A Time to Mate

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Werewolves make good lovers, or so the story goes.
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(I am just a simple hardworking handyman, sent into the woods to patch a roof on a fishing cabin. And so when I came across this guy's scary diary, left behind in a cupboard, I thought it was some kind of hoax, and wanted to burn it. The diary talked about werewolves and full moons and such. It told the story of a 'catch me if you can' incident, where the woman was running for her life so the hairy guy couldn't introduce her to his hairy cock. In the end, though, it seems she was glad he caught up with her. I'll let you be the judge.)


The moon was luminescent, casting its silvery shadow over the trees like some snowy net, lighting a dirt path that wound deeper and deeper into the thick, dangerous forest. But the cloud covered orb was robbed of its full lustre, far too darkened by the wispy fog rising in off the marsh to the east.

I pulled my flashlight from my knapsack and let it shine a reflection of precious light, causing snakes to coil away, and poisonous spiders to rise on silky strands back into hiding.

The sound of her panting breath, still hot and desperate, led me uphill toward the meandering stream, whose running water echoed like some rushing wind, rustling fall leaves until a hundred colors struck the ground.

I was closing in on her, and could almost see her now, smelling her running shapely curves as she weaved and bobbed past dangling branches that tore, gouged and scratched her human flesh. But still she pressed on at full speed, her slender, racing ankles not willing to slacken or rest for fear I might catch her.

My fangs began to unfurl, their glistening, nasty sharpness now elongated to over two glorious inches.

My neck felt thickened and lusty, its growing muscles causing howls of excitement to roar across the wooded horizon. My ear piercing grunts were a frightening warning to all of God's creation that the devil's spawn was now manifesting itself in a body that once seemed so normal and human.

I glanced at my growing savage nails, once so manicured and alluring. They were now lengthening and a sickening yellow, stretching into razor sharp talons that could rip through flesh like a hot knife through butter. It was those same changing fingers that had first caused a worried alarm to sweep across her supremely gorgeous black face. She had noticed them start to change, and caught a glimpse of the emerging animal in my face and jaw.

She had taken off running, and normally I might have let her escape, only she was black and extremely beautiful, and I had purposed in my heart that this time I would mate with a beautiful black woman.

Once every ten years my species felt a need to mate with human flesh, and so we would leave our own kind, and scramble down out of our castles and stone covered lairs on the mountain tops, scouring the wooded valleys below for the small towns and villages that might have such buxom beauties in their midst.

I had met Veronica at a local pub in the tiny German town of Steiselgorf, and we had struck up a lusty conversation about skiing and snuggling by a roaring fire back in the ski lodge she was staying at.

The chemistry between us was undeniable, and the sexual energy in the air was exciting and tense. She was the kind of fun, vibrant and sexy woman I now believed could make me the perfect lifetime mate.

She had readily agreed to let me accompany her back to the ski lodge, to sit and continue our chat by the roaring fire. The lodge was, after all, a mere ten minute walk from the charming pub, and my boyish charm and humorous wit left her feeling both enthralled and intrigued. Being late autumn, the weather was still far too warm for natural snow, and so the lodge had imported some to dump along the steep, brisk slope, coating it like a vanilla frosting. The forests however, still remained a boring brown and completely snow free!

I had talked her into taking a romantic shortcut in the woods, only the emergence of the full moon, and a desire to mate with her in a wolf state, caused the frightening transformation to start taking place before her stunned and pretty big brown eyes.

She screamed just as loud as she possibly could the moment my transformation had begun, but by then we were far enough away from the pub that those lingering outside heard only faint echoes of her screeching voice.

My feet were stretching out my canvas shoes, tearing their sides. I kicked them off and felt the cool soothing comfort of fallen wet leaves overtop smooth stones and trampled dirt.

I began to hunch, my snarls rising to a fevered pitch as my tongue dangled past rows of jagged, pointy teeth.

My pace quickened over the winding ground, a sure sign I was moving more by instinct and smell then by sight.

Still, she was suddenly in that sight, and my large, ghastly eyes had lost their deep blue innocence, changing to the same sickly yellow as my dangerous inch long nails.

