A Tale to Tell: The Cape

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Lisa's exhibitions grow more frequent.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 09/21/2006
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I'm not sure if it was the actually incidence, or the telling of the event that excited me most. Lisa had put on quite a display for the contractors that were working our basement. Every time I relive that episode in my mind, it gives me an erection ( see "A Tale to Tell").

The thought of her being admired by other men (and even by women) in either a scant outfit or a sexy flash, drove me to ask Lisa to do it again, and again. I could tell from the way she paraded herself in front of the contractors, wearing just a t-shirt, cotton shorts, and nothing underneath, that she really got off doing it. The sex after they left was very hot for both of us!

It was also obvious that Lisa would not do anything around people she might meet again or get to know. Yes - anonymity was a key to the situation if I was ever to get her to repeat her performance. Lisa would never dress the way she did that day, sans panties and bra, in front friends or frequent guests at home, even when the situation was tempting.

Lisa being discrete was actually fine with me because I really didn't want anyone making a play at her. A number of my fantasies centered on watching my wife's beautiful form in the throws of sex. In a way observing Lisa is no different from watching porn, except I personally know the actress! In reality, I liked that Lisa would exhibit herself this way for me. The sex afterwards was always great.

It wasn't an easy task getting Lisa in a place or state where she would be able to enjoy some playful exhibitionism. She wouldn't dare do this when the children were home and then there was the problem of being seen by the neighbors, or the community in general. Lisa just didn't want any complications. Actually, it made me wonder how those Internet maidens are able to go about their daily lives?

Not expecting another situation like what happened with the contractors any time soon, we found another way to play Lisa. We started taking more vacations and going to places where Lisa would feel comfortable to show-off some of her assets!

Lisa's next display came about during a weekend in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We took time to go there after a business trip to Boston. I took the family to the home of a good friend I knew living near Plymouth. They had children about the same age as ours. We thought it would be a good situation for all of us to enjoy a weekend away from home.

On Saturday morning Lisa and I drove to Truro, a sliver of land situated between the Atlantic Ocean and Cape Cod bay, close to the tip of the Cape. We selected a cottage, rather than a hotel room. It would make us feel more at home and I knew it would allow Lisa to relax. Not to mention that with the kids staying with our friends, I could convince her to wear a lot less than she usually does!

The realtor said that normally we couldn't move in until two p.m., but nobody had rented the house the previous week, so we could move in once the cleaning people were finished.

Within an hour of our arrival we were changing into our swimsuits in preparation for a trip to the beach. It was about eleven in the morning. Lisa was in front of a bedroom window, facing some thickets on the side of the property. Her top was completely exposed as she wiggled her suit up over her hips. The blinds on the window were down, but turned open, so that anyone could see in between those white parallels.

Lisa was just pulling up her bathing suit, when an older gentleman, I'd say in his early sixties, walked directly by our bedroom window. The guy glanced up at the window, but appeared to have missed seeing her. He must have been blinded by the reflection of sunlight off the glass, or maybe just too focused on his task, because he just walked on.

At first, I was wondering what the hell this guy was doing so close to the house. But after hearing some garbage cans clanging near by, I figured that either the cleaning service had forgotten something or it was the owner checking in on his property. Lisa remained topless by the window, looking dumfounded by this situation, as the older man went about his business.

"Oh my God, did you just see that!" She exclaimed. "I'd better get this on."

"No, don't." I quickly said, my erection rising just as quickly.

"Wow! You really enjoy when this happens, don't you Greg?" She looked at me with very sexy eyes, pulled the suit back down off her hips and let it drop to her feet.

Seeing her by that window, with her beautiful body exposed, and knowing the guy was just outside made me want to cum right then and there.

I walked over to Lisa and kissed her passionately as my hands roamed her full round breasts. The walkway next to the house was all gravel. When I heard the approaching footsteps, I maneuvered our bodies so that Lisa was facing the window. She understood what I was trying to do, and didn't resist my direction.

I moved her long dark hair to the side, kissed the back of her neck, and let my hands slide down along her curvy sides. My erection was pressing against the top of her derriere. Lisa was now standing fully naked, for anyone to see, should they be looking at the large window.

