A Time of Thanks and Giving


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"I was just scrambling around. I was scared to death most of those times."

"I'm always scared when I go on a mission. It's natural. How you react to that fear is what makes you so impressive. Wyatt and Rufus don't follow you because Agent Christopher told them to. They follow because you're the one who they trust to lead them. All those people in history that you convinced to do one thing or another. They didn't do it because you had some magical authority over them. They did it because they recognized the exact same thing we all see in you. Power. Confidence. Intelligence. Compassion. Everything needed to be a great leader. You saved them all because this is what you were meant to do." He takes her smaller hands in his large calloused ones. "And you saved me too. Twice."

The tears have finally stopped. "When did I save you?"

"Future Lucy saved me when my family was killed. I had lost everything. On the run. No options. No hope. I was a few hours away from putting a bullet in my brain. She gave me a mission. A purpose. She gave me hope."

"I'm sorry."

Flynn stops her by putting a finger against her lips. "You apologize way too much."

"I'm sorr..." She rolls her eyes and he grins down at her. "What's the second time?"

"When you arranged for me to join this group. I was alone again. In prison. No hope. And you got me out. The others never would have considered it, but you got them to agree. They followed you, even to do the last thing they would ever want. You got me out. You saved me."

"We needed you." She doesn't say anything else. Her brain is whirling with strange possibilities. Flynn helps her up off the floor. He brushes dust off her and fixes a loose strand of hair. "I needed you."

She said it. She said it out loud. She stares at his chest, not willing to look up at him. For the first time is a long time, the haze is gone. There's a flutter in her belly and a little flare of heat in her chest. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

Flynn gently pulls her face up so she has to look at him. "No. You can't. I'm not a good man. You deserve someone better."

"I deserve someone who listens to me. I deserve someone who cares about me. I deserve someone who will love me."

"Lucy..." She puts her hand up to his face, her thumb gliding across his lips, silencing him.

"Do you love me, Garcia?"

He tries to look away, but she holds his gaze. "You know I do. But..." He doesn't get a chance to finish his thought. Lucy lifts up on her tippy-toes and kisses him. At first, he doesn't move, and she thinks he's turning her down. Then he lets out a small groan and his tongue slips across her lips. He folds his arms around her body, pulling her in closer. "Lucy."

She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down toward her. A large hand slides down her back and ends up resting on her ass. Their kiss deepens, each exploring the other.

Lucy breaks the kiss first, her hand cupping the side of his face. His eyes darken with intensity. "I'm gonna need a stepstool or something." His deep laugh fills the room. Lucy looks down his body, her hands following where her eyes go. Eyes. Mouth. Neck. All the way down to his waist. She slips her hands under his olive green turtle neck and gently starts lifting it up.

Flynn shifts his body to let her slip the shirt over his head. She drops it on the floor. She untucks the white tank from the waist of his green cargo pants and slips it up and over his head. It joins the turtle neck on the floor.

Flynn doesn't move. For a moment, Lucy just stares at him. Wide strong shoulders. Broad chest. Tapered waist. His skin is pale, but he hasn't been allowed in the sun for months. First prison, then locked in the bunker. She imagines his skin would get a perfect golden color in the sun.

She reaches out to touch his abdomen. Suddenly he twitches and sucks in a breath. When she looks up, his eyes are almost black. She knows it's taking all his willpower not to move right now. She looks back down to her small hands resting on his stomach. There's a scar from a large gash on his left side. She runs her fingers over the puckered skin.

Her hands glide upwards and explore his chest. More scars. She leans in and rests her forehead against him. He smells so good; part soap, but another part undeniably Flynn. She runs her thumb underneath his nipple, watching it pebble. Dipping her head forward, she kisses it. A soft groan comes from above her. Fingers gently stroke her hair as she lavishes more attention on his sensitive flesh.

Looking up at him, she places her hands on his neck and pulls him down for another kiss. Her fingers tracing a long scar where his neck meets his right shoulder. There is no hesitation on Flynn's part. He claims her mouth and pulls her closer to him.