Her padded, supply laden jacket had been discarded in the chase, as had her heeled sandals, causing her to run quicker and more freely in and out of the gauntlet of protruding branches and sharp poking bushes.

Her ankles were red with splotches of blood from where the jagged edges of bristles and sharp sticks had nicked and scraped mercilessly against her scurrying flesh. Still, there was no slowing down or stopping now. I was gaining ground, my growing, fiery wolf penis stiffening to a foot and a half in length as my once human testicles now grew to twice their normal size, their squirming sack filling to the brim with potent wolf semen. After a decade long wait, it was time for me to mate with a human again, and no power in heaven or earth could possibly stop me now. I was hell bent on filling my cock with the most glorious ecstasy imaginable, and my passion filled quest to reach such an orgasm with the oversexed, buxom black woman was all consuming.

I increased my gait, with lengthening strides that glided over the smooth yet uneven ground as she began to panic at the realization I would soon reach her.

The fog had lifted somewhat, and as she dared glance over her shoulder, I leapt high over a strewn boulder, my impossibly thick cock shimmering off a moon that was now gaining lustre as the fog began to dissipate. Apart from the sound of an equally horny cricket, chirping frantically to attract its own mate, the forest seemed eerily quiet.

A branched then snapped loudly to challenge the silence, buckling under the weight of her ravaged right foot.

A jutting branch caught hold of her flimsy blouse, tearing a strip of material off her shoulders and chest.

She wore no bra, and her large firm black breasts bounced temptingly in my sight as she spun and weaved her way around the thickening trees.

Seeing her breasts made me excited and fully aroused, and my cock thickened and stretched into absolute iron.

Her waist was tiny, and her hips wide and alluring.

Her long chestnut brown hair flowed over her smooth chocolate shoulders, their silky curls framing a smooth, glowing face that was astonishingly pretty.

Her thick, lush, full lips were painted a shimmering red, and her long all natural fingernails bore the same tempting shade of scarlet.

A flowing rug of fur began to creep across my back and shoulders, but my chest remained sinewy and muscular, with my rippling stomach abs garnering sweat and salt from the exhilarating run.

Her bum cheeks were round and scintillating under her tight fitting pants, and I longed to lick at them with my dangling tongue.

I had grown to seven feet tall, and was switching from all fours to upright then back again as the thrilling chase ensued. I was now half wolf, half human, and would remain that way until the morning light dared raise its unwanted brightness.

She was now a mere two feet ahead of me, and my sharp nails swung at her pants, entangling themselves in the material, ripping them to shreds.

Her black rounded bum cheeks were now clear and visible by the descending light of the moon. They shined and were plump but firm, contrasting her tiny waist and her long silky smooth legs.

She wound craftily past an outstretched tree trunk, turning unexpectedly, and causing me to run past her.

The torn pants hung off of her in tatters, trailing along the ground and threatening to trip her up. Me running past her position had allowed her the time to yank off her ripped pants and run half naked further along the winding path. She now wore only a torn blouse, open to reveal both breasts, and a red thong that so temptingly separated her stunning bum cheeks.

She was panting feverishly now, clearly out of breath, and yet she dared not slow down. I was gaining once more, mere inches from her frightened flesh, my hot moist breath funneling down her neck like the intense fiery wisps of some horny dragon.

I could smell her black pussy, and its scent so stiffened me that I was now sporting a cock two feet in length, with the thickness of a man's wrist.

My balls were now swollen to four times their regular size, and so filled with a mixture of wolf and human semen that they felt incredibly heavy as they swung impatiently between my rippling thigh muscles.

I growled maniacally, my frightening voice tearing a strip off her frazzled nerves as she began to sense the uselessness of it all. Still, I could sense her anxiety. She was being chased by some hideous half man, half wolf, and her glimpse of some freakish cock which had stretched to epic proportions now scared her right out of her fucking mind.

