A Tale of Two Switches Ch. 10


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"Zabi... Hadn't we better get moving if we're going to make the opening?" Alex asked.

"Shifezza." Zabi cursed. "I hadn't realised the time." Then she turned to Davina. "How would you like to join us for the opening of my brother's new venue?"

"I'm not sure it would be my kind of thing." Davina began to say.

"No I insist." Zabina interrupted. "We were just beginning to get on so well, and it will be VIP treatment all the way."

Feeling a little browbeaten Davina managed to nod. She wondered how Alex managed to keep up with the energetic Sicilian as they were bustled back out of the club.


The Tempest club had been designed with a very specific purpose in mind. For guests to indulge in certain fantasies. To fulfil that specific purpose away from the circular dance floor, there were plenty of dark alcoves and areas where artificial plants had been arranged to create private zones. Lighting was provided by clever LEDs that flickered like candle light casting more shadows.

All this of course was lost on Davina, as she had no idea about the specific purpose of the Tempest. To her it was just another dimly lit nightclub, just without loud music and there were less people. The delicate silver bangle that was presented to her was something new, and she had slipped it on without any real thought.

They were then greeted by Zabina's brother, Dominic, who was quiet, charming and refined, totally the opposite to Zabina really. And his partner Jinn, an Australian woman who could easily have been Kjersten's elder, more muscular sister.

Glasses of complementary champagne had been handed out as they entered the main section of the club and small groups of people in various forms of attire drifted around exploring the maze like interior.

Once again Davina felt totally out of place as the guests were mainly dressed in evening wear. To her it looked more like an Oscars party than the opening of a night club.

There had been a few moments of silence where Dominic had taken centre stage to announce to opening then the main lights had dimmed and music began playing.

"That's good." Zabina half shouted over the sudden noise. "He went with your idea of Nightwish."

Davina hadn't got a clue what Zabi was talking about, but assumed it was something to do with the choice of music which seem to be a mixture of hard rock and opera.

"Time to loose ourselves." Zabi announced.

"Midsummer Night's Dream?" Alex suggested with a half-smile and a dreamy look on her face.

Zabi thought for a second or two then nodded. "Perfect." She replied as she grabbed Davina's hand.

Davina shrieked a little as she was half dragged away and cajoled past groups of dignitaries and business persons. Most of which Zabi and Alex either ignored or shied away from, until they passed through an archway made from artificial greenery and entered a very comfortable area surrounded on three sides by panels that looked like willow weave. A statue of a topless woman holding an urn that trickled water in to a small indoor pond. The feature was surrounded by more artificial plants giving the area a garden feel.

"Finally." Zabina said as she fell rather than sat on a comfortable looking sofa. "The worst part of these things is avoiding the people you don't want to speak to."

"This is really different." Davina commented as she dwelled on what she had seen so far. "I haven't seen a night club that looked like this before. The design is unique."

"Thank you." Alex and Zabina replied in unison.

"We both designed it. The lay out is just how we wanted it to be." Alex explained. "Which is how we know all the best places." She indicated the secluded area.

Having not been involved in the modern nightlife scene for a while, Davina had to admit she was very impressed by how the club felt. It was like being out in a park while having music echo all around. But at the same time the partitions and greenery dampened the music so it wasn't deafening.

"Okay, who's for another drink?" Zabi asked.

Alex nodded eagerly. "Margarita time."

A wide grin split Zabina's face. "Awesome idea. Davina, Margaritas?"

"Erm... yes I guess so." Davina replied feeling a little out of her depth again. Then her eyebrows raised as she watched Zabina pass a bangle similar to her own, only in gold over a small touch screen monitor set in to one of the couch. The screen popped in to life and Zabi tapped on it a few times.

"Drinks ordered." Zabina announced. "Are you impressed so far Davina?"

"I have to admit, it is a while since I've been in a nightclub, but this is quite something else." Davina admitted.

Alex gave a slight laugh. "You ought to come to LA and visit the Ascension, it makes this place look a little tame."

