A Walk on the Wild Side


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"Oh, Winston," she teased, "you just have to let me kiss this beautiful cock. Would you mind terribly if I just give it a few soft, gentle kisses? Fair's fair, now; I did let you kiss my pussy."

If Winston had tried to reply, he'd have either choked on his tongue or bitten it clean off. So he simply moaned his response.

"Oh, thank you, Winston," Veronica sighed, "you're so kind to let me put my lips on your lovely cock." Knowing the poor man was about to collapse, she proceeded anyway, keeping a constant vigil lest the man crumple to the floor, more than likely taking her with him. Regardless of the dangers, Veronica wanted to drive him still more toward that brink of insanity. So, she did exactly what she said she was going to do.

She puckered her glossy lips and began kissing every inch of Winston's aching member.

Soft lips warmed his cock from the tiny slit at the tip to the tufts of curly hair at its base. He moaned and swayed, barely able to keep himself upright. Veronica purposely made loud cooing and lip-smacking noises as she smooched his happy penis, hoping the sound of her adoring lips would cause Winston still further sublime agony. It worked, all right, bringing a glistening drop of pre-cum peeking from his tiny slit.

But, just as quickly as it had started, the chubby-kissing stopped. It was a few moments before Winston realized this. He continued to sway and drool for several long moments after it had ended, his brain - having lost a good portion of its blood supply - unable to immediately pick up on the cessation of activity between his legs. When the realization hit home, his eyes opened wide, then blinked their surprise and disappointment. He groaned loudly in frustration. Veronica's eyes sparkled their twisted glee.

When a tottering Winston looked down at Veronica, hoping she was poised to resume kissing his cock, he saw her eyeing it curiously. Somehow, this made him wary. "What...?" was all Winston could come up with, verbally.

"Hmmm? What, dear?" Veronica mumbled, her head cocked to one side. "Oh, I was just wondering how long this lovely penis of yours is. It certainly seems above average, and I'd love to know it's length...just for my own curiosity."

"You...you're not going to measure it?" Winston pleaded, wanting her to get back to kissing it as soon as possible.

"Of course I am," she grinned, "but not the way you think. Not with a ruler, silly."

The look of confusion on Winston's still frustrated face was priceless. And, in truth, this was all part of Veronica's game to make him more and more frustrated by the second...especially AFTER she began measuring his tool.

"Would you mind if I put this lovely penis in my mouth, Winston? I'm a very good judge of a man's size just by putting his erect cock in my mouth. I'll bet I can tell you how long your cock is if you'll be kind enough to slip it into my mouth." Closing her eyes, she leaned forward a bit and opened her mouth wide, knowing exactly what Winston would be more than happy to do. He couldn't believe either his ears or his eyes, so he was slow to react, which, truth be told, was actually part of Veronica's wicked, devious plan.

That was when Winston's knees became jelly-like, and his legs wobbled. His eyes went glassy. Veronica couldn't see this, of course, but she sensed it, and laughed to herself. Poor Winston, so easily played. But, he did manage to say, between gasps, "Another...of...your...talents?"

"Exactly," Veronica laughed, opening her mouth wide again immediately after speaking to once again offer Winston his inviting target. She waited, laughing and calculating in her mind, challenging herself to intuitively know when he would finally act and try to plunge his tool home.

Just as Winston finally got his brain in gear and was about to put his penis into her open mouth, Veronica again frustrated him. She leaned back and spoke again, ending his forward penile lunge with his bobbing cock poking at empty air. "Now make sure you put it all the way in, Winston," she teased unmercifully, "It has to go all the way to the back of my throat, so I can properly judge its length. No, wait, here, let me do it. I know just how far it has to go."

Before Winston - ignoring her words and preparing for another stab at mouth-filling - could ready himself for another forward thrust, Veronica took matters into her own hands once more. She reached forward, cupped Winston's testicles in one palm, and then went right ahead and took his throbbing, erect muscle all the way into her mouth, grabbing it in her other hand and shoving it in so quickly that Winston's legs jerked from surprise. She moved her squeezing lips up and down the shaft briefly, moaning and sighing, her fingers fondling his dangling jewels the entire time. Then, keeping his pulsating shaft deep in her mouth, she made noises like, "hmmmmm" and "ummmm-hmmmmmm" and then nodded with conviction.