Strong hands gently pull her sweater over her head. He kisses her on the forehead and folds the sweater and places it on his comfy chair. He chuckles as Lucy bangs her head against his arm, frustrated that he's taking so long. Placing fingers under her chin, he kisses her again. "Patience. It's my turn now." She grumbles and bangs her head against his chest, drawing another chuckle from him.

He unclasps her old, plain white bra and folds it before placing it on top her sweater. Flynn spends a long moment just looking at her. "So beautiful." His fingertips skim over her pale skin. Down her neck, over her shoulders, and down her arms. He slides over to her stomach and cups her breasts, brushing his thumbs over her nipples. He leans in and lets the scent of her hair engulf him.

Her nipples have pebbled, and he rolls them between his thumb and finger. He places butterfly soft kisses down her cheek and along her neck. He kneels in front of her. Slipping his fingers into her waistband and shimmying's her sweatpants down her legs. She steps out of them. Lucy makes an exacerbated noise as Flynn folds them and places them on the chair, a small smirk on his lips.

Frustrated, Lucy puts her hands on her hips. "I saw that. You're doing that on purpose!"

"Doing what?" His strong hands are rubbing up and down her legs as he leans in and kisses her chest.

She slaps the arrogant asshole on the top of his head. "You know what I'm talking about. You're driving me nuts. Stop messing around."

Beautifully dark intense eyes look up at her. "You know you get demand-y when you're horny." She doesn't have a chance to reply. He picks her up and drops her on the old army cot. He crawls on top of her, pinning her down. "I enjoy messing around. I could mess around all night long with you." He leans down and sucks a nipple into his mouth before she can yell at him again.

He alternates between her breasts as he slips her plain panties off and tosses them on the floor. He positions himself between her legs. Then he just stops and looks at her face. All playfulness is gone. "We don't have to do this, Lucy. I mean, if you're not ready, we can stop."

He looks so unsure of himself, it breaks her heart. "I trust you, Garcia Flynn. I love you." With that statement hanging in the air, she kisses him.

He can't deny her anything. His hands explore her body as his mouth claims hers. I no time at all, Lucy is writhing underneath him. He breaks the kiss and just looks at her. Memorizing every line and curve on her face.

Flynn kisses her neck and down her chest. Paying special attention to her nipples before moving down to her tummy. He scoots down, rubbing her hips as he kisses the inside of her thighs. She's moaning again as he dips his head between her legs.

Her lower lips part easily as his tongue searches out the little nub of flesh. Her body bucks up the instant he makes contact with her clit. So sensitive. Flynn spends several long minutes lapping and sucking at her clit. Long fingers slowly enter and withdraw from her core.

"Flynn." He mumbles a response but doesn't stop what he's doing. "Flynn please."

The begging gets his attention. He lifts his head to look at her, licking his lips clean. "My name is Garcia."

Lucy takes a deep calming breath. She's felt dead for so long; the sudden explosion of sensations is jarring her senses. The loss of control is terrifying, but her body demands more and more. She's trying to form her scattered thoughts into a something she can communicate to him. She always ends up getting hurt. When was the last time she showered? This morning? She used to be terrified of this man. But now she trusts him. She said she loved him. Where did that come from? Is she pretty enough? When was the last time she shaved?

A bolt of electricity courses through her. She gasps for a breath and looks down her body. Flynn is glaring at her. Her clit held between his white teeth. He lets it pop out of his mouth. "You're thinking too much. Stop thinking and just feel."

"I'm sorry."

She bucks as he nips at her again. The same shock shooting through her. "Stop apologizing."

"I'm sor..." She stops as he moves to nip at her again. Instead of biting, he sucks her clit into his mouth and dances his tongue around it. "Oh fuck!"

Flynn looks up at her. "I thought you'd never ask!" He climbs off the bed and stands up. He just gazes down at her for a moment. Her skin is flushed and pink. Her hair is wild and untamed. And he will never forget how her eyes rake over him as he removes his cargo pants and his boxer briefs.