She knew I was going to catch her, and yet she ran by instinct. She was still uncertain of what I intended to do with her. A part of her thought I might tear out her throat with my loathsome fangs, or rip her body to pieces with my savage nails. And then, in the back of her mind, there had undoubtedly arose the thought that her tight, tiny vagina was about to become stretched past the limits of human endurance with such a massive, log sized penis.

She fell momentarily, tripping on some outstretched bush vines to go sprawling across the forest floor, her body gliding harshly over the multi-colored leaves and strewn pine needles until it smacked head first into a fallen log.

She seemed dazed at first, shaking her head and trying to oust the doldrums so she might make it back to her feet before I reached her.

I stopped a mere foot in front of her, baring my fangs and smiling lasciviously. She trembled fiercely like some condemned rabbit as my lecherous eyes poured over her chocolate flesh. She was wonderfully oversexed and more like some black Goddess than a mere human woman. I ran my fingers gingerly along the two foot length of my white cock, allowing her to see the squirming of my dangling giant balls, and the large drops of pre-cum oozing from my cock's cum hole.

She now knew what her immediate fate was going to be. Whether I might kill her or not, she knew that only time would tell, but she was certain by watching me touch myself that I fully intended to force myself upon her, and fill her with my potent sperm.

I snarled at her, breathing onto her breasts as my fingers ripped the last shreds of material from off her.

She tried to cross her arms to cover her protruding nipples. I reached out with a fingernail to tug forcefully on her thong, snapping it apart as it fell uselessly to the ground. She was now fully exposed and could in no wise stop me from violating her anytime I so chose. The only question was, would my mammoth erection fit inside of her, or merely tear her apart?

She wasn't about to hang around and find out. She suddenly used my leering hesitation to make a run for it, only this time, she took a dangerous running leap off the ridge and swung onto some extended tree branches below. She was now about twenty-five feet from my throbbing, pulsating cock.

I could still smell her succulent black pussy and watched in awe as her formidable, firm breasts bounced along the descending path deeper into the treacherous forest.

I had long ago dropped my flashlight, and there was only the silvery glow from a glorious full moon to keep her visible. Still, I knew I would be able to find her at any moment by her delicious scent, and so it worried me little that she was putting some distance between us.

A part of me was ecstatic over the prolonged chase, and I knew that the building sex drive in my fully aroused body would be set to ever so sweetly explode once our bodies would finally become one.

I snickered then howled my approval as I scampered down the hillside, my powerful hands smacking away branches as I cut a swath through the thickening forest, following her scent until I suddenly was mere feet away from her again.

Her black body glowed in the sensual moonlight, and my tongue dangled almost to the ground at the thought of my lips, fangs, cock and fingernails scraping against her body. I knew that the slightest puncture of her skin would bring her over to my side, turning her into a half human, half wolf. My steel hard cock stiffened even more at the thought. She was totally at my mercy, but she was also the human woman of my dreams, and I intended to keep her as such for time and eternity. Just one slight break of her skin, and she would be bound to me forever. Human females would be powerless to stop their hearts and minds from falling in love with a wolf lover that had bitten or scratched their skin. Veronica was about to become mine for good, and there was nothing whatsoever she could do to stop it.

The thick overhead branches momentarily blotted out the moon, and she bumped her head against a protruding branch as she passed, once again falling to the ground.

She sought to rise to her feet quickly, knowing I was a mere few feet behind her, but the bump to her head was severe enough that it left her momentarily dazed yet again. She tried desperately to shake it off, but I could tell by her confusion that the forest was temporarily spinning in the pitch black.

My hand was on her throat and I lift her effortlessly to her feet, squeezing her neck until she was sure I might snap it like a twig.

She began to flail away with her arms, and I was afraid she might accidentally cut herself against my fangs or nails. Even the slightest tear in her skin would turn her into a creature like me. I preferred to let it happen on my terms, and I let go of her neck, then grabbed her arms and pulled them together. I tied them tightly with some tree vines. Then I tossed the vines over an outstretched tree branch and yanked them until she was lifted onto her tippy toes. She was now suspended on the vines, her arms stretched up high above her head, her body writhing in despair as her weight pressed against the tips of her toes.

I came close with my hot, panting breath, letting it funnel down along her large pointy breasts. She had the sexiest body I had ever seen.