"Very nice, Winston," she sighed, popping his cock out of her mouth, "it must be somewhere between eight and nine inches long. Let me suck it a little longer, and I can come up with a more exact number. Relax, this might take a few minutes." Again she circled her lips around his shaft and gobbled him deep.

Even under such brain-destroying circumstances, Winston seemed not to have lost his sense of humor. "Hey..." he forced from his throat, "take...all the...time...you need....Knock....yourself....out."

The "sizing" of Winston's cock took a good bit of time, to his unending glee. He stood there, swaying and watching pretty colors in his head, while Veronica's lips and tongue took stock of all the dimensions of his prime beef. His brain had become congealing rubber cement. Synapses refused to work. He was in la-la land, and he didn't have a care in the world, except whether or not he'd have an orgasm before Veronica stopped measuring his penis.

But, as was Veronica's habit, she again left poor Winston frustrated. She loved toying with him. She removed his cock from her mouth, under the pretext that it had been thoroughly measured, and left him once again high and dry. At least for the time being. He stood there, still swaying, frustrated yet again, his mind slowly recovering, though it didn't want to. Gritting his teeth, closing his eyes tightly, he groaned deep in the pit of his stomach and waited for Veronica's next move.

However, by the time his mind cleared, there was a new discovery to be made. Thankfully, stroking again commenced at his bobbing pole. He sighed. He smiled. He closed his eyes in ecstasy. But something was different. He felt warmth against his back. And something warm was also manipulating his buns. He looked down. Veronica was no longer there in front of him at all! She wasn't leaning over kissing his penis, licking it or orally sizing it; she wasn't grinning up at him while she gobbled him senseless. She was nowhere to be seen! But her hands were very much being felt! Slowly,reality came into focus.

"Looking for me, book man?" came hot words in his ear.

Turning his head to one side, he saw Veronica's leering face beside his own. At some point during his loss of mental acuity, she'd managed to stand up and move behind him. Clever maybe, and she did so with the silence of a stalking cat, but hardly anything to be amazed at. However, that was just the tip of the iceberg!

Veronica was now stroking him brazenly from her position standing directly behind him. Her other hand was the cause of the manipulating sensation on his backside. It was squeezing and fondling his cheeks with extreme interest. But, here's the part that boggled Winston's mind: both he and Veronica were totally naked! One quick look at his own lanky body confirmed his own nakedness. But, Veronica was behind him. How could he tell SHE was naked as well?

First, there was that sensual warmth of her body against his, her front pressed tightly against his back. Second, his cock and buns weren't the only things being stroked. Veronica's right leg was slowly rubbing up and down against his own leg, her skin's warmth and softness oh, so delightful sans the clingy nylon. Her legs were bare, and from the heat radiating onto his back, he was sure the rest of her clothing was history, too. This was confirmed when he saw the discarded clothing on the floor around them, both hers and his.

"How..?" he began, amazed he could question anything with the stimulation on his penis and ass so thoroughly clouding his mind.

"Oh, just another of those tricks I'm so good at," Veronica replied, licking his ear. "While I played with your cock, and you were nearly comatose, my dear, I simply took a few...liberties." Her warm breath caressed his neck and the side of his face. Her equally warm fingers were groping his bottom as boldly as you please. And her other hand...well, it was playing his cock like a flutist belting out a solo!

Inundated by all these sensations, Winston was in dire need of release. If Veronica kept stroking him the way she was, and if her nipples kept poking into his back that way, and if she kept nibbling his ears like that, and if her crotch didn't stop rubbing up against his bare ass...he was going to explode all over the foot of her bed!

But, after all these lean, sexless years, a hand job by this woman - no matter how beautiful and sexy she might be - was NOT what he wanted. He deserved something BETTER, after all the torture she'd put him through. And when he remembered kissing hungrily between her legs, how sweet and tasty that nylon covered slit had been, and how badly he'd wanted to tear through those pantyhose and get at that delectable pussy, one thought came screeching like a banshee into his brain....VERONICA'S PUSSY WAS NOW COMPLETELY NAKED!

No, Winston didn't want a hand job. He wanted PUSSY! He wanted to FUCK pussy! He wanted to fuck VERONICA'S pussy! And he wanted all of that...IMMEDIATELY!

