A Visit From Geek Squad


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Saturday morning found Claudia Ruiz once again in her grubby work clothes, on her hands and knees in the soil of her rose garden and shrubbery beds. Trying to keep her eyes off her watch, Claudia soon found that that was all she could look at and the hours were ticking away toward 1:00 like fast forward on an old VCR. By noon, Claudia realized that she might as well quit conning herself - she was going to Starbucks. Returning her garden tools to the garage and stripping off her sweaty clothes, she soon found herself in the shower, priming and pruning herself as if preparing for a date. She briefly tried to convince herself that she was preparing for a meeting or a formal fund raiser that the hospital often had, but her mind was far too exhausted to hold up that charade.

After blow drying her hair, powdering her body, putting on a dazzling coat of make-up and dousing herself with perfume, Claudia teased up her hair in an alluring style she had seen on a famous Latino movie star in last month's IN STYLE Magazine. Emerging from the bathroom, Claudia slipped on the most provocative lace bra she owned, accompanied with a lacy garter belt, thigh high stockings and straps. She chose a red silk blouse and a flared black skirt that fell nearly three inches above her knee. Slipping a pair of spiked, three inch heels on to her feet that she knew made her ass look irresistibly delicious; Claudia took a moment to admire herself in the full length mirror.

"You look like a fucking Vegas hooker, you dirty old cunt!" Claudia cursed at herself. "And look, you're even wearing your old FUCK ME shoes!"

Claudia had owned these particular heels for years and Frank had used to call them her "fuck me" shoes for she seemed to wear them every time she was horny; which in her youth, had been very often.

"What the hell am I doing?" Claudia asked herself in the mirror. "This is all for a teenage girl, for God's sake. A teenage girl!! A girl! I must be losing my mind."

Claudia was about to change her clothes when she glanced at the clock beside her bed: 12:46pm. She had less than fifteen minutes and a near twenty minute drive to the Starbucks. Claudia snatched up her hand-held purse, checked herself once more in the gild mirror over her chest of drawers, grabbed her keys and left; her heart thundering, her pulse pounding in her ears and her chest aching as she was near panting. The drive over was uneventful except for one thing: Claudia realized that she wasn't wearing any panties. Of course, she had a horrific time convincing herself that it was an unintentional over site. She made better time than she expected and felt a little silly driving a beat up old mini-van while dressed like an Escort Service Call Girl.

Claudia pulled into the parking lot at 12:57pm and no sooner did she get up the nerve to get out of the van, did she spot Tiffany sitting at one of the patio tables. For an instant, she debated slipping back in the van and driving off. Tiffany had yet to see her. But as if some cosmic force was pulling her, Claudia soon found herself striding like a runway model across the parking lot, her heels clicking on the asphalt. Tiffany spotted Claudia almost immediately and her face lit up with that radiant glow and the beautiful smile.

"Am I causing her to glow like that?" Claudia asked herself.

The patio was deserted, thankfully, except for Tiffany. The day was slightly overcast, breezy and cool, so most everybody was inside. Tiffany watched Claudia stride up to her table and she had to fight to keep her jaw from dropping into her lap for Claudia looked amazing. Had she really done herself up this sexily just for me? The woman strode with such confidence and self-assurance; one of the many things Tiffany found so appealing about Claudia was her overall aura of a confidant and sophisticated modern woman who knew she was getting older, but knew how to do it gracefully and still look so fucking hot and sexy in the process! And dear God was she ever a sexy lady! Sexuality oozed from every pore of her body. Could I really have her? What would she possibly want with a flake like me? Tiffany's mind swirled with all these questions as Claudia approached.

"Hello, Tiffany." Claudia said in that sultry and sensual voice.

"Hi, Claudia." Tiffany said in her soft and sweet melody. "Thanks for coming. I was afraid you wouldn't."

"I almost didn't." Claudia replied.

"You got my message obviously." Tiffany stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes." Claudia said. The memory of the romantic music and the beautiful note flooded her body with gooey warmth.

"Will you sit with me, Claudia?" Tiffany asked humbly. The name dancing off the end of her tongue. Tiffany loved saying it. She had shouted it many times the past four days in the throes of unbridled, self-induced orgasmic bliss.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Claudia smiled and carefully seated herself, crossing her legs quickly. "So, why did you want to see me again?"

