A Threesome in a Covid 19 World Ch. 07


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Having been brooding about the confident v less confident Ellen issue all morning, in the instant when we collided and normally instinctive reactions of moving aside would kick in, something activated to instead freeze me in place. I looked Ned in the eye...

"Where are you off to?"

"I'd just put the kettle on for a coffee."

"What, you've got a $1,000 coffee machine and you're having instant?"

"Just feeling a bit lazy."

Ned's manhood was hardening up between my legs. He was quickly getting what the Screw Girls on the yacht would call a full horizontal; a full, hard erection which was held down horizontal by his swimwear, or in this case, by my crotch.

In the old days I had the fast wit and confidence to pin him in conversation while I all but masturbated myself to an orgasm on his erection. Out of practice, I fell back to a bit of kitsch...

"That's not all you're feeling. Pleased to see me are you?"

With raised eyebrows, Ned grinned cheekily at me, no doubt savouring what he took to be the momentary bantering victory he was about to deliver...

"I'm always pleased to see you. But you're the one pleasuring herself. I think, strictly speaking, you're the one doing the feeling."

Damnit, he noticed. He always did notice. I'd set myself up for that one.

As his erection hardened and lengthened, I'd let my hips move back as he grew, pinning the tip in my crease, the bell pushing against the opening to my vagina while the hard length below it rested on the projection of my clit, letting me pleasure and tease myself with just the slightest movement.

Still, what man isn't going to notice a woman rocking on his cock, however engrossing the conversation she tries to engage him in?

Once moved from the close confines of the yacht to the open expanse of Ned's house, these situations always must have appeared strange to an outsider. It's not as though we're standing in an embrace. Ned's standing bolt upright, his hands by his side. I've still got the water jug held out to the side in one hand, the other lost for what to do with it as I stand in a slight arch; my hips pushed back to optimise the position of his fully grown cock, my chest pushed forward to brush my tits against his chest and my neck slightly back so that our faces are separated just enough to let my eyes scan the totality of his face, rather than just stare him in the eyes.

And yes, I'm what you might call vibrating my clit against his hardness in the forlorn hope I might have got away with touching myself up without him noticing.

When the house was full of the Screw Girls and we had a ready audience, the process would be sustained by catcalls and cheering as Ned and I exchanged witty repertoire, taking about something as banal as what we were having for dinner while managing to do it in a way that was full of double entendres and sexual suggestiveness.

I was standing there devoid of an audience, or of any witty repertoire for that matter. And my time was limited, so I had to get on with it. I suppose I could have just dragged him into the bedroom and told him I wanted sex. But I was determined to capture the old, cheekier, Ellen.

I could switch to the banal without the wit or try a different approach. This one I usually needed to be a bit drunk for, like when we were coming home from a night out. It was trash-talking him into bed. Doing it completely cold sober was a new experience.

"After wearing yourself out on Amy's willing pussy this morning I'm surprised an old fart your age can get it up again."

"You were offered but declined. Anyhow, I think 'it' is speaking for itself at the moment."

"What? A bit of a morning finger fuck? A bit second rate isn't it?"

"You know the rules. If you'd put your hand up a bit earlier, you could've had all the rooting you wanted."

"Maybe, but I wasn't in the mood for sharing."

"Well, it would seem you've managed to grow your own new one."

"Yea, but is it up for a good G Spot banger?"

"Just a sec, I'll check..."

Ned looked down between our closely spaced bodies to where the base of his shaft was just visible before the rest of his erection disappeared between my legs.

"Yep, it says it's good for it."

"I don't think my toddlers want to see their mother getting done over on the kitchen bench."

"Well, we'd better move into the bedroom then."

Ned didn't even give me a chance to reply. With an arm around my shoulders and another under my knees, I suddenly found myself picked up and draped across his front. After moving me closer to the kitchen bench to put down the water jug, he walked briskly down the hall to the bedroom.

By the time we'd got there, he'd used his teeth to undo the top tie on my bikini top. It seemed, as he'd picked me up, the lower tie of the top had got caught in his hand because it too came undone as he dropped my shoulders unceremoniously onto the bed, my legs still elevated by the arm under my knees.

