming in to contact with bare skin on every pass.

Bare skin that was higher up each time.

An arm pulled at her as she experienced a groping hand sliding her dress higher and higher.

Unlike when her bra had gone, Alex was fully aware of what Zabi's intention was. There was nothing she could do about it and the shock wasn't as bad, but this was offset by the anticipation of knowing it was going to happen. She wasn't really sure what was worse, or better.

Slowly and surely she felt her panties begin their journey downwards, as Zabina used the action of smoothing Alex's dress back down to aid the flimsy item of clothing on until gravity lent a hand and her underwear dropped past her thighs and down her legs.

Alex was almost sure she saw something tiny and red vanish in to the jungle of feet as Zabina drew her in for a long hard kiss then lead her off the dancefloor.

They made their way back out on to the street that bustled with energetic nightlife. As the cool night air brushed against the skin of Alex's upper thighs she was momentarily transported back to the first night with Zabina. She had walked down a similar street then with a thin dress and no underwear. Although then she was nowhere near as aroused as she was now.

The bar that held her wrists in place rubbed against the material of the dress, which in turn rubbed against the bare skin of her behind. The slight bounce that the extra inch of heel gave her made her prominent nipples continually chafe against the thin dress. This was turning in to an adventure unlike anything she had experienced before.

A slight pull on the bar halted her in her tracks, and Zabi placed another firm kiss on her mouth. The pink tongue that had brought her to climax so many times slipped in to her mouth.

"Not as doe eyed that time." Zabi told her with a slight pout. "But we are still learning." She added. Then as an afterthought she undid the buttons of the coat pushing the lapels back slightly.

Alex glanced down with a slight intake of breath. Her breasts were now uncovered and the dark rings of her nipples showed clearly through the white dress, her nipples pointing outwards betraying her state of stimulation. In addition to that, the coat was now only covering her hidden manacles by the weight of it on her shoulders. The slightest resistance would remove it entirely.

She moaned quietly.

"There we go. Back to doe eyes again." Zabi beamed at her.

Alex wasn't quite sure who was getting the bigger kick out of this night. Herself or Zabina.

With Zabi's arm protectively around her shoulders, which was conveniently holding the coat in place, they crossed the street to another club. As before they skipped past the queue and straight in as Zabina threw the doorman a smile and a wink.

This venue was larger, closer in size to the Paradiso section of the Ascension and had a similar layout with a dancefloor overlooked by a balcony lined with alcoves.

They found their way to an empty alcove via one of the bars and once safely seated Alex relaxed a little, letting the tension of the last few hours drain away.

"How are you doing?" Zabi asked as she allowed Alex a drink from a bottle.

"A little flustered, but doing ok." Alex replied.

"That good then." Zabi said flashing her teeth in a wide smile. Slowly her reach her hand over and traced a circle around a pert nipple causing Alex to jump.

"You're very sensitive." She remarked. "You look a little warm babe, are you warm?"

Alex nodded, although she wasn't sure if the warmth she was feeling was down to the air in the club or the internal heat her body was generating.

Zabina slipped closer running her finger up Alex neck. "Have I told you that you are gorgeous?"

Before Alex could respond Zabi's lips found their way to hers once more and their tongues entwined. Without breaking away Zabina eased her leg over Alex's until she was sat on her lap, her legs straddling Alex's. Their kisses became more passionate as Zabi pushed the coat off Alex's shoulders, causing her to arch her back.

"No one can see." Zabina reassured her before landing another kiss that began on the lips and worked its way down her throat.

Alex flinched as fingers touched the zipper of her dress once more.

"Now shall I unwrap these beautiful gifts?" Zabi teased as she flicked at a nipple.

Gradually but deliberately the zip inched downwards. Every millimetre raised Alex's arousal further. She knew no one could see anything as Zabina's body blocked the view, but knowing that any second the top half of her dress was going to fall away was charging her system with adrenaline.

The zipper made it all the way to the bottom, the only thing that was holding the dress in place now was Zabina's body pressed up against hers. Her breathing was now coming in such short pants, she began to see spots as she hyperventilated.

"Shush." Zabina said again. "Slowly."

