A Thorn Between Two Rosés

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Tara and I share wine and more with our friend, Becky.
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This is my entry into the 2021 Summer Lovin' contest. I always like to reinforce that like my author name says, all of the stories I tell here have a basis in truth and are always based on actual events from my life. That being said, I do add some twists & embellishments to keep them interesting for the readers. Names are always changed

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This story has some buildup, but then is pretty much a sexual sprint to the end.

Everyone in the story is 18 years of age or older.


As graduate students in our second year, we generally reported to the university's campus in the second week of August, weeks before classes were scheduled to start. Meanwhile, the professors worked part-time or remotely, sending us lists of tasks that needed to be accomplished for the start of classes. It was a Friday afternoon during this stretch and I was sitting in the empty Finance Chair's office, entering lesson plans into Powerpoint for her lectures. At about 2:30, my cellphone rang and I saw it was my girlfriend, Tara, calling me.

"Hey T. What's up?"

"Hey babe. What time are you staying until?"

"It doesn't really matter. There's a ton to do, but I'm pretty much ready to bail at this point. Why? What's up?"

"Well, I'm thinking you should leave now. Becky and I met up and spent the day down by the lake, now we're drinking Rosé in the sunroom."

"Awesome. Let me close up the office and I'll be over. Give me 15-20."

"Well," she paused, "We also need you to stop and pick up some more Rosé on your way over."

"I should have known you had an ulterior motive" I laughed, "No worries. I'll grab some. See you in a bit."

Tara gave me an exaggerated "MWAHH" kissing sound into the phone and hung up. I packed up and walked to my car to head over to the liquor store. Tara was renting the third floor of an older building downtown. It was a standard apartment with a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room. What made it cool though, was because of the older construction, the living room had an area that sort of "outcropped" from the main room. It had big windows that let the summer sun stream in and when you opened them, you could catch the breeze from lake. That meant that even on the warmest days, there was a temperate breeze blowing through the room especially after dark. Tara had set-up a mini seating area there with a fold-out futon and a couple of deep "dish" chairs that looked like puffy seashells that you could sit in. The sunroom became the area that we all hung out in most often.

When I got to the apartment, I came in through the kitchen door with my key and yelled out, "I'm here! I got four bottles so we have some for the weekend. I'll throw three in the fridge and bring the other one out?"

Tara yelled back, "Sounds good, we're in the sunroom." I put the three bottles away, grabbed a corkscrew and walked down the long hallway to the front of the house. I passed the bedroom on the right and bathroom on the left before reaching the living room and turning the corner to the sunroom.

Tara was sitting on the futon wearing a black and white floral sundress and I could still see the black bikini she had worn to the beach peeking out. Tara had high cheekbones, silken brown hair and brown eyes that were expressive and sultry. She was the type of woman who could get you instantly hard with a smirk and sparkle from those eyes. Her body was amazing. Perfect tear-drop C-cup breasts, toned stomach and an ass that was just full enough to fill out the best pair of jeans. She had her feet curled under her, showing some leg up to her thigh and just enough cleavage that her bikini created to catch my attention. At 29 years old, she was a few years older than me at 26.

Rebecca, or Becky, was the complete opposite. She was 30 years old, tiny and thin. She had a bleached-blonde pixie-cut that made her look like Tinkerbell had grown to ~almost~ full size. She had a runner's body, so her entire body was tight and firm with small A-cup breasts and tanned and toned legs. Those legs were on full display as she was wearing a VERY short pleated yellow skirt with a white halter bathing suit top. Because she was so small, she was able to curl into the dish chair and let it envelop her. Tara saw me do a double take as I looked at Becky. Her skirt was so short that I was able to see clearly up to her crotch that was barely covered by the thin white fabric of her bathing suit bottoms.

Both women had a flush to their skin that showed they had recently been out in the sun. Tara had some extra redness on her shoulders and a hint of pink on her chest. Becky's nose and cheeks had definitely missed some sunscreen as they were definitely a bit more red than usual.

"Are you going to keep checking out Becky or are you going to pour some wine?" Tara teased.