We watched the guy walk right past the window, not more than three feet away. He never looked up! Either he was a puritan who didn't want to see what the "renters" were doing or he was just focused on his work. Either way, both Lisa were very hot at this point. I leaned her forward until her hands braced the window frame and kneeled behind her to give her the tongue-lashing she deserved!

A minute later she was moaning in a way that would surely have turned the man's face toward the window if he were still outside. After a major shudder throughout her body. I completed the act by sliding my now throbbing, longer than usual, cock inside her until I came a few thrusts later.

"Gee Lisa, I can't believe we already did that and we haven't been here an hour yet. I hope I can keep up with you at this pace!" At forty-six years of age, my sexual recovery remains a little behind hers. "I have the feeling that old guy is not going to get through this weekend without witnessing something that will either make him feel young, or get us kicked out of the house!"

"I don't think he saw a thing." Lisa laughed. "He must be nearsighted!"

We both moved away from the window to retrieve our clothes. As we dressed we talked about what we wanted to do and decided to go down to the beach. We packed some towels, left the cottage, and made our way to the beach.

We drove to a small beach on the ocean side of the town, and parked in a small lot. At the end of the lot, on the Ocean side, the dunes rose high and cut off the view of the water. There was a small pathway, about ten feet wide, cutting through the dunes to the beach. On the other side of the opening there was a breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean. The beach was about forty feet below so it was a high vantage point. A path cut diagonally across the dune, giving access to the beach. The few that were on the beach were in the waves indicating the water temperature was reasonable for this part of the Cape.

We sat on the beach for a while, allowing our eyes to enjoy the view. After we had sat long enough we decided to get our blood flowing again, got up and threw a Frisbee around. We were having fun running into the water to catch the disk, but the water was too cold for me. Lisa is somehow impervious to cold or hot water and can thrive in water that I need to ease my body into.

Always the one to make me feel a little like a wimp, Lisa waded in and yelled back to me, "The water is nice!"

"Good, then you stay in there." I said with a shiver in my voice and threw her the Frisbee to her.

She threw it back from the water, but it didn't quite reach me and was about to wash back to her. We both ran after the Frisbee and met in the middle. I stopped to admire her figure and leaned forward to kiss her. "You are a hot wife, there's no doubt!" I teased her.

She posed a little in response to that comment exaggerating her figure, which needed no help. As she did, I slipped a strap off one shoulder, ran back to our bag, grabbed the camera, and took a quick photo. "Wait here just like that!" "Why?"

"I just have to have this shot." I begged Lisa because she's normally camera shy especially when she was showing this much skin. She broke the stance, but posed again when I held up the camera. I could just imagine the comments if I showed this picture in the office!

At five foot three, Lisa is full figured, not at all heavy. She has curves in all the right places. Her suit, which we purchased just for this trip, was a one-piece, something she preferred, but I would have opted for a bikini. However, this one rose high on the hips, low in the back, except for a tie across the back, and opened in front from just below the bust to just about two inches above her pubic hair, broken by two horizontal strips of material. She was my Sport Illustrated model posing for me!

I noticed that there weren't very many people left on the beach. I looked up and found as few people at the top of the dune as there were down on the beach. The sun was setting in the west and the dunes now shaded the sand. All the sun worshippers had gone to their cars while we were playing with the Frisbee.

"Should we go?" Lisa asked.

"Let's throw a few more. I'm enjoying the little remaining sun that we have."

Lisa headed back to the water and suddenly reached for her shoulder strap, which I had slid off her shoulder for the photo.

"No, leave that alone." I called to her.

"Okay, but there's not much holding this on." She said as she adjusted the one breast below the strapless shoulder.

"All the better then! Maybe the other one too?" I could feel myself getting worked up again.

Lisa looked back at me, smiled, and slipped off the second strap.

I have to say, her ample chest held the material up pretty well. As we threw and caught the Frisbee, I could see the suit sliding down her chest more. Lisa reached her hands to her sides to adjust it a few times. I was enjoying the suggestion of it sliding down.

