A Thrust into Power

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A guard is challenged in his notions of desire by a rebel.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/18/2017
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The night was black and silent engulfing the castle in a traitorous state of peace. As the royal family of the ancient city of Mamafé slept, a looming threat was at its gates. Near the small south entrance of the legendary, impenetrable Wall of Arms, there was a wishing well only used by superstitious merchants hoping to sell their goods to the rich citizens. A group of free fighters descended down the well and made their way into the sewers that ran under the city. Having traveled hundreds of miles from their mine worker village, the armed men knew the fragility of dirt and stone better than the elite who felt protected by it. With foreigners entering in the capital, so would begin a rebellion...

Danomas, his captain called him Dany, had just been selected to the prestigious Guard of Queens. A training that started when boys blew first seed and lasted until manhood had been achieved by killing someone in the Guard Games. It was the only way a low born like Dany could find himself in the great castle of the royal family. Dany wasn't big or muscled like the other men that were selected. His shoulders didn't fill his armour and he never had a maiden offer him her womanhood for free. But, he found, his thin sticks hit just as hard as thick ones. He even had the benefit of being swift and lean, flexible where others were stern and slow. Still, it was no surprise that he was assigned to guard the servant entrance of the castle instead of the guard duty of one of the members of the family. Oh, how Dany had longed to be one of Princess Setifia's guards. He would protect that beauty like she was his and hold her close when danger loomed. Perhaps she would thank him by letting him underneath her silk dresses and touch her supple breasts, her presumably equally soft stomach and down her... No! Dany stopped his fantasy. The only thing more painful than longing for a love he would never feel, was to feel his member grow hard in his tight iron armourcup. He controlled his thoughts by focusing on his actual duty. Listening to the silent soothing summer night.

It was in that moment a swoosh, not louder than a gush of wind, drew Dany's attention. He turned away from the gorgeous endless view over the city and into the dark hall. Had he imagined it? A splash of water. It wasn't obvious but it was there, Dany was sure. He checked his surroundings and with the weight of punishment for abandoning one's post crushing down on his conscience, Dany entered the long hallway.

The servant quarters had no night candles, leaving anyone blind. Dany relied solely on his excellent hearing, achieved over many nights guarding his father's stock on their farm during his childhood. Unfortunately, the unavoidable rattle of his own armour betrayed his presence and clouded his hearing. Dany waited, perhaps it was all just a cat. Indeed, for a good ten minutes nothing happened and Dany thought it best to return to his post. With his turn, he heard the unmistakable choke of a man who's throat is slit. Dany would never forget the sound since that day in the Guard Games. An enemy was near.

Without hesitation Dany, against all discipline, stripped himself of his breastplate and kneecaps. If he were to win this hunt in the dark, he needed to play into his strengths. This is how it came to be that when Dany neared the chamber of the servants dump, the unflattering stench more apparent than ever before, he managed to trick the intruders that had crawled out of the hole in the ground. He threw his armour to the other side of the hallway, with screeching clunks and scrapes that seemed to echo throughout the city, causing his prey to look the wrong way. Dressed in nothing but his linnen, Dany breathlessly sneaked up to every breathing person he could hear and slit their throats without hesitation. One, Dany ducked swiftly. Two, he rushed across the room. Three. Dany tripped over a body and fell beside it. In the darkness he could spot the empty eyes of Pennydal the cook. Distracted, Dany too late heard the unshielding of a sword, but soon enough felt the cold of the blade against his skin. When death didn't come, he dropped his knife and surrendered. A husky, baritone voice filled the room.

"Show me the way to the princess."


Dany pumped as much water into the bucket as he could, dreading the moment he'd return to his captor. If only he had a way to alarm his fellow guards upstairs. To escape, Dany hadn't been in the castle long enough to know every route, and he was sure that his attacker would catch up to him, this time less merciful. He returned with the full bucket of water and found the man, buck naked, standing in the room. Reluctantly, Dany showered the bucket of water over the dirty man. When the man didn't move and looked at the cloth, Dany squeezed it and started to clean off the dirt off the intruder. As water seeped through his fingers over the hard, muscled chest of his enemy, Dany plotted what to do next. But no thoughts came. Instead, he was distracted by the rounded hardness of the man's body. His shoulders, bulged and steady, his arms wide and strong, his stomach ripped and smooth. In the darkness, cleaning this male body purely based on touch, Dany felt his member grow again, only this time it had the freedom to do so.