My cock was elevated because of my altered height, and it rested upright against her stomach, with part of its two foot length reaching between her breasts.

My long tongue darted out and licked her swollen nipples, making them hard and aroused. She was livid at being enticed, and aimed her mouth upward, catching my face with her spit.

I ignored her resistance, knowing I had the sensual powers to turn her on against her will. I continued to swath her growing nipples with my sticky seductive tongue, coating her brown areola with my pulsating wolf saliva. I was now claiming her as my very own!

She suddenly realized that I was going to force her into being my lover and she once again screamed just as loud as she possibly could. There was, however, no one to hear her. She had run in the opposite direction of both the pub and the lodge, and was now too far away to be heard by anyone.

My palms were still human but the backs of my hands were covered with fur.

I let the back of my left hand run fur along her engorged breasts, and the palm of my right hand to run along her wicked curves as my dangerous nails teased her black flesh.

My breath was still hot against her slender neck, and she began to realize that my touch was almost magical, a paranormal marvel of sorts that could make her sexually aroused whether she wanted to be or not. She tried to fight the onslaught of passion and desire that began to build within her.

My cock still oozed pre-cum, and my orange sized balls were squirming against her tummy, their hot hairy sac filled with a cup worth of sperm that would instantly impregnate her should I choose to discharge deep inside of her.

Her breasts were suddenly on fire from the touch of my cock standing upright between them. She swooned but continued to fight against the vicious temptation.

My hands soon clasped her thighs, then ran over top of her quivering hips, until I held her fabulous bum cheeks firmly in my grasp.

She moaned at my touch, unable to believe that I had within my mind, the psychic ability to make her dangling body become hornier with each passing moment.

She struggled valiantly against the ropes around her wrists, desperate to see if she could somehow break free and start her run again. But it was just no use. The tree branch was thick and could easily of held twice her weight. And the vines were stronger than damn leather straps, binding her as though she were suspended by unbreakable chains.

I let my tongue now run lower along her breasts, my fingertips still turning on her bum cheeks as I mouth moved lower towards her vulnerable black pussy.

My wolf tongue was long, and its moisture hot and sticky, sending shockwaves of vivid pleasure rifling through her body as my lips finally reached between her thighs.

I needed her to have multiple orgasms to create much needed lubricant. It would be the only chance she had at all of not having herself ripped wide open by my deadly thick size.

My tongue latched onto her clitoris, as the sounds of nearby owls hooting, filled the crisp night sky.

The weather was somewhat warm for a late autumn day, and that, coupled with my hot and smoky breath, kept any chill off her naked body.

My tongue delved deep inside of her and my hands roamed over a bum, thighs and hips that were beginning to seethe with turn on.

She twirled wildly on the vines, straining her wrists to try and get away as her body became enthralled with my patient and magical foreplay.

After about fifteen minutes of pleasuring her pussy with my skilful tongue, her body began to shiver like crazy, and I could see in her eyes, the building of a lavish orgasm about to ignite deep inside of her.

She suddenly groaned then exploded, literally gushing fluids over top of my sucking mouth, making me horny and unable to wait any longer.

Her pussy was now dripping wet, and her eyes glazed with bliss as she panted like some dog in heat.

She eyed all two feet of my thick, iron hard cock, its white flesh so hot and pulsating.

I stood once more, and like before, the length of my cock stood upright along her stomach, laying in between her two black breasts.

I gripped her round, succulent bum cheeks with both hands, and her face looked hypnotized with pleasure, and mesmerized with desire.

There was now a supernatural lust taking hold of her human body.

I lift her into the air, then sat upon a large tree stump.

Her arms were stretched to the max above her head as I pressed the tip of my giant cock onto the edge of her vaginal hole. There was no way it was going to fit, but nature had a way sometimes of letting a pussy stretch past the limits of human endurance if there was enough turn on involved and enough natural lubricant. She was still gushing from the spectacular orgasm brought on by my tongue.

I pressed her downward and her eyes widened as her vaginal opening stretched taut against my pressing cock head.