A Taste of Night


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"It's nice to finally meet you." He said, and I was a little disappointed that his French accent was not as pronounced as I had expected. In fact it sounded almost Russian to my ears. "Scarlett has told me so much about you. My name's Luc"

I finally found my voice: "It's good to meet you too. We have been just a little curious to meet you." He grinned, a charming wolf-like grin that brought to mind Willem Defoe.

"Well then, let's get too know each other a little better. Follow me. You can leave your coats in the cloak room over there." He pointed over to a small side room which appeared to be unattended. I looked at him, uncertain. His grinned broadened.

"Don't worry, everything you have will be safe there, I guarantee it. You're part of a very select crowd here, no-one is going to steal anything. You can even leave your bags and purses here, everything is on the house." I was a little dubious about leaving all my stuff unprotected but, after Scarlett led the way, I reminded myself that I was trying to make a good impression. If she could cope without having her make-up to hand I really had no excuse, although I silently swore I would make her pay for anything that was nicked. Of course, along with our coats and bags went our mobile phones, but this was a fact that didn't occur to me until much later.

We had to hurry to keep up with him as he led us back up the stairs and through some double-doors, which he opened with an almost theatrical flourish. The muffled music suddenly soared as we entered a huge, chambered hall filled with people. The sheer size of space did not fully register until after the doors had swung shut behind us.

If anything, the inside of the church seemed even more cavernous that the outside structure would suggest. The roof arched away high above us, disappearing into darkness. Chandeliers hung down from heavy chains to sway above the crowd and far down at the end of the chamber I could see what looked to be a bar. Down both sides a series of curved alcoves could be seen where figures could be vaguely seen sat behind tables. I was surprised to see a a number of large sarcophagus-type blocks of stone and it was a little disconcerting to see people using then them to rest their drinks. Surely they were fake,or ar least empty, but I was uncomfortable about the fact that the owners had made no effort to hide the religious nature of the building.

Many people appeared to be dancing on the main space leading down to the bar although not in any way I had ever seen before, at least not outside of historical films. The word courtly sprang to mind as I watched the figures weave in and out of each other in a way that was complicated and strangely formal. Up beside the bar, on a raised area that I suspected may have originally been the church's altar, a trio of cellists provided the music: a strange, atmospheric, rhythmical soundtrack for the dancers. It was all very intriguing and strange.

Luc led us to an empty booth and headed over to the bar get drinks. We settled down on the curved leather sofas behind the glass table. Again, I was a little unsettled at the wall decoration behind us that appeared to be a woodcut of Jesus being stripped of his clothes. I recognised it as one of the stations of the cross and there was enough of my Catholic upbringing left to be mildly shocked at the idea the owners of the nightclub had not redecorated a little more thoroughly before turning the building into a place to get pissed. Then again, I remembered being given wine during service so maybe it wasn't that much of a leap.

Of course, now that I thought about it, they hadn't called it wine.

Once Luc had left us alone both Jane and I immediately fell to questioning Scarlett, questions that she dodged expertly. Once she had made up her mind not to share gossip there was no getting the juicy details out of her. She would have made an incredible spy. Instead she smiled at our obvious interest and waited for Luc to come back bearing a bottle of Riocha with three glasses.

I took the opportunity to look around at the people around us. The first thing that struck me was that there was a broad mix; men and women were there in equal number and the clothing ranged from T-shirt and jeans to ball gowns and evening suits. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the guest list.

A woman came with Luc when he brought back our drinks. She was a young, pretty , American student with short, silver-tinged hair. She introduced herself as Katie before squeezing in beside us. To make space for her Scarlett edged out and, standing, put her arm around Luc's waist. They looked beautiful together, a mixture of edginess and glamour that seemed to fit. She was clearly besotted with him and the feeling would seem to have been mutual. I watched in amusement, and yes probably a short stab of envy, as his hand slowly moved down from her waist to rest on her bottom. Scarlett raised her glass of wine to us:

"To my two best friends in the world. Enjoy the night, let's make it special." Then they turned and walked away across the dance floor, lost in each others company.

