A Tale of Two Switches Ch. 11


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"What do you think." Alex asked smugly.

"Well it is very nice." Zabi replied trying to sound impressed. Admittedly, the décor was very tasteful, now it was more a functional personalised space, than a spare room used for storing clothing. "Are you moving out of our room?" She asked quietly.

A look of horror crossed Alex's face. "No." She cried. "You misunderstand. Let me show you."

Alex opened a draw in the base of the bed, cleverly crafted to be hardly visible. Inside the draw nestled polished metal rings attached to leather lined metal bands. Alex withdrew these and slotted then over the bed's corner posts. They softly dropped in to place and the bed was transformed from a normal sturdy bed to a place where someone could be restrained.

"Ah I see." Zabi nodded in appreciation. "Very clever. Hidden in plain sight."

A wave of relief washed across Alex's face. "That's just the beginning." She opened the two centre doors of the wardrobe and flicked a catch in the door frame. The frames then swung out and locked in to place with bolts in to the floor, a brace was then added to the top to create a solid frame. The sturdy wooden frames had polished steel rings fitted at various heights. It didn't take much imagination to realise a 'victim' could be attached to the rings and put in to a very vulnerable position. There were also no insides to the wardrobe so the 'tormentor' could have easy access by walking through one door and around to the rear of the 'victim.'

"Did you do all this?" Zabi asked. More than a little impressed.

"I would like to say yes." Alex began. "But to be honest it was my design, and Jinn brought a few contractors, who had worked on the club in."

The famous Zabina eyebrow arched. "Any more surprises?"

"One or two." Alex giggled. She tugged the other doors open. Inside one cupboard was a very large selection of chains, cuffs and other assorted restraints. The contents of the other made both of Zabi's eyebrows arch towards her hair line.

"What is that?" She asked a little astounded.

The wardrobe contained several different types of vibrators and wands, but sat in the middle was a padded semi-circular cushion with two different slots in the top. It rested on top of a short stand on wheels and a square control box was seated on its base.

"It is a Motorbunny." Alex grinned inanely "It is supposed to be the new Sybian."

Zabina could easily imagine how the setup would work. The victim could be chained spread-eagled between the two doors, then the 'bunny' could be positioned between their legs and the height adjusted until it either penetrated, or nestled against the victims most sensitive areas. The tormentor could basically sit back and relax with the control box and torment the daylights out of the victim.

"I am impressed." Zabi said with a low whistle. "If this is what you get up to when I go away, I'll make it a regular occurrence."

"Don't even think it." Alex laughed nervously. "If you only knew what I had been through to do this."

Zabina reached out a hand and caressed Alex's face. "I love it, and I love that you did it for me."

Alex melted a little under the touch of her lover. Grateful that she appreciated the redesign, and the thought that had gone in to it.

"Are you going to get undressed so I can test it out on you then?" She asked happily.

There was a pause for a few seconds.

"Not so fast young lady. I think we ought to make this a special occasion." Zabi suggested as an idea raced through her mind. "I propose a small challenge that will satisfy us both."


"Remind me again how I let you talk me in to these things." Alex asked, a little trepidation creeping in to her voice.

After outlining her idea, Zabina had quickly and cleverly crafted a dress for her. It was loose fitting and extremely light to wear. Outwardly it looked like casual summer dresses, but Zabina had added a slight twist. The dress fastened at the shoulders by thin strips of material knotted in to delicate bows. The design was such that if the bow was to come undone the dress would easily fall away, exposing whatever was underneath, which in this case was nothing. The challenge was, they had to walk from their apartment to the beach, then along the sand to the nearest beach shack that sold drinks. There they would get a drink and walk back.

Obviously there was no practical way they would come undone, so Zabina had attached a small cluster of tiny metal bells to the ends of each tie. This meant that every movement jingled the bells and each bow would undo slightly. Too many jingles and the dress would fall off. Obviously, Zabina had insisted Alex was naked under the dress and to add a little more fun they each wore a leather wrist cuff so that Alex's arm was locked to Zabina's. If they walked hand in hand no one would notice, but the down side was that with only one free hand she would be hard pressed to hold on to her dress if it came undone.

