A Trip in the Fall Pt. 05

Story Info
Brandon & Sarah negotiate the ACMs & past issues reappear.
27.9k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 04/19/2022
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*Authors Note: Thank you all for being so patient as I worked my way through the next installment of this story. I had a basic outline of the plot, but kept finding myself struggling with the finer details, the dialogue, and the plot itself, plus my brain came up with other stories that have been published before this one. I also didn't want to rush the story and ruin it. There will be one more installment and I am working through the outline as I submit this one, so hopefully you won't have a 10 month wait to see what happens to Brandon and Sarah in the end.*


Chapter 1-Mid March

*New Jersey*

"Son of bitch it's going to be an early morning." Brandon thought to himself as he jogged across the field to the third base coach's box. He glanced at his watch which read "10:15." His team had been locked in a 2-2 pitchers dual since the 5th inning and it was now the 11th. Add a later than usual start time due to a wet field and this game was starting to stretch pretty late. Plus, he was flying out at 7am to Vegas for the ACM's and the team still had a 45-minute drive back, plus it'd be another half hour after that before he could head home.

Brandon took his spot and looked down the line at his leadoff hitter, the opposing team was getting deep into their bullpen, and due to pitch counts, the kid on the mound would have to go the rest of the game. Knowing this, he gave his batter, a fast left fielder, the "swing away signal" and with the first pitch being outside, the kid jumped on it and drove the ball into right field. He rounded first with Brandon's assistant Matt, sending him onto second. The throw from right was good, so Brandon gave his runner the holdup sign, and the kid was into second easily.

The next batter up was given the same signals, and quickly got behind in the count 0-2, the next pitch was right down the middle, and the kid saw it, driving a short ground ball into shallow center, holding runners on the corners after a throw to the plate from center. The third and fourth batters went down swinging, leaving the Panthers with runners on the corners and two outs. As the fifth spot stepped into the box, the opposing coach called time, and called his infield to the mound, allowing Brandon's batter and the runners to meet him and Matt at second. "I figure he's going to pull the field in, expecting a bunt, especially after your last two at bats."

His players nodded, and turning his attention the batter said, "So here's what I want you to do, show bunt, and as soon as he commits, get ready to swing."

Matt nodded, "Expect it high in the zone."

"Exactly. You don't have to kill it, just a line drive that finds some grass will do." Looking at the runner on first, he said, "As soon as he throws, get your ass to second, I want to take away the force."

The ump signaled for play to resume and everyone returned to their spots. Just like Brandon thought, the moment the kid showed bunt, the 1st and 3rd basemen pulled up the line. As the pitcher started his wind up, the batter pulled back and as the pitch was released, Brandon could see it was high, and thankfully the kid laid off for ball one. In the meantime, the runner on first had taken second uncontested, leaving two runners in scoring position. As the batter looked down the line, Brandon gave him the bunt signal, the kid nodded and showed bunt, and harmlessly fouled the ball towards their dugout.

Now with the count tied up, Brandon gave the bunt signal, then the swing away signal, the kid nodded and stepped into the box. Once again at showing bunt, the 1st and 3rd basemen cheated up and with a pitch at about letter height of the jersey, the batter swung and drove the ball between the third base bag and the third baseman. The kid on third scored easily and Brandon could see the left fielder had been beaten to the ball and the kid from second was to the bag before the outfielder had the ball, so Brandon waved him home, barely beating the throw, but putting them up 4-2.

As the dust settled at the plate, the catcher whipped the ball towards second. Brandon turned to see the batter had stumbled and was now caught in a rundown, within two throws, the kid was tagged out, ending the inning.

With the top over, and up two runs, he ran back over to the dugout, "Great job guys! Mitchell!"

A kid at the end stood up, "Coach?"

"Get loose, you're ending this for us."

"I threw Wednesday night?"

"I know but by my count you have 25 pitches left, think you can do this in that amount?"

"You got it coach."

Mitchell Chapman was Brandon's ace, he had pitched 5 scoreless, two nights before, when Brandon pulled him to give some younger guys some time. The kid had come a long way from getting yelled at constantly for hotdogging when he was playing in the field. After tossing with another player for a few minutes while everyone got situated, Mitchell ran to the mound and began throwing with steady rhythm and added some more velocity with each one. After 15 throws or so, Mitchell signaled to the ump he was ready. Brandon signaled the first pitch in, a fastball and Mitchell put it right above the kids' knees, causing a swing and a miss.

