A Widow's Tale Pt. 01


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I kept his cock buried in my throat, swallowing spurt after spurt of his hot come, until I ran out of breath and pulled my head back, licking at the tip, attempting to coax every drop of his pearly juices. Finally, I took his still swollen dick in my hand and kept stroking it as he sank to the floor.

"Just enjoy the feelings, Johnny. Go ahead, close your eyes and feel them. You deserve it!" I said, my voice a little husky from both my own orgasm and the stretching around his cock.

"But you..." he started to say.

"Johnny, I came at the same time you did. Just because you did! I never touched myself. I wasn't even aware I was that aroused -- but all I want to do right now is bask in the sensations, because if I can come just from sucking you, I can't begin to imagine what the rest of tonight will be like! You are magic! You are my magic man! I don't know whether to shout it to the rooftops -- or hide you away so no one else can get to you."

"You came? Without touching yourself? Just from what you were doing to me? Well, I think it's time to see if the reverse is true." With that he stood and pulled me up to my feet as well. "Turn around" he commanded, and I did. His hands reached up to unzip my dress and I let it fall to my feet. He unhooked my bra and replaced it with his hands -- hot, moist hands that enveloped my tits and fingers that discovered how sensitive my nipples were. I felt his big cock in the crack of my ass and I pressed back against it -- he was hard again! His mouth was at my neck, licking and kissing, then in my ears, and he was humming deep in his throat as his mouth began to inflame my skin, and my cunt began to heat up and moisten. Again.

"Johnny? Oh damn, my body does not want you to stop, but I still have a bit of my mind left, and it's saying we're both still wearing too much. Let's get naked. Quickly because I want you to go back to what you were doing -- if my body is an instrument then you are a virtuoso and I want you to play me! God, I know that sounds corny, but it's true! My skin is on fire! My tits are aching, my pussy is empty and it needs you to fill it!"

I don't think it took us more than 30 seconds to lose all our clothes.

"Let me pretend I have some self control and just look at you, okay? And yes, I want you to look at me at the same time." We stood a few feet apart, and just let our eyes drink in each other. "What do you see?" I asked.

"I see this glorious, sensuous woman in front of me, with a gorgeous pair of boobs that end in dark areolae and long, hard nipples that make me want to suck at them for hours. You aren't some skinny ass chick -- you have meat on your bones and padding all over and I love that. I love how your navel is like another eye and a mouth at the same time, and I can't believe I see moisture dripping from your pussy! I've never seen that before. You seem to glow. You seem to radiate. You make me ache for you. What do you see?"

"I see this talk, dark man with gorgeous hair, a strong nose and eyes that promise a world inside you. I see a mouth that I can't wait to kiss and a jaw that says "strong." I love your muscles -- those pecs are aching to be touched. Your arms are like some sort of sculpture. And you've actually got those abs I thought were always airbrushed. I can't wait to explore them. Then there's that cock -- I want every inch of it to fill every hole I have, over and over. It's no wonder I'm dripping! Now take me to bed and have your way with me!" I giggled, loudly. "Damn, I always wanted to say that, but never thought I would! Those bodice busters of my past still have a hold on me, I guess."

With a laugh he took my hand and walked with me down the hallway to his bedroom. He opened the door and I looked in, taking in the feel of his room. Somehow, he'd gotten candles lit! He flicked a switch and I heard Gato Barbieri's sultry sax coming from all four corners. His bed wasn't made, but it wasn't messy either. I walked over to and pulled back the covers, then jumped up on it, lay flat on my back and spread myself wide, showing off my weeping pussy. "I'm yours. Any way you want me."

He grinned -- and so did I. He moved so he was at my waist and then bent over and began to tease my navel! He made love to it with his mouth! Soon I was gasping -- the sensations were unworldly wonderful. His hands began to explore my body. I felt one working itself around my boobs -- not touching them, but slowly exploring the flesh around them. Then his other hand began to stroke the insides of my legs. Slowly. Teasingly. Moving higher and higher, almost reaching my lower lips before starting over from the bottom and moving up on different surface. It was maddening and glorious at the same time. Then his mouth moved off my navel and began to head south as his hands began to move to the really sensitive parts. My boobs were now being stroked, one at a time, getting closer and closer to my aching nipples. His other hand was now at the fringes of my lower lips -- that area between the lips and my legs that pressed at the lips but didn't touch them. I reached down to feel his cock and it was once again that incredibly hard steel bar I remembered.