I could only sputter as both girls laughed while Becky adjusted her legs into a demurer position. I poured wine for the girls, then some for myself and sat on the futon next to Tara. The sunroom was perfect for the late summer day. Sun was being filtered through the trees that surrounded the property, but just enough pushed through to give the room the warmth of summer. The evening breezes hadn't kicked up yet, so there was a contented stillness to the room.

We sat and talked about random topics and there was a generally relaxed vibe to the entire room. Tara had her bare feet resting on my thigh as she was laying across the futon. Every once in a while, when she would slightly shift her position, one of her feet would rub against my crotch. Meanwhile, the more relaxed Becky became the more her short skirt would shift up her thighs, giving me a view of her barely-covered sex. We just talked about a myriad of topics from people we knew, to our summer consulting gigs, to the upcoming year. After we finished the first bottle I opened, I got up to use the restroom and get a new bottle. I left the sunroom and turned the corner to head down the hallway to the restroom and kitchen.

When I returned to the sunroom, I saw that Tara had taken out a small glass bong and some of her stash of weed. Not one to partake myself, Tara asked if I minded if she and Becky smoked a bit. Since I didn't really care, Tara opened the windows a bit more, got everything set and lit up. Oddly, even though I didn't smoke weed, I always enjoyed the scent of it. As the smell filled the room, everyone continued to drink wine and chat.

As they worked their way through the bong, I noticed that Tara was getting more fidgety in her seat. Having dated her for over a year, I knew that weed usually had two effects on her. First, she got nice and relaxed. Next, she often got horny. I got the feeling that between the wine, the summer warmth and the weed, she was starting to get aroused. Becky had a glassier look in her eyes and was definitely more relaxed, as well. She was now sitting with her legs crossed and her skirt hiked up to her hips. She wasn't thinking anything of it, because she was technically wearing a bathing suit, but the position had pulled the garment tight against her and I could clearly see the outline of her pussy lips. I glanced over at Tara to see if she noticed me staring. Surprisingly, instead of looking back at me, I could see that Tara's eyes were glued to our friend's exhibition as much as mine were.

During a lull in the conversation, Tara asked Becky, "So Becks, what ever happened to that guy, Vic, you were seeing in Chicago?"

"Oh. I went and saw him back in June for a weekend. He was fine, but there was nothing there. We both said that if things happen to work out, we'll meet up again, but nothing serious."

Laughing, Tara said, "Wow. Chicago is a long way to go for a booty call!"

"No shit" replied Becky. "I should have waited for him to come visit here once or twice before cutting it off with him. It's been a rough two months." It was obvious that both girls were relaxed at this point, because it wasn't like them to have this conversation with me in the room, but I wasn't going to stop them.

"Two months? Jeez! You haven't gotten laid in two months?!?" exclaimed Tara.

"Yup. After Chicago, I went to visit family in Dallas for a few weeks. Even if I had met someone, I stayed with my sister, her husband and three kids. I had a short work contract last month in San Fran and thought I met a guy that would have been a distraction. Unfortunately, he was more 'distracted' by our waiter than me. Then, I came back here which is a ghost town in the summer."

"We need to find you some hot little undergrad once they start showing up."

"Tara, I'm not fucking some random undergrad."

"Why not? Jason is younger than me" said Tara with a smirk, "There are benefits to younger guys, you know. You get to tell them what to do and they are usually good for multiple sessions with a quick recharge period. Plus, if you get them young enough, they'll be convinced you're the best they've ever had!"

Tara punctuated her statement by obviously rubbing her feet against by shorts-covered crotch. I could feel myself starting to swell from the conversation and Tara's actions. Becky then spoke back up.

"You guys were apart for six weeks when Jason was working in Vegas, right? You've told me enough about your sex life that I can't imagine that was easy for you two considering how often you say you fool around."

I guess I knew that girls shared stuff like this, but I was still somewhat embarrassed realizing that Tara had obviously been sharing more information with her friends than I did with mine. Tara, on the other hand, wasn't embarrassed at all and continued the discussion.

"Yeah. We got creative. Phone calls. Emails. Some old-school letters. I even sent a raunchy letter from the Tate Library with some pictures that I took while I was in there."

