A Walk in the Woods

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Vicki goes for an unexpectedly pleasant hike in the forest.
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"Princess, you know what a 'bucket list' is?"

Sly and I were sitting around his apartment waiting for a client to show up. As you might imagine, it's a little awkward having any kind of serious discussion while you're dressed only in a diaphanous teddy with nothing under it but crotch-split panties. However, if that's your working uniform, you kind of adapt to it. Sly has seen me in this outfit too many times for it to have much of an effect on him, but then, I was wearing it for the client, not for my agent.

Oh yeah, I should explain a bit. This will sound a little strange, but Sly and I have been partners ever since he blackmailed me into putting out for paying clients in order to pay off the ransom he had demanded of me to buy back some very incriminating material that would have devastated my family and my then-fiancé. But here's the kicker. The surprising thing was that once I got into it, I found that not only was I good at the work, but I really liked the adventure. You don't often get to mix work and pleasure.

Sly's a tough guy, raised on the streets, hard and cynical, but he knows a good thing when he sees it, so after we were square financially, he offered to make the arrangement more permanent, and on the spot I agreed. In the months that have followed I've never regretted the decision. I've had some wild rides, and I really like the work. Of course, I'm not dumb enough to quit my day job in a prestigious city law firm. Not near the fun, but it's a steadier and more dependable income.

The fiancé, by the way, is history. Amazing to me that I ever wanted that life.

"Yes," I said. "It's a list of things that you feel you have to do before you 'kick the bucket'. Wasn't there a movie about it with Mogan Freeman and Jack Nicolson a few years ago?"

"Not bad. I didn't know you were a movie buff. But yeah, that's the idea."

"I have a feeling," I said, "that this conversation is going somewhere, and when it gets there it's gonna involve me professionally."

Sly smiled.

"Not much gets by you, Princess, does it."

"Yeah. Doesn't take much to figure out we're not sitting here to talk about movies. What do you have in mind?"

"Okay. I got wind of an older guy that is willing to pay big bucks to check off a bucket list item."

"Way too vague," I said. "How old, how many bucks is big, and what's the item?"

"Dunno about the age," Sly said. "I'm gonna guess mid to late sixties, but really healthy. Works out a lot, I think."

"Sounds old to me. You don't think he's gonna have a heart attack if things get a little strenuous?"

"Nah. Besides, that'd be some experience, wouldn't it?" He smiled broadly.

"Quite a notch in your belt, to knock off some guy with sex."

"Not funny, Sly. I need your assurance that the guy's healthy enough for what he has in mind. Which, by the way, is what?"

"Guy's an avid hiker. That should tell you about his stamina. He loves the outdoors, mostly the woods. He wants to show that love by as he puts it, making love to a beautiful woman in the forest."

I was silent for a few long seconds.

"Where the hell do you find these people? No, wait, don't tell me. I think it's better if I don't know.

"Let me see if I've got this. The client wants me to go hiking God knows where with him and then at some point, when we're the middle of nowhere, he'll fuck me? Have I got the gist of it?"

Sly looked at me. I must have looked rather dubious.

"Yeah, that's about it. But before you say no, let me tell you about the money."

He did.

It was a lot.

"Jesus, Sly. He must really want this. But look, I'm a city girl. What do I know about hiking in the woods. Suppose we get attacked by a bear or something while we're fucking? Have either of you thought about that?"

"Jesus Christ, Princess! Leave it to you to think of that. Okay, I'll make him promise that there'll be no bears, or lions or tigers, for that matter. I'll make sure he knows what'll happen to him if anything happens to you."

I was slightly mollified. Sly's a very big, tough guy, so his threats of retribution are a very good guarantee of our clients' good behavior and of my safety.

"Okay," I said. "Set it up."

"That's the Princess I know. I knew you couldn't resist this one."

"Sometimes I think you know too damned much about me."

He smiled at that, but didn't rise to the bait.

Full disclosure, here, I have to admit that my mind wasn't fully on my work with that night's client. Nonetheless, he went away apparently quite satisfied. I am, after all, a professional.

I spent the morning of my date shopping. At those rates I could afford it. At REI I picked out comfortable boots, socks, and cute tailored khaki shorts. I felt like I was channeling Lara Croft. Elsewhere I got a red tie-front midriff blouse. The saleslady tried to sell me something she called a "hiking bra", but I declined. In my business you have to stay in shape, and my breasts were firm enough to hold up on their own without external support. Besides, guys like to see a little nipple poking the front of a blouse; lets them better imagine the rest, especially when they realize there's no extra barrier between them and the goods.

In keeping with the sporty look, I put my long blonde hair up in a ponytail, tied with a red ribbon matching the blouse. All in all, I looked pretty god. I even backed off some on the makeup for more of an out-doorsy persona.

