A Very Wonderful Christmas Pt. 02


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"Emmm!!" Marie kept going until she had sucked me dry. "That's good."

Marie looked up at me and moved and kissed me.

"I had a good time last night," she said.

"I did too. You forgot my cock stays hard after a nice ass fucking."

"Well, it was great."

"So were you." I kissed Marie again.

"I need to go shower and get ready to go to the airport."

I watched Marie get out of the bed and looked at her naked body. She looked so much like Jessi it was weird. I got up and slipped on a robe and went to check on Jessi.

"Good morning," I said and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning, honey."

I wrapped my arms around her, and ran my hands down to her mound and rubbed.


"I just want to touch," I said. "Honey, you know all the men are going to be looking at you and thinking about your bare mound."

"Tom, stop."

"They will be thinking about getting between your legs and licking your smooth mound and pussy, honey."

"Tom, stop it."

I moved my hand down and touched the top of her lips.

"You like the idea of men fantasizing about you, don't you, honey?"


"Wednesday night, think about all those men looking at you. They will all have hard-ons as you pose in tiny lingerie." I said as I rubbed the top of her pussy lips. "When you look at them looking at you, wink at them like you want them, honey."


I could feel the wetness on her pussy lips growing.

"You are getting wet," I said and kissed her ear.

"Tom...please...I am trying to cook..."

"You will be cooking tomorrow night."

"Stop it, or I won't let you be there."

"Yes, you will, because you know how much I enjoy other men looking at you."

"Enough. I have to finish."

I kissed Jessi on the neck and released her. I stepped back and ran my hand over her beautiful ass.

"Yes, they are going to enjoy looking at this."


I left the kitchen and went back to my bedroom to put on some clothes. I was pulling on a shirt when Marie walked in naked.

"It is going to get busy after this morning. I have something I want you to do tonight before it gets crazy," Marie said.

"What would that be?"

"I want you to take some pictures of Jessi and me together."

"In bed?"


"I'll let you talk her into that."

"I will."

Marie left and went to her bedroom.

"Come eat!" I heard Jessi yell.

I walked back to the kitchen and sat at the table. Jessi had everything set out. Marie came and sat down.

"I wish I got to sit with the two of you naked every morning," I told them.

"Sis, can the three of us stay in a suite in New York?" Jessi asked.

"Of course."

"Do you think anyone will get suspicious?"

"Just Bob."

"Why would he be suspicious?" Jessi asked.

"Jessi, he knows I was having sex with one of you."

"Oh, god."

"Jessi, I have been in a threesome with Bob," Marie said.


"Yes. Bob would never let me be with two guys."

"But another guy is okay?"

"Yes. Tom, you would be okay with another guy fucking Jessi, wouldn't you?"

"Marie!!"Jessi yelled.

Marie laughed.

"Do you mind him fucking other women?" Jessi asked.

"No. You don't do you, sis?"

"Just you."

We finished eating, and Marie got up to get dressed.

"She is terrible," Jessi said.

"I don't know," I said as I stood and took my plate to the kitchen.

"Tom?" I smiled as I walked.

I walked back to the table.

"I'll clean up, you need to get dressed."

"What did you mean by, 'I don't know?' "

"You have had a good time with another woman."

"She is my sister!"

"I know."

I picked up the leftovers and took them to the kitchen.

"Don't you get any ideas," Jessi said as she sat her plate down in the kitchen.

I grabbed her and kissed her.

"Honey, thank you for sharing your sister."

"That's all, okay?"

"Yes, honey. Go get dressed."

I watched Jessi walk off then went back to cleaning up breakfast.


About 9:00, Marie left. About 9:30, Jessi's phone rang, and she answered.

"Hey, Jim."

"Sure, bring all of them, and I will finish them up. Okay, come on over." She hung up.

"What does he want?" I asked.

"I have some loans I need to finish."

"Do you think they told him you don't want him there yet?"

"Oh, shit!"

"This should be interesting," I said.

"What should I do?"

"Oh, no. This one is all yours."


Jessi kept pestering me until about 10:15. We heard a truck pull into the driveway, then a knock. I went to the door.

"Is Jessi Willis here?" A guy with a clipboard asked.

"Yes, she is."

"Well, I have a delivery for her. A large delivery," he said.

"Bring it in."

I stood at the door and watched him pull a large box off the truck and bring it to the door. I opened the door, and he came in and set it down in the middle of the den.