"Wait. What? You sent a dirty letter from the library?" asked a confused Becky.

"No. I was working alone there late one afternoon. There was something about the place being virtually empty, with the heat and humidity and as weird as it sounds the musty smell of old books, I got really turned on. So, I started typing up a letter to Jason about what we could have been doing in there if he weren't away."

As Tara spoke, I remembered the letter and pictures she had sent. I was now rock-hard thinking about how many nights I jerked off reading the letter and looking at the pictures she sent with it.

"As I was writing, I got myself so worked up that I decided to go a step further. I looked around and sure enough, the place was basically deserted. I was wearing a sundress, so I slipped out of my panties and put them in my bag. The more I wrote, the hornier I was getting, so I started to play with myself under the table."

Becky was listening intently at this point, her eyes glazed over and her mouth slightly open. I wasn't sure if she was turned on or just shocked by Tara telling this tale on a random afternoon. But as Tara kept talking, I noticed that Becky was squirming a bit more and moving her hips back and forth just a little in her chair, as if trying to create the friction she was picturing in her head.

"After a few minutes, I had actually forgotten about the letter and was just jilling off in my chair. I looked around one more time and grabbed my phone. I took off my bra and shoved it in my bag with the panties. Then, I lifted my boobs out of my dress and took a picture. I actually took a bunch with me lifting and squeezing them, then a few of me pinching my nipples. The best may have been when I just was able to lick one of them and snap a pic.

"At that point, I was all in, so I hiked up my skirt and used my camera to take some pictures of me fingering myself and finally plunging two fingers in and out of myself. I ended up coming so hard that I thought I was going to leave a puddle on the seat.

"Later that week, I finished the letter, including the 'live action' details, printed some of the pictures and send them in the mail to Jason."

"What did you think when you opened the letter?" asked Becky.

"Honestly?" I answered, "It was almost hotter getting an old-school letter and picture like that. Knowing that all that time had passed before it got to me made it all sexier and more erotic."

Tara chimed back in, "Plus, after he got it, he called me and we had a pretty hot session on the phone while he read it and I recreated my time in the library. So, yeah, it sucked him being gone, but like I said, we got creative. We actually ended up sending a few more back and forth until I went out to visit him."

There was an awkward pause in the room now. The late-afternoon was still warm and the late-summer shadows had started to creep across the room. Tara's story, plus the wine and weed added to the heat and humidity in the room. I think we were all shocked by the turn in the conversation and at various levels of arousal.

"Wow" said Becky, "That's way beyond anything I've ever done. I mean, I've taken some pictures for boyfriends and I may have a little friend or two in my bedroom drawer to take the edge off sometimes but, wow, that's crazy hot."

Tara kind of chuckled and announced that she was going to pee and grab us all some waters. She disappeared down the hallway leaving Becky and me alone in the room.

"Hey Beck, I'm sorry about that. Tara can get kind of carried away when she smokes."

"Dude....don't apologize. That's the hottest thing I've heard in forever. I'm going to think of that every time I have to do any research over in Tate from now on."

"Yeah, Tara really wanted to sneak in there together when I got back, but by the time I did more people were on campus so it's never empty enough to do anything."

"Wait...are you telling me you'd have sex in public where you could get caught? That's nuts!"

"Yeah...well...ask Tara about the old movie theater downtown sometime. Let's just say we went to see a random movie one afternoon and I literally don't remember one minute of it."

As I finished talking, Tara walked back in with the bottles of water. She handed them out and got back on the futon, this time leaning against me with her legs in the other direction.

"So, what were you two talking about while I was gone?" she asked.

Before I could say anything, Becky jumped out of her seat.

"Wait! Hold that thought. I've had like 8 glasses of wine and I REALLY have to pee. But, when I get back, you're telling about the movie theater downtown and the movie you didn't watch."

As soon as Becky turned the corner to go to the restroom, Tara was all over me. She turned her body, pushed her mouth against mine and plunged her tongue in. As she came up for air, she said, "Holy shit. I'm so fucking horny, Jay. Here, feel me."