He knelt upright on the bed, swivelling me around so that my legs draped under his left arm. Then using his right hand he grabbed the waistband of my thong panties starting to peel if off me until his left hand joined it, lifting my legs up vertically as he stripped it off my legs.

I was left naked with my butt resting elevated against his upper chest, one of my legs hooked over each of his shoulders. Ned looked lustfully down at my exposed crotch, the tip of his still horizontal erection pushing firmly into my arched down back.

"Well, do you want foreplay or do I just move straight into the banging?"

Foreplay was tempting; more so since he was obviously offering to eat me out. But time was short.

"I've got a meeting in ten minutes."

"I'll take that to mean the lady's asking to move straight into the banging."

I felt his erection draw a line down my back as he lowered me until his hard shaft rested bent downward in my bum crack. Ned shuffled back a bit until it popped out and the tip poked shallowly into my vaginal opening.

My legs, being no longer long enough to hook over Ned's shoulder, now stood near vertical, spread apart, resting on Ned's chest and pinned there by his left arm. As I looked up between my legs, I watched as Ned bent his hips back a bit to unsheathe his erection and peel his swimmers down onto his upper thigh.

Then he looked me in the eye and gave me a wicked grin as he quickly fully penetrated me. Both of us moaned a little with the pleasure of that first intimacy, the sensation multiplied by the downward angle of his penetration; increasing as it did the pressure on the tip of his erection and the front wall of my vagina.

Ned swivelled his hips to screw himself around in there a bit, deepening his penetration, before jerking his hips powerfully forward to make sure there was not a millimetre more of shaft to bury in me. Satisfied things were going nicely, he moved his arms into the full 'banging' position; one hand holding each of my legs up, spread widely.

He screwed around some more, maybe making sure I was well juiced up for what he was about to do. But the look on his face told me there was no shortage of pleasure in it for him too.

Apparently satisfied, he again looked me in the eye. I don't know I'd call his grin 'wicked' this time. It had more of a 'here it comes' look to it. Looking straight down at my vagina, Ned half withdrew from me.

Ned well and truly knows where my g spot is by now. It's almost like there's a calibration mark on his erection for it. The first couple of thrusts were short, slow and deliberate, making sure he had the spot, was getting the right reaction from me and that he's activated the zone and got past any initial discomfort.

When I closed my eyes and moaned a response to the pleasure, I felt the tempo of his thrusts start to increase. They were short shallow thrusts, raking the tip of his erection firmly across the sensitive zone; seemingly delicately calibrated to move it across the zone and not one iota more, either on penetration or withdrawal.

As Ned developed the muscle memory for the right movement, the tempo increased again. The stimulation of my g spot became unrelenting. I just wanted to lol my head back, close my eyes and moan out loud, as if I was being assaulted by an inanimate pleasuring machine. But Ned wasn't inanimate and while I knew this sort of thrusting wasn't all that orgasm inducing for him - he can send Amy through countless orgasms doing this and not boil up himself - there was an aspect of it that did give him a lot of pleasure. The visuals.

Ned's admitted there are two things about the visuals of this that really get him going.

The first is being able to stare straight down and watch his shaft repeatedly thrust into and retreat from my vaginal opening.

The second is the crazily wobbling of my breasts as my body - with minimal stabilising contact with the bed - is rag dolled by his thrusting. I don't doubt Amy's bigger breasts do it better. But evidently mine are more than enough to knock his rocks off.

I opened my eyes and saw Ned intently staring straight down at where his shaft met my body; a look of diffuse pleasure on his face. The human side of the pleasure machine that was rapidly driving me to an orgasm. An orgasm that gave every indication it was going to be a monster.

I started to worry about squirting. I don't always squirt with these sort of orgasms. I don't even usually squirt. But it happens. Normally we put a towel down just in case, but it had all happened so spontaneously this time, we'd bypassed that step.

But realising the worrying was spoiling my building orgasm, I decided to let it go. We'd cleaned up that sort of mess before. We could do it again. It wasn't worth worrying about.

I wanted to start crying out loud. I'm not a screamer like Amy and are definitely inhibited by the thought my kids are at the other end of the house, but sometimes you just can't hold it back.

