A Vampire's Reward


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I thought his eyes were fantastic before with the way they seem to stare into my heart, but now, as a vampire, they were spectacular. They glowed in wonder as he looked around. "It's amazing, Marina, everything looks so clear. Did you turn a light on in here?"

I chuckled a little, "No, that is just the vampire in you. It heightens all the senses. You can hear better, see better, your sense of smell is stronger, taste is different and touch is, well, I'll leave that to your imagination till I can show you."

I put out a mental call to my friends, telling them that it was over but that I needed help with Levi. "I've got help on the way for us, Levi and then soon we will be back at the cabin. Once we get cleaned up, and I take care of that wound in your shoulder, we can talk till dawn. Then while we sleep your body will heal and when we rise, oh Levi, you will have so many great surprises."

He hugged me close and said, "As long as you're there to share the surprises with me, love, then I'll be happy."

I heard the sound of vehicles pulling up outside and lay my head against his chest, "Mm... Happy, that sounds wonderful."


The next few nights were different between Levi and me. I had become the teacher to him like Dante had for me. The first thing I had to teach Levi was control. That was tough, but it is with each vampire when they are first turned. The urge to feed, and feed strongly, is hard to resist. Once he mastered that, I started showing him the fun things about being immortal, like heighten sense of smell, sensitive hearing, incredible speed, awesome vision, and amazing strength.

When it came time to teach him about the psychic abilities we have, I didn't have all that much to teach him since he was already communicating with me mentally before I turned him into a vampire. I had no way of testing his ability due to the connection between us being so incredibly strong to begin with. So on the third night we went into town and found a bench to sit on and watched the people pass by. I would pick out someone and look inside them to see what they were thinking about or feeling and have Levi do the same. He was on the money with each reading he took.

The fourth day Levi felt ready to see his grandmother. I was apprehensive about doing that, but I knew it needed to be done. We walked up onto the front porch and he started to open the door to go in when I reached out and grabbed his arm. "Levi, I know this is your grandmother's home and you lived here before as a human but you will need to be invited inside."

It finally dawned on him and he gave me a shy smile as he knocked and waited. Sarah opened up the door and smiled at her grandson, "What are you doing knocking on the door like some stranger, Levi?"

He stood there kind of dumb struck, his mouth opening and closing but nothing ever came out till I finally said, "He needs invited in, Sarah."

"What do you mean he needs invited in he..." I watched her face change from happy to fearful in the space of a heartbeat. She swallowed a couple of times and then she straightened her shoulders and said with a quiver in her voice, "Come in."

We stepped inside and while Levi talked with his grandmother, I looked around took notice that the small home was back to normal after my men came and repaired all the damage that was done during my battle with the underling.

I went back to the living room and saw that Sarah was holding Levi's hands. He looked up and smile, mentally telling me everything was okay. I sat down beside him and he took my hand in his as I looked at his grandmother and said, "I want you to know I didn't force this on Levi, Sarah. He knew he was dying, but I still gave him the choice to become what I am and he accepted."

"It's all right, Marina, I've known since he was a boy what was coming, I just didn't know when." She reached over and took my hand, "I can tell just by looking at the both of you that the spirits knew what they were doing when they chose you to be the one to fulfill his destiny."


"Why don't we set out on the deck for a bit?" He asked a few hours later after we arrived back at the cabin.

"You go ahead and save me a seat, I've got something to take care of then I'll be right out, okay?"

He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me slow. "Okay, don't be long."

I watched him walk out the kitchen door to the deck and trembled. I knew that we had made love before, but tonight was to be different. Tonight will be the first time we make love as vampires. But before that happens I have something I need to do first.

I walked down to my basement hideaway and crossed over to my coffin. I ran my hands lovingly over the polished surface thinking of the times that Dante and I had slept here and of the many times that I've been here alone.

"I have to let you go now, Dante. It's time." I moved around the coffin with my fingertips sliding along the surface. "I never thought I would find someone again to fill my heart with the type of love that you gave me but I have. He can't replace you and I don't want you to ever think that, but I need him."

I went to my closet and pulled out an antique jewelry box from the top shelf and sat down with it in my lap. I pulled my necklace out of my shirt and stare at the two wedding bands as they dangle from the chain. I took hold of the larger ring and spun it around the chain slowly, "The day I gave you this ring I never thought it would leave your finger, then on the day you died I was the one to remove it. That was something I never thought I would have to do."