He lift up his face for just a moment. "Hands off, Maria. Just like you were in charge in the other room, I am in charge now. Hands off, understood?"

I moaned with disappointment, but managed to whisper "okay."

And his mouth resumed its movement towards my center as his hand found a nipple. When he did it was electric. I couldn't believe the sensations I had, and when he moved to the other one, they were even more intense. Just as I was about to lose myself and surrender to the sensations as he squeezed and twisted, suddenly I felt his fingers stroking my outer lips, slick with my juices. He had reached my cunt and now was toying with it. With me. His fingers kept sliding up and down, even reaching to the tight ring of my ass, getting it wet with my own juices, before moving back up until he was lightly stroking the hood of my clit. Then he reversed and somehow he found different spots and cause different sensations. When his mouth finally found my clit I came. Hard. I felt as if he'd run an electric charge through it into my soul! Amazingly, I kept coming! Each wave of my orgasm grew and grew, especially as he added new things.

He sucked on my clit and used his tongue to massage it. His fingers separated my lips and entered me, first one, then two and then three of them, each one bringing new sensations and continuing to push the waves of my orgasm. When I felt him penetrate my asshole I simply lost it, riding on the biggest orgasm I'd ever had. I had to stop him from continuing -- it was too much! I was afraid I was going to fly out of my body!

He stood up and looked down at my still twitching body. Shocks were still happening, without my control. I was having trouble opening my mouth to say anything. I looked up and he was grinning from ear to ear. Then he looked down and my eyes followed, and son of a bitch -- his cock was covered in his own jizz.

"You mean..." I started to say.

"That's right" he replied, "As weird as it seems, you had the same effect on me that I had on you. I didn't touch myself and yet I came when you did! This is amazing. Maria, we are something special, you know that, don't you? I mean, like amazing, once in a lifetime, fated-to-meet-one-another special. I don't know where this is going, but there's no way I am going without you!"

And that began it for us. We spent the rest of that weekend in his apartment, except for a brief afternoon walk down his street to a park and then to the store for groceries. But that weekend was magical and we were caught up in the spell of it. On Sunday night, I finally went back to my place. Given that I was in the same clothing I wore Friday, I suppose it could be considered the "walk of shame," but, to tell you the truth, I wasn't ashamed of anything! When I got home, Karen was sitting at the table with books open, obviously studying. She later told me that it was as if I floated into the apartment. I think I may have.

I'm sure she asked me about Friday night, and I might even have told her about things. I really don't remember, frankly. I had a bite, took a shower and fell asleep, and the next thing I remember was the alarm clock and it was off to classes. And that was how tings began with Johnny. We began with an amazing connectedness and it stayed with us as part of our time together. That long weekend was followed by all the usual romantic stuff; it turns out we loved doing things together, and had complementary tastes. I loved to cook and he was a wine connoisseur; we were both avid readers, both yoga and fitness enthusiasts, and, as you can guess, we both loved sex and loved pushing our sexual boundaries.

The girls picked up on it, right away. I mean, Karen's version of how I came home that first night was hysterically funny (after I gave up being affronted and gave into the humor of it), and it opened the door for a lot of teasing. Soon they all wanted to know details about Johnny. And I couldn't really blame them -- after all, I went from being a "woo-hoo, there's a frat party and I am gonna get gang fucked!" girl to a "one man -- this man -- is more than enough for me" girl. A rather dramatic change, especially since the three of them had for years (literally!) been after me to slow down and had even suggested I get some counseling, since "no girl in her right mind would want to keep getting gang banged by strangers week after week." So perhaps their interest was a little bit of jealousy because Johnny succeeded where they had failed; perhaps it was curiosity about what he had that had caused this dramatic change; or perhaps they were all just dying to find out what kind of hold he had over me because they loved me. Or all of the above -- regardless, it soon became apparent that introductions would be necessary. Which meant I had better talk with Johnny and quickly.