The client, Stuart, picked me up at a pre-arranged location in mid-town (I keep my real address a closely guarded secret). He was driving a beautifully restored 1965 Austin Healey, powder blue with white leather interior. And Stuart? If I ever make it to my 'mid to late sixties' and look half as good as he did, I'll be forever grateful. He was tall, very fit looking, with just a delightful touch of gray at the temples. Like me, he wore shorts and a loose shirt. He had great legs. His hands on the steering wheel were firm and he shifted gears effortlessly as he guided the car through traffic. So much for worrying about him having a heart attack. My heart might be the problem!

When I climbed into the car, he looked me over very carefully. He smiled, and his eyes glowed.

"You are incredibly beautiful," he said. "Sly's description doesn't do you justice at all."

"Thank you. You're quite handsome yourself."

Mutual complements thus out of the way, we drove north, out of the city. Suburbs soon gave way to the country. Apparently, quite a few people actually live outside the city. We picked up the parkway, which led us on a lovely winding path into forested hills. After about an hour Stuart turned off onto a side road which led to a state park. We followed a narrow road down into a valley. He found a small parking lot next to a lake, surrounded by woods. We were the only ones there.

"Stuart, this is a beautiful spot," I said as we got out.

"Yes, it's one of my favorites. And I have to say, it's a lot more beautiful with you as part of the scenery."

Be still, my heart.

He opened the trunk (he called it the "boot") and got out a small backpack, which he put on. We headed off along the side of the lake. About halfway around the shore, he turned and entered the woods.

"How do we keep from getting lost?" I asked, a little worriedly.

"See these little splotches of paint on the trees? They mark the trail."

Stuart went on to explain how you could read the markers to keep you on a given trail, know when the trail took a sharp turn, when it met other trails, and when it ended.

Wow. Who knew there was this whole subculture with their own arcane symbology? I wondered who did all the maintenance work. Elves? Boy Scouts? Anyway, as long as Stuart could read the signs, I wasn't worried about getting lost. But I was damned sure I wasn't going to lose Stuart.

It was a lovely walk through the woods. The trees seemed old and venerable, and it was cool in their shade. Stuart, bless him, adjusted his pace to let me keep up comfortably.

After maybe an hour, Stuart stopped by the side of a little stream. "Let's take a break."

I mentally translated that as "Let's get down to the real reason we're here." I didn't mind, though. It was a lovely spot, and my legs were just beginning to remind me that I'm a city girl.

Stuart opened his backpack and took out a blanket. He unfolded it and spread it on the mossy ground.

"Would you like a drink of water before we start?" he asked.

"Please." Hiking is thirsty work, if I'm saying anything new, and a girl likes to be hydrated before sex. Gotta replenish those fluids, y'know.

I took a long drink. The water was still cool. I passed the canteen to Stuart. He kissed the spout I had drunk from and then took a drink himself. I was impressed.

I approached him, reached up and put my arms around his neck. I lifted myself up on tiptoes and gave him a long, lingering kiss. He returned it with obvious pleasure.

"You look warm," I said. "Here, let me help."

I let go of him long enough to unbutton his shirt and slip it off him. He had a very nice body. Clearly, he kept in shape. This was promising. I kissed him again, making sure he felt my breasts against his naked chest. I touched his cock through his shorts. It was rigid.

I gracefully dropped to my knees and undid his pants. I pulled them down, along with his shorts. With my help he stepped out of them.

I looked meaningfully at his erect member.

"You have a lovely penis, Stuart," I said. I kissed its tip. Stuart inhaled abruptly. I stroked it a few times with my fingers, paying special attention to the head. I was getting pretty hot myself.

I lay down on my back on the blanket and arranged my arms and legs as seductively as I could manage on the uneven ground. The moss was surprisingly soft, though. I reached up toward him, invitingly.

"I want you to take me," I said. "Here, now, in these beautiful woods. I want us to make love on this ground, under these trees you love." Acting? Perhaps. But only in part. I surprised myself by how sincere I actually felt.

I unbuttoned my shorts and then gave Stuart a meaningful look. No dummy he, he took the hint. He bent over me, and when I raised my pelvis, he pulled my shorts down and over my boots. His eyes were riveted to the strip of white nylon guarding my pussy. His cock seemed to be pulsing in anticipation.

I spread my legs in invitation, and Stuart knelt down between them.

I could feel my breasts swelling. My erect nipples were lifting the front of my blouse. I took Stuart's hands and guided them to the knot holding my blouse closed. His fingers trembled as he undid it. At last the blouse opened up and fell to the sides. The cool air felt wonderful on my naked chest. Stuart took a moment to take in the sight, and then began to caress my breasts, cupping and gently squeezing them. He leaned forward and kissed my nipples.

Both of us were breathing pretty hard by then.

I reached up and took his face in my hands. I guided him to me and kissed him again, deeply and passionately. I could feel his cock pressing against me, restrained only by a thin layer of nylon.

"Take me," I whispered. "I want that lovely cock deep in me. I want to feel you cum inside me. I want you."

