A Tragic Incident

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Brother and sister, in love, defy the odds.
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Jim has long carried a crush on his twin sister. He had been gradually convincing her to be his girlfriend, although she was hesitant. They slowly entered into a loving sexual relationship, but Julie was ever mindful of the possibility of discovery. The two 18 year olds had taken all the precautions they could imagine.


Jim was finishing his Friday at the auto shop, where he had worked since he was 16yo. The day had been pretty rewarding for him; beautiful weather, several jobs completed in good order. He was cleaning up his work area, stowing tools and equipment and locking up, as he was the last to leave. He jumped into his 1983 Chevy pick up, fired up the 455 Oldsmobile engine he had rebuilt, and headed home, whistling as he drove. He was in a good mood. Not only had it been a good day, Julie had agreed to go out with him that night.

He had asked her to dinner and dancing at a club about 75 miles away. The object was to put her into a comfortable setting where she could relax in anonymity. She had been very nervous and worried since she had agreed to be Jim's girlfriend and lover. They had made love only twice in the past two months, due to the lack of opportune times, and Julie's reluctance to take chances. He was hoping to get a room and have a sweet night of love.

As he swung into the drive and parked under the tree, he noticed the parent's car was missing. Normally, they would be home now. He marched into the house, called to Julie, and getting no answer headed to his room. He stripped out of the soiled work clothes and strolled into the bathroom. His shower was a delight; hot and relaxing. After drying, he started to his room. As he left the bath, Julie's door opened and she walked into the hall. She saw him, naked and smiling, and screamed and ran back into her room, slamming the door. Jim smiled, then continued to his room to dress.

Julie was a bundle of nerves; she had been shocked at encountering her brother naked outside her room, and reacted true to her fears. Jim knocked on her door once, then twice before she answered. A quiet voice said, "Come in!", so he opened the door. She was standing near her dresser, eyes wide, heart pounding. He stepped to her, wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her cheek.

"Did big bad brother scare little you?" he asked. Julie stayed in his arms, but was trembling from her encounter. She gave him a wan smile, then moved closer into his arms. He smiled again.

"Ready to go dance the night away?" She winced, then moved away.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She looked away and murmured, "Mom and Dad have two late appointments tonight to show those new condos. They won't be home till after midnight, they said." They were quite successful real estate brokers, and often worked odd hours.

Jim smiled. "Great, we can be away before then and make it a great night!" Julie frowned.

"We can't go away tonight. Dad wants us here in case that Mr. Tuttle calls about that commercial property on Main Street."

Jim was deeply disappointed. "We don't have to be here; that's what the voice mail is for!"

"No, Dad said we must give Mr. Tuttle some papers when he stops by."

"Julie, this is our big chance to get away, have a great evening and enjoy ourselves. I have reserved a room at the Hilton for a night of love!"

She looked away again. "I'm not sure that is such a good idea. You know Mom and Dad are getting suspicious of our behavior!"

"Julie, that is your imagination! They have given no indication that we are under suspicion!"

"No, Jim, I insist we have to stay here and take care of Dad's business!" He was quite crestfallen, but knew well his sister's fears.

"Okay, My Love, here then it shall be. Shall I order pizza?" She smiled for the first time since he arrived.

"That would be great. Thanks for not putting me under the pressure of going so far away!"

Jim ordered the food, then prepared the Family Room for an evening of pizza, movies, and hopefully love.

By 8:00 p. m. they were relaxing with the pizza at hand, cold sodas, and a good movie on the tube. Jim sat next to Julie, his thigh against hers. He had kissed her twice, and she was warming up to him.

After the food was gone and the mess cleaned, they again sat on the sofa. Jim put his arm around his sister, and kissed her cheek. He repeated the act on her soft, warm lips, and she responded. He moved a hand to her right breast and lovingly caressed it. Julie drew back a bit.

"What's wrong, Darling?" he asked.

"I'm afraid someone might come in!"

"The doors are locked, Julie, and no one's expected."

