A Very Krampus Christmas Eve

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The Krampus and Santa have their way with a MILF.
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This story is for the Winter Holidays Story Contest 2023. As always, your votes and constructive comments are very much appreciated. It is a far cry from my 2022 submission, which was a romance. This is my first attempt at Erotic Horror.

This story borrows heavily from the Protestant tradition of the Feast of Saint Nikolaus and the accompanying Krampusnacht, and the secular tradition of Santa Claus, yet it manages to shred them both.

This work of fiction contains non-consent and minor blood play, but will hopefully give you a few laughs as well.


Few things brought more joy to Milena than sitting in the dark and gazing at her lighted Christmas tree. Her tree was dressed in silver and gold decorations, as she thought they all should be. It was covered with them, along with hundreds of white lights. She was entranced by the way the light bounced around between the shiny ornaments and eventually struck the walls, floor, ceiling, and furniture. Tonight she was sitting in the dining room, across the foyer from the tree. She liked to sit here because the doorway framed the tree so beautifully, like a painting.

It was getting very late, and the children, Sierra, Chloe, and Willam, were already fast asleep upstairs in their rooms. They'd hung their stockings with care on the mantel before going to bed, and now they were full of fruits and nuts and delicious little morsels, placed there by her. She'd also placed their gifts under the tree, wrapped in blue, red, and green.

The grandfather clock in the foyer began to strike midnight. I'd better get to bed, the children will be up before dawn, she thought to herself. Milena stood to cross the foyer and turn off the lights, then paused as two figures blinked into the room next to the tree, and after only a fraction of a second, blink, and now there was only one. From her vantage point, she could see the lone figure was dressed in red. It wore a long, fur-trimmed cape that nearly reached the floor, and shiny black footwear with lug soles. The hair on its head was salt and pepper, mostly salt, and fell onto the red cape. As she crept into the foyer a floorboard squeaked underfoot. The figure standing at her tree turned and smiled.

"Milena! Good evening, I thought you'd be in bed so I didn't bother suspending time here on this floor. It takes a lot of energy, you know."

Milena stood there in awe. The figure was a man, dressed head to toe in red save for his shiny black knee-high laced boots. His face was round with his apple cheeks, a button nose, and dimples. His beard and mustache were the color of new-fallen snow. His pointed ears peeked through his hair, which was perfectly coiffed. A large red velvet bag, its opening gathered by a white rope, lay at his feet.

"Santa?" Milena asked, her voice full of wonder.

"Yes, my child. Come," he smiled and motioned her to him.

Barefoot, she crossed the foyer and into the room with much trepidation. Could this really be Santa? she wondered. As she approached closer she noticed that this was not the Santa of the poem, the 'right jolly old elf' with a belly like jelly. This Santa wore a red double-breasted suit with tiny white pinstripes, a matching red shirt, and a white bow tie. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Santa is a silver fox! She nearly squealed at the vision. She reached him, standing close, and gazed into the most intriguing eyes she'd ever seen. They seemed to contain the night sky, blue-black irises pebbled with flecks of silver and gold. He reached out with his red-gloved hand and gently traced her jawline with the back of his fingers.

"You get more beautiful every year, my dear child," he whispered as he looked lovingly into her eyes.

Santa was right about her beauty. Born in Czechoslovakia, Milena has classic Eastern European features: high cheekbones, deep almond-shaped eyes, a wide mouth, and a heart-shaped face. And she is tall, five foot eleven inches tall. Her blonde hair cascades over her shoulders and covers her ample breasts. She typically wears short skirts, tight white button-down blouses, and high heels, always high heels. Tonight, she's dressed only in a jewel-toned blue satin robe...and nothing beneath it.

"You remember me?"

"Of course, I remember all of my good children. Do you recall that as a child, you cleaned and polished your boots and sat them on the windowsill? You would happily hum little nonsense tunes as you went about your task."

Milena smiled and nodded, "I do."

Those were happy memories of growing up in Czechoslovakia. The Feast of St. Nikolaus had been her favorite holiday. Celebrated on December 6th, it was the highlight of her year because she received sweets, a rare and expensive treat. Each year she would leave her cleaned boots on the windowsill on the evening before St. Nikolaus Day. By the next morning, St. Nikolaus would reward the well-behaved children with gifts such as oranges, dried fruit, walnuts, and chocolate. Unfortunately for some children, so the story was told, St. Nikolaus was accompanied by The Krampus, a frightening helper who doled out punishment for the badly behaved who failed to provide their cleaned boots. Punishment was a thorough thrashing with a birch rod. Horrible children, the worst of the bad, had been rumored to disappear, taken away by The Krampus.

