A Tale of Two Wives Ch. 01

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Life's not fair or predictable but can be blessed.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/23/2017
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Please note that this is not a stolen story. It is my second and definitely final rewrite of this tale. After my first attempt, I received some excellent constructive criticism (as well as the usual toxic crap from the nameless, brainless trolls) and tried to incorporate these thoughtful suggestions. Chapters two and three will follow shortly.

Chapter One

Dan's POV (Point of View)

Exhausted after a sixteen-hour flight and nearly an hour in customs, I was still as excited as a kid before Christmas. In a moment I would be seeing my gorgeous wife for the first time in six weeks. She would run to me, leap into my arms, we'd both be laughing and crying, then home as quickly as possible for some passionate love making before I surrendered to fatigue.

I emerged into the large, crowded arrivals area, pushing my trolley and searching for her joyful face. Everywhere people were embracing family and friends with cries of delight but there was no sign of Tina. She's short, only 5'3", easy to miss in a crowd but I thought she'd be right up front, bouncing with anticipation. Disappointment, anxiety and anger took turns kicking me in my stomach. I phoned her cell, our home number and her office, leaving urgent messages on all three.

It was embarrassing standing there alone, obviously waiting while couples and groups went off happily together. When almost all the passengers from my flight had gone and passengers from another flight were coming through I finally gave up and despondently took a taxi home. Some triumphal homecoming!

My taxi driver was Indian and laughed when I told him I had just flown in from Kolkata.

"I bet you thought you'd seen your last Indian for a while, eh Mister." he laughed then noticed my expression.

"What's up Mister? You look like your dog just died."

"I was expecting my wife to meet me... really looking forward to seeing her... but she wasn't there."

"Don't worry Mister. She's probably waiting at home wearing a big smile and nothing else."

"Yeah I hope so." But somehow I doubted it.

The forty minute ride gave me time to think. The last email I had from Tina arrived three days ago just after she had won her case; since then nothing. It was a high profile, first-degree murder, the biggest case so far in Tina's career as a defence attorney. Her client was a French nightclub owner called Robert (he pronounced it Row-bare) Menard . The victim was William Hurst, a prominent banker who I used to know. My Dad had employed Bill, many years ago, mentored and promoted him. The poor guy had turned up dead on the river bank naked, wearing only handcuffs and a ballgag.

A BDSM session resulting in a fatal heart attack had been the initial, superficial conclusion which had caused outrage among all Hurst's influential friends. Deeper investigation found convincing evidence linking Menard to the murder.

I'd researched the case and I didn't want Tina to take it. Of course a highly respected VP murdered in a salacious manner had the press all over it and Tina would be at the center of the feeding frenzy.

The last time I had met Hurst was at my father's funeral where he had given a moving eulogy. This connection wasn't enough to disqualify Tina but was enough to make me challenge her, resulting in a heated argument..

"Your case made the news again today...it's a real media circus. You sure you want to be involved?"

"Of course I am! That's like asking Nadal if he wants to win the Grand Slam."

"But from all I've gathered, this Robert Menard's guilty. Everybody's saying that he obviously killed Bill..."

Tina snapped back. "And everybody has no right to say it! That's why I've got to take the case. Innocent until proven guilty remember."

She calmed down a little. "Anyway I've had two meetings with Robert already and he's not the monster the press is making him out to be. He's intelligent, well mannered and respectful. Quite charming actually."

Annoyed, I responded unwisely. "Tell that to Bill's family."

Tina stormed out of the room and slammed the bedroom door. Our bed was icy that night which was a shame as it was the second to last night before my trip to Nepal for Doctors without Borders.

Yes I'm a doctor, a reconstructive surgeon and yes, I've heard all the jokes about rich arrogant surgeons. Eg "What's the difference between a surgeon and God? God doesn't think he's a surgeon." Honestly, the prestige didn't matter to me and if money was my motivation I'd be doing facelifts and nose jobs. What gave me satisfaction was fixing the face of a kid born with a cleft palate and split lip or recreating the breasts of a woman after a mastectomy, helping restore her sense of self-worth and beauty.