Alex tried to listen and bring some control to her body. Then she felt Zabina move slightly and with that movement her nipples came in to contact with Zabi's jacket.

A spasm shot outwards through her body as a small orgasm went off like a firework.

Hands caressed her breasts pushing back against the bench she was sat on. The second her bare back come in to contact with the leather of the seat she convulsed again this time letting out a yelp.

The wandering hands continued down from her breasts and across her stomach pushing the dress down further. Every inch of flesh uncovered brought on another mini orgasm.

At this point Alex didn't care of anyone could see what was happening in the alcove. All she knew was Zabina was gradually removing her dress, the last item she had to cover her body and there was nothing she could do about it. That thought alone carried her further off the edge of the wave she was riding. She was semi aware of Zabina standing up then a jolt as her dress slithered under her behind and off her legs. The sensation was so erotic Alex wasn't sure what happened next, but it was possible the entire universe may have turned inside out.

The only thing she could focus on was the fact that she was now naked. And restrained. In a nightclub somewhere on the Strip.

She was dimly aware of Zabina returning to her former position straddling her lap and holding on to her tightly as the wave she had been riding turned in to something that resembled a tsunami.

Very slowly things came back in to focus and she could feel the leather of the seat against her skin. She looked up in to Zabi's eyes.

"Thought I'd lost you for good back there." Zabi told her grinning. "I think we better cover you up a little."

Tenderly Zabina pulled Alex's coat back up over her shoulders and fastened a couple of buttons.

"There all decent again."

"What happens now?" Alex managed to ask.

A slight look of confusion crossed Zabi's face. "We move on. The night is still young, and there are plenty move bars to visit."

Alex felt the ember of arouse begin to flare up again.

When she was able to stand Zabina did a double check on how well the coat covered her nakedness. She fastened another two buttons then changes her mind and undid one. Finally satisfied she wrapped her arm around Alex's waist and escorted her towards the stairs.

"What happened to my dress?" Alex asked quietly.

Stopping Zabina withdrew the crumpled white garment from under her jacket. "This dress?"

Alex licked her lips half wanting Zabina to dress her again.

"Oops." Zabina said as the dress fluttered over the balcony and in to the crowd of dancers below. "No going back now. Unless you want to go and get it?"

Even over the noise of the music Alex could hear the chorus of cheers from below and the realisation that she only had the coat left washed over her.

"I think we may want to leave the area rapidamente."

Alex nodded as the tingle began to grow.

As they returned to the street, Alex had to pause for a moment. The slight breeze found its way through every tiny gap in the coat and the movement of air around her naked body just stimulated her further still. She remembered how it felt in the woods, where, whenever things brushed against her skin excited her. Now in the city, surrounded by hundreds of people and unable to even consider covering herself the sensation was magnified a thousand times. And to make matters worse she now had the coat on that constantly brushed her skin to remind her just how naked she was.

She took a breath. Then a step forward. Then Zabi's hand found its way to the restraint bar which pressed against her bare bottom.

Alex let out a slight shriek.

"Jumpy aren't we" Zabina teased. "Let's go in here, it's closer."

There were no alcoves in the bar they wandered in to so Zabina settled for taking Alex over to a quiet corner that was partially hidden in shadows and held a high table.

"Do you feel up to waiting here while I get us drinks?" Zabina asked.

Nervous eyes glanced from where they were stood to the bar a few meters away. Alex nodded, her mouth clamped shut.

Zabi gave her a quick kiss then moved towards the bar.

The second she was alone Alex regretted the decision. Her heartrate climbed rapidly and she began to over oxygenate once more. Everyone she looked at was a potential predator, and she felt more vulnerable then she had ever been before.

A pair of eyes locked on to her own.

A young man across the room was staring at her.

Alex tried to move behind the table, her legs turning to jelly.

Zabina reappeared and Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

Placing two drinks down Zabi looked at Alex trying to hide behind the table. "Oh now we have very big doe eyes." She said appreciatively.

Alex leaned forwards and kissed Zabina ravenously. Never had she been so grateful to see her.

"Wow that was unexpected. It's not even a good label." She replied indicating the glasses of wine.

"Sorry there's a guy over there staring at me. It freaked me out a little."

Zabina's head snapped around but there was no one staring.