A Taste of Slavery Ch. 23


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"Sam and Marcia said the same thing," I said. "I would agree to this that until we all agree we no longer anticipate problems with the poker group, you remain clothed and without collars."

"Circle it, Julia," Lisa said.

"I only have one more item on my list, sir, and I know you've told me not to ask anymore, but this is my list and I want it on here. I would still like to be branded, Master, as your slave. It would not be a cattle type brand, sir. It's done with a surgical cauterizing tool. It apparently hurts no worse than a tattoo. I've listed websites where the topic of branding is discussed, including medical websites which discusses general scarification. I've got a YouTube video of a man undergoing the procedure who says it hurt differently from, but no worse than the tattoos he's had. I will also speak to the OB about it tomorrow to ensure there are no consequences to our baby. If you remain adamantly opposed to branding, I would be willing to consider a tattoo, but I want this, Master."


"Yes, Julia, why?" Lisa asked.

"There is nothing else I can do to show my Master in a more permanent way that I am completely and utterly his. I'm not entering into a lifetime of slavery for sex with others. I'm entering it because I love and find myself totally submissive to my one true Master, not only my dominant, but everything else in the world to me, husband, father of my children, lover, friend, giver of the greatest gift anyone has ever given me, his love and my slavery. Despite knowing how awful it would be for him, he shared me with others to offer what he believed I wanted. I know of no one else who would have made the sacrifice he did. I want to show him how devoted I am to him and him alone."

"What do you think, Lisa?"

"Unless you wanted me to be branded as she wants to be, I don't see this as affecting me, sir. I understand her viewpoint, but I admit I'd be scared to do the same. I'd be willing to look at the information she has to consider it for myself, but I'm more inclined to a tattoo than branding, even if the pain is similar. I think tattoos are prettier for one. I'd probably wait for a year to see how this goes before I got one identifying me as your slave, sir. You were correct in saying this is new to all of us and we didn't know what would happen, but I can see knowing with more certainty if it's going to work in a year."

"I think a tattoo could be lovelier as well. I'm more inclined to grant that request, and would even consider joint tattoos for all of us in a year to further cement our relationship. As for a brand, I'll look at the information you put together, but make no promises."

"Thank you for considering it, Master. That's all I have. Do you have more for us?"

"Actually, I believe all of my items were covered by you two, and what I said in addition to what you had. Selling Lisa's house, moving in, becoming a throuple, sharing everything, handling finances, the nights out. I really want a bonding ceremony, perhaps at the time we sign the contract. Think about what you want to say to one another at the ceremony. If everyone is in agreement about the circled items, give them to me and I'll combine them together, send them to Zoe, so she can look at adding them to the contract, power of attorney or whatever we need. After our ultrasound appointment tomorrow, we'll go to Wells Fargo and have Lisa added to the savings and checking account so she can buy things we need, do grocery shopping, whatever. Tomorrow night, we'll inform the parents of our new status and let Jack know he can stop paying alimony beginning with his next check. Does this sound agreeable to everyone?"

"Master, I think the bonding ceremony should be performed in front of others," Julia said. "Our parents, perhaps our friends, which means we can't be naked for it, but I'm okay with that. Perhaps we should go to supper at Luigi's afterward, or even hold the ceremony there."

"Do you agree, Lisa?"

"Yes, Master, almost like a wedding."

"Done. Perhaps some suggestive clothes, but nothing too revealing, and your finest slave jewelry."

"Perhaps Master could have Master jewelry done. A necklace with a whip attached to it with an M for Master," Julia said.

"I'll ask about it when I send this to Zoe. Please give me your lists and I'll type them up and send them off."

They both gave me their lists.

"You may go to bed now if you wish. You may give each other two orgasms. I shall be to bed shortly. I shall only fuck Lisa tonight because Julia attempted to control her Master earlier."

"I apologize, Master. It was improper of me. It won't happen again."

"Understanding you're a needy sex slave, you're still my sex slave and subject to my wishes, not yours," I said.

"Yes, Master," she lowered her head. "I understand."

