A Walk In the Woods Indian Style

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Morgan goes camping to try out her Indian costume.
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Morgan woke up with a start. She sat up and looked toward the window. It was still dark outside. She looked at the clock on the nightstand and sighed. It was set for seven but it showed a few minutes after five. She laid back down on her back and sighed again.

She sat up and leaned over to turn on the bedside lamp. As she returned to the upright position, her hands came up and caressed her bare breasts. She shivered as her hands rubbed back and forth over her nipples. It made them tingle. She exhaled noisily as she threw back the covers.

"I might as well get up. There is no going back to sleep now," she said aloud and wiggled over to sit on the side of the bed.

A backpack with a roll bag strapped at the bottom and her sleeping bag and small dome tent strapped to the top caught her eyes and she smiled. "An early start is a cooler start," she whispered as she climbed out of bed.

As she headed for the bathroom, she mulled over the heat of the day. This trip was supposed to have happened a month earlier but.... She sighed as she sat down on the commode. Her supervisor at work had had a heart attack and she had filled in for him.

She patted herself dry and opened the shower door. Turning toward the sink, she picked up a length of black ribbon and tied her hair up in a topknot so it wouldn't get wet. It was a little over shoulder length but it was fine and thick. It took time to dry.

Working four days a week gave her a three day weekend every week. Most of the time she stayed home and watched TV or played on her computer. But this weekend she felt energized. There was no rain in the forecast and the temperature was supposed to be mild to warm. Camping time in her mind.

After her shower, she put on a pair of dark green short running shorts and a black t-shirt that she had cut off at the bottom. Her breasts were not large but they were round and her nipples stuck straight out. The shirt ended a few inches below the bottoms of her breasts and allowed breezes to caress the bottom of each one.

Dressed, she sat on the side of the bed and put on her socks and hiking boots. When she stood up, she stomped her feet to settle the boots in place. It was an old habit. She found an old brown ball cap and put it on. With the pack in hand, she turned off the beside lamp and headed for the kitchen.

Since she was early, she considered making coffee and breakfast. Instead, she grabbed a bottle of water and sipped it as she rounded up her wallet and car keys. The idea of breakfast at the old café crossed her mind and she grabbed a hoodie and slipped it on.


Breakfast had been quick and easy. Thirty minutes and she was on her way. Now she was entering the hill country. It was cool this early so she had the A/C off and her windows rolled down. The hoodie kept her comfortable.

It was just cracking dawn as she turned on a gravel side road. It led to an old park that was more run down than anything. A mile or so before the park, she turned into an old logging road. As she slowly followed the road, the surroundings were getting lighter.

By the time she reached the old logging clear cut where they had loaded out logs she had her headlights off. It had grown up a lot since the last time she was here but there was still enough of a road for her to get across it and hide her car among a stand of cedar trees.

She rolled the windows up, got out, and got her backpack out of the backseat. She locked the car and smiled as she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was sweet and heady out here in the woods.

With the pack in hand, she wove her way through the cedars until she was in a large oak flat. She took the hoodie off and tied the arms around her waist. It only took a few minutes to get the pack on, the straps snapped and adjusted to her liking.

She bounced the pack and wiggled her shoulders to get it settled. She had a big smile on her face as she headed out across the oak flat. She was headed for a gap between two very large pines. As she stepped between the pines, there were quick footsteps in the leaves to her right. She froze and watched two deer trotting away from her. They went out of sight around an old dead pine top.

That's a good sign, she thought. If the deer were not spooked enough to run then no one had been around to bother them. She headed out among the tall scattered pines, only now, she was walking slowly and carefully and looking around more.

She didn't see any more deer but she did see a couple of squirrels and a large rabbit. By the time she reached a brush line at the far edge of the pines, she was ready for a drink of water. She paused and unclipped her canteen from the side of the pack and took a swallow. It was still cool.

Putting the canteen away, she turned right and followed the edge of the brush. A couple hundred yards later, she came to a cut through the brush. She worked her way along the trail until it opened out into an area of large oaks with smaller pines and cedars mixed in.