I carefully unlocked the clasp at the back of my neck and relocked it before I dropped the necklace into the palm of my hand. I closed my fingers around it and brought my fist up to my mouth. "Since that day I've kept this near my heart. You've been with me everywhere I've went and seen everything I've done. But now I have to go on without you and begin my life with my new love." Tears rolled down my cheeks, "As long as I walk this earth Dante, I will remember you and love you." I lift the lid on the jewelry box and lay the necklace down carefully inside, "This is the last time I will say this my beloved, good-bye."

I quietly closed the lid on the box and looked up. Levi stood in the doorway watched me. I wiped my hands across my cheeks taking my tears away as he came over to sit beside me. "I got a little worried about what was taking so long and thought I would come down and check on you. I'm sorry if I interrupted."

I kept one hand on the jewelry box and reached over with my other and twined our fingers together, "Now that I've kept my promise by killing the last underling of the man who killed Dante, I'm saying my finally good-bye to him." I leaned my head against Levi's shoulder, "I should've had this finished a long time ago, but I didn't want it to end. Each day that that underling existed made me think of something I missed about Dante and those memories kept him alive to me."

"You don't have to say good-bye to Dante, Marina. I want you to keep all the memories and all the things that you two had or shared. I would have to be heartless to ask you to forget a man who was in your life for well over a hundred years." He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Actually, I have him to thank you know. If not for him I would have never met you, would have never touched you or kissed you, and I would have never been able to fall in love with you. So you see, having him in our lives is a good thing."

I kissed him, "You know that I love you right?" Then smiled with a tear slipping down my cheek.

He brushed it away with the pad of his thumb, "With every second that passes, love."

After a few minutes I got up and put the jewelry box back in the closet then stood in front of Levi with my hand out to him. "Come with me."

I lead him upstairs to the guestroom, flipping the switch for the window shutters to close. "Tonight is a new beginning for us, Levi, a beginning that I hope will last for eternity."

I moved in close, my breasts pushing against his chest as I reached up behind him, removing the strip of leather he used to hold his ponytail in place and tossed it aside. Gently I massage his scalp, combing my fingers through his long dark locks, watching them fall past his shoulders like a black curtain.

"I know you've been wondering why we haven't made love yet," I traced my fingertips over his handsome face, " but you needed to learn a few things about being a vampire first." I slowly kiss him, stroking the tip of my tongue across the seam of his lips. 'Like how our need for blood ties into sex and how sex ties into our need for blood." I then slipped my tongue between his lips for a taste of his hot mouth.

I stared into his eyes as my fingers worked the buttons of his shirt open. "But mostly you needed to learn control because when we come together this time, Levi, it will not be making love," I pushed his shirt off his shoulders to fall into the floor, "it will be mating as vampires."

I slid my tongue up the middle of his chest, over his throat and chin and stopped at his mouth. "You will bite me." I nipped at his lower lip. "You will get rough with hunger and need," I slipped my hand into his long hair, pulling hard, tilting his head back and to the side, "and you will want to take every drop of my blood that you can." I ran my tongue over the side of his neck, stopping at his jugular and sucking his skin into my mouth, teeth scraping across his skin.

His soft moan sounded like a purr, vibrating against my lips and teasing my nipples through my blouse as they press into his chest. His hands went to my hips and his fingers dug in, pulling me close and moving me against the ridge of his cock.

He tugged my shirt from my jeans and over my head dropping it to the floor to join his. The back of his hands slid across the front of my bra teasing already aching nipples. In seconds Levi had my breasts bare for his exploring hands.

My fingers swiftly freed the button on his jeans and ease the straining zipper downward. I pulled his rampant cock out, both of us moaning as I pumped him with my hand. His hands slid up into my hair and tugged gently, tilting my head back as he lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me with a hunger unlike any other. I squeezed him hard with my hand and gasped as he bit my lip, soothing it with his tongue, licking my blood away. I pulled my head backwards watching him open hot eyes filled with the glow of need and hunger. "Your blood tastes even sweeter now then when I was a mortal."

I smiled and then left a trail of wet kisses down the line of his throat, stopping to nip and to lick both of his nipples, getting my own small taste of his blood and feeling the fire start to burn inside me.

I kissed each ripple of muscle over his taut stomach and then kneeled before him. My hands trembled as I slipped his jeans down his powerful thighs, past his well-shaped calves and off his feet.