Brandon nodded and said to Matt, "Let's see what his curveball is doing tonight." Matt nodded and Brandon signaled it in, causing another swing and a miss. Comfortable that Mitchell was good, Brandon yelled to his catcher, "Nelson, all you buddy."

Brandon's catcher methodically took control of the game, and over the next 15 pitches, Mitchell recorded 2 strike outs, and one ground out to the shortstop, giving Brandon and the Panthers the win.

With the win wrapped up, Brandon and the team boarded the bus and made it back to the school around 11:30; as the players unloaded everything and changed, Brandon and Matt gathered up the uniforms for wash. With the last player pulling out, Matt said, "Dude, get your ass home, what time do you need to be at Newark tomorrow?"

"Flight's at 7, I'm in first class, so as long as I'm there by 6, I'll be fine."

"Oooo look at you Mr. Fancy."

"Shut up dude."

They both laughed before Matt continued, "Seriously dude, go home, I'll handle the laundry tonight and tomorrow."

"Alright, thanks man, I appreciate it."

As Brandon headed out to his truck, he heard Matt yell, "Have fun, I'll be watching for you on the red carpet and TV!"

Brandon called back before climbing in his truck, "They ain't gonna show my goofy ass."

Ch. 2-Saturday: Las Vegas

At 7:30, Sarah woke to the sound of her alarm. She groaned and rolled over to shut it off. She sat up in bed and stretched, taking in the large room that was her suite for the next few days for the ACM's. The awards weren't until Sunday evening, but with her and Amanda performing with Dolly Parton, she had gotten into town the night before, and came straight to the hotel. She had practice at 3, then nothing until her hair and make-up appointment at 2 the next day, dinner with Brandon and her parents before doing the walk-in thing and then the show. Her and Amanda were up for Duo of the Year, Song of the Year, and Album of the year.

Looking around it was all so surreal; just 18 months ago, she was a nobody singing open mic nights at Ole Miss. Now she was in one of the many suites on the Vegas strip, preparing to sing with her childhood idol. She laughed and got out of bed, picking up her phone and seeing a text from Brandon from 3 hours prior that simply said, "Boarded, see you when I get in." She smiled and thought about how nice it would be to see him again.

Since she had been in NJ in February, it had been about a month since they had seen each other. She missed him a great deal, and even though they texted throughout the day and video chatted of an evening, it just wasn't the same as being together, holding each other, kissing, and other things. As she made her way to the dresser to grab some workout clothes, she felt that familiar tingle in her pelvis, the signal that her brain said, "You'll finally get laid again in a few hours." She laughed, changed clothes, and made her way to the private fitness center.


One of the perks of dating part of one of the biggest duos in country music was the first-class flights. For Brandon's 6'2 frame, the extra leg room and width made catching sleep a breeze. This trip was particularly nice because the seat next to him was vacant, so he was able to leave his backpack in that seat and stretch out a bit more. When he landed at 10:25, he was well rested and ready for what was set to be a whirlwind couple of days.

Once the plane arrived at the gate, he grabbed his carry-on from the overhead bin, shouldered his backpack, and made his way up the jetway to the bathroom. He used the restroom and texted Sarah to let her know he had landed. She responded with "Great! I just finished working out, I'm going to shower and will be waiting for you. Cya soon"

Brandon made his way out of the secure area of the airport and found a guy in polo shirt and slacks with a sign that read "Brandon Baker."

He approached the man, "I'm Brandon Baker."

"Good morning Mr. Baker, I am Steve Cobb, I was sent by the hotel and Ms. Bixby to pick you up, may I take your things?"

"It's just my carry on, I can handle it."

"I insist." He reached out and gestured for Brandon to hand him the bag.

"Alright." Brandon handed him the bag and then followed Steve out of the airport towards the short-term lot; he placed sunglasses over his eyes as they exited the building. The weather outside was comfortable, much warmer and more sun than the current weather back in New Jersey.

His focus on the weather was soon diverted when heard "Brandon, Brandon!"

