A Wife in Sheep's Clothing


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It took twenty minutes for the two of them to drive to the park. Lover boy's car wasn't there yet. Anita dropped him off and he jogged down the street to his house and slipped into the back yard through the side gate on the end of the house away from the garage. He hid behind a photinia bush and waited, nervously checking the time on his phone, which was muted.

At 1:45, Lynn appeared in the back yard, dressed in a string bikini, and headed to the back gate. She unlocked it and looked down the alley. Apparently seeing nothing of interest, she closed the gate and moved to a lounge chair under the big pecan tree.

This was Paul's signal. He had left the side gate ajar, and he slipped back through the opening and around to the front door. Opening the door with his key, he walked over the spot where his wife's perfidy had been revealed a few days before. In the spare bedroom, he picked up a cordless drill and some hardware and walked into the master bedroom. In under a minute, he'd installed a hasp on the inside of the door and left a lock hanging on it. He placed a small piece of wood between the door edge and the jamb to prevent the door from closing, just in case his wife tried to shut it. His heart pounding, he took the drill to the guest bedroom, picked up the video camera, put the brass knuckles on his right hand, and waited.

So many things could have gone wrong. He could have forgotten to do something. Lynn could have unlocked the gate much earlier and waited in the bedroom for her lover. Her lover could have arrived early, and he might have been caught in his preparation. But none of that happened. He did some breath control and waited for the final assault, planned and executed on his own terms.

Paul was standing, looking through the slightly open guest bedroom door, the brass knuckles on his right hand, holding the video camera. The video quality wouldn't be good in this dark hallway, but he was sure the audio would be.

He heard the sliding glass door moving and voices. Lynn was giggling, and a male voice was growling. He could picture the big man with his hands groping her. As they passed the guest bedroom, Paul could see that his wife's bikini top was already gone and hands were mauling her tits. They moved into the master bedroom, kissing and fondling, not attempting to close the door. Paul followed the short distance down the hallway, still recording. At the door, he knelt and peeked in. Buddy had his wife in a bear hug, tugging her bikini bottoms down while filling her mouth with his tongue. Lynn had her eyes closed and was working the buttons on his shirt. Buddy's hand squeezed her ass cheeks and slithered into her crack. He saw her react when his fingers found her pussy.

Carefully, Paul set the video camera on the dresser just inside the door. He could see from the screen that it was pointed directly at the bed and the pair who were now falling into it. This would be the hardest waiting. He wanted to get the actual penetration recorded. No denials possible. No doubt whatsoever. God, he hoped she wouldn't give him a blow job first and slow things down. He was desperate to release his rage. He scooted back out the door and stood so that his legs would be ready for the challenge. He tried to limit the number of times he peeked, not wanting to alert them with movement.

For a full five minutes, the couple stroked and caressed, both of them now naked. They would not be in a hurry today, since they had all afternoon to defile his marriage, but soon passion would overtake them. Paul heard them talking as he stood outside the door. Several times, Lynn called him 'Daddy'. Yeah, that fit his suspicions. She definitely had 'daddy issues'.

"God, I can't wait for your pussy, baby. It seems like a year, and it's only been a week." It was Buddy's voice.

"Mmm, me too. I know you'll keep my pussy busy all afternoon. My ass, too. You're so hard and I'm ready for you now. Go on, fuck me, Daddy."

"I can tell you're ready. You're flowing like the Mississippi River down there."

Paul peeked again and saw the bastard on his knees between Lynn's raised legs, lining up his cock. Then he saw him plunge and heard his wife scream in a way he never had before. They began moving together, uttering curses and unintelligible sounds.

He'd seen enough. He touched the brass knuckles once more for luck and walked quietly to the bed. Lynn caught his movement just before he shoved the bigger man in the ribs as hard as he could, knocking him out of her hole and onto his side.