A petite waitress stepped in to the secluded area, and Davina's eyebrows shot up again to see she was wearing a very figure hugging dress made from a dark material that was entirely sheer. The girl's modesty was provided by cleverly placed non see through patches of black material cut to resemble clumps of Ivy. Smiling politely, the waitress placed a large jug of iced cocktail and glasses on a table then filled each glass. A slight bob and the waitress turned and left.

"Wow. That was unexpected. And more than slightly sexist" Davina managed to say.

Zabina laughed out loud. "You think that's sexist, you ought to see what the waiters wear. I think the girls get it fairly easy."

"But you're still taking advantage of them as serving staff." Davina said still frowning.

Alex smiled to herself. She had followed a very similar train of thought when she had first seen the staff at the Ascension. "They get paid around four times what they would earn doing the same job in any other club. Dominic values his staff greatly, and offers a very good employment package. You would be surprised at the number of grad students that come to work for him to pay their way through college. Plus, they get excellent health and dental insurance."

Once more Davina did a quick rethink of her surroundings. "But aren't they open to abuse off the customers?"

"Not at all." Zabina butted in. "Every single member of staff is issued with a panic alarm built in to their identity bracelet." She indicated the silver bangle at Davina's wrist. "And they all have body cam's discreetly wired in to their outfits. Any transgression of house rules is met with swift and fairly just retribution."

There was a pause as Zabina let the information sink in.

"Don't put us in the same category as those locusts out there, we started out with nothing and have worked hard to get where we are. Dominic is a great believer in extracting money from rich people and passing it on to those who need it more. This is his second club and third restaurant, for every venue he opens he starts two homeless shelters or medical drop in centres. We also fund scholarship programmes for two different Universities in LA and are in the process of starting another here in Chicago."

Feeling a little guilty for jumping to conclusions about the women and Dominic, Davina blushed slightly. Then an idea popped in to her mind. "I'm in Chicago trying to help out a friend of a friend who was taken advantage of when her visa ran out. Do you think you could pull a few strings to help her out?"

Zabina smiled, stepped in close and wrapped her arms around the slightly older woman.

"It would be my pleasure, give me your number and we will talk tomorrow and sort something out."

A sense of relief swept over Davina as they exchanged numbers, at least now with that worry off her mind she would be home sooner than originally thought and she could relax a little.

A large glass of iced cocktail was pressed in to her hand as Alex said "A toast to new friends."

"New friends." Zabina and Davina echoed.

As the night wore on, more Margaritas flowed and Davina felt herself relaxing in the company of the slightly exuberant pair of women. Then, as nature took its course, she needed to use the bathroom.

Zabi passed on a few directions and she set off leaving them slow dancing in each other's arms. She rounded a corner and nearly collided with a well-muscled waiter wearing a bowtie and a bulging codpiece.

The waiter smiled pleasantly and nodded as he side stepped and continued his journey. Davina couldn't help but check out his firm behind as he rounded another corner.

"Get a grip Davina." She admonished herself. "You're married with two kids."

After finally finding the bathroom Davina retraced her steps back to the faux garden are where she had left Zabina and Alex. The sight that welcomed her wasn't what she expected and she stopped dead in her tracks.

The two women were sat on the couch, lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. But that wasn't the surprising thing about the scene.

The zipper to Alex's dress was undone to her navel and Zabina's right hand was softly caressing a round golden breast. An action that Alex was clearly enjoying.

Unsure as what she should do, Davina remained rooted to the spot, knowing that she should either walk away and give them some privacy, or at the least announce her return. But the longer she hesitated, the guiltier she felt for watching. Which in turn made her even more unsure what to do.

The smouldering flame that had been flickering inside her began to burn a little brighter.

The women's lips parted, each one panting slightly.

Davina opened her mouth to let them know she had returned, but no sound came out apart from a little gasp as she witnessed Zabina tug the zipper lower. The couple on the couch gazed in to each other's eyes, each totally rapt in the other, but all Davina could look at was the silvery metal zipper inching further and further downwards, and Alex's breathing becoming more pronounced the closer it got to its ultimate destination.

Over the muted noise of distant music Davina clearly heard a soft moan as the material of the dress parted and fell away from the toned body. Although she wasn't sure if it came from Alex or herself as she felt her own body reacting to the obvious pleasure Alex was receiving.