Remembering the story from her childhood, she suddenly grew pale and wide-eyed. There had been two figures in this room for just a moment. Where had the other gone? And who was it? Could it be?

"The other...?" she began, letting the question trail off.

"Ah, you saw him," Santa nodded, "Krampus."

"Wh—, wh—, wh— where is he?"

"He's addressing the problem with young Billy. He's such a little shit, as you are well aware. Did you know that he kicked another dog today on the way home from school? Absolute terror, that boy."

"William?" she squealed, "He's hurting my William!"

She turned and started toward the stairs, but with a wave of his hand, Santa froze her in place. Uninjured, still conscious, she was unable to move. Santa walked around to stand in front of her.

"You don't want to do that, dear child. It could get quite ugly. Bi—William, deserves what he's getting tonight. He won't be permanently injured, at least physically, though we do hope there are lingering mental effects."

Milena sensed another presence just as Santa's gaze shifted toward a dark corner of the room. She could see a figure there in her peripheral vision but couldn't make out any details. Then the figure spoke, and a low, rumble filled the room.

"Damn kid shit himself, pissed his bed too." The voice was deep and smooth, tinged with danger. "Screamed bloody murder, he did. I fucking love my job! Though I do feel sad for his mo—"

"Shhh," Santa shushed the figure, who then looked at them.

"Shit, Nick! What's she doing here? She's supposed to be in bed asleep. You're slipping you jolly old elf. I'm going to have to get a new partner."

"Screw you, K. If it weren't for me giving you the naughty list you'd have no job. You'd wander the earth scaring random people, getting shot at, participating in the occasional Christmas parade, and being generally bored with your existence. You'd be constantly at risk of being tracked down by amateurs with their damned trail cameras, drones, night vision, and thermal sensors. You'd be hunted like our buddy Sasquatch."

The figure moved into Milena's line of sight. She wanted to scream but was still under Santa's control, unable to move a muscle. Standing before her was a horrid beast, dressed in a black robe. He had cloven hooves and corkscrew horns. His long, pointed tongue flicked out, and he had fangs. In fact, his mouth was full of sharply pointed teeth. His robe hung open, exposing his body. From neck to waist, he was a man, and he was ripped. He looked like he could win a bodybuilding contest. From the waist down, he was covered in hair, and his huge testicles were held in a bald scrotum that hung to his knees. A loin cloth covered his pelvis.

Extending out from the cuffs of his robe were scraggly hands with long fingers, the joints were horrible raised knots. His fingernails needed a good trim, they were shiny black and looked razor sharp, just like his teeth. He had a hairy face, though the hair was just as kempt as Santa's, red eyes, long eyelashes, high cheekbones, and a sharp nose. He smelled woodsy, spicy, and leathery.

"Fuck, I'd forgotten how gorgeous this one is," the beast hissed as he looked into Milena's frightened eyes, "Makes one wonder why she's divorced. If she were mine, I'd chain her up and never let her go. I'd have my way with her daily."

The beast reached for her cheek and trailed his fingers down her jawline. As he reached her chin, he touched her lips and drew blood with his fingernail. Milena could briefly taste her blood as it trickled into her mouth. The beast's tongue lashed out to lick at the cut. The taste of blood in her mouth rapidly disappeared. Milena felt the urge to vomit but her body could not.

"What do your notes say about her, Nick? What does she need? Is she naughty or nice?"

"I know for a fact that she is on the nice list. In fact, she's near the top."

Santa pulled a small device from inside his cape and tapped the screen a few times, "She enjoys receiving wine, perfume, and nice clothes; oh, and shoes. Five-inch heels are her favorite."

"But what does she desire, Nick? What's missing from her life?"

Santa studied the screen. "She hasn't had sex since her divorce," he said after scrolling a bit.

The beast released a low, rumbling laugh as he moved closer to Milena. His tongue snaked out and licked behind her left ear as he looked into her frightened eyes. She felt her robe open and then fall to the floor, leaving her naked body exposed.