He looked to his right and was immediately confronted by cameras and reporters clicking away. He heard, "What do you think about the awards?" "What is Sarah going to be wearing?" "What are you wearing?" "Is she ready to perform with Dolly Parton?" Brandon simply stuck his head down and walked faster, as they got closer to the car, he could continue to hear the questions behind him, now shifting to questions about Sarah buying the house, if he was going to move and were they going to get married.

Just as he was getting ready to turn around and tell them to leave him alone, he heard, "Brandon, over here." Recognizing the voice, he looked up and saw Max and a large man that Brandon had never seen standing beside a black Chevrolet Suburban. The driver Steve shifted towards the vehicle and Brandon took off at a jog and the large man opened the door gesturing for Max and Brandon to get in. As Brandon climbed in, the door shut and the man climbed into the passenger seat, and Steve got into the driver's seat.

"Max, what the fuck is going on?"

Max smiled, "Welcome to Vegas baby. Brandon Baker, meet Nigel Taylor, one of Sarah and Amanda's security."

The large man turned around, reaching out and shaking Brandon's hand, and with a distinct Australian accent said "Nice to meet you mate. Sarah has told me about you, we have a bunch in common."

Brandon nodded, "Really, Nice to meet you." He looked around as they made their way out of the airport and made their way to the strip Brandon said, "What the fuck was that all about."

Nigel turned his focus back to the road and Max said, "Well the paparazzi noticed that when Sarah arrived, you weren't with her, and she ignored them. Then someone spilled that your suit had been delivered, so they've been camping out at the airport hoping to catch you."

"Why me? I'm not famous and I don't know shit."

The other three men chuckled, and Max continued, "Haven't you figured out yet, you're dating her, so you're famous. Plus, you're not famous, you're normal and that's big to them."

Brandon shook his head and pondered for a minute, "Well that's stupid, but okay." He turned his focus from Max to the front seat, "Okay Nigel, what is your deal?"

The big man turned around, "My deal?"

"Yeah, Sarah hasn't mentioned you and then you show up with Max to grab me."

"Oooo, well mate, I was hired along with Oliver, he's back at the hotel, by the record company because the ladies are getting popular. They are a wee bit concerned that there could be issues with fans, paparazzi, crazies, ya know."

Brandon nodded, "So what do you do?"

Max chuckled and Nigel continued, "Basically when they go out, I go with them. I keep people away unless they say it's okay."

"So why did you come to the airport with Steve and Max?"

"Ms. Bixby wants to keep your visit as easy as possible, so she doesn't want you harassed."

Brandon scoffed, "Well we aren't doing very good with that one, are we?"

Nigel showed a bit of annoyance, "We thought that if the paparazzi saw me, they would know you were coming, so we decided to just send the driver in, but it didn't work. I made a mistake."

Realizing he had been rude, Brandon smiled, "Nigel, I'm sorry. That was just unexpected and took me by surprise. It wasn't your fault; I appreciate you being here and especially appreciate you taking care of Sarah."

Nigel's face softened a bit, "Thanks for understanding, we can always blame Max there. I don't want to be overbearing, but I have a job to do."

"HEY! Leave me out of this."

They all laughed and as they started down the Strip, Brandon looked around then asked, "So Nigel, why does Sarah think we are going to get along?"

"I grew up in the bush like you and played ball in the Australian Baseball League before quitting to serve in the SAS."

"Really? Baseball and the Special Air Service? So, you know your way around a bat and a gun."

Nigel chuckled, "You could say that."

They pulled under the canopy of the hotel and Nigel hopped out, opening Brandon's door as Max and Steve climbed out too. Steve handed his suitcase to him, and Nigel handed him a key. "The elevator is straight through the lobby; you are on the 23rd floor. Turn right off the elevator and it's the last door on the right."

Brandon nodded, "Did everything make it?"

Steve pulled out his phone, checked something, then replied, "Yes sir, your suit arrived yesterday, and your golf clubs were delivered this morning before you arrived."

"Nice. Max what time are we playing in the morning?"

"We are leaving at 8:15 with a tee time of 9:15."

"Very nice." Brandon took out his wallet and handed $20 to Steve, "Thanks for getting me and sorry about all the pictures."

Steve laughed, "Thank you, and no need to apologize, it happens all the time."

Brandon turned back to Nigel, "So do I tip you too? This is all new to me."

Nigel laughed, "No need, the ladies and the record company pay me well."