She walked over to a big oak and took the pack off. She sat it down at the base of the trunk and opened the barrel bag. She reached in a pulled out two pieces of soft tanned leather on a woven thong. There was a small sheath knife on the string also. She laid it down on the pack.

Straightening up, she pulled the t-shirt off and put it in the roll bag. She took her time looking around as she ran her hands over her breasts and belly. She shivered and untied the hoodie from around her waist. That went in the bag also.

She slowly and carefully looked around as she caressed her breasts again. Her nipples were tingling deeply as she groaned softly and reached for the waistband of the shorts. As the shorts slowly slid down her hips and down her thighs, she made soft whimpering sounds. Being naked out in the wood was both exciting and scary at the same time.

Her head wanted to turn every which a way as she took the shorts off over her boots. She kept control of the scary part pretty well. The exciting part, there wasn't much she could do about that. She could feel her inner and outer lips slipping and sliding together as she squatted down to put the shorts away.

She picked up the two pieces of leather, along with the knife, and the thong and stood up. She shivered as she wrapped the thong around her waist and tied the two ends in a bow at her left hip. Her hands checked the leather panel in the back. It was as wide as the top of her ass cheeks and half that width where it ended an inch or so below her ass.

The front panel was almost as wide as her pelvic bones at the top and half that wide at the bottom. It ended an inch below her sex. This was the first time she had worn this outfit outside her apartment. It had felt fine inside but out here.... The words scandalous, scary, and exciting rolled around in her head.

Squatting down, she closed up the bag and stood up with the pack in hand. She put the pack on and groaned at the way it pushed her breast together and made them stand out more. The chest strap just added to that. The strap across her hips was just above the woven thong.

She had patterned the outfit on an American Indian breach cloth but without the part that ran between the legs. For a male that would have been right in her mind but.... She hadn't found a picture of a female breach cloth so she adlibbed it.

Wiggling her hips from side to side made her whimper softly. She was so very wet. Wetter than she ever remembered being without playing with herself. She looked around quickly and whispered, "Onward. It's another mile at the most."

Walking around naked at home was one thing but out here it was so much more. The scary part was slowly receding as she moved among the trees. The exciting part was getting stronger. Her hips were swaying more than normal and twitching from time to time.

She could feel her clit being rubbed by her inner lips as it stood up tall and un-hooded. The feeling made her whimper and her hands kept moving toward her sex. It was a constant fight. She came to a stand of cedar and moaned. Her normal campsite was on the other side of them. Her brain had a chanting question going on. Which would be first, set up camp or masturbate?

She moaned softly as she went to the right around the cedars. "Camp, camp, camp," she whispered over and over.


Her tent was set up among the cedars with the entrance facing outward overlooking the creek about ten feet away and five feet down. At the edge of the drop was a rock fire pit. With the pack and roll bag in the tent, she spread out her sleeping bag in front of the door.

Part of the sleeping bag was in the sun and part was in the shade. She sat down cross legged in the shade. Her hands ran over her breasts. They felt slick from a fine sheen of sweat she had worked up setting up the tent and getting it in place.

She had a smile on her face as she looked up and down the rocky creek bed running in both directions from her camp. She was remembering the only people she had ever seen out here at her camp. It had been a couple who looked a few years younger than her.

Sunbathing nude on the sleeping bag, she heard a rock rattle. She had been on her belly, so she lifted her head to see the couple making their way along the creek bed, stepping from rock to rock. They had both been topless, which was the only thing that kept her from scrambling into the tent.

Morgan sighed as she remembered the guys broad muscular chest and bulging arm muscles. The woman had had a big chest also but it had nothing to do with muscles. Her breasts had been twice the size of her own. Her nipples had been the size of Morgan little finger and very tall.

With a shiver and a soft moan, Morgan pinched and rolled her small nipples. She wondered if the woman's bigger nipples were as sensitive as her own and if the extra size gave her more pleasure if she pinched and rolled them. There was no way of knowing but it was an interesting thought.