He reached down and pushed the vee of my panties aside. I felt a thrill go through me when his fingers brushed my sensitive nether lips. He leaned forward. In a moment his cock parted my pussy and slid smoothly into me. I was well lubricated by then. Oh Lord, it felt good. There was an annoying root digging into my back, but Stuart had enough grace to support the weight of his torso with his arms, so I managed to tolerate it. Love in the woods takes a little getting used to, I guess.

I raised my hips to meet his descending groin. That lovely cock pushed deep into me, filling me with its warmth. I could feel it pulsing with his heartbeat. I moaned. I grabbed his buttocks and pulled him even deeper into me. He was moaning and gasping. He began to pump me. I gave a little moan each time he plumbed my depths. His movements massaged my sensitive nipples against his chest.

It couldn't last long. Stuart came first, moaning and gasping. His already distended cock swelled even more. I felt his hot ejaculate jet into me. It felt so warm and filling. His cock throbbed with each ejaculation. I could feel the big vein on its underside swelling as his semen passed through it. That did it for me, and I came, hard. I grabbed his head and pulled him to me. I kissed him even as I came, squirting. It was wonderful!

We lay there in each other's arms for a long time.

Eventually Stuart pulled out of me and rolled over to lie alongside me. He was breathing deeply but smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh my God, that was absolutely wonderful!" he said.

I smiled back.

"Gee, I didn't enjoy it at all," I said teasingly. I reached over and gently grasped his wet cock. "I knew I wanted this in me. You sure don't disappoint a girl.".

He really did have a nice cock. Nicely proportioned, and big enough but not too big. To my pleasant surprise it twitched in my hand.

"Oh my," I said. "I think you might not be done with me yet." I gave his cock a gentle squeeze. I could feel it pulsing in my hand and beginning to swell. This was going to be fun.

"Okay, My turn, now. You just lie back and close your eyes. Let me work a little woodland magic."

I rearranged myself so that I was lying on my left side, my upper body more or less perpendicular to him, with my head resting on his belly, his semi-erect cock only inches from my eyes. I tightened my grasp on it and began to stroke him. I watched in fascination as his cock obediently stiffened. A clear drop of pre-cum rose from the tip. He was breathing hard. I made sure he could feel my warm breath on his member.

I lifted up and leaned over him and took his cock in my mouth. I gave it a few gentle sucks. Stuart gasped. I felt his hand on my left breast. He began to cup and massage it. I liked it. My nipple began to swell.

I began to move slowly up and down on him. He moaned, and his cock grew very stiff and began to throb. I cradled his balls in my hand and squeezed them gently. He groaned softly.

"Oh God, Vicki, that feels so good. Your mouth is so soft and warm. Your hand is so gentle."

I began to work him in earnest. I kept him a couple of inches in my mouth so I could use my tongue to massage the head of his cock while sucking. He moaned. His hips began unconsciously to move.

I felt his free hand on the back of my head gently but firmly encouraging me to go deeper on him. I did. I took him all the way down into my throat for a few seconds and then backed off and continued to suck him. I could feel his cock begin to swell again. I knew he was close to cumming. His hand on my head pushed harder. I took a deep breath and slowly worked my way down on him until my nose hit his groin and his cock was deep in my throat. His hips lay still, now, all his attention centered on his coming orgasm. He had both hands on my head now, holding me close to him. I sighed audibly through my nose to encourage him. I worked his shaft with my tongue.

My hand on his balls felt them twitch, and he came.

My lips around the base of his cock could feel it throbbing and pulsating as he began to ejaculate. His sperm shot right into my throat. I swallowed it as he came. The motions of my gullet massaged his cock and raised him to even greater efforts. He gasped and moaned. After three or four quick ejaculations he settled down to a more sustainable pace, his spurts becoming more prolonged and less frequent as he drained his reserves into me. Those reserves were quite respectable, though, and we both had plenty of time to enjoy his orgasm at leisure. I loved listening to him moan and feeling his thighs twitch as he came. There's a great sense of satisfaction in knowing you're doing a good job for a client, especially one you like and want to please.

When he was done, he was gasping for air. Gradually his breathing slowed. His eyes stayed closed, as if he was prolonging the time before he had to return to reality.

I lifted up off him, taking my time. I breathed deeply to catch my breath. His cock glistened in the light. It was clean of all his sperm, but I kissed the tip anyway in case I had missed anything. I take pride in my work.

"Now that's what I call a great second coming," I said, smiling at him through wet lips. "So, do you feel you can check this one off your list?"

"Oh my God, yes," he said. "I'll think, though, I'll never be able to hike through the woods again without re-living this day and this moment. I can never thank you enough."

"Not necessary," I said. "I've had a great day. I can see why you like the woods so much."

I'm not sure he got all the levels of that comment, but he was happy. We had a lovely ride back to the city.

I guess I can see why some people live outside the city. Except for the bears, of course.

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MigbirdMigbird10 months ago

Dialogue between Sly and Vicki as always great — can’t help but smile. Arcane symbology — you clearly enjoy creating Vicki’s adventures. And let’s not forget the sex in the woods — enjoyed by both (all three of us).

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