"If you're on a mission it's better to feel fresh and clean, don't you think?" the man said to Dany with an inappropriate coolness. Dany nodded, only then realizing the man might not see his reaction.

"I had planned to kidnap the princess covered in shit, but this is way better." Rubbing the water out of his eyes, the man casually walked towards Dany's amor. They had already disposed the bodies down the sinkhole and washed away the blood. There was no trace of the infiltration. Dany looked at the sword, shimmering in the moonlight, which lay close enough to reach, especially now the man was occupied putting on Dany's damn armour.

"Go ahead, you'd be quick enough, I bet", the low voice said while barely fitting Dany's skirt over his own broad hips. Dany waited for a trick, but the warrior in front of him seemed wholly unconcerned. Without hesitation, Dany reached for the sword and put it on the muscular neck of the man.

"Like I said, go ahead." That casual smile Dany could see annoyed him. He wanted to cut off the man's head, long wavy black hair and beard and all, but something in him resisted.

"You do not fear death?" is all Dany could think of.

"Of course I do, I'm not an idiot." That damn smile again. "I just take life as it comes. I expected my men and I to kill every guard on the way up, and yet we are, them already slaughtered by the first slave we meet. Forcing me to carry out a suicide task with you as my prisoner. If you kill me now, it will save me quite the hassle."

"I am not your prisoner or a slave", Dany sneered, observing the man in front of him. His eyes were piercing blue and friendly. He put his long hair into a bun as Dany lowered his sword, revealing huge biceps and shoulders that filled the armour perfectly. Dany was in awe. This was exactly the kind of man that maidens would offer themselves to.

"I will not kill you. You will face the judgement of the king," Dany said, remembering the City Law he learned by heart.

"Forgive me, but I'd rather not." Dany had stared into the blue eyes too long and the man grabbed his wrist and twisted Dany around like a girl in a dance, putting his sword hand up in the air while Dany's own knife was drawn against his throat from behind. Dany could feel the warm breath of the man in his neck, his cool iron plate against his naked back.

"You really have to be quicker if you want to surrender me to that bloated fool," the man quipped. Dany felt challenged. He laid his head back on the man's shoulder, creating space between his throat and the blade. He filled it with his wrist, pushing the knife away, ducking down quickly and swinging the sword like a stick.

"Quick enough?" he smiled triumphantly. The man's smile suddenly turned impressive and Dany felt validated.

"I'm in awe, I admit. It only hurts to see my beautiful sword mishandled." He pointed at Dany's two hands holding the base. Dany coughed embarrassed.

"Young guards are not allowed swords," he admitted painfully.

"Switch then?" the man offered back Dany's knife and Dany strangely obliged.

"You're not from the city. You have a country accent. Aseah?" the man asked.

"Kundor, by the river Dath," Dany replied proudly.

"Ah yes, I should've noticed. Skinny, healthy farm and fisher folk," the man said, but now his eyes were scanning Dany's body. He felt the stare fall over his chest, down his stomach and linger on his linnen. Dany felt a tingling in his lower region again.

"My name is Boras. My mother, bless her heart, called me Bo until the day a slave merchant ended her and gave me a different name." Dany found, the man... Bo's, casual speech inappropriate. Yet now the rugged brute in front of him had earned some pity on his part. It reminded Dany of a beaten dog in need of a hug.

"What do they call you?" Bo said, in a demanding tone Dany felt obedient to.

"Dany", he said softly. Before he came back to earth. "You will not take the princess!" Dany said, suddenly aware that Bo had been distracting him.

"I might and I might not. I'll see how it goes. Have you ever met a slave merchant, Dany?" Bo stepped closer to Dany, his eyes piercing once more. Dany weakened.

"No," he said, his voice frail again.

"Of course you have. They don't care for much except trade. They do business in the capital. Do you know who buys the most slaves?" Bo asked, his casualness had been replaced with a worried, more captivating tone.

"No," Dany said, almost uncertain. Bo was only a little bit taller than he was but his width and height impressed Dany enormously. He felt like such a boy, such a small weak boy, compared to the big man in front of him.