I had just noticed that the tide was coming in when a wave rose up behind Lisa. Her top was already down about as low as I'd seen it since she dropped the straps when another wave came in and pushed her forward hard. She leaned forward to recover her balance, when the surge of water pulled back and down hard, taking her top down with it. Her breasts hung free for a few moments while she struggled to get up.

She stood up, focused only on getting back onto her feet, when I suddenly realized I was looking at her nipples. It did not take Lisa long to grasp what she was showing and quickly pulled up her top, much too fast for my liking. Even from twenty feet away I could see her blushing.

I turned to see who on the beach might have caught her flash. Most of the people were further up the beach and nobody seemed to have caught the action.

"Well, they certainly got a nice show that time!" Lisa called to me as she looked up toward the landing at the top of the dune. I turned to look up as well and saw about six guys at the landing, one was clapping and one other was giving his friend a high five. "Guess you're right. You made some people very happy Lisa!"

"All those guys just saw my tits, Greg."

"Yeah, that was great!" I laughed and headed toward her and pointing down to my bulging suit. "I'm going to have to join you in the cold water, so I don't point all the way home."

Lisa was little surprised at my indifference to her public display. "You didn't mind that I dropped my top with those guys watching up there?"

"Not really. You look great and it's excites me for some reason. Why - would you want to drop it again?"

"Amazing. Before this year I wouldn't have believed you'd be okay with me being on display."

"Things change. Go ahead if you want to."

"No - I don't want to be too overt."

"You're right, being nude in the window before was much more subtle." I laughed.

"But that was inside our rental." She reasoned out loud.

"So, then what was that little show with the contractors that time?" I asked, trying to make a point.

"I wasn't topless." Lisa has a woman's way of rationalizing things.

I knew I was about to lose the moment, so I tried another angle. "Well are you going to be overt?"

"We'll see". She smiled teasingly.

I got my answer about five minutes later when we got to our towels on the beach. Lisa picked up a day shirt and looked up at the landing. I followed her eyes. The four guys remaining pretended to look away after a moment. Lisa shed her straps and then pulled down the top of her suit. She quickly draped the shirt over her bare top, but there was clearly enough time for me and whomever else was looking this way to get a good view. She continued by pulling the bathing suit down off her hips. The long shirt hid her bottom as she slipped off the suit then slipped some cotton shorts up her legs and into place.

When we climbed back up the dune, some of the guys we saw were still milling around a van. They were all about college age and enjoyed looking at Lisa in her cotton shirt and shorts. I could see the stares and one of them subtly point to her as he whispered to his friend, no doubt telling him that Lisa was the one whose tits were exposed down on the beach. One of the guys actually said, "Hi." Lisa smiled and seemed to enjoy the attention.


The sun was a lot brighter and the air much warmer when we got back to the house. I took a fast look around the side of the house, to see the where the trash area was in relationship to the window. I found a small shed with a note on top:

Garbage goes out every Fri. & Tues, recycles every Mon.

The property sloped down from the front of the house so that the rear deck, even though it was at first floor level, was actually eight feet above the ground at that point. There was a set of steps coming down from the edge of the deck, which extended beyond the width of the house. Under the deck, and next to the steps, was an outdoor shower. It was made from the same material as the deck, and had a simple vinyl curtain across the entrance. I looked in and turned on the water. It worked just fine. Strange place for a shower, but my mind was now working in overtime.

I turned away from the shower. Looking up I could see the back portion of the house next door and some of the yard, about two hundred feet away. There was very small deck on the second floor of the house, just above what looked to be an alcove of some sort jutting out from the bottom floor. I went back inside to tell Lisa what I had found.

"Greg, it looks like that older man we saw earlier is our neighbor." Lisa said as I walked into the living room.

"Oh, how do you know that? Did he leave a note saying, "Nice show"?

"No, but there is a note here that says if there are any questions about the house, please call Fred -- or just knock on the door at Thirty-Two -- the white house on the left."

