A True Exhibitionist is Born

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Jessica shares her first exhibitionist experience.
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I knew I always loved being nude and being seen. But I did not know until one summer when I was 18 exactly what I was. I was a true exhibitionist and I loved it!

As far back as I can remember I have always gotten a thrill out of "accidentally" exposing myself or being seen nude. When I was in my teens I used to make sure that I left the bathroom door open about 4 inches every morning when I showered and got ready. Even at that age I would get such a thrill out of the idea that my brother's one who was 20 and the other 22 at the time might get a chance to see me nude. I discovered how exciting exposing my self was and the bathroom play in the morning is where it all started and then ultimately defined me as a true exhibitionist. What I mean by "true" is that I think it is someone that exposes themselves but is always in control of the situation. This is hard to explain and I don't want to get too far into detail about that now because that is what this story is all about. Defining myself as an exhibitionist.

My parent's always left earlier than we did for work so in the mornings the house was mine to play my games. I never exposed myself to my dad or my mom in any way when I was younger. I have always wanted it to be in the context that it was accidental and did not repercussions. Likewise today now that I am 28 I still follow the same guidelines for my fun. I never expose myself where kids will see me. I try not to do it in situations where I would offend an obsessive wife or girlfriend either. I enjoy the thrill of knowing I am in control exposing myself to someone but at the same time making it about me and the person or people who are viewing me. Getting a crazy wife after me does not do it for me.

Ok, back to the fun stuff.

Like I said it mainly started with leaving the bathroom door cracked. First it was just a little bit. Then it ended up being 4-6 inches almost every morning. The way the bathroom was laid out you could see in thru the cracked door and see my backside perfectly and most of my side profile. When I turned to the right about a quarter turn you could see my full frontal in the mirror. This was perfect because it looks like I can't really tell that I can be seen from the slightly open door. If anyone were watching they would also have the feeling that they could not be seen either. Perfect because I wanted it to seem innocent.

I would get out of the shower and dry off in the open. I faced sideways to the door to make sure that my tits could be seen from the door. Then I would bend over and put the towel on my head while facing towards the mirror on an angle that I knew could be seen perfectly from the door. When I stood up to tie the towel onto my head I gave a great full frontal view to anyone who might be looking in. My arms would be stretched up over my head and I would have to arch back a little bit to get it in position. This entire move was perfect for fully exposing myself and giving a spectacular view of my tits and pussy. All the while this kept my eyes away from looking directly at the door letting anyone look in undetected and also while keeping my rouse up that I was inadvertently allowing someone to look in on me nude.

It may help at this point in time to describe myself back then and now. I pretty much look the same as I did then with a couple differences. My tits are about a cup size bigger and my body is little bit more muscular. Not in a manly way but in a toned way. When I was a teenager I had that natural teen slender tight teen body that comes with being that young. I was about 5'5" tall in high school and am now about 5'6". In high school I weighed 105lbs and had B cup breasts. My ass was a little on the small side. Not flat but at the same time not quite the heart shaped ass I now work hard for every day at the gym.

As I got older I got that extra padding women get around 22. Some of it in all the right spots like my hips and ass. And some of it where you don't want it like arms and tummy. That was never going to work for me. I wanted a body that every man wanted to look at. I was well into my exhibitionist exploits at this time and I wanted to know that when I exposed myself that people were seeing something that they really wanted to see. That what was under my clothes and how I wore my clothes was the envy of those around me. I wanted them to desire me and when I chose to expose myself I wanted it to be amazing. So I began to work out religiously 5-6 times a week and eat very healthy (although I do love a good steak). I am very much toned all over now with good definition in the right places. And my ass I work out for a bit more size in the right way and therefore I lift heavy doing extra squats and donkey kicks. This has resulted (if I do say so myself) one incredible ass!! I now weigh right at 118-120 depending on time of the month and I look great and I feel great! I love my body. I have a perfectly flat stomach and when I flex you can see some abs. Again, you can see my abs but I am not bulky like a guy would get. I am just very toned.