"That is a large box," Jessi said.

"That is just the first one," the delivery guy said and went back out.

We watched for about 20 minutes as he kept bringing boxes into the house. Once he was finished, they were piled everywhere, two high.

"What is this?" Jessi said.

"It came in air-freight this morning addressed to you," the guy said as he handed Jessi a clipboard for her to sign.

"Who is it from?" She asked.

"It says The Limited, whoever that is."

He took his clipboard and left.

"What is all of this?!" Jessi exclaimed.

"Open one up and see."

I helped her open one of the big boxes.

"Oh, my god!"

The big box was full of small boxes that appeared to say Victoria's Secret. She opened one up and pulled out some sexy looking lingerie. She looked it over.

"Uh, oh."

"What?" I asked.

"It's my size." Jessi started pulling more boxes out of the large one. She discovered that all of the lingerie was her size. "What has she done!!"

Her phone rang again.

"Marie! What have you done!" She yelled into the phone.

"Oh, hi, Bob. Yes! I got the delivery. What is all of this?"

"You are kidding! No, that's okay. Thanks! Okay, about noon."

Jessi hung up.


"Bob had them send one of everything they sell. They are all mine to keep."


"He wants to see me in all of them so he can pick what he wants in the pictures," Jessi said. I started laughing.

"What are you laughing at!!"

"I wouldn't have thought of it, but that is a creative way to see as much as he can!"


There was a knock at the door. Jessi turned and yanked it open.


Jim was standing there.

"Sorry, Jim. Come on in," Jessi told him. He squeezed in around the boxes.

"What is all of this?" Jim asked.

"One of everything Victoria's Secret sells," Jessi replied.

"Are you going to model all of it?" Jim asked.

"Hell, I don't know!"

"I brought all of your work for you," Jim told her.

"Okay. I will finish it all up."

"Jessi, you just had to ask me, and I wouldn't have been there," Jim said.

"I'm sorry, Jim. I didn't think about it until late. I hope corporate didn't call you."

"No, your sister called me."

"Jim, I'm still a little apprehensive about all this. It's not that I don't want you there, there will be other men there. It's just that..."

"What is it, Jessi?" Jim asked.

"Jim, I have worked hard for my position at the bank. If you got to watch me all night half-naked and I ever got a promotion at the bank, people would think it would be from that."

"Jessi, you know better than that."

"I do, but everyone else might think that."

"Jessi, you know that you will earn everything you get. Don't worry about what other people think."

"But, Jim, I have to. You are the President of this area. When I get promoted, I don't want anyone saying I got it because you got to see me nearly naked."

"That's okay, Jessi. I have already told Shelia to be there. I respect what you think and you, Jessi."

"Thanks, Jim."

"Jessi, you are a very beautiful woman, but you are also very smart. I expect you to be President of the company one day," Jim said and smiled.

"Thanks, Jim," Jessi said. "Do you have to go right now?"

"Not right away."

We all found a place to sit and Jessi told Jim about what all they wanted her to do. She told him about the headquarters in New York wanting her to come and see everyone.

"So you will be visiting the home offices in New York?" He asked.

"Yes. Not sure when," Jessi said.

"Jessi, I need to tell you something, and it is just between us," Jim said.


"When you go to New York, I am sure the Vice-President of Marketing will want to meet you. His name is Brad Wilson. You need to be careful around him."


"He is a womanizer. They have buried many sexual harassment cases against him. Don't end up anywhere with him alone."

"How do I avoid that?"

"Make sure Tom is with you all the time. Brad is a womanizer and likes to put his hands where they don't belong."

"That would be a mistake," I said.

"Tom, don't get into it with him," Jim said.

"I wasn't, I was...never mind."

"He is a real piece of work but Tom you should scare the shit out of him, as big as you are.


"Thanks, Jim," Jessi said. "I'll keep my distance."

"Jessi, he has promoted a few women because of...their looks," Jim said.

"What part of their body was he looking at?" Jessi asked.

"I think you understand. Just be careful, Jessi."

"Okay. Thank you, Jim."

"Jessi, the Bardston loan is in there. I need it soon."

"I will bring it to the bank tomorrow night," Jessi said.

"Give it to Shelia."

"I'll give it to you."

"I won't be there."

"I think since Shelia is going to be there, you can come," Jessi said.

"Jessi, I won't be there. Give it to Shelia."

"Okay. Did you take Michelle to the mall last night?"