While they went to bed, I did my best to place our consolidated lists in some type of order, nicely typed. I sent them to Zoe and asked her to try to incorporate what she could in any contract, or perhaps an attached Memorandum of Understanding, Power of Attorney, Will or whatever else she could think of to reflect our commitment to one another. I also told her I'd be interested in any Master jewelry they carried and asked if she had a catalog I could peruse to find what I was looking for.



I was disappointed I would not be getting Master's cock tonight. It was improper of me to demand sex as his slave and I was paying the price for it. Lisa commiserated with me on the topic and gave me two lovely orgasms with her tongue before Master came to bed. It would have to do. It took Master around ninety minutes to finish up. He came to bed after. We removed his clothes, took turns sucking him until he was hard and then I helped him put his cock in Lisa's cunt and watched them fuck. She had three wonderful orgasms on his prick before Master deposited his cum in her. Sometimes, the life of a slave is hard when a slave has disappointed her Master. I cleaned them both off, tasting their cum on both. Master let me sleep between the two of them, and they both slept with their arms curled around me. It took a while for me to fall asleep I was still so desperate to be filled by Master's cock, but eventually I slept, secure in their arms.

Master tried to make it up to me the next morning, and I would have gladly taken him up on his offer if I didn't have an appointment with my obstetrician today. I'd feel sleazy seeing her with Master's cum in me, so he brought me off with his tongue twice, which was considerate of him. When Lisa and I sucked him, I received his gift, which made me feel better. We had time for a nice breakfast together before we had to go to our appointment. Master fed me, which I also appreciated, but no time to make me orgasm again, and honestly, would a cunt full of my cum be better than one of his.

Since this was a professional visit, both Lisa and I wore underwear for the second time in a week. When the nurse called me back for the ultrasound, all three of us went with her. She tried to protest, but Master said he'd discuss it with the doctor and so Lisa came with us. The nurse took my blood pressure, temperature, and gave me the flimsy little gown that opened in the back.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like more privacy to change into your gown, Mrs. Rivers?"

"I'm perfectly comfortable undressing in front of Lisa," I said. "She shares a bed with my husband and I."

She looked at me like I suddenly grew a second head. "Excuse me!"

Master said, "We're in a polyamorous relationship. We all sleep with one another. Ms. McManus will be like the child's second mother."

The nurse couldn't get out of the room fast enough. I admit it was a little on the strange side, but we couldn't have been the first people to ever have one of these relationships. They were making movies and tv shows about it now. Perhaps we were going to be more open about it than most, but it couldn't be the first time she'd run across one. I sat down on the table and Master took my left hand and Lisa my right and we waited for the doctor.

When the doctor came in, the nurse stood against the far wall like we were contagious, for God's sake.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Dorothy Sturgis and I'll be delivering your baby unless I'm on vacation when the baby comes due. How are you feeling today?"

"Fine, Doctor. Doing well."

"Taking care of yourself and the baby?"


"My nurse tells me you folks have an unconventional relationship." She glanced quickly at Lisa.

"Yes, this is my husband, Scott, and our mutual lover, Lisa McManus."

"Scott, Lisa," Doctor Sturgis said. "Good to meet you. How's this working out for you?"

"It's fairly early in our relationship," Master said, "a little more than three weeks, but we've been friends for years. I have every expectation it will work out well."

"We've got a list of items to look out for during your pregnancy, some maternity vitamins for you to take. In the meanwhile, why don't you lie up here on the table and let's see what we can see, shall we?"

I lay down and the doctor smeared some gel on my stomach, still pretty flat, then wheeled the sonogram machine over to the table. Lisa had to give way to give her room, but she moved to Master's side, and took his other hand. The doctor turned everything on and ran the metal head of the sonograph head over my abdomen. We were all staring at a large TV screen and then all of a sudden, there was this tiny little flutter on the tube.

"That's the baby and baby's heartbeat," Doctor Sturgis said. Master squeezed my hand.

"How big is it now, Doctor?" Master asked.

"Roughly an inch long, still very tiny, but beginning to grow organs, limbs, and the face begins developing features. I'll print out a copy of this to take home."