Levi stared down at me, heat pouring from his glowing eyes. I took his cock into my hand I stroked him before running my tongue along the underside, drawing a moan from him. His long, sensual fingers slid into my hair he guided my mouth to the head and pushed it between my wet waiting lips. At first he moved my mouth along his shaft, standing perfectly still as he moved my head up and down till he was totally embedded in my throat. Then he started to thrust, pumping himself into my face moaning out his demands to suck harder, softer, inside my mind. He growled deep in his throat and tilted his head back baring his long beautiful canines and then abruptly pulled his cock from my mouth and pulled me to my feet. He kissed me hard before he said, "I don't want to cum in your sweet mouth, Marina. I want to be buried to the hilt deep inside you and feel you milking me as I cum."

An explosion of heat burned between my legs; each of his words a caress, stroking the fire higher and hotter inside me. In seconds he had my pants off, lifting me up in his arms and tossed onto the bed, quickly crawling in after me.

He spread my legs wide, licking my slit in one slow stroke and swirled the tip around my clit. His mouth moved to my thigh as he licked over the vein and sank his teeth in, taking a small sip. Just enough to make my body strain up off the bed and cry out as a hot knife of painful pleasure sliced through me.

He quickly licked the punctures, sealing them and moved upwards, licking me from my mound, across my belly to my breasts. One by one he took each nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking, tugging them with his teeth then biting, like he did that night in the truck. I lifted my hips off the bed rubbing my pussy against his cock, grinding my clit along the length of his shaft with each suckle he took. My hands went to his head only to have him jerk them away holding them flat to the mattress above my head.

He reared up in such complete total control over top of me, over powering me at every twist or turn I made under him. He easily held both of my wrists with one hand while moving the other between us to tease me with his cock. Once he had the head inside he twined our fingers together and with a sudden jerk of his hips plunged his cock to the deepest depths of my body. He took my breath away and captured my cry as he plundered my mouth with his tongue.

The rough, aggressive assault from the animal inside Levi against my senses left my emotions in an uproar. He pushed inside my cunt harder, driving deeper, demanding my body and the animal in me to respond.

I tore my mouth from his and growled. My body arched up into his, meeting every thrust of his hips with my own. His balls slapped against my ass and mixed with the wet sucking sounds coming from my cunt.

"I love you," his voice growled inside my mind. The glow in his eyes was even hotter now and went straight to my heart as he stared down at me.

His kiss was harsh, stroking his tongue into my mouth with the same power and speed as he was with his cock into my body. I whimpered against his mouth as my mind growled back to him how much I loved him. He groaned deep in his chest and pushed in harder causing me to squeeze tighter around him.

As if my words sparked something in him he raised up over top of me, ramming his way into my cunt. My cry filled the room as he impaled me, driving me to the edge with his savage use of my body.

The bed creaked and moaned as we mated, our growls and cries filling the entire cabin as the speed and strength of his thrust increased, leaving me helpless in my need as the animal in me answered the one in him.

My muscles sucked him so deep into my cunt now that he was surging up into my womb. He released my wrists, both of us on the edge as his cock swelled inside me. Staring hard into his eyes, I growl out one word. "Together." Then I tilted and lifted my head up placing my mouth at his neck just as he had his at mine and together we sank our teeth into each other.

The pain was instant, the pleasure spontaneous. With one last drive of his hips he lodged his cock deep into my belly and exploded as I started to cum, every clench of my muscles milked his cock and made us both suckle from each other's necks till the spasms came to an end.

Our teeth retracted and then our mouths came together in a hungry kiss, sharing the flavor of each other's blood. I couldn't stop trembling as I lay underneath Levi feeling his cock soften and recede from inside me. He stroked his hands over my face brushing my hair out of my eyes, kissing my cheeks, my closed eyes before rolling onto his back, wrapping me in his arms and holding me tight.

He lifted my face from his chest and gazed into my eyes, "I'll love you for always."

I stared back into those magical dark eyes of his. "And I'll love you forever."

We kissed and then curled on our sides, sleep taking us as dawn once again came to the mountains.

The End.

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TudorRose86TudorRose86about 2 years ago

I rarely comment on things here, but this story was amazing. I really enjoyed it. You married it all together magnificently.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I loved how you married violence and sex so well in this story. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Fantastic Story!

This is a fantastic story! Loved it from beginning to end! Very well written and easily followed, with enough sex for me, lol. =D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Absolutely fabulous

I loved this story and shared it with my beloved . He's my best friend as well as my soul-mate . You did an amazing job with this story . Thank you , after reading this we had an amazing night of passion .

KelisKlauseKelisKlauseabout 10 years ago
excellent storyteller

Absolutely beautiful.... Amazing story

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