When her right hand dropped to her lap and slipped under the soft leather covering her sex, Morgan groaned and laid back on the sleeping bag. She straightened out her legs and spread them wide apart. A fingertip lightly and slowly rolling her clit around made her hips jerk and twitch.

The guy from that day had starred in a few masturbation fantasies from time to time but she wished he had been completely naked. In fact, she wished they had both been naked. That would have added so much more information for her fantasies.

Her hips rose up slightly as her mind showed a picture of the woman's breasts and the lack of tan lines. Morgan didn't have any either. She wondered if they had a place to tan nude and make love. Was it somewhere around this area? She made a soft whimpering sound as her hips gave a jerk.

She moved her fingertip off her clit and ran it up and down in her slit. It was slippery and glass smooth. She would barely brush her fingertip against her clit in one direction and stir the entrance to her sex in the other. Her orgasm had been climbing fast earlier but now she was teasing herself.

Her finger was now wet with her juices and she was spreading them in her slit and over her inner lips. She dipped her finger into her sex even deeper and it entered to the second knuckle easily. This raised her hips even higher.

The thoughts of wandering around naked or nearly naked earlier pushed her pending orgasm higher. The thought of running into the couple naked dressed as she was pushed her over the edge. Her knees came up and closed around her hand as waves of pleasure radiated from her sex. Her eyes were tightly closed and a long drawn out moan escaped her lips.


Sometime later, Morgan sighed in contentment. She was again laid out on her back with her legs spread apart, her hands were by her side. Her eyes slowly opened and she was looking at the leaves fluttering in a gentle wind. She grinned and came up on her elbows.

"That was fun," she whispered as she sat up. She untied the bow at her left hip and moved the front panel to the side so she was naked in the front.

She looked down at her hairless mound and sex. She used a finger of one hand to spread out her inner lips over her outer ones. It was the same finger she had had in her sex earlier. Without thinking about it, she raised and sucked on it. Her eyes closed at the flavor on the finger. She loved her own taste.

She moved sideways until she was fully in the sun. She laid back, sighed, and relaxed as the sun warmed her body until she felt toasty. She groaned and sat up as she remembered her tanning oil was still in the roll bag. She rolled over and crawled to the entrance to the tent.

Back out in the sun, she applied the slippery oil to all of her body she could reach. She even came up onto her knees to get her ass and the backs of her thighs. Recapping the bottle she laid back down and relaxed again. Her hands came up ever so often to caress her breasts and to work her outer lips open and closed.

It wasn't long before she was ready to turn over. She also turned around so her head was toward the creek drop off. She loved to lay this way with her elbows down and her head raised so she could look up and down the creek bed. She laid that way until her back got hot.

She moved sideways into the shade and sighed as she laid her head down on her arms to cool off. She may or may not have slept but a rock rattling in the creek bed made her eyes pop open. She raised her head slightly and heard another rock rattle up stream.

She couldn't see anyone or anything from where she was so she crawled a few inches closer to the edge and lifted her head higher. She grinned as she saw a raccoon rummaging among the rocks looking for something to eat. It found a crawfish, which was soon devoured. It moved on to the next rocky area and searched under the edges of rocks. It ate several water bugs it found and another crawfish.

It was fun for her to watch the raccoon doing its normal business. She had seen several but they always ran off quickly. Finally it caught a huge crawfish and scampered up the far bank. She wondered if it was a female and taking that one to feed her young.

With the entertainment over, she came up on her knees and put the breach cloth and the knife on and tied the thong. Time to gather some firewood. She got a couple of swallows of water from her canteen and her folding saw.

Walking around picking up limbs and cutting them up felt different that walking around with the pack on. She felt more exposed but that just made it more exciting. By the time she had a pile of wood next to the fire pit she was sweating.

There was a deeper pool up stream that was a great place to wash up and cool off. She had explored up stream for several miles. The creek banks were lower and the creek ran in straighter lines. Down stream was toward the park but it was five or six miles in a straight line. The creek in that direction had higher banks and was very crooked for the short distance she had explored.