Zabina had suggested that if the dress remained fastened, she would submit to Alex, however if it came undone Alex would be the first victim of the new room.

There was a gentle tingle of bells and Zabi giggled as Alex froze. "If I remember rightly you went all doe-eyed and had the dress on before I had finished speaking.

They were a few meters away from the small kiosk that sold drinks and ice creams, and so far the soft sand had caused Alex's dress to jingled far more than she thought it would have.

"Finally." Alex breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the kiosk. A woman holding a baby in her arms was just getting some chilled water, and they waited patiently before ordering their two cranberry juices.

"Are you worried?" Zabi sniggered as she checked out the distance the bells had travelled since they started out.

"Let's just say I don't get quite the same buzz doing this in daylight on a packed beach." Alex hissed through clenched teeth.

"You're just sulking because I'm winning." Zabi giggled again. "I promise I'll go easy on you later."

Alex cursed under her breath as they turned away from the kiosk, their hands clasped together, and cool bottles of sparkling cranberry juice in the other hand. "Well just so you know, when I win I am not going easy on you."

"Yeah." Zabi retorted. "Like you're going to win."

I think if I walk slow enough I will be fine." Alex replied, her voice tinged with hope and a little excitement. Wearing the light dress was intoxicating the light sea breeze was continuously making it move across her body, which in turn was reacting to the situation. Any other time she would have relished the sensations, but she wasn't ready to expose her body to the entire beach.

As they took a step away from the kiosk there was a sharp jingle, and they both stopped dead in their tracks.

Alex gasped as she felt one side of her dress become very loose. She glanced backwards to see the string of bells attached to her dress drop out of a baby's tiny hand. The same child that was in the arms of the woman who had been in front of them. The child had obviously been drawn to the tiny silver objects and grabbed them as Alex had walked away.

As quickly as she could Alex's grabbed at her dress, trying to keep her body from being exposed.

"I need a hand here Zabi." She pleaded.

"A gleeful look played across Zabina's face and she took a sip of her drink. "Why's that honey. Are you worried?"

"Not so much worried." Alex replied trying to hold her drink and her dress at the same time. "More petrified."

"Would you have helped me?" Zabi asked still smiling, enjoying Alex's disadvantaged state.

Alex paused and considered how she would have reacted if the tables were turned. "Well I suppose I would have acted very similar to how you are doing now." She admitted quietly.

Zabina moved around so she was facing Alex. Glancing longingly at her bare shoulder, and the string of bells hanging loosely over the hand that was holding her dress in place. "I wonder what would happen if I tugged in this side." She said casually making the bells jingle.

"You wouldn't would you?" The tone of her voice was imploring, but at the same time Zabi noticed the slight breathlessness, a sign of her arousal.

"Well I think you could walk with your free hand holding your dress in place. Although that would leave you open to me slipping my hand across you behind."

Alex's eyes went wide. She knew Zabi wouldn't place her in any danger, but at the same time she knew it wouldn't be below Zabina to tease her relentlessly.

"What if I concede the game?" She asked quietly.

Zabina reached up and tied the loose end off. "I guess I will be seeing just how much fun I can have tormenting you all night." She replied, losing herself in Alex's suppliant eyes.


"Comfortable?" Zabina asked, honest concern in her voice.

Alex sighed and nodded. This wasn't how she had planned the evening. She had intended Zabina to be the one chained up, while she teased the helpless Zabi. As it was the tables had been turned, and now it was Alex who was going to be at the mercy of her partner.

"I thought you would want to be the victim." Alex said. "Did you not want me to have you helpless?"

Zabina kissed her lightly on the lips. "There is honestly nothing I would like more Alex. But I wanted you to be the first to try this out, seeing as it was your idea. When you had me helpless in the club that first time, I did promise I would return the favour." Then she winked and added "Besides I love it when you look all vulnerable."

Chewing her lip nervously, Alex remembered how she had made Zabi scream her name and ask before she let her climax only a few hours previously, and wondered if that had been a good idea.

"Gods you look so damn sexy like this." Zabina whispered as she admired her handy work.