Buddy's shocked face took in the situation. It was her husband, obviously. Not a very big guy. He instantly reverted to type, and his type was 'bully'. He began to move off the other side of the bed, intending to deal with this annoyance. Paul stepped back a few paces as Buddy rounded the far corner of the bed and headed his way. Buddy mistook this move as a retreat. Lynn was now up on her knees, clutching the covers and screaming.

"Get the hell out of here! Don't hurt him!" Which man was she talking to?

Paul rocked back on his trailing foot, took a running step, and launched himself into Buddy's chest, bringing the brass knuckles as hard as he could into the solar plexus. They crashed onto the floor, with Paul's full weight collapsing the bastard's chest.

When you can't breathe, all other considerations become moot. Buddy pushed, trying to get Paul off his chest. He made a high-pitched whining noise, unable to draw breath. Panic was in his eyes. Paul sat up, straddling his opponent, and Buddy's hands pressed on the floor, trying to get in a better position to take in air. Paul then delivered the coup de grace. Bringing his right hand high over his head, he brought the steel on his fist directly down on the center of Buddy's terrified face with as much force as he had. There was nowhere for the man's head to recoil and soften the blow. He heard bones give a satisfying crunch and watched blood start to pour out of his ruined face. Buddy's attempts to breathe were further hindered now by the blood flowing into his mouth and throat, and he was totally incapacitated.

Paul got up and walked toward the door, satisfied with this first phase. He had been ignoring Lynn's screaming, but now he heard her words.

"What the fuck are you doing? Are you crazy? Get back here and help him!"

He realized that she thought he was leaving. Running away. That was according to plan. A little psychological warfare. He kicked the small piece of wood away from the jamb and closed the door. He locked the hasp in place and turned to face his wife. Her looked turned from angry to frantic as she realized they were all locked in, and she naked and had no protection from this crazy version of her husband. Her tone changed instantly.

"Paul, oh Paul! I know it looks bad, but he forced me into this. He's a bully. He threatened to hurt me, and you, too! He said he would kill you to have me. I had to do it. I didn't want to."

He had been slowly approaching the bed as she spouted her lies, no expression on his face. Her eyes were so swollen with tears that she never saw the back of his hand coming. He knocked her across the bed onto her face.

"Shut the fuck up, you lying cunt. I know you've been fucking him for months."

Paul turned his attention back to the victim on the floor. He was gurgling, still gasping for air, and turning a little blue. Paul wanted him hurt, not dead. He pulled his legs so that he was positioned close to the iron bedstead. He put him on his side so the blood could drain. Reaching into his top dresser drawer, he brought out five pairs of handcuffs. He secured Buddy's ankles and wrists to the bedstead with four of them.

Returning to his prone wife, he pulled her legs off the bed. Leaning over her, with his hips pressing against her warm ass, like they had on Monday, he pulled her arms down and cuffed them behind her back. Standing up, he jerked her by her shoulders to a vertical position and quick-marched her into the bathroom, where he deposited her ass on the toilet.

"Paul, you hit me! I can't believe you hit me. Don't hurt me again, Paulie, please!"

"This is the part where you spill your guts." Paul rubbed the brass knuckles as he spoke, making sure she saw them on his right fist. "I want the whole story. How you met, why you fucked him, why you thought it was okay to screw me over. I also want to know about all the other guys you've been fucking for the last ten years. We've got all afternoon, seeing as how you won't be spending it fucking that bastard after all."

Lynn made a calculated decision. He obviously knew some things about her doings. How much did he know? Were there areas she could fudge to make her adultery sound less treacherous? Did she dare to lie to him again, after that slap he gave her? Her cheek was stinging and her jaw was sore. She knew it would take time for her face to heal from his blow. She decided she had to test the waters and go slowly.

"Paul, I never wanted this to happen. He's such a big guy, and he's so aggressive. He came on to me at a party and lured me upstairs at the Holton's. I didn't know he was going to fuck me, but there was nobody around to help me. Sue saw it, and she can tell you he had me cornered."

