A Treat Turns Tricks Ch. 03


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"Oh, splendid idea. Hold on just a moment." Minutes passed as the ambient odor of the chamber changed subtly. Then Teddy held out a single arm. "Say 'ah', Mo. This will rearrange your follicles temporarily to make your hair grow out at about an inch a day. When you can sit on it, come back and I'll make them normal again. Yes, you will be gorgeous. And I think with your skin color, auburn is best. Don't forget to get the dark ends cut off in a couple of weeks."


The cold early December wind whipped around young Goldring as he walked down the street toward the Baumgartner's brick cottage. Internally he was a seething mass of contradictory emotions. If Dr. Howard did him like Teddy had, the student would have to admit that he had become thoroughly bisexual—but he didn't want to be. If Dr. Marilynn's hint that she intended to peg him while the others watched, he would have to admit that he was now both a sub and an exhibitionist—and he'd rather not be. But if he was really going to get into Chrystal's pants, it might be worth it!

A month ago the Baumgartner's niece had been just another pretty girl working in the Admin building but then she had begun to change. Now Mo understood why; Teddy had started 'modifying' her. Chrystal's figure could only be described as spectacular, her eyelashes were what only the best makeup artist could achieve—but they were natural. A previously perky, cheerleader attitude had become closer to Lauran Bacall in full 'vamp' mode, with a voice to match. Married to her? The thought was daunting. Impregnating her? He started to stiffen at the idea.

Now darling, understand you have no more free will. Obviously Marilynn's statement had been an overstatement. He could still eat what he wanted and wear what he liked but within the larger picture he feared she was right. "They", whoever that might be, seemed to have rerouted his life into something exotic, erotic and weird. Trying to get Teddy to let him out had only increased the alien's hold over him. And not just him!I hold all of Benthamsthwaite in thrall . . . Were the entire faculty happy slaves to that—that oversized sea anemone? If so, what was its purpose?

He knocked at the door in the evening cold and gloom. Marilynn opened it and drew him inside to a warm, fire-lit living room and plastered herself against him for a long, deep probing kiss. "Ah, here he is—our lovely androgyne. Look at him, Howard, isn't he just delicious? Mordecai, this is our niece, Chrystal. I don't believe you two have met formally."

A young goddess reached out and took both his hands. "Hello, Mordecai. Uncle Howard says you're brilliant and a very nice young man. Teddy says I'm to have lots of babies with you." She guided his hand around behind her and placed them on her bottom. Reaching up, Chrystal put her arms around his neck and pulled in close. "Shall we get started right away or do you want to get married first? Either way is fine . . . ."

Even with the last three days' adventures, Mo could still be stunned—and he was. "M—married? You mean right away?"

"Why not?" Chrystal purred and put her mouth up for a kiss. "It doesn't stop my aunt and uncle from having fun fucking everyone who comes within reach. I think you'd be nice to come home to." Closing her eyes and opening her mouth she tightened her grasp and pulled him down for a kiss that was even longer, deeper and hotter than Marilynn's. Finally she let him up for air and smiled at his gasps for breath. She turned to her aunt.

"I suppose you're putting the two of us to bed right after dinner?"

Marilynn chuckled and Howard leered. "No, dear.I'm taking you to bed after dinner. Your uncle will be next (you know how he enjoys incest) and then you get to spend the rest of the night with Mordecai."

Chrystal's jaw dropped. "You first, then Uncle Howard—wait, while you're fucking me what . . .?"

Howard ran his hand lasciviously down the back of Mordecai's head and ended up with squeezing the student's ass. "Mordecai and I are going to get better acquainted. I had my doubts when your aunt first told me of Teddy's plans but now that I see the result, I have to admit I am strangely attracted to your proposed fiancé. You're right, Marilynn, he is an object of desire."

To Chrystal's astonishment her uncle pulled Mo out of her arms and into his own. She watched, intrigued, as Mordecai first stiffened and then surrendered, pressing himself against the older man and sucking hungrily at his mouth. She felt her aunt wrap an arm around her shoulders and then reach down and squeeze her right breast. "The family that plays together stays together?" she snickered, "But first—dinner is waiting."