And we haven't spoken a word to each other since.

While we were waiting in the futile hope that Scarlett would return to us, we got to know Katie. The first question she was asked was whether or not she was alone. Smiling she shook her head.

"No, not at all. I tend to mingle at these kind of things but I came with him." She nodded towards a figure sat in the alcove across from us. A figure who, as soon as I saw him, I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed him before. He appeared to be wearing a suit that I would have described as expensive and elegant were it not for the fact that it was made up of a patchwork of brightly coloured cloth. The kind of outfit I could imagine Tom Ford designing if he was ever asked to make a jester's costume. But as singular as the outfit was, it was nothing compared to the look of the man who was wearing it. His skin was the colour of bone and, as with Luc, it was impossible to guess his age. He had long white hair that fell like milk onto his shoulders. No wonder he chooses colourful clothes, I thought, he looks like a study in marble. I would have taken him for an albino but his eyes, when they turned to look in our direction, apparently sensing our interest, were bright blue. So bright, in fact, that we could feel his gaze across the entire width of the dance floor.

"Wow!" Said Jane, letting out a long, slow breath. I looked at her surprised, it was unlike her to react in such a way no matter how attractive the man was. She was usually far too reserved for that. Katie gave her a long appraising look and, for a moment, I worried she might take offence at Jane's obvious interest. Now that would be a first, I thought, being thrown out of a nightclub over a jealous fight that Jane had started. I was relieved when Katie appeared to decide to find Jane's reaction humorous.

"Yes, he is quite the eyeful isn't he?" I was expecting Jane to answer, but when the resulting silence stretched out to a point that was just plain awkward. I put my hand on her knee and gave a less than gentle squeeze. She crashed back into the real world with a jump that made me laugh despite myself. Jane tried to cover up her embarrassment with a large swallow of wine. In order to give her time to recover I filled the silence with a question.

"How did you two meet?" Kate's eyes lingered on Jane for a moment before she answered my question

"We met in Venice."

"How romantic."

Katie smiled and I was able to relax a little. "I was invited to a masquerade ball. Viktor asked me to dance." She slowly took a sip of wine, seemingly lost in thought. When she put down her glass she gazed at her pale lover, smiling softly. "You could say we have been dancing ever since." She must have seen the doubtful expression on my face because she blushed."Well that's how it feels anyway." She took another sip of her wine and I noticed, with some irritation, that Jane's was once again staring across the room at Viktor. I had no idea what had gotten into her.

We continued to chat as the wine glasses were emptied, filled, only to be emptied again. Katie told us about her travels around the world. There didn't seem to have been a country she hasn't visited. She told us that this was largely the influence of Viktor. "It took me a long while to adapt to his lifestyle, it was so different from what I was used to. But now I can't imagine ever going back." I noticed that Scarlett and Luc were talking to Viktor and it was clear that they were not strangers to each other, although Scarlett seemed slightly more formal in her mannerisms than usual. She was clearly on her best behaviour. Wait until she gets a few drinks in her, I thought, then we may see some fireworks.

She noticed me looking at me and raised her glass of wine in salute, a gesture I returned. She seemed to study me for a few seconds before turning and whispering in the ear of a woman, stood next to her, who I had not noticed before.

She looked to be either in her late twenties or early thirties. She had long red hair, not quite as vibrant as Scarlett's but striking nonetheless, and her pale face was dusted with freckles. She was wearing a long floral-patterned dress which seemed completely out of place set against the formal attire of Luc, the visual extravagance of Viktor and the overall gothic atmosphere of the church. It was a dress that spoke of summer and fields and sun. I would say that she looked almost ordinary but that wouldn't be true. No, that wouldn't be true at all. She moved with the same cat-like grace of the others and the possibility occurred to me that they may all be members of the same family, as unlikely as that seemed.

Although I tried to engage in the conversation at my own table, I found that I simply couldn't take my eyes off her; the way she moved, the way the dress showed off her figure, the rounded curve of her breasts beneath the material. But it was her face that drew the eye: pale and exquisite, and, like Viktor, her eyes, although green, seemed to shine in the dark. There was definitely something deliciously feline about her.