He leans over her and kisses her, climbing back onto the old army bed. He caresses her face. "You are so beautiful, Lucy. I will never leave you." He settles between her legs. They explore each other's body as he slowly works his way inside her, inch by inch, until he fills her. "I love you Lucy. I have loved you for a long time."

Starting slowly and gradually picking up the pace, Flynn draws out every moan and whimper Lucy makes, learning what drives her wild. Her fingers are clawing at his back by the time he brings her to the brink of orgasm. He presses his mouth over hers, capturing her scream, as she explodes around his cock.

He slows down, letting her recover, but never stops moving inside of her. Her breathing slows, and her eyes refocus on him. "Flynn." He kisses her, savoring the small grunt she makes when he bottoms out inside her. His cock is straining and he's ready to explode. He slips out of her and kneels between her legs on the bed. Staring down at her he strokes his cock until he explodes all over her chest and abdomen.

He leans down and kisses her again. "I love you Lucy. I'll never let you go."

"I love you too, Fl... Garcia." Lucy absent-mindedly runs her fingers through the cum on her chest as Garcia gets up and finds some tissues to clean her up with. He wipes her chest and stomach before cleaning himself. He pulls the blanket down and climbs into bed behind her.

They snuggle in together and wrap the blanket around themselves. Garcia wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer. Lucy takes his hand and presses it against her chest. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I'm in love with you."

She laughs. "Not that. Why did you... umm... all over me?"

It's his turn to laugh. "For a genius like you, your vocabulary is sorely lacking in this situation." She playfully slaps him on the shoulder. "Why did I cum on you, instead of in you?"

He can hear the embarrassment in her voice. "Yeah. That."

"I wasn't sure if you were on birth control or not."

They lay in silence for a moment or two. "I'm not. So thank you." Garcia hhmmm's in response. "It was kinda hot, though. Watching you do... that."

He laughs again. "I'm glad you liked it. I plan on increasing your vocabulary a lot from now on." She snorts and hits him again.

Between the turkey dinner and the great sex, Lucy doesn't stand a chance. She falls fast asleep in Garcia's arms.


Lucy wakes up alone on the army cot. He whole body is sore. She groans as she tries to make her muscles move. She sees movement. Garcia slips off the comfy chair and kneels beside the bed. "Good morning, sunshine." He reaches behind him and takes a coffee cup off the small table. Lucy gratefully accepts the caffeine. "How are you feeling?"

She runs her hand through his hair and kisses him. "I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck." Garcia laughs and she swears his eyes are sparkling. "Your hair is damp?"

"Yeah, I took a shower before everyone got up. Didn't want anyone seeing my back. Rufus and Jiya still haven't figured out the concept of knocking yet."

"How did you get out of bed without me noticing?"

"You were out like a light. You didn't even move as I crawled over you."

"I never sleep like that. Not anymore." She's looks confused. "What's wrong with your back?" He grins down at her and slips his burgundy sweater off. He has several long scratch marks all over his back. "Did I do that? I don't remember that!"

He slips the sweater on again, laughing softly. "Well I didn't do it to myself. I think you just wanted my shirt off again." She rolls her eyes at him but can't help laughing just a little.

She takes a drink of coffee, steeling herself for what she has to say. Garcia sees her change in demeanor. He doesn't say anything, just takes her by the hand and waits for her. Hoping she isn't going to turn away from him now. "Flynn."


She sighs. "Garcia. I won't be mad at you." He cocks his head, not sure where she's going with this. "When you get your family back, I won't expect you to stay with me. I just wanted you to know that from the start. I wouldn't ever be mad at you for that. Just don't lie to me."

His heart breaks a little more for this amazing woman. He pulls her into a hug. "Lucy. I'm not getting my family back. I know that now."

She looks up at him. "But you said hope. Hope was all you had."

"I did. And I meant it when I said it. But I spent long months in prison, with nothing but my memories. Future Lucy never said I would get my family back. She said I could 'stop them'. She told me what I needed to hear, when I needed to hear it."