I looked out the window to the left. It was the same house I noticed just before I came back into the cottage. "Fred." I mumbled sarcastically "Does Wilma live there too? I actually dug on Betty when I was a young man."

"Right, you dug on a cartoon character? I always knew you were strange!"

"Hey, what do you want from a ten year old?" I countered. "Actually, she probably influenced my type of woman, a curvy brunette like you."

"Anyway," Lisa shook her head at the subject matter. "I guess he takes care of the place for the owner."

"Lucky Fred. I wonder if he gets paid?"

"Maybe he's just being a good neighbor. Not everyone does things just for money." Lisa suggested.

"Everybody does something for something" I insisted. "I think I know why Fred does this."

"You're thinking of the window? But he didn't even look up." Lisa's interest had perked up. She loves gossipy stuff like this.

"He missed seeing you because he probably didn't expect it. People don't see what they don't expect. There is something he does expect." I left Lisa hanging on that thought.

"What are you talking about?" She suddenly burst out when I didn't continue.

"There's an outdoor shower on the side of the house under that back deck."

"Really? I love those things!" Lisa missed my hint.

"But from this outdoor shower you can see a little decking on the back of Fred's house. I'm sure the view is nice. And I'm sure he's seen more than a few renters."

"I'm sure they were aware and covered up if they saw someone up there." Lisa countered.

"Sure, but even with towels and robes it would be good enough for someone his age!"

"This house is too pricey to rent. I'm sure he doesn't get a lot of young co-eds running around naked out there." Lisa paused. "Isn't that where your mind is?"

"Not really." I said as I stared off into space. My mind was visualizing an image of Lisa in that shower while I looked on from Fred's deck.

Just then, my eye noticed someone milling about by Fred's house. Lisa's back was to the same front window so she didn't see. I wondered if he had really seen us before or not.

"Let's try it out!" I suddenly said as I grabbed a towel. I threw Lisa a towel too, then thought better of it and took it back and threw her swimsuit. "You'll get the towel later."

"Yeah, when? After I come out of the shower?" She sensed where this was going.

"You go ahead; I'm going to check the mail."

"What? We don't get mail here, Greg."

"I know that." I said looking over toward the other house.

I figured having Lisa wander out in her swimsuit would get some notice. Unless Fred was gay, he'd notice Lisa fills her suit very well. .

Lisa followed me, still asking for her towel. Fred started over toward us as I opened the mailbox. Probably wondering why we were looking for mail in the owner's box. There actually was mail in the box. As I took the mail out, Fred approached. He was a busy bee neighbor it seemed.

"Can I help with that?" He called over to us as he approached. "That's the owner's mail," he said suspiciously.

"We know. We just figured we'd bring in into the house." I answered. "Who are you?" I said as I held the mail away from him to show that it wasn't his either.

"I take care of the house for Jack." Fred's eyes turned toward Lisa after looking me over. He wiped his brow and cleared his throat. I'm not sure if his reaction was because of her or not.

"Don't worry about anything like that." His demeanor turned friendly. "I take in the mail, take out the garbage. Oh yeah, and if anything needs fixing, call me first. Some of the locals will take advantage of the renters."

I put out my hand. "Nice to meet you Fred."

"Oh yes, sorry, nice to meet you too." He realized his first introduction was a little unfriendly. "Sorry I was a bit brusque, but I didn't realize you were staying at the house. So many renters come through."

"No problem. You're a good neighbor to look out for Jack. By the way, this is my wife, Lisa." She held out her hand to him and he shook hers as well, trying desperately to look at her eyes only.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mam!"

"You too Fred." Lisa returned the smile and he was captivated. She has that aura.

Fred was in good shape for his age. A little weathered as if he spent a good deal of time outdoors, but he was thick boned. I'm sure nobody started trouble with him in his day.

"Yes." I continued. "I'm sure you sometimes have difficult renters. Hope not to bother you anymore."

"No bother at all." He said as he zoomed in on Lisa's now rising nipples. She crossed her arms over her chest in response.

"And really, if you have any questions about the house, feel free to tap on the door. I'm out and about most of the day fixing and gardening. These seashore homes need some caring."