A Weekend at the Lake Ch. 08

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Chapter 8. Erin

I woke up once again with a raging hard-on. I was hung over but still reached over to fondle Stephanie's breasts, hoping for an encore of last night's festivities. She groaned and pushed my hand away.

"I'm sorry. I feel like shit and I need some more sleep," Stephanie mumbled. "I could also really some coffee. Do you mind going down in maybe half an hour and bringing me a cup? I could also use an Ibuprofen right now."

Our room was a mess, with clothes, shoes and wet towels everywhere. We had some cleaning up to do before we departed for home that afternoon.

I went into the bathroom, downed a pill myself and brought another one with a glass of water for my wife. It was another hot and humid day, and she'd kicked off the sheets in her sleep. Her new all-over tan looked amazing, and it was all I could do not to ignore her request for more sleep and make love to her once again.

"Here you go. I'm up now, so I'm going to go down to see if there are any creatures stirring. I'll bring you a coffee in a bit and see if there's any way at all for you to repay my kindness."

Stephanie smiled, sat up to take the pill, and collapsed once again on her pillow.

I threw on some shorts and a T-shirt and ventured out. As I passed the room where Erin had spent the night, I noticed the door was ajar. When I arrived in the kitchen, she was sitting by the island alone, staring at her phone. Her eyes were puffy and she looked unhappy. Whether she intended to or not, she still looked incredibly sexy, wearing a grey crop top that exposed a lot of underboob, and a pair of tight white shorts.

"Hey," I said. "Sorry to disturb. Anyone else up?"

She looked up and gave me a half-smile. "Not that I'm aware of. Of course I'm the only one here who wasn't fucking all night long. You guys were especially loud, and not that I had a stopwatch going or anything, but you lasted a hell of a lot longer than my dad and that other guy."

I blushed a bit. "I'm really sorry. It's been a long time since my wife was in that kind of mood, and I wasn't about to say no."

"You mentioned you'd been going through a bit of a dry spell when we saw each other last week."

After a brief pause, I said to Erin, "Look, obviously my wife doesn't know that I go to massage parlours. That would be disturbing enough for her on its own. But if she knew that the two of us had been naked together, well, I don't even want to think about how she'd respond."

"You don't have to worry about me saying anything," Erin responded. "If Mom and Dad knew I worked there, they'd kill me. So I guess we have something on each other."

"I'd like to think it's something to keep to ourselves, not to use it for any leverage. Our time together was mind-blowing for me. I'd almost given up the hobby but changed my mind when I saw your photo on the club's website. As I told you when we met, I'd been trying to book some time with you for weeks, and it finally worked out. I meant it when I said you were sexy, talented and smart, but knowing what we both know now, I'm not sure we should do that again."

"I'm not sure I'm going to stay at that job," Erin said. "It's one of the reasons my boyfriend broke up with me, and why I'm here. The funny thing is I can tell you that, but I can't tell my parents because they don't know I get naked with horny strangers and get them off."

"So did your boyfriend find out and dump you?," I asked.

"Sort of. My boyfriend was actually my sugar daddy. I've been sugaring ever since I was in university. I've always been into older guys, and they take good care of me, letting me live in a fancy condo, buy lots of nice clothes and go out a lot. I couldn't afford any of that with the boring office job I used to have."

"I had four or five sugar daddies before Bill," she continued. "I always knew that these relationships wouldn't last. After a while, they'd find someone younger and hotter, and I'd be thrown on the scrap heap. But I was careful to put some money aside to carry me over during the dry spells, and quite frankly, it never took me more than a month or two to find someone else who would shower me with money and gifts in return for fucking them once or twice a week."

"I know I'm going to sound like an old man here, and after all, I am old enough to be your father. So why do you want to be with these guys and not ā€” stop laughing ā€” someone your own age?"

Erin sat up a bit, showing a bit more of her boobs. I might have caught a glimpse at one of her amazing nipples that I'd recently had the pleasure of playing with.