"The royal family. Or did you think that skinny cook was here by free will?" Bo looked angry at Dany, but he had a point. Pennydal had been a limp ageless man, never tasting the delicious meals he prepared. Dany didn't think much of it, but now he realised all the servants were not nearly as dedicated or happy with their assigned position as he was.

Dany must have been lost in thoughts for a while because when he looked back into Bo's eyes they were filled with pity themselves. Dany once more felt the tingling down stairs and now even in his stomach. For a second he wished Bo would always look at him like that. Until Dany reckoned he wasn't a slave and didn't need Bo's pity. It was a great accomplishment to serve in the Guard of Queens. Bo must've seen the change in attitude because he lifted one of his hands, one of his enormous, strong hands, and rested it on the back of Dany's neck, wrapped it in a warmth and comfort Dany had never felt.

"Are you really free?" Bo asked, pitiful once more. Dany felt aroused at the touch of his hand, he felt his cock harden underneath the linnen, but the freedom to do so felt so good Dany didn't want to stop it, though he hardly understood why it happened. He looked at the broad body in front of him and rested his hands on the breast plate that never fitted him. While he looked, Bo's big hand slides down to the small of his back and pulled him closer. Dany was surprised, being so close to his enemy and panicked when Bo closed his eyes and leaned forward.

Dany had never kissed anyone before. He had to try his best friend Ariannah before he left for the Games but she had averted his kiss and pecked his cheek. "Save it for someone you truly desire" she had said, confusing him because she had been all he had desired.

As the stubbles of the beard itched against his hairless chin, everything Dany had known about desire was blown to peaces. The wet lips and slime, the penetrating taste of his hard tongue, gross, yet soft and Dany let him in. When his mouth wrapped around his own, Dany melted. Every muscle in his body surrendered and he fell into the embrace of his attacker. He wrapped his arms around Bo's neck and Bo wrapped his around his thin waist, resting his hands underneath the linnen on Dany's buttocks. They kissed wild and passionately, and Dany imagined their tongues to be ships on crashing waves in a stormy sea. Bo started to walk, without interrupting their kiss, and coordinated Dany into the hall.

"Where can we be alone?" he said, Dany sort of dazed at what was going on. The answer was quite obvious; Pennydal's room.


Dany doesn't remember how they went through the sleeping quarters unnoticed, with his armour clinking to every wall he and Bo fell into, stumbling making out. Bo had picked Dany up from the floor like a feather, thin legs wrapped around a broad waist, and carried him into the room. When they crashed onto the bed with much sound, Dany didn't care about the death penalty towering over men who lay with men. When Bo stripped and the iron fell to the floor, Dany didn't care about who might hear. He was too absorbed into the moment, too obsessed with seeing Bo's broad hairy chest and ripped stomach again, too happy to feel the big muscled arms wrapped around him, comforting him in ways his life rarely ever did. When Bo was naked once more, Dany saw another man's hard penis for the first time. In the training he saw limp cocks the entire time. But now it was erect and strong and it pushed in between his legs. In a natural instinct, Dany lifted his legs a little bit and knew he made the right decision when he felt the slightly wet tip push in between his cheeks.

Bo towered over Dany but stopped in his tracks. He wiped some sweat off his forehead and looked flustered. Dany thought this endearing and smiled, lifting up his head to kiss him. But Bo was serious, his jaws clenched, his eyes staring through to Dany's soul. Without saying a word, Bo opened his mouth and for the first time softly, slowly let his tongue massage Dany's. Altering between this intense, warm sensation and short kisses on the lips, Bo lowered his big body onto Dany's, pressing his weight on the small man Dany felt it like a warm blanket and wrapped his arms around Bo's broad back as a male organ was sliding up and down in between his cheeks.

Bo lifted his head, spit in one of his hands and reached down. Dany wondered what he was doing, but Bo stared him down again. As Dany looked into those mesmerising eyes, he felt a cool goo and the big head of Bo's cock against his back entrance. Dany wanted to protest, ask what was going on, but Bo looked serious at him, before thrusting harder. It hurt, it burnt, and quickly the goo was gone and the head was dry again. But once only the tip of Bo's cock had only felt an inch inside Dany, Dany knew what he wanted. He pulled Bo in for a kiss, lifted his legs and didn't make a sound when he felt the cock thrust through the tight ring.