"Can I buy you a drink later then?"

"That I can do, just one thought." Nigel handed him a card with a phone number on it, "That's my cell, call if you need anything. Oliver and I are one floor below you."

Brandon nodded, entered the number on his phone, "Thanks." He slapped Max on the back and made his way into the opulent lobby of the MGM Grand, found the elevators and took one to the 23rd floor, turned right as instructed and made his way to the room, following the directions Steve had given him. He arrived at the door, put his key card in the lock, saw the green light flash green and opened the door.

When he entered the room, he was greeted by a sectional couch with a view of the Strip below with Sarah lounging on it. She looked up from her phone, "You made it!" She jumped up and bounded across the room, throwing her arms around him, and kissing him.

He embraced her, kissing her back passionately. They stayed in that position, kissing and holding each other for a few moments, soaking each other in for the first time in over a month. They eventually released so Brandon could get past the entryway. With a smile she said, "Let me give you the grand tour!"

As she turned away, Brandon couldn't help but stare, she was wearing an oversized t-shirt that hung off one shoulder, revealing that she probably wasn't wearing a bra, and a pair of gray Nike workout shorts that were way too tight and flawless for her to be wearing underwear. She pointed out the bathroom on their right, and Brandon saw a table and four chairs next to the window. They turned right past the bathroom and entered the bedroom which was dominated by a king size bed. The room also had a small desk, and a large closet.

Brandon whistled, "This is pretty swanky."

Sarah grinned, "I guess when you're performing with the queen of country music, they treat you well. Your suit was delivered yesterday and it's in the closet. I saved you one drawer in the dresser."

Brandon walked over and pulled her back into his arms, "I love you." They kissed softly, but the kiss quickly turned more passionate and a bit more aggressive. Brandon reached down, cupped her ass, and lifted her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist as they continued to kiss. He backed up slowly and bumped into the bed, causing them to fall to it with Sarah on top of him. Their kissing slowed for a minute as they both laughed.

"So, what do you and we have to do today?"

She kissed him, "We are free until 2ish or so. We have to be at Allegiant stadium at 3 for rehearsal. We are leaving at 2:30."

Looking at the alarm beside the bed and seeing it read 11:08, he replied, "So it's just us for the next three hours?"

Sarah sat up and a devilish grin appeared on her face, "Yes, did you have something in mind?"

"Well, we will need to eat, but right now, I'd like something else."

Sarah continued to grin, but reached down, grabbed the hem of her shirt, and quickly peeled it off, confirming Brandon's suspicions when her breasts dropped free as the shirt hit the floor. "Is this what you had in mind?"

Brandon nodded and pulled her back to him, kissing again before flipping her to her back with a squeal. The kissed her again, then pinning her arms above her head gently, began to kiss from her neck to her collar bone before softly taking her nipple into his mouth, eliciting a moan from her. He rolled her nipple with his tongue before kissing down her body to the hem of her shorts, easing them down an inch or so and kissing where the fabric once was. He heard her moan again as she lifted her hips into him.

He grinned, "I love hearing you." Sarah groaned again as his hands caressed her legs and thighs.

"You make me do it."

He kissed her waist again before lifting his head, "Raise up." Sarah raised her hips and quickly felt the cool air flow over her now naked body as he pulled her shorts off and dropped them on the floor. She lifted her head slightly and saw Brandon slide from the bed, then felt him press her legs apart before slipping between them and feeling his warm breath on her thighs and her wet pussy.

As Brandon moved towards her waiting lips, he took a deep breath savoring the aroma and softly kissing her lips, causing her to push her pelvis towards his mouth. He grinned to himself and thought as much as he wanted to tease her, he had to taste her, slow sex could come later. He reached up, spreading her lips and running his tongue up her slit, before coming to rest against her clit. She moaned, "Yes," as he sucked her nub into his mouth, eliciting another moan before releasing it and licking back down her slit, dipping his tongue into her hole, and drawing out her wetness, causing her to let out another moan.

Over the next minute or so, he sped up, feverishly eating her out, basing his actions off her moans and the movements of her hips. Sarah was helpless as the continual pleasure swept through her body, she was grasping at the sheet, balling them with her fists as she moaned and withered on the bed. She felt herself reaching the edge and when he flicked her clit again, she felt herself burst as her orgasm washed over her.