"I've always been into older guys. I lost my virginity when I was 15. It was one of Dad's best friends and his right-hand man at work. I was young and stupid and thought he was going to leave his wife and marry me, at least when I turned 18. We'd do it every time he was over at the house, or when we went to his place. He had a big pool in the backyard, along with a pool house where we'd sneak away and screw while everyone else was drunk and having a good time. My parents must have wondered why I was always so keen to party with their friends."

"Eventually, I realized that I was just his side chick. I could have destroyed his marriage and career by telling my dad about him. But I was more worried about what that would do to my dad. So I called it off, and started dating guys my own age."

"They all seemed so young and immature. The minute we were alone, they'd be groping my tits, tearing off my clothes and trying to stick their dicks in me. It's nice to be wanted, but a little bit of foreplay wouldn't hurt. I bet half of them couldn't even know my name when they tried to fuck me."

"Like I said, when I got to university, I heard about this Sugar Daddies website. The first guy I hooked up with was a real gentleman and took really good care of me. My friends at school figured I must have really rich parents, which is true, but what they didn't know is that the reason I was always flush with cash is that I had a sugar daddy paying all my bills."

"After what happened with my dad's friend, I was careful not to get too attached to any of them. Until Bill came along. We'd been together for more than two years, and he kept telling me that he would get a divorce as soon as his youngest son left for university. Apparently his wife hadn't let him fuck her for years, so I believed him. The fact that he wanted to fuck me four or five times a week, which is more than the other guys ever demanded, seemed like proof that this was different, and he wanted me for the long term."

"I was less careful about saving for a rainy day," she continued. "I went on an expensive cruise with a few friends last spring and bought a new car. His son moved out a couple of months ago, and I expected he'd move in with me. But nothing happened, and all of a sudden, it was only once or twice week that he'd come over. The money kept flowing in, though, so the only difference is that I had more free time."

"So that's when you started working at Club Exotica?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was tired of my office job, and I was greedy, for money, and for older guys' cocks. This is a bit embarrassing, but I know that my parents are both into a lot of kinky sex, and I guess you can say I inherited my sex drive honestly. I quit the office job and work three or four shifts a week at Exotica. It gave me enough time to be with Bill when he wanted me, and to expand my horizons, maybe meet a future sugar daddy if it ever came to that."

"Here's the funny thing. When I met you, I thought you'd be a perfect candidate. We did a lot of naughty stuff together, but you never crossed the line or demanded a blowjob or sex the way some guys do. That could get me fired. To be honest, I've said yes to some of them, but when I tell them the price is $500 for me to suck them off, or a grand to fuck me, most of them have a change of heart. I would have done you for free if you'd asked."

"I guess I should be flattered by that," I responded. "Believe me, it was all I could do not to slide my cock inside you when I you let me give you that reverse bodyside. But as frustrated as I can get with Stephanie, I've never fucked another woman while I've been married to her."

"Seeing the six of you when I arrived last night, I'm guessing that might have changed this weekend," Erin observed, deliberately pulling up her crop top to flash her perfect rack at me. "Maybe I can get a little action before you go home," she added suggestively.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I hissed. "If you think your parents would kill you if they found out you work in a massage parlour, imagine what they'd do to me!"

Erin laughed and pulled down her top. "I promise to behave."

I remembered that I'd come down for coffee for my wife, but Erin still hadn't told me why her latest sugar daddy had left her.

"So if it's not prying, what happened with Bill? He's not exactly a paragon of virtue, being a married man with a beautiful, smart and sexy young woman on the side. I'm surprised he thought that you working as a masseuse was grounds to end things."

"Well, there were a couple of times when I had shifts at the club so I had to make up some excuse for why I wasn't available to be with him when he contacted me. I was always booked solid, so it would have pissed off a lot of clients, and especially my boss, if I hadn't shown up. The same thing happened yesterday afternoon, and that's when he confronted me."