Over well-seasoned braised short ribs, mashed potatoes, succotash and chocolate pudding, the four of them discussed Howard's research, campus politics, Mordecai's story about breeding Geneva Chambers and other tidbits that would only make up dinner conversation at Benthamsthwaite.

When he rose to bring the dessert, Howard announced, "Mordecai, you and I know only too well that there is no way the usual academic folderol would allow you to complete a doctorate. The poo-bahs of academia simply will not accept your—let us say eccentric approach to mathematics. A master's will be child's play for you. We'll just find an appropriate comprehensive exam for you to take and bob's-yer-uncle it would be done. But original research requires method. You simply can't tell a dissertation committee 'because it can't be wrong' and expect to get approval."

Mordecai hung his head sadly. "I know. I figured I could just get the master's and go teach high school or something. At least it would be a living."

"Not a bad plan, m'boy, but unnecessary. Our alien master has proposed that your talents are best put to use right here, in a research capacity. Teddy told Marilynn, after the usual fucking, that he was going to establish a research fellowship for you. The trustees will approve since the entire department and Dean Tolliver will recommend they do. That way Benthamsthwaite gets the use of your brain, Chrystal gets the use of your cock, Teddy gets whatever he wants and you get paid for it."

Mordecai sat upright. "Really? You aren't joking? That—that's wonderful."

"And it pays a full professor's salary. You could support quite a large family on that, Mordecai."

With dinner over, Howard stood up and put a proprietary hand on Mordecai's shoulder. The younger man looked up, smiled shyly, reddened a bit and stood up. Howard's hand slid down to Mo's hip pocket, slipped inside and with a gentle push propelled him toward the bedroom hallway.

"Uncle Howard is actually going to have sex with Mo?"

Marilynn gave an evil snigger. "That's probably euphemistic, Chrystal. I suspect that your uncle is going to ravish and plunder Mo. If I'm right, he'll be limp and very pliable when I get to him. But speaking of plundering—clear the table, strip and bend over it while I get ready, will you dear? Those new glands in your backside should be working by now and I want to give them a try."

Chrystal shivered as her aunt left the room. Her aunt and uncle had become sexually voracious since Halloween. With Teddy having 'modified' the girl into placid compliance, whenever she had nothing pressing to do, Chrystal found herself servicing her aunt's desires and submitting to her uncle's incestuous fantasies. She wondered if Mordecai felt the same way and a twinge of jealousness hit her. While she was out here cleaning up, her aunt was in the bedroom changing into 'something suitable' and would get to watch the two men. Life was unfair.

The master bedroom door was slightly ajar and Marilynn stayed outside for a few minutes, enjoying the scene inside. Howard stood behind Mordecai, pressing him close and running lascivious hands down the boy's torso. Mordecai, for his part, stood with his eyes shut, his head laid back on the older man's shoulder and his arms around Howard's neck. He took deep, shuddering breaths and moaned softly. Howard's hand grew more urgent and started unfastening Mo's clothing. "Strip!" he growled softly.

With the same shy, hesitant smile he'd made at dinner, Mordecai finished undressing and, with a shiver, hung his clothing on the dressing table chair. His eyes widened slightly as Howard took a bolster from the closet and put it across the center of the bed. Following Howard's nod, he climbed onto the bedspread and lay down with his hips over the bolster. Turning a vulnerable facial expression toward the door, he whispered, "Whenever you're ready."

By now Marilynn's panties were soaked with her arousal.Oh, take him, Howard. I can't wait to see your massive tool violate the kid's ass. Make him scream; then make him cum!

Howard took his time undressing. With a self-satisfied look on his face, he opened a dresser drawer and took out a condom package, ripped it open and unrolled it over his bulging purple manhood. He squeezed out a copious glop of lubricant into his palm and slathered it on. Wiping his hands clean he approached the bed.