I had been on two other missions with Doctor's without Borders and found them demanding but tremendously worthwhile so when I was asked to serve for six weeks in Nepal I was keen. Of course I discussed it with Tina and she agreed that I should go, although neither of us was looking forward to six weeks apart.

When the murder trial cropped up it was too late for me to pull out of the DWB team but I was sorry I wouldn't be around to support her.

Things were a bit warmer at breakfast and before rushing off to the office Tina had given me a real kiss.

"Don't overdo it today DD. Tonight I want enough loving to keep me going for six long weeks."

I was still grinning about her remark when I received a call from a flustered and apologetic airline agent. My flight to India the next morning was overbooked; and my seat had gone to another passenger. They could get me on a flight the following day meaning I'd miss my connecting flight to Nepal; or they could find me a seat on a flight leaving at 3pm that afternoon, in just a few hours time.

If I took the later flight, people who desperately needed my surgical skills would miss out; but if I took the earlier flight there would be no proper goodbye to Tina, no make-up sex or farewell love making. It was a tough decision but in the end the needs of those Nepali people outweighed a night of pleasure.

I tried to reach Tina as I scrambled to get ready, but she was tied up in meetings all morning. At 2pm, sitting in the departure lounge, I still hadn't managed to get through. I felt like running out of the airport and taking the first cab home. Instead I wrote the most loving, apologetic email, explaining my predicament and sent it off, using the local wifi.

The Nepal trip was exceptionally worthwhile and fulfilling. While the country was poor and filthy, the people were friendly and the scenery majestic. I'll always remember looking up and up, past the foothills to the clouds and then to the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, floating there in the blue, disconnected from the world.

The other doctors and nurses on the team were first rate and a strong bond of camaraderie quickly formed. I worked most with John Taylor, a hard case Aussie anesthetist with a heart of gold and Katie Olsson, a superb surgical nurse and a beautiful person inside and out.

A lot of our patients were burn victims. A pregnant woman, for example, had fallen into her open fire and her face had largely been burned off. It would have taken multiple surgeries to restore her appearance but at least I was able to rebuild her nose, lips and eyelids, improving her ability to breath, eat, speak and see.

The downside of the trip was not being able to communicate often with Tina. In Kathmandu the internet access was OK but out in the remote towns and villages where we did most of our work, there was no coverage. The fourteen hour time difference made things worse. During the six weeks we only managed two Skype conversations and a handful of emails. Tina's first email was short and anything but sweet but once she accepted that I had to leave abruptly she was more affectionate although still clearly distracted by the trial.

Her last email was ebullient. She had won the trial and was about to celebrate her greatest victory. No mention of missing me or looking forward to my return.

I was fortunate to be sitting next to Katie on the long flight home. We reminisced about the trip. I teasingly reminded her of the incident in a marketplace where a guy tried to grope her. She turned around and knocked him over with one hard push to his chest. He got up and scuttled away while the crowd laughed. He'd probably never live it down.

Katie was a big, strong farm girl, 5'8" with wide shoulders and hips, but don't get the wrong impression. She was splendidly feminine with hair so blonde it was almost white, sparkling blue eyes, a superb figure and an unbeatable personality, kind and generous, fearless and funny. Her parents were good, hard-working Swedish farmers who settled in Idaho. Back in 60s their favorite TV show was Katie the Farmer's Daughter hence Katie's name. Definitely corny but they were grain farmers after all. Katie's favorite memory of Nepal was our last afternoon at a leper hospital, so high in the foothills that we became breathless just climbing the stairs but we still managed lots of excellent work. We were taken to the flat rooftop; wreaths of flowers were placed round our necks and the patients sang songs of gratitude while an eagle swooped over the forested hills. We had both been moved to tears.

The trip had been exhausting and we slept through much of the flight. I woke once to find Katie's head on my shoulder, fast asleep and I grinned. I'd be able to tease Tina that I had slept with a beautiful woman on my way home.

My thoughts were interrupted by the taxi pulling up outside my apartment. There were no lights on and as I walked in and switched off the alarm the place felt empty. I checked every room. Tina's hybrid Lexus was gone, so were her toiletries and some of her clothes, other than that the place was untouched.