"Oh, yes. I got a nice show when I got home."

"Anything else?"

"Oh, yes."

"Jim, we will see you Friday night," Jessi told him.

"Okay. I hope you make it."

"I am going to try. I want to see everyone before all the craziness starts."

"Jessi, take it easy. I want you back."

"I will be back, Jim."

Jim left the house, and we sat for a few minutes.

"Shit! What time is it?" Jessi yelled.


"Fuck! I am supposed to be cooking lunch!"

"I've got it," I heard Marie say as she came through the front door with a guy.

They were carrying pizza boxes.

"We waited until your boss left," Marie said. Jessi and Tom, this is Bob."

Bob was a nice looking guy about Marie's age.

"Bob, did you send all of this to me?" Jessi asked.

"Yes, it is yours to keep."

"I'm not going to let you see me in all of it."

Bob laughed.

"Did your sister tell you that?" Bob asked.


"Jessi, I just wanted you to have one of everything in every color," he said.

"I don't have room for all of this!"

"It will fit your sister too."

"She doesn't wear underwear!"

"I know! Jessi and Tom, I am happy to meet you both."

I shook his hand. He took the pizzas, and we made our way to the dining room and spread everything out.

"Thanks for bringing lunch."

"I knew you wouldn't get anything done once they delivered everything," Marie said.

We all sat and ate and talked. Bob took his time explaining everything to us. He explained what all would take place in New York next week.

"Bob, there is some lady at a company called IMG that wants to meet with me next week," Jessi said.

"I know. I need to talk to you about that later."

"Sis, we are going to focus on just getting you comfortable next week in New York. I think after tomorrow night, you will get an idea of what will be expected of you."

"Jessi, we know you have never done anything like this before, so we will take our time. We want you to have fun and enjoy all of this," Bob said. "Tom will be with you every minute."


"Tom, if Jessi agrees, I have a surprise for you," Bob said.

"What is that?"

"You have been a hit on the website, so we are going to have some pictures taken of you with some of the Angels."


"Oh, no!" Jessi said. Marie started laughing.

"We thought we would let you advertise our men's cologne. It is the only product for men we have anymore."

"I can do that."

"I don't know about that!" Jessi said teasing me.

"We won't leave you out," Bob said.

"Jessi, we will be taking shots of you in a lot of the different outfits next week in the studios and on location," Marie said.

"What locations?"

"We are still deciding," Bob said.

He turned around and looked at all the boxes.

"I should have thought about this first, we can't see the Christmas Tree anymore," he said.

"We have one more bedroom we can move it all into," I said.

"Marie, can you get some more shots here?" Bob asked.

"We will have to do it Friday," Marie said. "I will have to pick up some equipment."

"Okay. We will have them come in and decorate some more."

"Jessi, did you have someone look at the contract?" Bob asked.

"Not yet."

"Do you have someone?"

"The lawyer at the bank is a contract lawyer. I can see if he can look over it."

"Can he come here? We need to talk to him, so he doesn't say anything," Bob said. "I will need him to sign a non-disclosure since you won't be paying him anything."

"I'll call and see if he can come by tonight," Jessi said.


"Bob, is there anything else you need?" Marie asked. "If not, I will take you to the hotel."

"Jessi, how comfortable are you about being seen and photographed nearly naked?" Bob asked.

"Okay, I guess."

"Are you sure? There will be four or five men there tomorrow, are you going to be comfortable?"

"I guess."

"I don't need you guessing, Jessi. There are going to be posters of you from the shoot in all the stores. You are going to be asked to autograph prints and posters for men and women. You will be on TV and in magazines."

"Not in lingerie I won't!"

"No. The only live shows will be on the TV show next Christmas. Will you be okay with millions of people watching you walk down a runway in skimpy lingerie?"

"By then, I should be."

"Good. We are planning on you being a hit. We need some exposure of an everyday intelligent woman wearing our products and looking good in them."

"I hope I fit that."

"I should have said an everyday and extremely beautiful woman in our products. That is why we want the pictures in the bank. We want to show everyone that you work at a regular job."


"Jessi, would you model an outfit for Bob," Marie said.

"Is that a requirement?" Jessi asked with a big smile.

"No!" Bob said laughing.

Jessi turned and looked at me with a seductive smile.

"I'll do it. I opened up a very nice looking set in blue before you got here," Jessi said.

I watched Jessi get up and make her way back into the den. After a minute, she walked by carrying a box.