"Like I told you, I can't get you out of my mind. I know this sounds completely insane and terribly forward, but I am so hot for you! You're the sexiest woman I've ever met and I just had to see you again. I had to talk to you." Tiffany expounded.

"Tiffany, I have to..." Claudia began but Tiffany cut her off.

"I know what you're gonna say. That I'm way too young for you and that I don't know what I'm talking about or what I'm feeling. Or maybe that I'm just crazy. Well, I do know what I'm doing. I can't explain it, but I'm just so incredibly attracted to you."

"Tiffany, do you have any idea what you're suggesting? You're talking about us having an affair. What makes you think that I would be the least bit interested? I'm not gay. Where did you ever get the impression that I might be? Or more to the point, did I give you any indication that I was attracted to you?"

As she spoke, Claudia took Tiffany in. She looked so different than she had on Monday. Her hair was down, flowing long and full over her sexy shoulders. Her lips, if possible, were even more luscious and full, glazed with a bright pink gloss. Tiffany was wearing a tiny white top that clung so tightly to her lean and slender torso that it almost looked painted on her flesh; and oh, how it divinely accentuated her much bigger than originally thought breasts. Tiffany was a solid D-cup. The girl's jeans were equally snug, faded and ripped at the knees; her legs were sexily crossed under the table and a pair of white three inch, spiked heels was on her feet. As Claudia sat running her mouth with forced words of reason that even she wasn't really listening to, her mind and body were spinning out of control with carnal lust. Tiffany was a statuesque, curvaceous young vixen who radiated sexuality, lust and desire from every nook and cranny.

"Tiffany honey, you're only 18 years old. In my book, you're far too young even to be having sex, much less pursuing a sexual relationship with an adult whose 32 years your senior. And another woman to boot. You should be out teasing the boys and laughing about it with your friends." Claudia babbled aimlessly on.

"Claudia, I've already tried the whole boy thing. I've been doing that since I was thirteen. I've even had sex with a couple of them. But what I really enjoyed the most was when another girlfriend and I would kiss; pretend to make out. God, I loved that so much. You see, I've known I was a lesbian since I was twelve. But all the girls I know would only want to kiss me just to tease the boys. When I've tried to get serious with them, they've all laughed in my face." Tiffany explained.

Claudia found she was captivated; caught once again by those gorgeous sapphire eyes. Tiffany boldly reached across the table and took Claudia by the hand.

"Oh God Claudia, I just can't fight it. I am so attracted to you! Your eyes, your smile, your hair, your gorgeous body, your beautiful face. I just can't stop thinking about you. So many of the other girls talk about seducing an older man and brag about what great lovers they are. But I want an older woman. An experienced woman in love and sex. A woman who could really teach me how to be a lover. How to be the lover she's always wanted." Tiffany said as she sensually squeezed Claudia's hand.

Claudia's body tingled all over and she felt her own arousal flowing from her sex. She was suddenly very grateful that she had worn a black skirt, for if she'd worn white, an enormous stain would have been visible for the entire world to see when she stood up. Claudia was suddenly even more grateful that she wasn't wearing panties. The feel of her own arousal running onto her bare inner thighs filled Claudia with a desire and a passion she'd never felt before. Still, reason tried to win the day; Claudia slid her hands back out of Tiffany's grasp.

"Tiffany, I'll ask you again: What makes you think I would be interested in another woman? Now, I'll be honest, I did kiss a few girls in high school and college; just like you. But nothing more than that." The older woman lied. "But I grew out of it pretty quickly. I met my husband, got married and had three children. All of which, I might add, are much older than you. Hell, my youngest is six years your senior. I also have two grandchildren and a third on the way. And all that aside, I've been solely attracted to men ever since." Claudia said.

Tiffany's face filled with a seductive look and mischievous grin; she leaned over the table and plowed her gaze directly into Claudia's eyes.

"Those hard nipples peeping out at me through your blouse give me the impression that you're finding me attractive." Tiffany hissed as she leaned even further over the table and Claudia was almost hypnotically induced to lean toward Tiffany. "And the fact that you're not wearing any panties either."

Claudia felt her cheeks flush and her body began to tremble; her hands shook most visibly on the table and Tiffany gently covered them with her own.

"Oh my God." Tiffany said gently. "You are attracted to me, aren't you?" She almost couldn't believe it.