In the final moments before I came I put on quite a vocal performance...Meg Ryan like in its build. But it was nothing compared to what happened as the monster hit. The cry was loud enough to be heard throughout the house...


Spontaneously, my body rose from being slouched down to ramrod straight; a straight ramp from Ned's cock to where my shoulders rested on the bed. The only reason I didn't pushed Ned flat on his back was he was ready for me; leaning into me to brace himself. So instead, after forcing his shaft fully into me, my shoulders bulldozed across the bed to provide for the additional length required.

I was about to relax down again when another wave hit, once again forcing me into a ramrod straight position.

With my contractions pleasurably pummelling Ned's hard manhood, I had an instant decision to make. Ned can deliver orgasm after orgasm like this. Amy can seemingly swallow them up until, as she describes it, her vagina's broken; so stimulated it just can't take it any more and she slides off into a curled up ball of womanhood where she goes through orgasm after orgasm until her body recovers its equilibrium and can process these things again.

I don't go to those extremes. But I can certainly take a couple. But my schedule was tight, my time limited and I really love the feeling of Ned going all out for his turn while I'm still contracting on him. Anyhow, I don't usually do the ramrodding, bulldozing thing. If Ned was going to continue g spot banging me, we'd have to reset our positioning.

No sooner have I managed to stop orgasmically crying out than I pleaded with Ned...

"Oh Ned, quickly. Go the animal on me..."

Now that's easier said than done from our starting position. Ned's kneeling bolt upright, his cock fully penetrated in me where my elevated hips meet his. My legs are vertical along his chest and the upper part of my body's sloping down to the bed.

Yes, in theory, he could just start pounding away like that. We've done it before. But more often than not it all turns to laughable shit. Everything's too unbalanced for a real uninhibited pounding. If he tries it, our bodies crash together in an uncoordinated way and he just ends up popping out of me in mid-flight - or usually just I was going to come - and has to stop to try and repenetrate me; no easy task when his hands are fully occupied supporting my legs. It loses the momentum of it all.

No, somehow we have to get down flat while Ned, not to put too fine a point on it, keeps up the momentum of our sex by continuing to pound me and under no circumstances comes out. Not helped this time by the fact Ned's legs are bound together by the swimmers pulled down around his upper thighs.

Still, we've done it before. Ned knows what's required.

With his hands around my ankles, Ned spread my legs wide, starting to ease them down either side of him as he firmly long thrusted his manhood into me. As my feet touched the ground either side of his knees, he transferred his hands to under my butt, supporting it as he slowly started to lean forward.

There comes a point Ned has leaned forward enough that he's is no longer in balance. At that transition point, Ned could no longer keep thrusting. The only thing stopping him from crashing down on me was the resistance I offered to his forward movement; all of it solely conveyed though the shaft that, already fully penetrated, his weight forced even deeper into me.

The next transition point came when the angle of Ned's body, with a little bit of a forward bend from him, let him put his hands on the bed to support his own weight again and finish lowering us.

And all of this had to happen before I stopped contracting on him, because half the fun of having him go the animal on me is for it to start before my own orgasm has fully run its course. So the moment his hands hit the bed, Ned unleashed himself on me. And I mean unleashed. Passionate, lustful, unrestrained, almost desperate thrusting accompanied by all the grunting that effort produced. Not because he demanded it - although he certainly enjoyed it - but because I demand it. It took a long time to train him to do it properly. As I said, Ned by nature was far too gentle and thoughtful to find it a natural thing to do.

The rag dolling of my body that produced laid me out flat on the bed quickly enough, with Ned arched over me going at it like his life depended on it; which given the playful punishment I inflicted on him when he faltered during my training of him, he probably thought it did.

But Ned is not the sole beneficiary of such impassioned sex. Nature has bequeathed me with a well-positioned, slightly oversized clit that manages to get itself pleasurably in the way of Ned's frantic thrusting.

I climaxed, somewhat more noisily than I would have liked to, just before Ned. I was still contracting on his shaft when he froze fully penetrated in me and his grunting momentarily stopped. A moment later he let out a familiar bellowing groan as I felt his cum shoot against my cervix.