"Be right back," she said.

"Marie!" Bob said.

"I was just teasing her!"

"Which Angels?" I asked.

"I'll find a few."

"Bob, will Jessi be modeling with any of them?" I asked.

"I'm thinking about it. Tom, once she is identified, all of these pictures we will be taking will be going online and up in the stores. Are you okay with it?" Bob asked.

"If I weren't, you wouldn't be here," I told him.

"Good. Marie, did you tell her about the shows we need her to go to?"

"Not yet."

"What shows?" I asked.

"While we are in New York, she will be fitted with plenty of fashion gowns and outfits. There will be fashion shows and dinners we will want you and her to appear at during the year for publicity. We will need to have a tux tailored for you next week also and a few Armani suits."

"I will be either teaching or starting back to school in the fall for my Ph.D."

"We will work around it when we can, but if you can't go, will you be okay with her going by herself?"


"She will end up being photographed with some other men?"

"As long as it is just photographs. Bob, I will hold you responsible if anything happens," I told him.

"What do you think?" I heard Jessi say.

We looked up, and she was wearing a very tiny set of blue lingerie. The front was a small piece of thin lace, and the bra was made of the same thing.

"Wow!" Bob said.

Jessi turned around for a few seconds and let us see her bare ass with the string running between her cheeks.

"Jessi, you are beautiful," Bob said. "I hope my Angels don't think you are showing them up."

Jessi turned back around and giggled. The blue outfit looked nice with her blonde hair.

"I like the blue. Marie, we will use that at the bank. Make sure she brings it."

"Do I need to bring anything else?" Jessi asked as she stood there.

"No, we brought all the outfits we want to see you in. It is all the new items," Bob said, as he looked her over. "But, I like the blue."


"Jessi, I don't want to sound like a perv, but you have an outstanding body. Do you work out?"


"I don't think you have an ounce of fat on your body," Bob said. "You must work out a lot. What kind of work out routine do you have?"

"An hour or so a few nights a week, then 3 or 4 hours on Saturdays."

"It shows."

"Sis, tell him what kind of work out you do," Marie said.

"Oh...I practice Martial Arts."

"Really! Do you have a black belt or something?" Bob asked.

"A few," Jessi replied. "I better change."

Jessi went back to the bedroom.

"Do you work out with her?" Bob asked me.

"Oh, no, I tried once. It's too much for me. She has been doing it since she was a kid."

When Jessi came back, she had on some jeans and a top. She called the lawyer at the bank and asked if he could come to the house.

The four of us sat and talked about a lot of things for a long time. About 3:00, we heard a car pull up. I got up, and went to the window and looked and it was the lawyer from the bank. After I let him in, Bob introduced himself.

"Jack, thanks for coming to the house," Jessi said.

"Jim said to help you in any way I could."

He sat, and we told him about what was happening and that we needed him to look over the contract. He took it and sat and read for a while.

"Jessi, I think this is a fairly standard contract with the necessary releases," he said. "I don't think there is anything to be concerned with," Jack said.

"Thanks, Jack," Jessi said.

"Jack, Jessi needs to pay you for the work you did, and I need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement," Bob said. "That will make it all legal."

"No problem."

Jack and Bob went to the kitchen with a piece of paper. When they came back, I saw Marie hand Jack an envelope and thank him. After he left, we all sat down and Jessi, and I signed the contract for Bob.

"Jessi, I know you want to go to the bank's party Friday night, but we would all like to fly back to New York Saturday if you think you will be ready?" Bob asked.

"If Tom is okay with that, I guess that is good."

"Good. We will leave the airport about 3:00. That will give us plenty of time to get back and get you checked into a hotel."

"Everyone else has gone to the hotel and are getting ready for Wednesday," Marie said. "I talked to Jim, and Bob and I are going to the bank in the morning to look around."

"What do I need to do?" Jessi asked.

"Nothing. All of the posters for tomorrow went out overnight or courier express. When the stores open in the morning, you will be the pin-up girl," Bob said. "The contest starting times are staggard around the country tomorrow so that it starts at the same time across the country."

"What time will it start here?" Jessi asked.

"2:00. The contest will be posted on the website tonight at 9:00. That will give it time to make the evening news on the East Coast."

"The news?!" Jessi exclaimed.

"Oh, yes. It will be on the evening news across the country and on all the talk shows in the morning," Bob told her smiling.