I also got breast implants 2 years ago. Hope I did not ruin the mental image for anyone out there that does not like them but before you judge and hit your back button let me just say that they look great. I did not get carried away when I got them. I only went from a large B to a C. I had nice size breast to start but I wanted them a bit perkier because when I leaned out back when I started to work out hard my tits lost some size and perkiness. The implants gave me that back and gave me the size I truly wanted. The best thing about it is I had breast tissue for the doctor to work with so my tits while having the perkiness of implants they still have some jiggle and softness to them giving them a very natural appearance. They are full but will a nice slope and upturned nipple like perfect natural breasts would have! I tell you my Dr. is gifted! I could not be happier with them and I assure you they do not look like what my boyfriend describes as "bolt ons"! LOL and I get the added benefit of "always hard" nipples now. Even when I was younger my nipples were always in a state of "kind of hard" but now they pretty much stay hard all the time and I love it!! Ill share that more later on or in another story. Back to my beginning as a young exhibitionist . . . So my little move with the towel was the best. I knew they could see everything from top to bottom . . . if they were looking that is. That was part of the fun. Putting it out there but not quite sure if anyone was looking.

Once I had the towel in place I would turn back towards the mirror and begin my ritual. All with only just the towel on my head. First I put on moisturizer. Everywhere from head to toe. I would put my foot on the toilet and do my leg. Again exposing my now slightly open pussy towards the door. I know that if anyone were looking in they would see my bald shaved pussy clearly from that angle. Also my pussy would be slightly spread with my leg like in that position. I always took extra time on the leg that allowed the best view from the door to my pussy and I always make sure I rubbed some on my pussy from that angel too.

I have always had a bald pussy. From the day the first hair showed up I plucked it out. I remember I started to get hair and I found a really long one that must have snuck up overnight or something. It grossed me out for some reason and I plucked it. Then since I had already started shaving under my arm pits I decided I would shave any hairs that come in too. I am fair skinned and I have light brown to blondish hair so my pubic hair was never going to be very dense and spread out but I was going to make sure that it never even had a chance to start. So from birth until the day I die my pussy will be smooth! And I do mean smooth because I just finished having all of my pubic hair removed permanently by laser. Oh I cannot wait to share my bikini waxing and laser treatment stories!

Once I finished with the lotion I would brush my hair and teeth. Then blow dry my hair and do whatever primping I needed before school. Then I would pick up my towel and wrap it around my body and head to my room to get ready for school. Wet from the fact that I know that if either brother got up and looked into the bathroom they would have enjoyed one incredible sight.

This went on every morning for about 2 years. There are times when I knew someone was watching. I could just feel it and I would here the floor creek. I don't know which one it was but I know someone was there quite a bit and I loved every minute of it.

One morning though the best thing in the world happened. I started my shower just like I always do. This was about a year after I started leaving the door open and now it would usually be about 6" open anytime I was showering. Funny thing is one weekend I forgot my parents were home and I left the door open like that out of habit. While I was in the shower my mom came to the bathroom and yelled in to see if I were there.

"Jessica are you in the shower?"

"Yes mom. I won't be long"

"Oh, well you know you left the door open and your brother and dad are still here."

"Oh, yeah I know. I leave it open so that the steam gets out and I can see in the mirror when I get out of the shower. Ill close it when I get out of the shower though."

"Oh, ok I guess. Well make sure you put a towel on when you get out because I can see your silhouette pretty good in the mirror."

"Oh no way. That is embarrassing!"

"Don't worry you can't make anything out really but put a towel on before stepping out."

"Ok mom I will. Thank you."

Now the best part of this is I know my brother was in his room down the hall and he could here this conversation. So if he did not know I left the door open by now he just found out. I know I am his sister and he probably does not think of me that way but from what I have learned about guys they take every opportunity they get to see a naked chick! I do think though that this was the turning point for what began to happen between my brother Tim and I. Because things changed after that day.

The fun thing is (and as I write more stories you will understand me better and what turns me on and I hope in turn does turn you on too or I would not be taking the time to share them), is that even if anyone was ever spying on me it was never talked about and honestly never confirmed that anyone actually was. That is the part I love and at the time what I enjoyed so much about it. This is what led to me defining my exhibitionism the way I have.

About a week after my mom told me about the bathroom door I was in the shower doing my thing. It was summer before college I was still 18 and my brother Tim was 20. He was in college part time and working part time. My parents and oldest brother who was 22 were all gone to work so it was just the 2 of us in the house in the morning during the summer. I usually got up around 9 and I always take a shower in the morning even until this day. I usually shower 2 times a day. Damn I love the shower and being nude!

Anyway, I start my ritual. I get in the shower, door open, etc. I hear a knock on the door and it is Tim.

"Hey Jessie are you in the shower?" (like he doesn't know!)

"Yep. Whats up."

"I just got called into work early. I have to piss and get out of here right now. Can I come in real quick while you're still in the shower? Ill be real quick."

"Sure no problem."

"Thanks Jess."