My brain was reeling. What could I do, who should I call? Surely if there had been an accident, if Tina was in hospital or worse someone would have contacted me. I rang Sarah Silverman, a friend and colleague of Tina's and my lawyer. I was hugely relieved when she picked up.

"Sarah hi... it's Dan... Dan Drew. I just got back from Nepal and Tina's not here. Her phone's off. She hasn't contacted me in days. I'm going crazy here Sarah. Can you tell me where she is?"

"Dan... I didn't know exactly when you were getting back but I was going to call you. I've got a fair idea where Tina is but you're not going to like it."

"Just tell me, please."

"Tina spent a lot of time leading up to the trial with her client Robert Menard. They clicked... a lot more than they should have. When she won the trial there was a big celebration party at his club. I offered to take Tina home just after midnight but she was flying higher than cloud nine and blew me off. She wasn't at work the next day and I haven't seen her or heard from her since. I assume she's still with Menard."

I was stunned and felt sick to my stomach.

"Dan are you there?"

"Yeah I'm here Sarah. I'm thinking I should find this asshole's address and get my wife back. "

"No you shouldn't. You can't go all cave man and drag her away. You could be arrested for breaking and entering... and if she's there by choice you can't force her to come back. We don't even know for sure that she's there. First thing to do is to phone him. We're bound to have Menard's contact details at the office. I'll find them for you first thing tomorrow."

"If he's stolen Tina..."

"Dan, you're a respected doctor not some macho moron charging in with his guns blazing. Find out the facts and if she is being held against her will, go through legal channels. I'm here if you need me."

All I could do now was wait. Along with numerous presents for Tina, I had a bottle of duty-free Glenfarclas in my bag. I drank three doubles more rapidly than this fine Scotch deserved.

Although I was worn out I couldn't sleep. Why wasn't my gorgeous wife in bed with me enjoying welcome home sex? Martina Sofia Isabella Dias Moreno, my Tina, dark brown hair and eyes, a caramel complexion and a fiery Latin temperament. Analyzing her features individually you might decide her nose was a little long, her mouth a bit too wide, her chin stronger than ideal but put everything together with her sensuous figure, her vivacious personality, her brilliant smile, her wicked laugh and Tina was irresistible.

Tina's first home was a crowded, noisy tenement in Bogota. She was nine when her father was convicted and jailed without a proper defence. Prison broke him and shortly after his release he abandoned his family and never returned. Tina grew up with relatives in the US. She excelled in school and was determined to become a criminal defence lawyer. She could have made more money in corporate law but her father's mistreatment gave her a lasting passion for justice and a firm belief that even the worst criminals deserved competent representation.

Tina won a full scholarship to a prestigious law school. Jealous classmates accused her of seducing her professors to score high grades but Tina would have passed with honors in any case; sex with the professors was just a bonus.

Tina certainly had a strong libido and enjoyed sex, especially with older men. She loved to party and dance up a storm; she occasionally smoked a little weed and tried some recreational drugs but she also worked hard and maintained an A average. Tina was selective about the men and women she fucked, never giving herself to anyone she didn't know and like. She was always careful to use protection. Unwanted pregnancy and STDs were not part of her plan.

Did that make her a slut? You know the old cliche that if a girl has sex with lots of guys she's labeled a slut, tramp or nympho, whereas a guy who scores with multiple babes is hailed as a studly hero. Tina's plan was to live life to the full while she was young and free then eventually marry a good man and become a faithful wife and mother while at the same time building a stellar law career. I turned out to be the "good man" and in our seven years of marriage she was loving, loyal and more fun than I could have imagined.

We met at a church mixer for new members. I was on the welcoming committee and Tina had recently started attending after moving to the city and joining a large law firm. I was immediately attracted to her. Who wouldn't be? She shone, but was clearly out of my league, six years younger and so much hotter.

I'm kind of average, 5'10", sandy hair, friendly face or so people say. Apparently Tina noticed me straight away and decided that I had great husband potential. She joked that from then on I never stood a chance.

Our relationship moved quickly from sitting together in church to date night dinners, movies, long walks in the park. Hugs and hand-holding became kisses and caresses. By the time we were engaged, about six months later, we were enjoying red-hot make out sessions but didn't go all the way until we were married, less than a year after we first met.