"Lord Lucifer, she's amazing, just fucking amazing. Look at those tits, Nick!" The Krampus growled, reaching for her breasts.

"Yes, yes, I know. She has some of the best tits I've seen, and the best part is they're one-hundred percent real," the elf responded.

Still unable to move, Milena's breathing became labored as the beast touched her. Her heart was racing, so much so that she was afraid it would burst from her chest. Still looking into her eyes, she felt his tongue travel down her neck, down to her breasts. She felt its roughness as it encircled her left nipple, tightened around it, and tugged. Omigod! What's he doing, what—? Wait, that's his tongue? And how does Santa know my tits!? Oh, that feels good! So good!

As revolted as she was by the touch of the beast, Milena found it oddly arousing. The beast looked down at her body and then back to her eyes as he retracted his tongue. Milena's heart raced as the beast leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Yuck, nooooooo! His lips were warm and soft, and the kiss sent shivers down her spine. His breath was scented with... peppermint and pine! Holy crap, his breath smells like Christmas! Milena was amazed at how, suddenly, she didn't mind this. The beast wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Okaaay, I can't move but I can be moved? She melted against him, pressed against his chest, all those hard muscles pressing against her breasts, flesh against flesh. The beast deepened the kiss by probing her mouth with the tip of his tongue. Milena knew how far down her throat that tongue could reach, but surprisingly, her fear had faded when their bodies pressed together. She sensed no malevolence in his actions, just a desire for intimate contact. His warm, rough tongue explored her mouth, fanning the flames of her need. She gasped as she felt his sharp teeth against her lower lip. She briefly tasted blood again, and then it was gone. Fuck! He's dangerous even when he's in control. Her heart rate slowed as the beast ended the kiss and smiled at her.

"She likes this, Nick," the beast chuckled, "Her pupils are dilating, and her nipples are both hard as stone. I wonder if she's wet. Are you wet for me Milena?" His hand came up between her legs and he touched her sex with the back of his fingers. "Oh, yes. She's excited Nick! Her body can't lie." Using the back of a finger he parted her labia and slid his knuckle from her entrance to her hard nub. Still using his knuckle, he circled her baton as he looked deep into her eyes. He watched her eyes go black. Oh fuck, that feels good! Yes, don't stop! Omigod, I'm going to—, cuuummmm! The beast continued his ministrations but eased the pressure against her nub until her orgasm subsided.

"Mmmm," the beast growled, "Did you enjoy that, Milena? Did you enjoy cumming for Krampus?"

The beast raised his hand to his lips and his tongue snaked out once again, tasting Milena's excitement on his fingers.

"Fuck, you taste divine, my dear. Utterly divine."

"Dammit, K. Stop toying with her. You are out of bounds."

"Do need more, Milena?" the beast asked, ignoring the elf in the room. "I know I do. I have needs as well, my dear. Like the need to enjoy the pleasures of fertile human flesh," he whispered, "and to explore what's between your legs."

"You can't impregnate her, you fool. Your DNA is incompatible with humans," the elf scowled.

"I know that you sack of coal! I've been at this much longer than you, ever since Lucifer was cast down and his minions rose from the foul swamps."

Standing straight, the beast opened his coat and dropped it to the floor before releasing a howl that shook the entire house. His arms were layers of muscle upon muscle, veins snaked their way up and around like the creeping tendrils of poison ivy overtaking a tree trunk. She raked her eyes down his naked body. He was a perfect specimen of desire from the waist up, with broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist. He ripped aside the loin cloth and Milena watched as the flesh below his waist stirred. The beast's cock unwound itself like a serpent. Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck! That's his cock? Surely he doesn't intend to put that thing in me!

"Release her to me, Nick," the beast commanded the elf.

With another wave of Santa's hand, Milena was freed. Her blood-curdling scream filled the air. Protruding from the beast's crotch was a pulsating, six-foot, prehensile cock, throbbing as if it were a serpent breathing. His thick cock was a horrifyingly magnificent sight to behold, a heavy pulsing length that promised unbridled pleasure. It dripped with clear fluid as it writhed before him.

"What say you give yourself to me, experience the pleasure and the pain of being taken by The Krampus?" he chuckled.