"He told me that one of his friends had come across my picture on the Exotica website. Bill must have shared a naked picture of me with him. He's like that," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Our faces aren't shown on the Exotica website, and the tiny heart tattoo I have just above my pussy was airbrushed out, but he seemed to think it was me. Bill asked him to make an appointment to confirm, and he did. I had never met the guy, so I had no idea he knew Bill."

"All he had to do was see my face and my naked body and go running to his friend, but he stayed for our session and had a really good time. I even let him cum on my tits, and it was pretty clear it had been a while since he'd had a release. He told me I was amazing, and then went straight back to Bill and ratted me out. Some friend!"

"Anyway, I was fully booked again yesterday afternoon, and when I told Bill that he'd have to wait until the evening to see me, he told me he had dinner plans with his wife, and besides which, he knew I was a common whore giving handjobs and God knows what else to rich guys."

"We'd never been exclusive. In fact I used to make up stories about fucking younger guys and how he was so much better in bed, just to feed his ego. But apparently this was something he couldn't handle. He told me it was over."

Erin's eyes welled up again. Clearly she'd had feelings for this guy.

"Are you sure he won't come running back?" I asked. I wanted to hug her, but thought better of it.

"No way. The last thing he told me was that he and his wife had rekindled things and they're going away to Europe for three months. She had been worried about their kid being into drugs and stuff, but he'd got it together and got his high school diploma. He's going off to university in the fall, so she's able to relax and "be a wife again.""

'I'm really sorry, Erin. I know it's tough now, but it's best that you didn't get stuck with that asshole long-term. You are beautiful and smart and caring and sensual, and I'm guessing very good in bed, so you're not going to be single for long. Besides which, you're how old? 24? I was in my late 30's before I met Stephanie."

Saying her name reminded me once again that she was probably awake and wondering where the hell her coffee was. I went over to the Keurig and made a couple of cups to take up.

"I know you can't tell this story to a lot of people, so if you need to talk, send me a text. I'll give you my number before we leave this afternoon. But we need to keep it platonic from now on."

She got off the stool and gave me a hug, Her breasts pressed against my t-shirt and it was all I could not to give them a squeeze. She planted a big kiss on my mouth and sat down again.

Just then, we heard someone coming down the stairs. Lisa entered the room wearing a silk black kimono, and by the looks of things, nothing underneath. She's a beautiful woman, but she's looked better.

"Oh there you are, honey," Lisa croaked. "I went to your room and saw you weren't there. I'm sorry I slept so long. Yesterday was really exhausting. Have you been chatting with Michael? Did he remind you he's Charlie's stepdad, and you went to his birthday party a bunch of years ago?"

"As a matter of fact, we were talking about that just now," I interjected. "I'm sure Charlie would love to see Erin again. I'm not as certain that his fiancee would want that to happen. Anyway, I'm going to take Stephanie's coffee up before it gets any colder, and I'll let you two talk."

"Breakfast is going to be really casual today," Lisa said. "I had every intention of getting up early to make a strata, but I might have had a little too much to drink last night, so that isn't happening. Come down and grab whatever you like from the fridge when you're ready."

When I returned to the room, Stephanie was in the shower. She'd cleaned up the towels and clothes, and put the bottles and glasses by the door. I left her coffee by her bedside and sat down on the couch.

I realized that my cock had gotten a bit hard while Erin recounted her experiences with her sugar daddies and working as a masseuse. I was thinking about our recent encounter at Club Exotica when Stephanie emerged from the shower with her towel wrapped around her. It appeared that she'd recovered from her hangover, but she had a worried look on her face.

"I'm sorry it took so long to bring up your coffee. Is everything all right?" I asked.

"Nothing's happened yet," she replied. "But Peter is insisting on spending some time alone with me this morning. He wants to go for a walk and talk business."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Aside from. The group sex almost, good story. Keep writing ! 5 stars

lc69hunterlc69hunter9 months ago

How long until Erin figures out the dynamics?

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