"This is going to be quite a night. First a beardless youth, then my niece and finally my pregnant wife—all out to satisfy me. Why, I feel like a Renaissance pope or a Roman emperor. Decadence is such fun."

Kneeing between Mo's wide spread legs, Howard leaned forward, put the head of his cock at the opening of Mordecai's ass and pushed.

"Ow! It's too big."

"No, it's just right," Howard chuckled. He waited a moment and pushed again.

"Ah?" And then, to his own surprise, Mo arched his back. "More?"

Sniggering, Howard drove into the student to the hilt. The boy gasped and then began to whimper as the older man started making long, slow thrusts and withdrawals. Marilynn entered the room and stripped off her clothing, all the while her eyes were fixed on the outrageously voluptuous scene. Yes, it was going to be quite a night. She'd peg Chrystal first, then Mordecai and then, whether he knew it or not, Howard was going to get the treatment. Decadence was indeed fun, she though, buckling on a leather harness. Looking over her dildo collection she grinned and took out the largest, an enormous, lifelike silicone member even larger than her husband. She inserted her end into her sex, closed the harness over it and stepped into a set of stiletto heels. She looked at the lubricant tube and shook her head. If Chrystal wasn't fully ready for impromptu sodomy, she could always come back for it.

When Marilynn returned to the dining room Chrystal was obediently bent over the table, her back arched and her ass high. "Is Uncle hurting him?" she asked anxiously.

"Perhaps at first," her aunt replied running her hands over the girl's buttocks and fingering her smooth, bare sex, "but when I left his whimpers were changing into moans so I think that your assigned fiancé is just as placidly compliant as you are. I must tell Ewan McAllister. He's always on the lookout for receptive young men."

Chrystal's wet, swollen labia proclaimed her arousal so to satisfy her curiosity about this latest 'modification' Marilynn pinched three fingers together and pushed them into her niece's anus. "Oh, very good. Teddy is, as usual, as good as his word. Your butt is as slippery as your pussy."

She raised the neon green silicone helmet to the beckoning pucker, grabbed Chrystal by the hips and thrust forward.

"Aaah? Aunt Marilynn, that thing is even bigger than Uncle Howard!"

"I know. Think how much more comfortable you'll be when he comes for you. I do believe I'll get you a set like this as a wedding present, my girl. It will be a blast watching you two doing each other. Now, quit complaining and cum for auntie!"


A long while later Chrystal lay in her bed, wrapped in Mordecai's arms. Both were completely spent after the evening orgy. Feeling rather stretched, Mordecai clung to the beautiful young woman, unable to believe what had happened to him—to them in the last week.

"Chrystal? Will—will you really marry me?"

She turned in his arms and put hers around his neck. "Aunt Marilynn says that our children and their children need to mate. Cousin marriage is fine, genetically, and according to her,their children should produce at least one genius who will take Uncle Howard's and your calculations and turn them into a star drive. Then Teddy told her, he intends to take all of us to his home world. He's been working on people, specifically my family, for two hundred years because he wants to go home. Mo, if all I have to do to help humanity go to the stars is have your babies—well, just jump my bones, man. And tonight I find that you are shy, sweet and adorable. Yes, Mordecai Goldring, I'll marry you. And to show you—fuck me!"

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fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
ueah my mistake

Sorry laughing too hard!

....they do produce larger quantities of semen but they evidently (to date) DO NOT produce larger quantities of sperm.....

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
a good joke

There has been recent research studying men who have extra-large testicles. And they do produce larger quantities of semen but they evidently (to date) produce larger quantities of sperm.

So in actuality, extra semen dilutes the reproductive potential of these men. The 'Bulls" are actually 'Oxen". A very funny joke by Nature upon the self-deluded ego's of the swaggering 'Alpha' males!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
And the fun is just begun

This just keeps getting better and better! I'm all but howling with laughter at each chapter! Please, oh please write more of this story! If not tell me where I can find it!!

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