Dany felt so much pain he thought he'd faint, but the only thing he wanted more than to pass out was to make Bo feel great. And boy, with every inch his big dick pushed inside his virgin hole Dany heard Bo moan in ecstasy. When Dany was convinced his entire hole had been filled with cock, he thought maybe that was it. To his surprise, Bo started to move, returning the burning pain to his hole. This time Dany wanted to protest, but no use, Bo was no longer serious or caring. He started grunting, heaving as he lifted himself on his fists. Only his lower body was now moving, his hips pushing against Dany's ass, shaking his scrawny legs in the air. The entire image turned Dany so on he no longer felt any pain. He just wanted to be ridden like an animal.

Bo roared as his movements started to be streamlined, the sound of skin slapping against skin, a rush as the skin of his thick dick slid past Dany's sphincter and into the warm flesh inside, all the way into Dany's deepest core. Rhythmically, Bo kept bucking his lower body and he found time to kiss Dany again, though this wasn't passionate, more short and demanding. Dany didn't know how long Bo was drilling his ass, but it felt like forever. When Bo got tired, he lowered himself down again, Dany wrapped his legs and arms around him in comfort, but his dick kept thrusting and Dany's ring kept sliding up and down. It needed to, it must. Suddenly the thrusts were slower, and Dany felt how the dick almost entirely left his hole before plunging back in entirely. Dany went mad of lust and clenched his asshole, hoping to keep the big stick in forever. Bo moaned in response and suddenly started to shiver, his moans growing louder and Dany felt something inside.

Dany noticed Bo laid almost entirely still, suddenly sweat everywhere. When Bo finally pushed himself off of him, his dick had already gone soft and left Dany's gaping hole. Dany looked at Bo, wondering if he did something wrong. When he saw Bo smile and clean his sweaty forehead, Dany felt something dripping out of him. First he thought it might've been something nasty, but he realised it was the same stuff that always came from his dick. Elated Dany turned to Bo.

"Must we stop?" Bo laughed, his heavy voice shaking the room.

"I can't go on my love, the night is still long and I have a mission to fulfil." Bo put on his armour for the second time. In shock, remembering how he found himself here, Dany climbed off the bed and rushed into the hallway. He ran to the end, cum still dripping down, and looked outside. Indeed, the moon had not moved as much as he thought. When he turned around, Bo threw his knife at him, which Dany caught.

"Come on, show me the way."


Dany's floppy feet slapped against the cold stones, the smack bouncing off the walls in the dark. He feared someone might hear him and simultaneously this excited him the most. He deeply breathed in the cool night air, as he neared the warmth of the Royal Chambers. A sharp slopping sound drowned out his steps. As he pushed himself against the wall and peaked around the corner of the open entrance to the Princess' chamber, the slopping was shrill and loud. This afternoon, Dany wouldn't have known what the sound was, but now he recognised it as the cause for the white goo still running down his legs. With care and precision he slid past the wall and peaked around the corner. He saw the princess, resting on her elbows and knees, her face in the sheets, as her bottom was high up in the air and the pelvis of the Captain of the Guard of Queens slamming against it.

The Captain was older but strong, his broad shoulders and intimidating muscles hardened by years of training. Yet here he was, all flexed almost tired out, as he pumped the princess while she moaned in delight. This afternoon Dany would've been jealous of the Captain, but now he wondered if he could be like the princess. If there would be more men like Bo who would be willing to do this to him, instead of a women. Dany was distracted by the unlawful act before him, and remembered his task. He was supposed to distract the guards, so Bo could sneak in and kidnap the princess. Now the princess was entangled onto the guards, the plan seemed to be complicated. He had to find Bo and stop the mission.

Just when the captain pulled the princess by her hair, revealing a scream of pleasure from her mouth and her stern breasts to the sight of Dany, he himself was pulled by his neck and for the second time that night, felt the cold metal of a knife against his throat.

"How dare you tresspass to the Royal Chambers, new blood?" an angry voice said in his ear.

Dany was dragged back into the hall, away from the open chambers, down the stairway from which he had come. His naked back slammed against the wall and a candle further down the stairs lit the face of his assailant. It was a guard, Dany recognised from his training. One of the older ones, but still young and eager enough to admire the Captain. His lips were soft and his jaws were clean, an opposite of Bo. Though Dany had only experienced the real touch of a man only just now, something inside him ached at this blunt use of force.