So, after about a month of seeing each other (and, of course, screwing each other silly like rabbits or minxes or whatever sex-crazed mammal will complete the analogy for you, reader) I took a big step. "Johnny" I said, after we'd spent the evening together, first out to dinner and then home to bed, "we need to talk."

"You do know, don't you, that those four words have been known to induce madness in many men" he replied with a grin. We were naked and sweaty together, and facing each other in bed. I had my head propped up on my arm, one leg in the air as if to cool off my pussy, and he faced me, his head on his arm, and, indeed, I watched as his cock not only lost its erection but also deflated! "Do I get a say in naming the baby?" he asked, his face all serious.

I began laughing and couldn't stop. At some point he joined in and we were both laughing like idiots!

"So that's a yes, is it?" he asked.

"If that's ever the case, the answer is that of course you will. But that wasn't what I wanted to talk about, you asshole! I mean, you first noticed me in the middle of a gangbang, for crying out loud! Do you think I would do that if I wasn't managing things to keep from getting pregnant?"

"Of course you were, but you really don't get how those words have an impact! I was on the verge of panic! It was the only thing I could say that wasn't a reaction to my immediate fear of losing what we have!" The look on his face was one I won't ever forget. Open, vulnerable, hopeful, fearful and smiling all at once. That did it for me.

"Honey, I'm sorry! I had no idea, especially because it's nothing like that! I'm going to say something, and you don't have to say anything back to me. Damn it! This was not how I pictured this! But it's very simple: I love you. You don't need to tell me you love me or say anything, and I hope I haven't done anything to drive you away. I just needed to make sure you know that what I feel for you has blown apart my world! I'm happy. Fulfilled. Satiated as well. I see life differently. And it started when you came into my life. So, Johnny Athers, you need to know that you are the most wonderful thing to come into my life since it began, and there's nothing you need to do about it except accept it. And if the feeling isn't mutual, that's okay. The only thing I want is to see that you are happy" and that's when he put his hand over my mouth!

"All it will take to make me happy is for you to say you'll marry me" he said. And then he withdrew his hand and waited there, calmly, while I dealt with a storm of thoughts that blew up in my head. My eyes filled with tears, and I watched him grow concerned.

"These are tears of joy, stupid!" I said, punching his bicep. "The answer is yes. Yes! YES!!" We both cried. We both laughed. We started trying to imagine the reactions of various folk in our lives when we gave them the news -- I mean, we'd only been together for about a month! That's when I brought up the girls. I mean, it wasn't as if I'd hidden them -- they had come up in conversation many times -- but I thought I had to warn him that they were anxious to scrutinize the man who made me quit other men. That they were going to grill him and ask embarrassing questions. He stopped me from getting aboard a crazy train, however.

"Maria, relax. I can deal with it. And here's what I promise you -- if they don't approve, then we won't go forward until they do. If they don't love me then I'll make it my job to change whatever they feel for me into love because I won't get in the way of the relationship you have with them. Okay?"

"Well, here's where it might get awkward, Johnny. They might want to find out what kind of magic you have in bed -- after all, they've watched me live as the gang bang queen on campus for years. And maybe we need to talk about all that before we go too much farther."

"Talk about what? Sex? Or sex with other people?" he replied.

"Yes. That. That last thing," I managed to answer. "I mean, you know I haven't exactly been Miss Prim and Proper in the past."

"More like Ms. Ready and Waiting -- or may Ms. Come and Get It, if our first meeting was any indication." He said with a big grin. "Or was that Ms. Three Holes, No Waiting?" He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Not quite" I said. "More like, Ms. I've Never Met A Dick I Didn't Like" I replied, breaking up and laughing. He joined me. "Actually, though, that's not quite true. I wasn't thrilled with all of them -- the tiny ones and the smelly, unwashed ones were ones I merely tolerated." We broke up again.