Claudia knew she was defeated. As much as she wanted to resist the younger woman, she knew that she couldn't. Her mind was exhausted from fighting a war it couldn't win. Though she believed that it was wrong, nothing had ever felt more right to Claudia Ruiz than letting Tiffany have her wish.

"Tiffany? I know this may sound a little strange, but I just realized I don't even know your last name." Claudia asked, her voice quivering.

"It's Vaughn." She answered softly. "Tiffany Elaine Vaughn."

"That's a beautiful name." Claudia said and squeezed Tiffany's hand. Tiffany reached out with her other hand and Claudia took it across the table.

"I'm desperate for you, Claudia. I want you more than anyone I've ever known in my life. Please teach me, Claudia. Teach me about sex; teach me about love. Teach me to be a perfect lover. Teach me to be your lover." Tiffany whispered across the table; her words virtually ripping Claudia's heart out by the arteries.

"What about my children? And my grandchildren? They would never understand this. They would probably never ever forgive me if they found out." Claudia said with her voice still shaky.

"You don't know that. I would think that all that would matter to them is that you're happy. That your loving someone and more importantly, being loved in return. But I promise I will never say a word to anyone about us." Tiffany assured her.

Claudia searched the younger woman's face and found herself getting completely lost deep in her gentle and loving baby blue eyes. She found nothing insincere; nothing untrustworthy and nothing unlovable. Claudia reached up and gently caressed Tiffany's cheek.

"Oh Tiffany...My sweet and beautiful Tiffany. I can't fight it anymore. You're absolutely right; I am extremely attracted to you. I have been from the very moment I first laid my eyes on you. And I would be honored to teach you all that I know about sex and love." Claudia pledged.

Tiffany's heart soared and her stomach leapt into her throat. As she gazed into the older woman's enchanting eyes, she felt tears of unbridled joy slide out of hers.

"Come on. Let's go to my house." Tiffany said.

"Your house?" Claudia asked hesitantly. "Don't you still live with your parents?"

"Yes, but they're in New York on business for a couple of weeks. My brother is away at school in Texas, so we'll have the whole place to ourselves." Tiffany explained. "Please Claudia. I want our first time together to be in my own bed."

Tiffany caressed Claudia's cheek and a smile filled the older woman's lips.

"Okay, little one. As you wish." Claudia told her.

"Come on. We'll ride together in my car. I want this to be just like we're on a date. I've never been on a real date before. I'll bring you back for your car later. It'll be fine here." Tiffany said as she took Claudia by the hand and led her toward the parking lot.

Less than twenty minutes later, Claudia was staring up at a monstrous mansion of Victorian design. The place was so vast that Claudia's entire home and backyard could have literally fit on the front porch. Tiffany pulled her mother's Corvette to a stop in front of the massive set of marble steps that led up to the front door. She leapt out of the car, hurried around to the passenger side and opened the door for Claudia. Like a gentlemen of old, she held out her hand for the older woman and helped her up out of the vehicle. Claudia did her best to show off as much leg and skin as possible. Tiffany led Claudia up the steps and through the gargantuan front door into the cavernous foyer.

As Claudia took in the massive home, Tiffany shut and locked the front door. With her eyes following the enormous curving stairway up to the second floor, Tiffany's beautiful face appeared and filled her view completely. Instantly, Tiffany crushed her hungry mouth to Claudia's and the two shared their first kiss as wanton lovers. Claudia's lips faltered almost immediately and Tiffany's tongue surged forward like a speeding locomotive into the deep recesses of Claudia's warm and succulent mouth. Their mouths sealed tightly around each other and Claudia wrapped her arms around her young lover's lean, buxom body, reveling in the sweetness of the girl's velvety, luscious mouth and the overwhelming passion in her kiss.

"Oh, this can't be happening. This just can't be happening. This is so wrong! So very wrong!" Claudia's mind shouted at her. "Oh, but how could something so wrong feel so fucking good?"

Coming up at last for air, Claudia pulled Tiffany firmly up against her and let her tongue graze gently over the delectable flesh of the younger woman's face, up her delicate jaw line and to her ear. Claudia sucked the ear lobe into her mouth and then battered it with her tongue. A tender moan escaped Tiffany's lips as Claudia ran her tongue down to her young lover's neck and feasted on the warm, supple skin like a famished vampire as her hands slid down Tiffany's back and molded the firm globes are her sumptuous bottom.