She began to slump to the floor but the beast caught her around her waist and pulled her body to him. Her fear faded once more as their flesh met in intimate contact, flaring her passion. Why am I not scared when he holds me? He lifted her from the floor, leaving her feet dangling in the air as he raised her breasts to his warm lips, and roughly suckled her nipples. She allowed her head to loll on her shoulders and her back arched as if she were offering herself to the beast. A contented sigh passed between her lips. It's been so long since I've been touched this way. His skin was velvety smooth. His thick, corded muscles rippled with each movement, accentuating his raw power and dominance.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain. Her head snapped forward and she saw that the beast had her breast in his mouth and his razor teeth penetrated her tender flesh. Droplets of blood formed where each tooth pierced her skin. Oddly, she did not scream but only watched in wide-eyed amazement as the beast released the bite on her breast, leaving no trace of the wounds she expected. Instead, there were only drops of blood which he licked away while gazing up into her eyes. He moaned at the taste of her blood.

"Krampus magic," he whispered. "Where would the fun be in torturing all those naughty children only to have them bleed out and die?"

He let her down, ensuring her legs would support her, then released his grasp. Milena examined her breast where moments before the beast had bitten her. There was no trace of injury, only the soft, supple flesh that she'd always known.

"My notes say she likes to play rough in bed," Santa offered.

Milena's head snapped towards the elf, "How do you know all of this, my lack of sex, my preferences in bed? And you talked as if you've seen my tits before tonight!"

"My dear," the elf chuckled, "I see you when you're sleeping, I know when you're awake. How did you think I know whether you've been bad or good? That little elf that you ladies like to hide around your house this time of year has been a boon to my surveillance! It's also saved me a ton of work, seeing as how the naughty list has grown threefold."

Santa is a voyeur! What a perv! I feel so violated! And I'm going to burn that elf that the kids love to find!

Milena suddenly felt a little light-headed and subtly swayed side-to-side. The beast grasped her shoulder to steady her, then swept her in his arms. He knelt and placed her gently into a seated position on the nearby sofa.

"I should have warned you, my dear. The same saliva that heals your wounds can also have a hallucinatory effect on humans. Often after I've caned a naughty brat, and chewed on them a few times, they wake in the morning feeling hungover. It's as if it was all a nightmare...until they see the marks of the canes."

"I'm fine," she whispered as she lay one arm over her forehead.

"I'm going to take you, Milena. I'm going to sweep you up in a whirlwind of pleasure and pain, whipsawing between the two until you experience rapture unlike any you've felt before."

"Mind if I watch?" Santa asked.

"Not at all, you pervert."

The Krampus leaned in and claimed her lips once more, she gasped as the kiss grew more demanding. He took control, exploring her mouth, and she moaned in acceptance as his tongue snaked into her throat. She felt a primal desire grow within her as the beast fucked her throat with his rough tongue. In her current state, she simply melted against the beast and wrapped her arms around his broad muscular chest, swept away on a wave of passion. The monster's rough hands moved over her body, tracing her curves and valleys. His cock encircled her waist, pulling her closer. His embrace was strong and demanding, and she shivered in anticipation of what the beast might do next.

His lips moved down her neck, kissing and nipping at her delicate skin and leaving a trail of weeping bites. Milena moaned as he lavished attention on her chest, exploring every inch as he feasted on her body. The beast's cock snaked between her thighs and washed its length in her desire. It was covered in small, hard nodules that scraped against her sex, making her flesh tingle. She was already sopping wet, and the pressure and motion of his cock between her legs made her moan. Then just as before, he bit her, alternating between her breasts. She screamed each time his teeth pierced her flesh. Over and over the beast tormented her, biting her nipples, biting the sides. Each bite felt as if needles pierced her skin and then were quickly withdrawn. She pressed her hands against his chest, pressing against his powerful muscles. Yes, yes! This is what I need, a rough, powerful, terrifying lover! Take me, you beast! Her skin was on fire as she arched her back, offering herself to the beast, eager for more of his roughness. Oh, god, please. Take me, use me for your pleasure! Leave me in a boneless heap, consumed by The Krampus! Her voice soon became hoarse from her vocalization, which had first been screams of pain, but eventually turned to cries of pleasure. Why do I enjoy his bites so? she wondered to herself. Her skin became sheathed with sweat from the stress coursing through her system. Finally satisfied with his handiwork, the beast ceased biting and began the lap the blood droplets from her. Each lick of the metallic-tasting fluid brought a satisfied moan that rumbled up from deep inside him.