Master looked down at me with such love in his eyes. "Our baby, my love. I can't thank you enough for this." Lisa stroked my hair, smiling at me. "Doctor, since Lisa is going to be a full partner to both of us from now on, we'd like her to be with on any subsequent visits, notified as if she were me, and present in the delivery room."

"We might require some additional paperwork, HIPAA warnings or whatnot, but I'm sure we can accommodate you."

"Are we the first ones to come in here with this type of relationship, Doctor Sturgis?" I asked.

"I suspect the first to be so blunt about it, though not the only ones I suspect," the doctor laughed. "We've seen a bit of everything. Nurse Jones will give you everything you need to bring home with you. Make sure you read it all. They offer birthing classes here at the clinic." She was wiping the gel off my stomach as she spoke.

"Doctor, I'd like a moment alone with you if I could," I said.

"Of course. Please excuse us. Nurse, escort the others to the waiting room."

She waited until everyone was gone. "Are you really doing okay?" Doctor Sturgis asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Better than you'd believe."

"I wondered because you're going to be gaining weight and feeling ugly and ungainly anyway, and with your husband having sex with another woman, I thought you might be feeling insecure and unloved."

"No, Doctor Sturgis. That part of my life is incredible. As you might imagine with two lovers, my sex life is very rich and rewarding. I feel very loved and desired, and I don't anticipate any changes. My husband loves me an unimaginable amount. I wished to talk about something else entirely. I'd like to commemorate our relationship together with the two of them and I was thinking of getting a tattoo or a brand; but don't want to harm our baby in doing so. I wanted to check with you to make sure it's okay. My husband is hesitant about my getting a brand, which is something I really want. He's willing for me to have a tattoo, but I want to make the case for branding, so I wanted to see if it would be harmful."

"A brand, like a cattle brand?"

"Yes, though not done the same way. I understand the most accepted method is with a medical cauterizing tool, although I hear some are done with liquid nitrogen or lasers."

"I'd have to say no one has ever asked me that question before."

"I have some links to websites which talk about the process, but nothing addresses having it done while pregnant," I said. "I'd like to know."

"I can look at them and form a medical opinion, but why not just get the tattoo your husband is willing to accept? Done under sanitary conditions, it's perfectly safe to do while pregnant."

"Tattooing can be covered up or removed. I'd like a permanent reminder of our love together."

"Mrs. Rivers, - can I call you Julia?"

I nodded.

"Julia, your child will be as permanent a reminder of your love together as anything. With any luck at all, your child will last long after your brand is moldering in a grave. There is no greater sign of love than creating new life together, when done in the right way. Despite your unconventional relationship, it appears you have. I'll look into it for you, but I don't think you have anything to prove to anyone about your love together, not to you or anyone else. The decision to have a child and raise it together demonstrates commitment to one another every day."

"I'll take it into consideration, Doctor Sturgis, but please, do look into it for me."

"Okay, call me in about a week, and I should have something for you then."

"Thank you. That was all really."

"We're done here. Get dressed. The waiting room is down the hall on your left at the end."

"I'll see you in another month then," I said.

"Earlier if you start having any problems described in the literature we're giving you."

She left, closing the door behind her and I got dressed and found Master and Lisa. I got my next appointment card and all the literature the doctor promised, plus my first bottle of maternity vitamins. While we were at the doctor's office, we signed up for birthing classes, the evenings so Master could attend without missing work. We had lunch first, then went to Wells Fargo where Lisa was added to our accounts. They said she'd get her debit card in seven to ten days. Since we still had lots of time, Master took us to a large mattress store nearby to look at Alaskan king size mattresses.

What we found is no one stocked Alaskan king mattresses. None of the big manufacturers even made them, it would be a specialty item from someone who made to order like McCroskey Mattress here in California or Portland Mattress Company.

"Nine foot by nine foot mattresses are tough to stock since most people don't buy them," the sales person said. "Have you considered a Wyoming king?"

"What's the difference?" Master asked.

"The Wyoming is seven by seven, or a foot wider than a California King. We don't normally stock those either, but we have one somebody ordered and never picked up. I don't have a bed frame for it, so it's not on display, but I can show you how it compares."