Tina had been completely honest with me about her wild past. I could count my sexual experiences on the fingers of one hand, whereas all Tina's fingers and toes wouldn't cover her total. Maybe I was naive but I didn't want to hear all the details; I was happy to leave the past in the past and I trusted her commitment to a monogamous future.

Our church wedding was lovely but to be honest I don't remember much about it. Police lieutenant Ben Franklin (yes his parents couldn't resist) was my best man, Sarah was Tina's bridesmaid and her oldest brother Alejandro walked her up the aisle.

I do remember the first night of our honeymoon in vivid detail. The delayed gratification was more than worth the wait. Tina's lithe body was lying naked in front of me, her legs wide open, her pussy soaked with her own juices and the two oral orgasms I'd already given her. She had taught me what she liked while we were engaged and I was a keen learner. The long nipples on her small, perfectly shaped breasts were stiff and swollen with excitement. She looked like a sensual sculpture of a sex goddess and I was her most devout worshiper.

"Are you going to kneel there staring at me DD, or are you going to put that lovely big cock of yours where it belongs?" Tina's voice was a throaty growl of passion. "If you don't I'll just have to ravish you myself..."

I slid the head of my rigid cock up and down her dripping slit until it was thoroughly lubricated then pressed it inside her holiest of holies. It slipped inside so easily and for a moment I just lay there, fully immersed in loving her, luxuriating in the sensation of being inside her sultry little body.

Tina began to buck her hips and I started thrusting into her with long deep strokes. It felt amazing as the soft wet walls of her pussy squeezed my overjoyed cock. I picked up the pace of my strokes with Tina pushing herself up to meet them. I kissed all over her face, her neck, her breasts and especially the two bullets of her nipples, sucking one and rolling the other with his fingers and thumb.

Her orgasm was building and half the building could have heard her moans and cries of "Yes! YES!!! Fuck me!" As she came her body arched upwards and shook uncontrollably. Her legs shot straight out and her pussy clamped down on my cock causing me to explode in my most intense climax ever.

After her seismic orgasm Tina collapsed, panting and still shuddering with small aftershocks. Cuddling her tightly, I couldn't get close enough; I wanted to melt into my wife, merge with her and become one.

The next seven years were wonderfully happy and loving. Of course we had our moments but Tina would eventually calm down and the make up sex was spectacular. We worked hard and earned more than enough but our marriage came first. I would sometimes drag Tina off camping, which she secretly enjoyed. She would drag me to nightclubs, which I didn't. Life was good.

There was one severe disappointment in our marriage - we couldn't have children. Tina's ovaries couldn't produce mature eggs which effectively made her sterile. Of course I got her the best gynecological care possible but it made no difference. It was infuriating that I could help so many patients but couldn't do anything more than try to comfort my own beloved wife.

We had both dearly wanted kids, especially Tina and it grieved me even more to see her watching little children with tears in her eyes. While she tried not to let her pain show, there would always be a child shaped hole deep in Tina's heart. We discussed adopting but were busy professionals and both of us leaned heavily on their jobs as a source of compensation.

Not having kids meant we could travel the world. Once when we were in New Zealand, we visited a gannet colony where these superb wind masters nested on cliffs high above the surging Tasman Sea. As we watched, one of a pair returned from a fishing trip and the two gannets performed an endearing, somewhat ridiculous courtship ritual, necking and beaking.

"Apparently they mate for life." I remarked displaying the knowledge I had read on an information board nearby. "Remind you of anyone?"

Tina snuggled up close and slipped her arm around my waist.

"Well apart from the beaks and the wings... that's us DD... forever."

Our own mating rituals were varied, passionate and adventurous. Tina's capacity for giving and receiving orgasmic pleasure never ceased to amaze me. I'm sure she had experienced bigger, more skilled and exciting lovers but not one had ever given himself to her with utter devotion the way I did and her love for me never wavered. Guys still hit on her, drawn to her beauty like moths to a flame, but she only flirted a little and never went too far. She was determined to honor her marriage vows and when Tina set her mind to do something, she stuck to it.