I had always been aware of the ability to find women attractive although, up until that point, this had been something I had only acted out in my imagination. But I do believe that, even had I had been one hundred percent straight, I would still have been drawn to her. I swear my heart thudded in my chest when, after listening to Scarlett, she stopped what she was doing and looked over at me. I felt a warm wave of embarrassment flood my face. I had the irrational certainty that she knew what I had been thinking, how I had been looking at her. But I found I could not look away. She showed no emotion as she held my gaze, but I felt I was being appraised. She was stunningly beautiful, I decided.

Looking back, I have tried to find an explanation as to why I hadn't noticed her before in the evening. Although I don't know for sure I suspect that she, and others like her, have the ability to evade notice until attention it's drawn to them. Or unless they want you to see them. That would explain why I hadn't seen the dark woman sat in the shadowed alcove before the red headed woman leaned over to whisper in her ear, and gesture in my direction.

If the red head had brought to mind images of a summer field, this second woman made me think of a moonlit ocean during the darkest part of the night, in the depths of winter. She had the same bone-pale skin as Viktor, but her face was framed by long, jet black hair. She was dressed in black, buttoned up to her throat, and her full mouth was dark and red. The two women were both captivatingly beautiful, but there was a something terrible about the darker woman's allure, something inhuman. The room was full of attractive and beautiful men and women, and yet she stood apart and above them all.

She turned to the woman next to her and I was surprised at the warmth of her smile, and the way she covered the redhead's hand with her own in a tender gesture. The way they looked at each other told me everything I needed to know: They could not have looked any different, these two women, but they were clearly together.

The red headed woman whispered in her companion's ear, and then the dark woman turned her head to look directly at me.

If I ever had any real choice over how how the night would go, I think it died in that moment. I felt the force of that gaze between my legs and in my chest. I was entranced and lost, all in the space between breaths. It was only when the dark woman turned her attention back to her companion that I was able to look away. My hand shook as I reached for my wine glass and it was with some dismay that I saw it, and our bottle, was empty.

Katie and Jane were deep in conversation, apparently having gotten over Jane's awkward reaction to Viktor. Their heads were close together and I couldn't make out what they were saying but Jane looked enthralled.

"I'm going to the bar." I announced, hoping to break through their bubble. "Shall I get another bottle?" Jane looked at me and, for a moment, I got the distinct impression that it took her a second to remember who I was. Katie drained the last of her glass:

"Now that," she said, grinning, "is a superb suggestion.You go to the bar and we'll meet you back here." She stood up decisively and held out a hand to Jane: "And as for you," she said, "I think it's time I introduced you to Viktor." Jane's face paled for a moment at the suggestion, but she rose, took the offered hand, and together they moved off in search of Katie's extravagant boyfriend. Jane never gave me so much as a backward glance.

I weaved my way to the bar. By now the dance floor was crowded with people and I noticed more than a few who seemed to share the same graceful, cat-like movements of Luc, Viktor and Katie. They were not together in a group, but appeared to be spread out, mingling with the other guests. Many of them were on the dance floor and, as I was waiting to be served, I was surprised to see Jane whirling about in Viktor's arms. I was curious about what Katie would make of this although she didn't seem to be the jealous type. In the time it took to be served the bottle of wine I found my eyes returning time and again to the two women sat in their alcove, but they seemed lost in each other's company, oblivious to any one else around

Katie joined me and helped me take the glasses back to the alcove, which I was surprised to see had not been occupied in our absence. We sat for a while watching Jane, Viktor and the others waltz in complicated patterns that made me feel dizzy if I looked for to long.

"Would you like me to introduce you?" Katie asked softly. The question appeared to come from nowhere and, for a moment, I struggled to know how to respond.

"Introduce me to who?"

"To Moretta and Isobel." Katie nodded in the direction of the two women opposite."I get the feeling you're interested in them. I'm sure they would be interested in meeting you." I felt my cheeks flood with warmth. I had not thought I had been that obvious. I shook my head.