She relaxed and leaned into him, allowing more breast squeezing. Jim was a slow, gentle lover, a trait that had made Julie a willing participant after several futile attempts on his part. Jim slowly kissed her lips, cheek, lips, forehead, lips, eyes, and lips. Julie craved lip kisses, and thought her brother was the most skilled kisser in her experience, which was not that much. After a while, they were reclining on the sofa, Julie's blouse was open, her bra up, and Jim was concentrating his efforts on her small but beautiful breasts. She was breathing raggedly as he slowly moved a hand up her skirt. He skimmed fingertips along her panty leg, moving inside. He touched her pubic hair, then moved to her wet slit. She did not resist. He lifted the skirt and removed her panties. Now he could concentrate on her love garden. She was rubbing his hard cock through his slacks.

Jim moved them so he was slightly above Julie, and able to finger her soft nether lips and clitoris. Julie was becoming very aroused, and made no attempt to resist. Jim had never orally pleased this sister he loved so deeply, so moved to do so. She was so caught up in his loving that she did not realize his plan until she felt lips and tongue loving her sweet pussy. She was shocked, but also so hot that she accepted him. He kissed, licked and sucked every bit of her cunt, and raised her temperature amazingly high. Julie was squirming and moaning as he licked and sucked her clitoris, driving her to an early climax. She screamed and arched her back as he continued to lave her.

Julie came down, but only a bit as Jim continued his ministrations at a gentler pace. Soon, she was murmuring for him to take her. He pulled his slacks and boxers to his ankles, and moved into position. As he entered her, she became quite agitated, begging him to fuck her. She had never been so willing a partner. He moved into her as she gasped and grabbed his waist.

The two lovers were so caught up in the moment that they didn't sense the kitchen door unlocked and opened. Neither did they hear the footsteps coming into the room. But they certainly heard the loud scream coming from just above them. Jim looked up in shock into the face of their Aunt Vickie. What he saw was an expression of deep disgust, plastered on a face so contorted that he would not have known her except for the tell tale shriek. He rose, unable to move due to his clothes looping around his ankles. He glanced at Julie; she had such a look of fear on her pretty face he was afraid she would die right there.

Jim managed to pull up his clothes, and helped his sister move clothing over her bare spots. Julie sat up, her constitution falling apart. Jim started to say something, but their aunt was still screaming at them.

"How in all that's holy can you do such a sinful thing, such a terrible act? I know your parents won't like this one bit. Just wait till I tell them I found their model children carrying on as degenerate monsters! You both will rot in Hell, as sure as I know my Bible! You are guilty of so many sins, immoral acts, crimes and other unspeakable things! I'm almost speechless here!"

Jim wished she were; her loud voice was quite unsettling. Julie finally came alive and jumped up to disappear up into her room, slamming the door. Auntie was marching back and forth, continuing her spiel of hate. Jim just stood, arms folded, clothes in disarray, but at least he was covered. Finally their aunt ran down, but she then grabbed her cell phone and called their mother, her sister. Jim heard their mother answer, then Vickie launched into a diatribe that would have shamed a sailor.

"Denise, I cannot even begin to tell you what I just found at your home! I came in the kitchen, walked to the family room, and found your two children engaged in terrible acts on your sofa. They were almost naked, Jim was atop that slut daughter of yours, and was pounding her as if they were animals! I tell you, sister of mine, I was so shocked I nearly fainted. Fortunately, I was able to maintain consciousness, and proceeded to lecture the sinners to some degree. I tell you, they are surely going to Hell, both of them! What? No, no one else was here. It's hard to tell how long they have been carrying on in such a disgusting manner. They, and you, are in deep, deep trouble. Incest, sex, kissing, nudity, my God, woman, can't you control these sinners? These sinful siblings? Okay, I'll stay here till you arrive! About 25 minutes? Fine, should I call the authorities? Oh, okay, I'll wait here, and keep the harlot and her prince of darkness separated. Oh, sure, I'll wait till you arrive. Of course, any sister would do the same. Please hurry! Hard to tell what they might do before you get here! Bye."

Jim had taken the opportunity to slip around her and up the stairs. Jim went to Julie's door and knocked lightly, but there was no answer. He tried the door; unlocked so he stepped inside, closing and locking the door. Julie was lying on her bed, her face in the pillow. He sat beside her and gently squeezed her arms. He leaned to her and whispered.

"Darling, don't be afraid. We know Aunt Vickie is a mean old witch!"

Julie turned to him, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "You know she and Mom will gang up on us, and Dad will certainly punish you severely!" Jim leaned and kissed her cheek.