She looked at the sun and decided she had plenty of time to get her folding water jug filled and to take a short swim. With the jug in hand, she set off up stream staying in the edge of the woods until the bank flattened out. Stepping out in the open of the streambed sent chills up and down her spine.

Before, she had always worn her short shorts and the cutoff t-shirt when she walked the creek bed. The open creek bed was only about twenty feet wide here but she could see past her camp behind her and past the two pools of water in front of her. With a soft whimpering moan, she moved out to the larger flat rocks in the center of the creek bed.

Now she felt even more exposed. If someone came around the curve in front of her, she was caught. That made her sex clench up tightly. She was almost a mile from her tent and her clothes. She groaned softly and pushed on toward the pools. The rock was warm under her bare feet.

She skirted the large pool. It was over waist deep in the center. The water was warm along the edge where she stepped in it. The upper pool was shallower and the water ran through it quicker, that made it cooler.

At the head of the smaller pool was a knee high ledge where the water poured over in several spots. She choose the center most one and filled the jug. She would add the purification tablets to it back in camp.

She waded the upper pool's knee deep water on the way back. That cooled her legs off. She again skirted the lower pool. At the lower end, she left the jug in a small flowing area to keep it cool and moved out onto the big slabs that made up the dam on this end.

Stripping off the breach cloth and knife made her shiver hard. She had stripped off her shorts and t-shirt in this same spot more than once with the same effect. She sighed deeply and then grinned. Her mind and body were silly things.

She looked up and down the creek bed before she moved to the edge of the slabs and sat down. Her feet were in the water and it felt warm. She wiggled forward and stepped down to a ledge. The water was thigh deep as she stood up. It was cool on her thighs and colder on her feet.

With a deep breath, she stepped off the ledge. She blew out the breath quickly and gasped. The water was cold, especially on her sex. She danced around trying to decide whether to climb out or wade out. In the end, she squatted down until just her head was above water.

That didn't make it better. Her nipples hardened until they hurt. She stood up quickly and waded toward shore. When the water was up to her knees, she turned to face the pool and went to her knees. The water was warmer here. Almost tolerable.

"Why didn't I just wade in to start with?" She asked herself aloud. With a chuckled, she muttered in reply, "Where would be the fun in that. Anyway, I wouldn't have had to undress out on the rocks."

She used her hands to wash the tanning oil and sweat off her body. It wasn't long before her breasts and nipples were tingling. Running one hand and then the other over her sex and inner thighs made them twitch and jerk. She ended up pinching and rolling her right nipple around as she used one finger to tease her clit gently.

Her hips took up a slow and steady back and forth motion that pressed her clit to her fingertip one moment and lightened the touch the next. She switched nipples and let out a soft whimpering moan. "Now or later?" She asked herself.

Rolling her clit around more firmly with her fingertip, she moaned and whispered, "Both."

Her upper body moved back, pressing her clit more firmly to her finger over the next few minutes. Suddenly, she was coming and coming hard. In her mind, the couple she had seen that day had walked around the corner above the pool and caught her in mid climax. That just pushed her higher.


Morgan came down from on high with a deep sigh. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around quickly. There was no one around. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. One part of her mind was happy with that but another part.... She took another deep breath and dipped up water to pour over her neck, back, and breasts.

When she stood up, her knees were shaky. "Ya got to love the great outdoors," she whispered as she moved over to the rock ledge and sat down to dry naturally. She shivered and grinned. One part of her body never seemed to dry when she was naked outside.

She leaned back on her arms, which pushed her breast out more. The sun kissing her body felt so good after the cold water. Her knees were spread wide so the sun could reach her sex. She kept an eye on the turn in the creek bed in front of her. What would she do if someone walked around that turn? It wasn't like she could run out and get her breach cloth and then run back to grab the water can.

With a deep moan, she whispered, "Would I dare to just grin and bare it?"