"Oh Claudia..." Tiffany moaned in ecstasy, her head tilted back to allow Claudia total access to her throat. "This really isn't happening."

The lover's bodies were crushed firmly against one another; their bountiful breasts mashing up against each other; the rock hard nubs of nipples ripping at the insides of their lace bras, aching to touch. Their mouths found each other again in the throes of a lover's deep kiss; their hearts hammering feverishly, each could feel the other's at this range. Carnal desire was seizing them as waves of lustful heat washed over them; their bodies began to mist with perspiration under their clothing. Tiffany ran her tongue down the long, sleek neck of her Latin lover; Claudia tilted her head back to accommodate Tiffany's talented mouth and tongue. What could I possibly teach this sexual goddess? The older woman pondered. She seems to know very well how to please her lover.

Tiffany sank to her knees in front of Claudia, who looked down upon the beautiful face of her young lover with wonder and breathless anticipation. Tiffany slowly raised Claudia's skirt, gently nudging the older woman's long, sensuous legs apart and Tiffany's nostrils were immediately flooded with the intoxicating, musty scent of an aroused woman. Claudia's sex was glistening by the saturating wetness of her intense arousal; her outer lips were swollen and Tiffany could see the sweet nectar of her lover's sexual essence dripping off them.

"Can I taste you?" Tiffany asked in a whisper.

Claudia reached down and gently took Tiffany by the chin, tilting her head back and the lover's gazed longingly at each other. Though she desperately wanted Tiffany to taste her to the very core, Claudia realized that this torrid affair must remain in her control. She was the teacher and Tiffany the student.

"Not just yet, my angel. Not just yet." Claudia whispered with a smile. "Come. Take me to your bedroom. And I will teach you all you want to learn."

Claudia lifted Tiffany to her feet, they joined hands and Tiffany led her lover up the stairs to her bedroom. As she followed just behind, Claudia again reveled at Tiffany's buxom young body and her mind flooded with questions; most of which she'd didn't want to hear, but one that she did:

"What did I do to be so lucky to be here today with this beautiful creature? Of all the men and women in the world she could have chosen, she chose me. She is simply heart stopping gorgeous; she oozes sexuality from her very core, she's an incredible kisser and she wants me."

As they entered Tiffany's bedroom, Claudia pulled Tiffany around to face her and captured her mouth in another deep kiss. This kiss was the most passionate of all and it took Claudia's breath away. She'd never experienced such passion from a lover; especially not from one so young. Of course, prior to Tiffany, Claudia's youngest lover had been only five years younger than her and he'd been a man.

They broke from their kiss and stared longingly into each other's eyes.

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I slip into something more suiting to this occasion? I want to do my best to please you in every way, my darling." Tiffany whispered as she nipped at Claudia's lips.

Tiffany led Claudia over to a small sitting area in her bedroom near the window; and Tiffany's bedroom was larger than Claudia's living room. A love seat, a coffee table, a reading lamp and a small bookcase comprised the sitting area. On the coffee table was a pre-prepared platter of assorted cheese, gourmet crackers and a can of caviar. A bottle of Dom Perignon was chilling in an ice bucket with two crystal champagne flutes sitting beside it. Tiffany filled one of the flutes with the Dom and handed it to Claudia.

"Only the best for you, my love." Tiffany whispered and kissed her softly on the lips. "I'll be right back."

Tiffany turned and disappeared into her bathroom. Claudia sipped her champagne and surveyed Tiffany's bed; a four posted Queen Size bed with a canopy above. Letting her eyes wander all about the cavernous room, Claudia's mind again tried to interject logic but by now, Claudia was no longer listening. Though she still couldn't fully believe that this was really happening, she no longer was concerning herself about consequences. She was fifty years old, very lonely and very horny. Though Tiffany was certainly not the lover Claudia could have ever in a lifetime envisioned taking; at the moment, she wanted or would have nobody else. Tiffany had done something to her than nobody else ever had or probably ever would. As Claudia began to unbutton her blouse, her heart began to hammer wildly as it became clear that Tiffany had carefully planned this seduction. That this girl had gone through all this just to please her. It had been so long since a lover had wanted and desired Claudia so deeply; she felt a pang of tears behind her eyes and a lump lodge in her throat.