"What's the difference between a California king and regular king size which is what I have now?"

"A California king is four inches longer and four inches narrower than a king size, built for taller people, I'd say. The Wyoming keeps the extra length and adds an extra foot in width."

"Show us one of your California kings and I'll imagine the extra foot of space on the side."

He showed us one of those Mattresses and all three of us got on. The salesman kind of gulped and pulled at the neck of his collar. He suddenly realized why we might be looking at larger mattresses.

"What do you think, ladies?" Master asked.

"The extra length is good for you, sir, but I hate the narrowness of this, and I don't even think the extra foot wide would be helpful once I'm really starting to show," I said.

"I agree with Julia," Lisa said. "Way too crowded for the three of us. The Alaskan king gives us three feet of space per person. If we're all going to sleep together, I think we need the Alaskan."

Now the salesperson's face grew red and he started to perspire, just thinking of it. He loosened his collar so more. He should wear one of mine; which locked tight.

"Can you order an Alaskan king for us?" Master asked.

"Uh, yes sir," he said. "Probably be around two to three months for delivery."

"Fine, I'm going to need to design and build the frame for it anyway. I'd like a combination coil and foam mattress; would that be a problem?"

"It shouldn't be, sir. Portland Mattress takes special orders."

"Get the paperwork started," Master said, "we'll take one."

Of course, both of Master's slaves had to kiss him once we knew we were getting a new bed. The salesperson developed a hard-on. He pictured three relatively young naked people cavorting on a large mattress and his pants became uncomfortably tight, which he tried to hide behind a binder he was carrying. Both of Master's slaves smiled smugly to themselves, thinking of it. Every time I even started to think about sex, I grew wet.

While Master and the sales clerk filled out the order, Lisa and I sat down and talked about the visit to the doctors and I told her about my conversation about being branded.

"I wish you'd reconsider branding," Lisa said. "I'd be willing to get a tattoo with you, but the more I think of it, the less I would consider more than a tattoo, other than piercings, of course. I'd be willing to get some of those, as well."

"She said I could call her in a week, and I will consider the alternatives, just for you and Master." I kissed her. "It would be fun to do something like get a tattoo together."

"Please. I don't want a brand, but I'd really be happy to get a tattoo."

It took Master about twenty minutes before he was done.

"I'm taking you to Luigi's tonight," Master said. "If we're going to consider having our bonding ceremony there, we should see if they have a meeting room or if we'd have to rent out the whole place."

"It's only been two and a half weeks, Master. I'm sure Sharon won't have forgotten us," I said.

"Unlikely since she licked you to orgasm, slave," Master replied.

"Will we be taking advantage of their long tablecloths tonight, Master?" Lisa asked.

"Not today," he replied. "Not if we're hoping to use it in the future."

"Too bad," I said, grinning. "There was something decadently wicked in sucking you off under the table, with the possibility of being seen by others."

"Another time, perhaps," Master said, grinning back.

When we got to Luigi's, Master asked if Sharon was working. Upon finding out she was, he asked to be seated in her section. Seeing us seated together, Sharon asked if she should look under the tablecloth for anyone else.

"Not today," Master replied, smiling. "All that might happen today is a meal and finding out who we need to speak to about renting a room or more for a celebration in a couple months.

"How many people?" Sharon asked.

"I hadn't considered how many we might like to invite," Master said. "Ladies, what do you think."

"Our parents, that's six," I said, "We should probably invite our poker group too, which would be five more."

"MD, Rose, and Slut," Lisa said, "would love to come."

"Slut?" Sharon asked.

"It's not her real name," Master said, "but it's the only one we know. We're up to fourteen now."

"I think we should invite Gwen, Sherman and Reneé," Lisa said, "making seventeen."

"Since the people at Brianna's were instrumental in making this happen," I said, "Brianna, Zoe, Sam, Marcia, Chantelle, and Monique would be appropriate. That's twenty-three. Sarah and Ron would be possibilities, but I don't know if they'll be off the Trail in two months."

"We could check," Master said. "We could possibly delay the celebration until they were done. That would be twenty-five. Are there any others you'd like to invite?"