'This is just so wrong. You're not a voyeur.' Davina told herself as she felt warmth growing in her loins and her own nipples harden at the sight of Alex's very pointed nubs. But she still found herself unable to turn away.

Zabina placed her right leg in between Alex's long smooth thighs and eased them apart, giving Davina a perfect view of her shaven, wet entrance.

This exposure was completely alien to Davina, she was sure that if had been her on the couch, she would be trying to cover up as much as possible, then she realised that Alex's arms were pinned behind her, and she was actually trying weakly to move them.

Davina's memory flicked back to the times her husband her wrapped soft rope around her wrists to leave her helpless as he pleased her. What was happening to Alex was exactly the same. Her arms were obviously restrained behind her, and with Zabina's leg forcing hers apart there was no way the blonde woman could cover up. Although judging by the expression of sheer enjoyment on her face, Davina didn't think she wanted to.

Zabina's hands danced across the smooth flesh of the helpless woman. Stroking the skin of her belly then moving upwards to circle one of her breasts, and occasionally tweak a nipple. Every run up and down brought Zabina's wandering fingers closer and closer to her pelvic region and Alex was trying hard to shift her position to move under those fingers. But no matter what Alex did, the teasing fingers stayed clear of the area Alex wanted to feel touched.

There was a pause in the touching as Zabina lifted a glass of iced Margarita to her own lips and took a dainty sip. The glass was then placed to Alex's mouth so she could taste the chilled liquid.

A single drop on condensation dripped off the bottom of the glass and landed on the bare skin of Alex's chest. The semi-nude woman arched her back as the cold drip made its way down between her breasts.

The glass was returned to the side table, and Zabina's fingers dipped in to the drink and retrieved a single cube of ice that she placed in her mouth. The raven haired head dipped down and Zabina placed her lips around a pert brown nipple.

The gasp that sounded in the secluded corner definitely came from Alex, as Davina assumed the ice in Zabi's mouth came in to contact with the sensitive nub at the tip of Alex's breast.

The raven head bobbed back up again, but the gasps continued as the cube of ice remained perched where Zabi had placed it.

Time froze for a few seconds, then under the duress of Alex's laboured breathing and the precariousness of its location, the ice cube slipped off its perch. As it slid down warm skin, a low moan began deep in Alex's chest.

Davina watched enthralled as the ice made its way further down the semi prone body, pausing momentarily in Alex's navel, but encouraged on its journey by the movement in Alex's body as she began her own journey towards climax.

The three of them knew exactly where the ice cube would end its break for freedom. Alex could feel it inexorably slipping nearer and nearer to her hot wet sex. And Zabina and Davina watched in rapt fascination of the inevitably of the situation.

Zabina moved her leg subtly, then as the ice cube crested Alex's opening, she pulled the desperate woman's legs together, sealing the ice cube's, and Alex's fate.

If Davina had taken that moment to arrive back she would have sworn that the poor girl was in the middle of some kind of fit, as shudders ran the length of the Alex's body and her back arched then relaxed then arched once more.

Thinking back to her 'adventurous' days Davina tried to remember if she had ever been in in that much climatic pleasure, but she was fairly sure if she was, it hadn't continued for as long as this. The thought made her feel a little envious.

With the climax breaking the spell holding Davina in place, she slowly backed away from the quiet corner and stood out of sight for a while. Her nipples were actually aching in sympathy and the warmth that had begun in her loins had spread much further. Davina was sure her underwear was going to be fairly damp.

Taking a few deep breaths to steady her shaking hands, Davina fixed her face in to what she hoped was a casual smile and walked slowly back around the corner.

Zabina was sitting on the couch, her legs crossed comfortably and her drink in her hand. Alex was stood, smoothing her dress down and looking very flushed.

"Hi." Davina said. "Sorry I've been so long. This place is a real maze." Then without knowing why she added. "Did I miss anything?"

Alex flushed further as she quickly took a gulp of her cocktail.

Zabina on the other hand peered over the rim of her glass, a sly smile on her lips and fixed Davina with her dark hazel eyes. "No honey, I think you saw just about everything."