Winston reached down and stopped Veronica from stroking his cock. Gently but firmly removing her hand from his shaft, he looked into her eyes as he started to turn around to face her. At first, she couldn't understand why he'd stop her from stroking him. But, when she saw the hunger in his eyes, saw that evil grin consuming his flushed face, she knew what he wanted. That look of need and lust in his eyes made her heart pound. Her chest heaved with excitement as he finally faced her full on.

Winston's eyes rode her body like a surfer catching the big wave, caressing every inch of her naked flesh along the way. He hungered for her breasts, her ass, her legs...and that bare, succulent pussy. And Veronica could tell he was NOT to be denied! He literally vibrated with lust. Just that look in his eyes alone made her start to dribble between her legs.. She instantly felt her own needs come roaring to the fore, deep down there in that steamy rain forest below her belly.

Sex was imminent. And both Veronica and Winston knew no quarter would be given. Some bones might very well be broken this night. Winston's eyes bore into Veronica's. He grinned a salacious grin. She sighed and sucked her lower lip. In a flash, his hands flew to her breasts and squeezed them, the flesh around her nipples becoming taught and sensitive from that manic grip. Veronica threw her head back in ecstasy as Winston lunged forward, locking his lips on first one nipple, then the other, sucking them hard, licking around them, nibbling them, all the while fondling those tempting globes with needy fingers. Veronica stumbled backward, her bare bottom colliding with a sizable desk. Instead of bouncing off of it, her left leg flew upward, the back of her calf landing on the top of the desk. The combination of those acts caused a lamp to nearly slide off the desk, wobbling from one end of the polished surface to the other, but not quite managing to fall over the edge.

With Veronica's leg up on the desk, Winston's penis seemed to sense paydirt. His conscious mind was not aware of the available target, so consumed was it with tasting those glorious tits. But his penis knew. It bloated and throbbed with anticipation, revving up for the attack, guiding Winston's hips forward and between Veronica's thighs. The target was in the cross hairs. Sequence initiated. Time for that teasing pussy to get soundly stuffed!

Veronica was squirming around on the desk top with Winston's mouth all over her breasts and his hands sharing equal duty on those same breasts and her ripe, juicy ass, when the salesman's lance shot home with a vengeance. The squirming sex kitten yelped with the suddenness of the impalement. But her pussy recovered quickly, sucking that thick cock deep inside itself, squeezing it as relentlessly as Winston's hands squeezed her rejoicing bosom. Her pussy wasn't content to just be fucked. No, her pussy decided to give Winston a blowjob! It sucked him raw, even as he pounded into her like a jackhammer on crack.

Framed photographs leaped down on the lovers from above as the desk banged against the wall repeatedly. Small items on the desk rolled around, some clattering to the floor. Something unidentifiable stabbed Veronica's left cheek, but she hardly felt it. When it failed to capture her attention, the sharp object wandered off elsewhere, leaving Veronica to her own devices. Winston sucking the nipples right off her breasts and ramming her senseless seemed to mute any other sensations for the gasping Veronica. For an indeterminate amount of time, only her lips, breasts and pussy seemed capable of feeling anything...and the sensations they felt infused her with a manic,uncontrollable energy. She clawed at Winston like a hissing cat, and if his lips left her breasts for even an instant, she captured them with her own and nearly sucked the moisture from them.

The desk began to creak and wobble under them. The tap-dancing lamp skittered back and forth on the top of the desk, seemingly not sure where it wanted to be. With a moan of agony, one leg of the desk started to give. Next came a cracking, ominous groan, and the desk tilted downward a few inches at the end where Veronica's hair was flying about in the air. As if in response to the tilting of the desk, the speed of Winston's thrusting suddenly increased tenfold. He slammed into her like a mutant jackrabbit, moaning and gasping, hips pumping faster and faster. He grunted and heaved, teeth clenched with lust, the head of his cock seemingly everywhere at once inside Veronica.

The sudden increase in tempo was making Veronica's neck snap, her head flopping back and forth as if attached to her body by springs or rubber. She could barely breathe, her lungs unable to complete their filling and deflating cycles before her abdomen was pushed up into her chest again and again. She knew Winston had been sexually deprived for a long time, but he was humping her as if his intention was to split her clean in two, not just to fuck her!