"Kind of like the pussies that hid in their forests? Or that tasted like shoe leather?" he offered. "I figure it this way, Maria, all of them were you training to go the distance with me. Sexual sparring partners, as it were."

"Oh my god, I never looked at it that way. But here's the thing -- I love you madly. I will do anything with you that you want me to. And I mean ANYTHING, because I trust you completely. But I also know my history and my habit -- and the longest I could stick with just one cock in the past was nine months. I'm scared that it's going to be the same thing, and I also know that you are a prize catch -- a man with a big dick who isn't just out for himself. I've bragged to the girls and they are crazy jealous! And you didn't drop into my life with a fully formed magic cock. You had other girls. Probably lots of them. Can we both give that up?"

"Why do we have to?" He asked, smiling. "I don't think I'm ever going to want another woman, but I'm pretty sure there will be those who want me -- like your girls."

"Only two of them," I said, "since one of them is gay."

"All three of them. Gay is not an absolute, trust me. In any case, what I want to say is that I trust you. If you want more than I can give and it will make you happy, then I want you to go for it. The only condition is that you tell me. Hell, did you notice the effect this conversation is having on me? Did you think that the idea of you fucking another guy would turn me off? Au contraire! Just look."

And I didn't need to look -- I already felt his cock stiff and hot, poking at my stomach. I grabbed it, stroked it, and slipped it past my lower lips and into my hole. I know I moaned with the sheer pleasure of it -- and in a minute he did, as well.

"You can tell by how wet I am that it's mutual, right? I not only want to hear you describe it if you trip and fall into someone's vagina -- I want to see it happen! And I would love to show off my cocksucking skills to you. I want to hear your words of encouragement as I take a big one all the way into my throat. I want to hear you describing the look on his face as I mash my face into his pubes." I felt his cock twitch as I said that. I squeezed the walls of my cunt at the same time.

"In a moment, I am going to fuck you silly. Because this is too incredible! We both want to see the same things. Here I thought I was a pervert who would have to hide his twisted desires, let alone see them fulfilled -- and I've met my female other half. We can have sex with anyone we want as long as it's open and shared and discussed and it turns into more sex with each other. How does that sound?"

"Like that would be the most exquisite way to live I could imagine! And I think we just might have to put it to the test very soon. It's time to introduce you to the girls, and I get a sneaking suspicion that they may need proof. Demonstrable proof, that is, of your effects on me. I want you to know that I trust you completely, so if things go that way, you can go ahead with my blessings. Got that?"

"Well, thanks, I think. I only want you. If I have to fuck one for the team, however, I guess I will be able to force myself," he said. "Do we want to set this up or just see what happens?" There was a twinkle in his eye -- and a twitch in his dick -- as he said that.

"Oooh, I hadn't thought of that! We could start with Karen -- my roommate. Except she says she's gay."

"What if I wanted to see you and her go at it? Would you?" he asked.

"If you want it, I will. I've never been opposed to it -- just not particularly interested. But I said it earlier -- anything you want."

I will be sure to share about how things went after that. And so much more from our years together. Good, dirty fun times. I will -- because doing so keeps Johnny alive for me. Now, to get it out so you aren't waiting for it, our life together ended about ten years later. During a routine physical, his doctor found a very pronounced heart murmur, due to a mitral valve prolapse. We secured the best surgeon we could find, and in the midst of surgery Johnny had a fatal heart attack and died on the table. Five years later -- now -- I can talk about it without dissolving into a weeping puddle. And maybe there's something to say about the process of moving from grief back into the land of the living. For now, however, there's so much more sex to share about. I'll save that "serious" stuff for some other place and time.

[Part 2 -- where Maria and Johnny meet the girls]

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ndeavourndeavourover 3 years agoAuthor

I have two more chapters partially written, and a few more ideas in the queue. Expect chapter two next week.


jsmangisjsmangisover 3 years ago
What a Beautiful Love Story!

I really loved this story and hope that there are more chapters. Please don't make us wait too long.

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