Wow, now I have someone actually in the bathroom with me and I am naked behind this curtain? Did I close it all the way? Hmm. Well one side I did but not the other side. Damn it!!! WTF is wrong with me I should have left it half open! Not like I knew this was going to happen. But there was no way I was going to be able to open it without him knowing. Fuck missed opportunity here. Or is it?

The side of the curtain that was open about 3 inches was actually in line with the mirror. I had a perfect reflection to him peeing!! Am I a voyeur too? I was on this day!!

He came in and he had sleeping pants on or whatever you call those damn things. He was standing there playing with the drawstring trying to get it undone. I don't think he was wearing any underwear because I could clearly see his dick swaying underneath his pants. I think he had just been coming down from morning wood at this point because it looked like it was poking to the side. Not straight out or up like he was hard but down to the right like he had a half hard on like guys get. Anyway, i could clearly see it.

I pulled back my head because I did not want to get caught but I had to see this thing. I was still a virgin at this point in time but I had a boyfriend and we made out all the time. I had given him a hand job and he had fingered me so I was not completely inexperienced at the time but still had only seen 1 live cock at that point in time. Now if I chose I was about to see my brothers half hard cock. I had to look.

I slowly moved forward and peeked.

He had just finished untying them and when he did he did the funniest thing which is why I think he had to been playing a little show and tell himself. He pulled his pants down to about mid-thigh completely exposing his ass and his entire package. I mean it all. Balls and everything. I have seen many guys pee since then and not one pulls their pants down like that just to piss! LOL. I think my family has an exhibitionist gene or something!

Well there he was, half hard and starting to pee. I could see his cock clearly in the mirror. He was not huge but he was good sized. Average probably from my now experience mind. He was actually quite a bit bigger then my boyfriend at that time and since I had not experience any other cocks I was mesmerized by its size! I thought he was huge!! And his balls looked big too. They did not really hang down though like my boyfriend's at the time balls did. They were up and tight near his body and they looked real round. His cock was half hard so it kind of stuck out over his balls a bit instead of hanging over them. At the time I thought he was huge but in time I would learn better. Still nice sized though!

I did not realize it but I was actually playing with my pussy while watching this. I was kind of bent over to peek out of the curtain. I didn't need to bend over but isn't that the only way to peek is to bend over and do it all coy like? Well he took his cock in his hand and started to piss. He pissed a lot. Then he got done and he pulled on it several times and shook it too. He pulled up his pants brushed his teeth, said thanks sis and left.

I was still in arousal shock when he left. Did he do that on purpose? Was he exposing himself to me on purpose? Or did I just get away with spying on and seeing my brother's cock without him knowing? I did not know? But I knew one thing for certain, I WAS COMPLETELY TURNED ON! It turned me on so much I masturbated right there in the shower and came in 30 seconds. I was so horny from what just happened that I could not think of anything else. Literally.

I was obsessed with it. It is all I thought about. Was this how my brothers felt if they got a glimpse of me? Is this the kind of control I can have over people if I expose myself? I knew there was something here and I had to find out. I needed to know. This all just started out because I wanted to show off my naked body by leaving the bathroom door cracked but now it is so much more. It is part of me. I needed to know if I would feel this same way if I exposed myself intentionally to someone but left them wondering if they just saw something on accident or if I did it on purpose. I have to get out of this bathroom and try something else with someone. This is all I thought about the rest of the week. I don't think in my life I have ever masturbated more during one week then I did that week.

I realized that week that I was an exhibitionist and I was going to be one for the rest of my life. This event started something in me that would change my life. Although now I have evolved and I enjoy showing myself off in so many different ways this started me on a path that would change my life forever.

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bottovarnisbottovarnisalmost 3 years ago

Fascinating! Enjoy the tease and tension building. You are very good with this style. Nice climax and a promise of more...Thank you for what seems to be a personal narrative. Good luck with this and have a great time! Thank you!

grampaaloisiusgrampaaloisiusalmost 4 years ago

„I also got breast implants 2 years ago“ - too bad. I liked the story, but here I stopped reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
great story

What I really like about this is your personal explanations of the feelings involved, the psychological risk and energy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
very good

I love this. from one exhibitionist to another I know what you mean by making it look "accidental". Please continue I have to know what happens next

ErotonautErotonautabout 11 years ago

Good debut story: you keep it grounded in reality, which adds to the erotic charge. Your second instalment moves forward to Jessica's college days, so do you intend to carry on up to the present day? If so, does her current boyfriend know about her fetish, perhaps to the point of encouraging Jess's 'accidental' exposures?

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