Alex had to admit, Zabina had really gone town on her. She had been in restraints before, but not like this. After Alex had told Zabi she had been practicing wearing heels so she could wear boots like her long leather ones, Zabi insisted she wear the thigh high boots, and had laced Alex in to them herself.

Alex felt like she was on stilts.

In addition, Zabi had laced her arms in to a restrictive arm binder that pulled her arms tightly behind her, forcing her breast outwards. Then Zabi had attached a metal rod to the binder and locked a steel collar around her neck to hold her head in place. Chains had then been fastened from the collar to the upper part of the frame work. Now not only where her arms immobile, but she could only look from side to side. Finally, steel shackles had been place around her ankles and drawn outwards until they locked in place against the door frames. In short the only things Alex could move, were above the neck. She had never felt so helpless and at Zabina's mercy.

"You know I have wanted to get you like this for a long time." Zabi told her as she gently stroked her face. "You look so helpless and so adorable."

Alex swallowed nervously. "You never said anything about it."

Zabi took a step back to take in the full picture. "It never really came up in conversation, but ever since I took you to the Inferno for the first time I wanted to get you in to a really strict set up. We both know I am the more dominant one of us, and since we have been together all I fantasise about is getting you it to a position where you are totally in my power. All those times I was fulfilling your fantasies; you were actually satisfying mine."

Once again Alex was slightly surprised by just how deeply complex Zabina was. Whenever she thought she had got the raven haired goddess pinned down, she evolved in to something else. Of course there was a lot of truth in what she said. Alex did enjoy being in Zabina's power, and being this helpless was messing with her mind. While she felt a little scared she felt her arousal bud wanting nothing more than Zabi to tease her to the extreme.

"Right, just one more thing to add." Zabi said happily.

"More?" Alex asked trying to turn to see what Zabi was up to.

Zabi wheeled the motorbunny in to view. "Well I thought it would be a shame to have it and not used it."

Alex would have swooned, if she had been able to. She was well aware what the device could do, as she had watched the online commercial several times. Just for research obviously.

There was a devilish grin on Zabina's face as she positioned the gadget between Alex's wide open legs. She had already attached two devices on to it, and guided them in to place as she raised the stand.

There was a loud gasp from Alex as the rubber vibrator slipped deep inside her. Followed by another as Zabi nestled a similar item between the cheeks of her behind.

Alex could do nothing but watch powerlessly as Zabina perched on the end of the bed with the controls of the device in her hand.

"Now remind me." She asked. "What was it you said to me in the car?"

Another nervous gulp. "I said you were going to scream my name as you climaxed."

"Oh yes that was it." Zabina said happily and turned the dial to the first mark.

Alex's body trembled as the double vibrations began to run through her, and she wiggled the small amount she could trying to find a way escape the torment.

"I just had a thought." Zabina said casually. "I think I could get you to agree to do anything while I have you like this." She edged the control around to its second point marvelling how Alex's body tensed in response. "I always wondered what it would be like to have you in one of those harnesses Jinn strapped us in to. I could make you dance for me and entertain me for as long as I want."

The sensations were driving Alex to distraction. She had slept with a few guys and had sex toys inside her before, but nothing compared to how she was feeling right now. Zabina had, either purposely, or accidently, positioned the tip of the shaft just below her G spot, and while the vibrations were stimulating her they weren't quite enough to set tings fully in motion. To make things worse she couldn't move enough to get away or move closer to provide relief or satisfaction. She let out a quiet moan in response to Zabina's comments.

"I wonder what this button does?" Zabi said aloud and twisted another control.

The constant vibrations were replaced by a sudden swirling that pulsed and sent quivers through Alex's entire body, and she yelped in reply.

"Oh that's interesting." Zabi grinned again, then went silent. "Is that you phone ringing?" She asked. "I best go and see."

Unable to do anything, Alex watched feebly as Zabi placed the controller on the bed and scooted out of the room. Once again she squirmed trying to do anything but remain where she was.

Within a minutes Zabi returned holding Alex's phone. "It is a Mrs Jenkins." Zabi said holding up the phone.

"Crap." Alex managed to gasp between pulses. "I forgot she was ringing today." Gasp. "She is a client I was doing some design work for." pant.