Ned held himself there continuing to groan as what I could only assume were the first ropes of his cum shot into me. Then he eased his head down alongside mine, groaning into the bed as the rest of his orgasm took its course.

One thing Ned seems to have learned from having to satisfy all the Screw Girls is how to enjoy his orgasms. They go on for longer and Ned conveys a deeper sense of pleasure, than any other of the admittedly few lovers I've ever had. Harry's were always over in an instant compared to Ned's.

And his pleasure becomes mine, as it seems to prolong and intensify my own orgasms.

Ned knew I had to get back to work and there was little time for that sweet after sex cuddle we usually engage in...

"I feel like I've just made love to a complete stranger. I used to know a girl like you, but I haven't seen her for ages."

I smacked him playfully on his naked bottom.

"Yea, well, you asked for her. Now you've got her. You know you're probably going to regret it don't you."

"I doubt it. I always loved her. I loved the woman she became too, but there was always a special place in my heart for the earlier version."

Ned was still hard enough and I would have liked to enjoy his body more. But my time was running short. I rolled him over to put me on top and started to lift myself off him, his erection flopping back onto his stomach and drops of his cum quickly following.

I grabbed one of the sex towels we keep by the bedside and wiped myself down. As I put my still wet thong panties back on, I knew I'd be leaking cum into them for the whole of the next appointment. Just one of the hardships of a work at home existence I decided. Amy does it all the time.

For the rest of the day, I found myself in a very happy place. I too had rather liked the old Ellen and I welcomed her back into my body. I knew my confidence would come and go. You can't change yourself that quickly. But knowing how accepting both Ned and Amy were made it a lot easier.

But there was one downside. As I heard Amy screaming out her orgasms as she got banged by Ned down by the pool during her lunch break and again after work, the first hint of jealously started to creep back into me. It was nothing completely new. It had been a constant part of my former existence as a Screw Girl. It didn't stop us being best friends or completely trusting each other. What it tended to do was make us demand more sex from Ned to overcome the fear of missing out. In short, I could sense I was starting to want to do exactly what Amy was already doing.

That night we settled into bed as we always did. Ned between Amy and myself, all of us naked and in a room still warm enough to start the night without any covering. And as he always does, Ned turned to Amy to give her a goodnight kiss; momentarily turning away from me with the knowledge I knew my turn was coming.

This is never a quick peck on the cheek. It's a prolonged, full naked body hug, limbs intertwined, involving lots of petting and sweet talk. It may sometimes involve penetration and more rarely sex, but more often is just a static, non-orgasmic intimate penetration. Probably the only reason it doesn't involve sex more often is because neither Amy's voice nor vagina will yet have recovered from her orgasmic screaming though her after work sex.

My view might only have been that of the length of Ned's body on its side with various of Amy's limbs pushed through gaps and caressing him from behind or wiggling against who knew what sensitive area. But it aroused me just the same. Maybe it was the thought of what I had planned, maybe the way something in Ned's movements and Amy's limbs conveyed the passion of their embrace.

Finished with Amy, Ned extracted his limbs from where they were tangled up with Amy - whether it had been four or five limbs I couldn't at that point tell - and started to turn towards me as Amy herself flopped onto her back tightly alongside him. Predictably, he had a full hard erection on display. I didn't have time to judge whether it glistened with Amy's juices.

I already had plans for this moment. Now I just needed the courage to implement them. If the old Ellen was really back and nothing had changed, this was nothing new. But the new Ellen had to persuade herself of it.

Before Ned had a chance to turn towards me, I put myself half over him, pinning him on his back as I almost swallowed his face in a deeply penetrating kiss, resting my right hand on Amy's firm abs. As I squirmed about in aroused excitement, I brought my right leg over and put it down between Amy's thighs; separating them as I did so.

That did two things. It brought my crotch over Ned's erection so that the top part of it rested along my crease. It also put my thigh between Amy's, with the latter resting firmly against her mons. A mons I quickly recognised as damp, if not wet, from whatever she and Ned had been doing as they exchanged their prolonged goodnight kiss.