Lucy is shaking her head. "I wouldn't do... She wouldn't do that. You have to have faith. You'll get them back, Garcia."

Garcia shakes his head. "Future Lucy came to me two weeks after my family was murdered. She had a way to travel in her own timeline, and yet she came two weeks late. She didn't come two weeks early, or two days, or even two hours. She came two weeks after... She could have tried to save my family, but she chose to give me her journal instead."

Lucy looks horrible. "I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing. I'm not mad at you, or her. I had a lot of time in prison to be furious. To be miserable. To think. Rittenhouse funded Mason Industries. Until I stole the mothership, no one even knew about it. Agent Christopher wasn't involved. The team wasn't assembled. Rittenhouse had control of two time machines and no one to stop them." He waits for Lucy to process this. "For a long time, I thought the Future Lucy was just a soldier, fighting against the same people who took my family."

Lucy can't picture herself being described as a soldier. "She was a soldier?"

Garcia sadly shakes his head. "No. She was a general. Moving pieces around on her board to win the game."

She starts crying. "No. That's just horrible. I would never use anyone like that."

"Don't cry, baby. We all chose to follow you. Rufus, Mason, Denise all chose to follow you because you make the right decisions. I chose to follow Future Lucy because she gave me the one thing I needed to survive. Hope. She gave me her journal so everything could be put in motion. That journal was my life support. It kept me alive long enough to get to this point. Yeah, she used me, but she also saved me. She saved everyone."

"I could never...would never do that to you."

He leans in and kisses her. "If we win this war, maybe you won't have to. The journal is my hope. I don't blame her for giving it to me."

They spend the next hour talking, until Lucy has to use the bathroom. Garcia snuggles back into the cot to get a quick nap in. She takes her black sweater and a pair of jeans and goes to use the shower. All the time thinking of this journal she supposedly writes.

After the long, hot shower and a thorough shave, she decides to get more coffee for them before returning to his room. Agent Christopher is in the kitchen.

"Oh good, you're here. We need to talk." Denise is putting some papers on the table.

Lucy sits down at the table. "I want to see the journal." Startled, Denise looks up at her. "The journal you took from me when your arrested Garcia. I need to see it."

Denise stares at her for a long moment before answering. "No."

"What do you mean 'no'? It's my journal. I supposedly wrote the damn thing!"

"I mean - No. Flynn asks me for that book every few days, and my answer is always no. And it's no for you also."

"Why? What's in it? Have you read it?"

Denise sighs. She looks like she has a headache already. "I've stared at its cover almost a hundred times but have never opened it. I've been told my future once before. I don't ever want to do that again. Second-guessing your every decision for thirty years was enough for one lifetime."

"I'm sorry." She does apologize way too much. "I didn't know how it would be for you. I just knew you had to keep your job. We needed you to become what you are today." She chokes back a sob. She moved Denise like a piece on a chessboard. Just like Flynn said Future Lucy would. What is she becoming?

"I know Lucy. I don't blame you or Jiya. But you don't know how hard it is to second guess everything, wondering if this is the decision that gets me to the FBI, or to Homeland Security, or to California, or to Michelle and my kids. I won't let you start second guessing every decision you make. The team needs you to make the right decisions without any interference. I need you to make the right decisions."

"I appreciate everything you're saying, but I still need to see that journal. It's mine, you can't keep it from me."

Denise opens her mouth, but at that moment Mason walks in. "Oh good, you brought the files. I just texted them to join us in the kitchen. Good morning, Lucy."

Lucy mumbles a greeting. She and Denise table the conversation for now, but they both know it isn't over yet. Soon Wyatt walks in with Rufus a few steps behind him.

Wyatt "You wanted to see us?"

Lucy "Wait. Where's Flynn?"

Rufus "I think he's still asleep. Did you ever hear him snore? That dude needs a CPAP.

Christopher "No Flynn. Just you three. What we're about to tell you says between us. For Wyatt's sake."

- Cue season 2 Episode 9 - The General -

The end.

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