"Honey, let's stick together in this, and they can't intimidate us! We must stay strong!"

Julie sobbed loudly. "No, they're going to split us up and send us far apart so we will never be together again! Oh why did I surrender to your sinful ways?" This last was shouted in deep anger. Jim was fearful she was going to fall apart. Then, they would be doomed.

They heard shouts downstairs; their parents had arrived. Vickie was shouting above everyone, telling her sister she must move quickly to punish and banish the terrible monsters her children had become. Then, cooler heads prevailed. Finally, they heard the front door open and close. Footsteps were heard on the stairs. Jim unlocked and opened the door, and stepped aside as their parents walked into the room. Mother went to Julie, held her and asked how she was. Dad was glaring at his son, no love in his face. Finally, Mother suggested they go down to the kitchen and talk.

Mom and Dad sat in their usual chairs, but made their offspring sit at opposite corners of the table. Dad began.

"Jim, you're the older, and supposedly the protector of your sister. What the hell happened?"

"Dad, Julie and I realized we were very fond of each other, in love, in fact. I was the instigator. I seduced my sister into having a sexual relationship. We're adults, after all, though of course it took place under your roof!" His dad's face contorted into a mask of deep disdain and anger as he stood.

"And you, horny asshole you are, convinced this virgin to give up her most valuable possession to her own brother, with no provision for marriage under God's heaven! What in the hell were you thinking? Were you going to fuck her till you were tired of her, then drop her like a sack and disappear? How could you do this?"

Jim was feeling quite embarrassed and guilty. He did not see the fist screaming his way. The blow caught him unawares, and he fell to the floor. His head rang, his face felt like it exploded. He felt his father pick him up and sink his fist into his solar plexus. The breath left him. He raised a hand in defense, and caught his father under the chin. The older man's head snapped back, and he too fell to the floor. He staggered to his feet and ran to the den. He returned with his 9mm Glock, waving it in Jim's direction. His wife grabbed his arm.

"God's sake, Man, stop it. You've hurt him enough!"

"I haven't even begun to hurt that virgin despoiler. After I'm through with him, there won't be enough to bury!"

"Now Charles, don't make a bad situation worse. Let's cool off till morning, then talk about this rationally!"

"Talk hell! I want this...this Satan out of this house by 6:00 p. m. tomorrow, and not a minute later!"

The parents departed for their room, Father continuing to sputter and swear. Jim looked at Julie, who was quaking and holding her arms closely to her chest. She looked at her brother with a disgusted face, then turned to climb the stairs.

"Julie" Jim said softly, "Please..." She did not look back. Jim went to his room, locking the door. He slept fitfully, and awakened at 6:00 a. m. The house was quiet. He showered and dressed, then went downstairs. No one else was in the house. Even Julie was missing. He felt so alone and dismal. He ate a light breakfast, then began packing his things. He loaded the truck bed, locked the cover, and called his friend Max Berg. Max agreed to let him stay a few days until he could make other arrangements. As he walked through the house for perhaps the last time, he reminisced about happier times. He entered Julie's room and smelled her pillow. Tears dripped down his face. His Julie; what was to become of them? As he stepped into the truck, he looked back and felt the deepest pain of loss he had ever experienced.

Max had a nicer two-bedroom apartment in a good section of town. Jim insisted on paying rent and food. That night was a time of sad reflection. Max had a date, and was out all night. The next day, Jim thought he should call his boss, Bill Evans, and relate the situation. His boss invited him over. He and his wife Maggie held Jim, and Julie, in high regard. They invited Jim for a cookout, and tried to make him feel at home. They listened to Jim's account of the past couple of weeks, and last night's tragedy, with no comment. Finally, when Jim ran down, Bill spoke softly and evenly.

"Jim, Maggie and I've known of your and Julie's attraction, but had no idea it had progressed so far. You've made some mistakes, but that is water under the bridge. We're willing to help in any way we can. What are your plans now?" Jim pondered a while, taking a swig from his Coke.

"Bill, I haven't really thought it out yet. I certainly want to patch things up with Julie, if possible. I think the folks are a lost cause. Dad will never let me near the house, or Julie, again." Maggie moved to the suffering young man and enclosed him in a motherly hug. Her tears joined Jim's. After dinner, the three discussed Jim's options well into the night. They invited him to sleep over, so he slept in the guestroom. He slept marginally better, but no big improvement. He was heartsick and so lonely, even around friends. His Julie; where was she? How was she? Was she irretrievably lost to him? He didn't think he could live without her, she had become such an important part of his being.