Then Veronica discovered the reason for Winston's sudden surge of adrenaline. She would have laughed if it all didn't feel so incredible. The skittish lamp had finally given in to the teetering of the desk. It had fallen over, and the shade had flown off of it, presumably rolling somewhere on the floor now. The still lit bulb was bouncing back and forth between the wall and Winston's right ass cheek. Every time it touched his butt, Winston jerked forward from the searing heat, which caused the bulb to again complete the cycle between wall and cheek. The faster Winston humped, the more frequently the bulb seared him into the next thrusting cycle. End result, Veronica was getting a super-hump, a pain-induced sexual frenzy from Winston's lightbulb-fried, pummeling hips and thighs. But through all the pain, Winston never once considered stopping, repositioning himself or taking his mouth off Veronica's bouncing boobs. He'd finally gotten his cock between Veronica's legs, and NOTHING was going to stop him until he was FINISHED!

Then, with a final groan of capitulation, the desk's legs shattered. Down it went, with Veronica and Winston on top of it. Somehow, Veronica seemed to sense the impending disaster, and, with cobra-like speed, wrapped her legs tightly around Winston's waist. There was no way she was going to let the heat of the moment be dampened by an uncooperative piece of furniture! Though the legs had just about atomized under the stress, the rest of the desk maintained it's structure nicely, thus providing somewhat of a cushion for the humping duo as one and all crashed to the floor. Neither of the heated lovebirds even felt the impact. Even though the wind had been knocked out of them briefly, that didn't lessen the intensity of their amorous fusion one tiny bit, nor did it slow the synchronized thrusting of their groins together over and over again.

After an unguessable amount of time riding the floor-bound desktop missionary style, the lovers' mindless sex play began to induce it to slide along the floor, propelled inch by inch across the soft carpet by the insane couple's non-stop fornication. In no time at all, it ended up next to the foot of Veronica's bed. When it got there, Veronica only vaguely realized it, but her sexual psyche picked up on the situation as a convenient means of acquiring some much needed leverage, a way to switch to a new position, a new angle for pleasure.

Veronica's right hand shot up and latched onto the footboard, giving her some stability. Winston's eyes were wide open, but staring blindly across the room as he heaved and grunted for all he was worth. Next, Veronica's other arm arced up and around Winston's neck, bracing herself more fully for her next move. Still keeping up thrust for thrust with Winston, she held both his neck and the footboard and swung one leg up over his shoulder, clocking him in the ear with her ankle in the process. He never even felt it, or, if he did, he didn't care.

With her leg up like that, Winston's penetration instantly deepened. Veronica's eyes rolled up in her head. It felt as if his insistent penis was knocking on her navel from the inside, poking so hard and deep that it might actually tear out of her belly at any moment. It was sublime.

In her hazy fog of lust, she actually had a logical thought. If one leg up on Winston's shoulder made his penetration so incredibly deep, how much MORE incredible would BOTH legs up on his shoulders feel? Thought and deed were almost simultaneous. Up went her other leg. Again Winston's banging hips didn't miss a beat. And, oh, how right her theory had been! Not only were her eyeballs rolled up into her brain, but she was squealing and panting and snarling. Winston's penis HAD to be tickling her tonsils!

The only tradeoff with this move was that Veronica lost some of her ability to thrust back at Winston, but it seemed he didn't need her help anyway. He was doing a simply splendid job of ramming her.

"Oh, yes!" Veronica cried, "FUCK ME you stud! Fuck me, you incredible book boy!"

Winston didn't reply. But he started thrusting harder and faster, and that was as good an answer as Veronica could've hoped for. And when her eyes finally stopped peeking at her brain and returned to looking at Winston, she saw lust just oozing from him. It wasn't sweat that streamed from his pores - it was pure, trickling LUST! Lust for HER!

But, once again Veronica needed a change. She wanted more control. As fantastic as it was, the current position left everything up to Winston, and she wanted to do more than just supply a convenient opening for him to fill. She not only wanted HIM to fuck HER, but SHE wanted to fuck HIM! Veronica was not one to simply sit back and let a man give her a sound humping. No, she was one who preferred to CONTRIBUTE to the festivities!

Bracing herself again with the footboard, she removed her legs from his shoulders and suddenly lunged up, twisting away from the bed. She caught Winston by surprise and flipped him easily onto his back. Sitting on top of him, she had her hips and bottom taking over the humping reins without a moment's delay. Winston's initial look of solemn disappointment was replaced with a smile of approval when he realized that Veronica just wanted a little variety. Her last position change had turned out very well, so he trusted her judgement. Besides, this position would give his heretofore hardworking hips a break.