"I don't think so, they seem pretty much occupied with each other, I'm not sure there's room for anyone else." I had intended it as a joke, but Katie appeared quite serious.

"Oh you might be surprised." She said, looking at me. I glanced up, curious.

"How do you mean?"

Katie leaned over and whispered: "I mean, you shouldn't just assume things like that, not here, and certainly not tonight. They are as much of a couple as I've ever met but, from time to time, their relationship does really depend on meeting new people. Fresh blood, so to speak."

I wasn't sure whether she was joking or not and I stared at her, waiting for her to crack a smile. She didn't. For the first time that night I felt nervous excitement flutter into life in my stomach. I looked across at the two women and I found I was disappointed to see that they were still deep in conversation with each other.

"I had no idea it was that sort of party."

"Oh babe," she said, and the smile on her face was almost sad, "you have no idea what kind of party this is, not yet. But you will."

A thought occurred to me: "Is that why you introduced Jane to Viktor? Because you thought he might like her?"

She took a sip of wine before answering: "not quite. He doesn't usually go in for quiet, bookish types. No, I introduced her to Viktor because I liked her, and tonight, it's my turn to choose."

I was incredulous:"I'm really not sure Jane would be up for anything that adventurous. Scarlett maybe, but not Jane." This reminded me that I had not seen Scarlett in a while. I looked around to see where she was. It didn't take long before I spotted her sat on a low sofa at the back of the hall. Her and Luc were sat at either end talking to a executive looking couple who was sat between them. I was so curious I missed Katie's question and, turning around, asked her to repeat it.

She leaned forward: "And what about you?"

"What about me?" But, no sooner had I said it than I noticed the mischievous look in her eye. I struggled to answer, a fact that seemed to delight her even more.

"Well, well, well. That certainly wasn't a no." She purred, before draining the last of her wine.

All of a sudden I felt the need to get some space."I'll be right back, just need the loo." I said as I rose.

"Do you want me to come with you?" She said, to which I shook my head. As I made my way to the bathroom I heard her last parting shot at me as I'm left: "why not, are you worried I might bite?" for some reason she seemed to find this hilarious.

Coming back from the bathroom I passed close to where Scarlett and Luc were still talking to their two new friends. The woman was attractive, maybe in her mid-forties, smartly dressed with stylish short hair. Her partner, sat talking to Scarlett was, maybe a little younger but similarly dressed in a smart shirt and tie. I was intrigued, neither of them looked like the sort of people Scarlett would have any time for and yet, here they were, deep in conversation. I noticed that Scarlett's hand was resting gently on the man's leg, high up above the knee and alarmingly close to a rather prominent bulge in the crotch of his expensive trousers.

As I watched, Luc took the woman's hand in his and raised it to his mouth as if to kiss. At the last moment he turned the hand over and, with his other hand, pulled the cuff of her shirt-sleeve up, exposing the dark, sun-kissed skin of her arm. Then, holding the woman in his gaze, he slowly bent down to kiss her upturned wrist. The effect was immediate, the woman stiffened, and I heard her low gasp even over the swell of the music.

The man next to her must have heard it too for he turned in his companion's direction. With a startling mixture of gentleness and strength Scarlett reached out a pale hand to his face and directed his attention back towards her. The woman turned her face to the wall as Viktor continued to kiss her wrist. She made no attempt to pull her arm back and, even in the dim light of the nightclub, I could see her body begin to tremble. Next to her the man continued to stare at Scarlett as she, moving so very slowly, and with a strange, hungry expression on her face I had never seen before, leant forward as if to whisper in his ear.

"Is she a friend of your's?" The question was asked so softly, so gently, and yet so fascinated was I with what was going on in front of me, that I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned, and saw the beautiful redhead was standing next to me, looking at me curiously, and my first reaction was to feel skin-crawling embarrassment at my reaction to her voice. When I finally found my own I found that my mouth was bone dry, making me sound, I imagined, like somebody who had just taken a large bump to the head.