The next day, Monday, Jim prepared for work, hating to even go in. He was silent all day, making his coworkers wonder what was up. The day dragged, but his work was its usual perfection. Bill never had to be concerned about any job assigned to his finest mechanic. After the workday was done, Bill and Jim spent some more time discussing Jim's situation.

That evening, Max had a girl over, so Jim went out to eat, and went to a movie. He barely noted the show; his mind was on Julie. He had never taken her to a theater; he so wished she were with him now. As he pondered how to reach her, he thought of her best friend, Susan Wolfe. Of all in Julie's circle of friends, Susan treated him the best. She was friendly, even after she became aware of her friend's affair with her own brother. Jim immediately left the theater and called Susan on his cell phone. She answered, and was shocked to hear of his troubles. She invited him over, and they ate popcorn and talked.

Susan explained her version of Julie's fears of discovery. She had told Susan that she deeply loved her brother, but was so concerned about discovery that she had difficulty relating to him. Susan had not heard from the sad girl since the blow up, but told Jim she would try to reach her. They hugged, then Jim went home to another night of fitful sleep.

The next day at work, Jim was about the same as earlier; quiet, keeping to himself. Thankfully, no one approached him with questions. That evening, Susan called.

"I found her, your Julie. Come over and I'll tell you all about it!"

He hurried over, and Susan handed him an iced tea. They sat in the porch swing, ignoring the great weather.

"Jim," Susan began, "Your father has taken Julie to your Aunt Linda and Uncle Dan's house! He hopes to keep you in the dark about her whereabouts! Please don't tell him I told you; I'm afraid of your father!"

Jim hugged her to him.

"I know they are kindly to her, and me. She should be okay there, but I'm afraid of Dad's anger. He might hurt her! Thanks a lot, Susan. I'll see if I can contact her, see if she'll see me. I'm afraid she may be lost to me forever! I love her so much!"

"I know, I know you do. We've talked a lot of your relationship. She does love you, but has trouble getting beyond her fear of discovery. Of course, that has happened, and she might be traumatized for a while. I think she'll come around!"

"I sure hope you're right! I appreciate your help. You're a great lady!"

"Jim, Julie is my best friend; there's nothing I won't do for her, and you. Please keep me in the loop!"

"Sure thing!" he replied. "If you hear any more, call me!"

"I will!" she answered, hugging him and kissing his cheek. Jim returned to Max's, at least glad to know where his love was now living.

The next day, Jim was surprised to see his Uncle Dan walk into the shop.

"Any where we can talk in private" Dan asked.

"Yeah, the conference room." They walked in; Jim closed the door. Dan sat in a chair opposite Jim. He looked at his favorite nephew for a while, silent.

"Jim, Linda and I've heard of your and Julie's affair from her. We were disturbed by your illicit sexual relationship, but you're adults, and your own responsibility. Julie went into great detail of her love for you. She was very despondent yesterday, but is better today. I totally disagree with your father's actions, and want you to know Linda and I have no dislike for you. We want to help in any way, but must avoid your parents, and especially the memorable Aunt Vickie!"

Jim smiled. "Okay, Uncle Dan, I appreciate your attitude. It's obvious Julie and I'll have difficulty getting together, if she is even still in love with me. God, I love her so much!"

"I know!" Dan replied. "We're willing to help, and I think that'll be possible soon!"

"How?" Jim asked nervously.

"Your father wants Julie taken to an all-girls' school in Iowa in an attempt to keep you separated. We've agreed to drive her there. If you and Julie agree to continue your relationship, we can get you two together!"

"God. That would be wonderful! How can we do that? What can I do?"

Dan smiled. "Saturday, we leave for Iowa. Our cell phone will break, so no one can reach us. We were planning a two-week trip south, so that will give you some time. You must get with Julie and decide if you're to be together. If so, I suggest another state. It will mean no credit cards, no phone, lying low for a while. Think you can do that?"

"My boss might know of a shop where I can get a job. I'll work on it. I'm afraid of what Dad will do!"