With that she took my hand and pushed it under her sundress. I learned that when she had gone to use the bathroom earlier, she had removed her bikini bottoms under her dress. She was now pushing my hand against her sopping wet pussy. With no encouragement needed, I pushed two fingers inside her while using the palm of my hand to rub against her clit. Tara responded by gyrating and pushing harder against my hand in a desperate attempt to get off before our friend returned from the bathroom.

As we continued to wrestle with our tongues and I finger fucked Tara, she was trying to unzip my fly to get access to my cock. I pulled away from our kiss and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her hand away.

"Babe. We can't. Becks will be back any second."

"Did you see you her? I bet she's in there getting herself off right now. Plus, we'll hear the toilet flush and have time." With that, she twisted her wrist free and resumed gaining access to my cock. I probably should have fought more or reasoned with her, but at that point, I was past the point of caring and just wanted to feel her hand on my cock. I resumed my ministrations on her pussy and clit while she finally freed my cock from my boxers and shorts.

Now admittedly, I'm not stocked like a porn star, but my dick is a decent 6 inches with a bit of girth. From what I've read on the internet, that puts me as solidly "average" but I had never received any complaints. Regardless, Tara had a grip on me and was working her hand up and down my shaft. I could feel her taking deep breaths through her nose as we continued to make out like teenagers, my fingers thrusting in and out of her pussy. Tara was much closer to coming than I was, though. Her hand on my dick felt great, but with no moisture and the close quarters I wasn't getting the pleasure I normally would. Tara, on the other hand, was bucking her pelvis against my hand trying to climax. I got the idea to grab one of her breasts, so I pulled away to gain access. As I did, instead of grabbing a handful, I pushed her away and pulled my hand from beneath her dress.

"Oh shit! I ...uh.... Shit. Sorry!"

"Jay, what the FUCK! I was so close. Why'd you stop?"

Tara looked over to see what had made me pull away so quickly. Becky was standing at the end of the hallway, staring at us. Tara was flushed and trying to regain her composure. Her dress was still hiked up, giving a clear view of her bare pussy that she was starting to cover back up. Meanwhile, I was struggling to tuck myself back into my shorts (but as any guy knows whenever you are in a hurry to do that, you get tangled in your own zipper, boxers and everything else).

In a very hushed voice, we heard Becky say, "No. Don't stop."

Tara and I both sort of froze as we looked up at Becky.


"Don't stop. I ... I want to watch."

With that, Becky sat back down in the dish chair across from us. There was a long pause in the room as it felt like a surreal moment in time. The air was thick with lingering Summer heat, as a cool breeze had not yet started to blow through the room. My cock was still half out of my fly and Tara was clearly disheveled with beads of sweat on her forehead and her chest. I could also detect the scent of Tara's arousal mixing in the room.

Tara was the first to move, shifting back toward me. She looked up at Becky and asked, "What do you want to see?"

Becky had adjusted herself so one leg was tucked under her, with the other bent to the side. Her tight bikini bottoms were now in full view stretched over her pussy lips. "I want to see Jay's cock. Take it out and stroke it again."

Tara moved like a cat, reaching over to unbuckle my belt and unbutton the top of my shorts. Once that was done, she gave my hips a quick tap, getting me to lift myself up slightly. As I did, she pulled my shorts and boxers down my hips and to my knees. My cock sprang free and I was in full view of our friend.

Tara looked up at me and licked her palm, covering it with saliva. She then started to slowly run her hand up and down my shaft. When she would reach the top, she would cup her hand and twist it over the crown of my cock before moving back down. I groaned as the addition of moisture was giving me the pleasure I had been missing earlier. When I looked down at Tara, she wasn't looking at me, but had her eyes locked on Becky.

Becky, in turn, had her eyes glued to Tara's hand and my cock. One of her hands was now openly rubbing her own breast through her bathing suit top and the other was creeping into the waistband of her bottoms.

One of the amazing things about my time with Tara was her sexual energy and sense of adventure so it became obvious she sensed an opportunity in the room. Never taking her eyes off Becky, she licked her hand again and continued stroking me.

"Becks, he is so hard. You should feel this for yourself. You said you haven't felt a real cock in months. He feels so good. His cock is so nice and hot. You have to feel this."