"No problem." Zabina smiled joyfully. "I will tell her you will ring back."

Alex opened her mouth to object, but another pulse strangled her words.

"Hello Miss Rowe's personal assistant." Zabi spoke cheerfully in to the phone.

Alex bit her lips trying not to make any noise, as another throb rocked her mind.

"No I'm sorry Mrs Jenkins, Miss Rowe is currently tied up in a meeting."

Silently Alex fumed as she held back another moan of pleasure.

"You know what these artists are like. She would tie herself in knots if I wasn't here to keep her in place." Zabi spoke in to the phone, while grinning evilly at the helpless Alex.

"Yes, she is very talented, but at the same time a little flighty. You would not believe how many times I need to chain her down."

Alex scowled angrily at the mischievous Zabi's teasing. Then started wide eyed in horror as Zabina twisted one of the controls up a few clicks.

Her eyes closed and she gave a loud whimper.

"Yes sorry about the noise Mrs Jenkins. It is our air-conditioning. I think I need to call the engineer out to it." Zabina's fingers caressed the controls once more and pressed another button.

Alex felt the pulses drop away and she relaxed a little. Then the one resting against her bottom vibrated intensely and she shrieked as she flinched.

"Ah, that would be Miss Rowe calling for me, I will get her to call you back as soon as she is free."

Zabina pressed the 'hang up' button on the phone and giggled furiously. "Oh your face is a picture."

Trying to twist away from the strengthening vibrations, that were tickling and sending very strong shudders up her spine, Alex moaned and gasped.

"I am so gasp going to pant give you moan a good spank gasp Zabina Vitelli."

"And here was me thinking you were enjoying yourself." Zabi said in a fake pout. "Although, saying you are going to spank me, isn't an incentive for me to release you, and considering the many little toys you have so thoughtfully supplied, not a good thing to put in my mind."

Another wave of shudders rippled through Alex's body as Zabina selected a different setting, then disappeared from view. Not for the first time, Alex wished she hadn't made as many additions to the toy box.

"Oh look what I've found." Zabi said as she reappeared holding a stout leather crop. "Now where should we spank the ungrateful Alex?"

Try as she might to avoid it, Alex could only watch as Zabi rubbed the tip of the crop over one of her very hard nipples.

"I bet these are very tender." Zabi commented to herself as she tapped each nipple in turn.

Alex, gritted her teeth as she nodded, trying hard to ride the wave of extreme pleasure mixing with the sharp tang of pain. Her body was trembling with judders, every time Zabi adjusted the timing, or intensity of the vibrations, her body reacted in a like way.

Zabina knew Alex well enough to know by her body language when she was approaching the point of no return, and artfully kept the machine humming low enough to have Alex on the brink of climax while not actually letting her reach the satisfaction she currently desired.

"Now the question is, do I let you climax, or do I just turn everything off and leave you to catch your breath for an hour or so?" Zabina contemplated her words as Alex squirmed about, trying to attain some relief from her torture. "Or I could just leave it on a low setting while I go and get a sandwich."

Another long shudder racked Alex's body as her reply turned in to a series of wails.

A ringing noise interrupted the chain of events, and Zabina pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Oh look its Dominic, I wonder what her wants."

Alex closed her eyes again as Zabina answered her phone.

"Ciao Dominic." Zabi said as she ran the tip of the riding crop from between Alex's heaving breasts to gently rest on her trembling mound.

"Dinner tonight?" Zabi's eyes glanced over the shuddering, sweaty body of Alex, whose pleading eyes begged Zabina for leniency.

"Why don't you and Jinn come over here, we can share the news together then."

Alex tilted her head back as far as it would go as a particularly strong tremor made her shudder.

"Oh yes I am sure Alex will be okay with that. She is a little tired so I may leave her in the spare room while we eat."

At those words Alex's eyes snapped back to Zabina. She was sure the mischievous woman wouldn't leave her in this predicament, while Dominic and Jinn visited, but Zabi could be unpredictable.

Zabina grinned widely at Alex's reaction, and tweaked the controls a little to send her back in to a world of shudders and gritted teeth.

"No problem Dominic. Ciao"

Alex breathing was now panted gasps between half held moans.