Davina's heart kicked in to overdrive. "Sorry, I didn't know what to do." She blurted.

Oddly enough it was Alex that made the first move. She stepped towards Davina and gently hugged her. "Hey it's okay, we knew exactly what we were doing. The idea was to stop as soon as you walked away. So I have your indecision to thank for what was a very pleasurable time."

Feeling slightly stunned and even more unsure of what to say Davina returned the hug, and heard herself say. "No problem, it was actually incredible to watch."


An hour later the trio had arrived back at the Peninsula hotel, they obtained their key cards from the reception and took the lift to their floor.

"What room are you?" Zabina asked.

"312." Davina answered. "Just along there." She indicated further down the corridor.

"Hey we're practically neighbours." Zabi exclaimed. "We're 317."

Davina smiled pleasantly. It had been an interesting night, and part of her was sorry it was nearly over. "Well try and keep quiet, I don't want you two keeping me awake all night with your screaming."

"Glad you enjoyed it Davina." Alex said embracing her again.

Davina glance at them as they moved off along the corridor arm in arm, and as she opened her door she wondered what they would spend their night doing, and she felt her face glow with heat again.

'Never mind what they're getting up to, I think you need a cold shower.' She told herself.

With the door to her room safely closed Davina removed her jacket and draped it over a chair, something fell out of the pocket. She bent and retrieved the item, pair of tiny panties that were a light blue silk and fastened by lacy strings at the sides. Davina wondered what it would be like to wear them, and more importantly, what it would be like to have the laces undone and the tiny item removed while out on a dancefloor. A shudder ran through her as she felt warmth well up inside her once more.

A movement caught her eye, and she half turned to see her own reflection in the long mirror. She raised both her arms and pulled her shoulder length hair back, wondering what it would look like cut short like Alex's. With a sigh she let it fall back.

"Hell I don't look that bad." She told her reflection. "That gym membership was worth taking out."

Slowly she began to undo the buttons to her grey blouse, wondering how it would feel to have her clothes removed by another woman. As the blouse fell open, she placed her hands under her breasts and pushed them up a little.

"Maybe if I got one of those uplifting bras." She mused. "Something a little sexier than my normal."

The blouse joined her jacket as she kicked off shoes, then her suit pants joined the small pile of clothing.

Another glance in the mirror confirmed her thoughts. "I really do need sexier underwear. But that's for another day. What I really want right now is a warm shower, then bed."

She removed the remaining items of clothing and walked to the bathroom, cursing slightly as she realised she had automatically covered herself with her hands to do so.

"I bet Alex wouldn't do that." She told herself. The fleeting image of the two women embracing under their own shower stirred her arousal once more. "Fuck." She swore. "I'm not even gay." Although she had the idea if Brian saw her with the two Californian girls he would most likely explode. The thought raised a smile as she stepped under the warm water.

Wrapped in a bathrobe Davina was towelling her hair dry when she heard her phone buzz with a text alert. A glance at the clock showed it was gone half one in the morning. No one she knew would be texting at this time.

She keyed the phone to life and a message flashed on to the screen.

We are just having a night cap and wondered if you wanted to join us. Clothing optional ;-)


That ember of excitement flared up once more as her imagination conjured up the image of Zabina and Alex stood nude in their room while they sent the text giggling.

Part of her wanted to go to bed and sleep. Another part wanted to go along and see if her imagination was correct. A third part of her, that she hadn't even know existed, pictured herself walking down the hotel corridor in the nude and knocking on their door.

She quickly shook that idea out of her mind. This was Chicago, not LA. People just didn't do that sort of thing in Chicago. Certainly not her at any rate.

Davina stifled a yawn.

"Seriously, why am I even considering this. I need to sleep."

With a slightly regretful sigh, Davina sent a reply.

Sorry I really need sleep. Not much of a night owl anymore. Thanks for a wonderful night.


In a sudden urge of rebellion Davina decided to sleep naked, she dropped her robe on the floor and crawled under the covers of her bed. She had a vague memory of turning the light out then fell fast asleep.