"And just what party was that?" asked Paul, fishing for more lies.

Lynn calculated. It must have been Sue or Nick that told on her. Sue had only witnessed the New Year's party. "It was the New Year's party..."

WHACK! She screamed from the pain of his second slap.

"Liar! It was Halloween. You had fucked him twenty times or more by New Year's."

"Who told?" she whimpered.

"You'd be surprised. How many people do you think lover boy has told? Maybe it was one of them. But that doesn't matter."

"Sue told you this. That bitch! I'll claw her eyes out! But I know something about her that will wreck her marriage, and I'll sure as hell use it."

"Oh, you're talking about her new lover, Rod? Yeah, we all know about him. We made him up for your benefit. I actually came up with the name. Thought about calling him Dick or Lance. That got you talking, and Sue recorded the whole thing. It's copied onto a bunch of DVDs, just ready to send them out when I feel like it. Let's see, there's your daddy, your mom, that brother you hate..."

Lynn cringed.

"Actually, it wasn't Sue that told me what was going on initially. And Sue didn't tell me any details. She thought New Year's was your first and last time with him. Then you graciously dumped your whole whoring history onto that video.

"And as for who tipped me off in the first place? We'll sweetie, do you remember a phone call you made to lover boy last Saturday, in our entry way? You said something about how much you looooove his big ol' cock. That's right, baby. You tipped me off. You told me everything I know about your whoring.

"You know what? I don't think I need any more information. I pretty much know all I can stand to know. And you've just proven you can't tell the truth anyway. And anything else you want to say, you can say to my lawyer. You'll be served papers in a couple of days. The only thing left to do is to dispose of the two of you. I'll need to consult with an attorney about that."

Paul pulled his cell phone out and dialed a number. "Anita, you wanna come in now and collect the garbage?"

He listened and chuckled, and then closed the phone. Grabbing her shoulders again, he marched her back into the bedroom and showed her the sorry state of her lover, naked, handcuffed, wheezing and caked with blood. She almost vomited. Then he deposited her on the bed and shut off the video camera.

He unlocked the bedroom door and opened it. Anita had been sitting outside in her car for several minutes, waiting for his call, and she entered the room within a few seconds.

"Well, Anita, I saved you some of him. His face is not much to look at now, though. Here's his latest whore, my soon-to-be-former-wife Lynn. Have anything to say to her?"

Anita approached Lynn sitting on the bed and slapped her hard across the left cheek, evening up the red marks on her face.

"You stupid, stupid woman. Do you know how many times I would have traded you straight across for your man? All you had to do was ask. From all I know of him, he's just about perfect, especially compared to that trash on the floor. What a dumb fucking cunt you are!"

"What are we going to do with them now, Anita? I'm inclined to toss this one out the door with no clothes on and see how long it takes her to find another fuck-buddy. Get it? Fuck Buddy?"

"Well, I'm glad you saved his cock for me. I have a really sharp new hunting knife."

"Oooh. We could cut off his cock and give it to Lynn! She just looooves his big ol' cock! And you can keep his balls in the vault so that the women of this town will be safe."

"Actually, I'm going to exercise my prenup. That will put his balls in a wringer. He gets nothing if I catch him cheating, and boy have we caught him. We'll take him to the hospital and tell them what happened. I found him in the garage, where a heavy metal box had fallen and hit him in the face. He won't challenge the story, because he knows I can cut him off without a dime. If he cooperates, maybe I'll throw him a few crumbs. That leaves your whore to deal with. What do you propose?"

"The only man in the world she really cares about is her daddy. He's her alpha dog. I'm wondering if maybe there wasn't a bit more to that story when she was growing up, but I don't have any proof. But if this divorce gets messy, Daddy will disinherit her like he did her sister. He can't stand the disgrace to his reputation. That will kill a pretty substantial inheritance and ruin her life, since half of what I have won't get her very far. Even after the divorce, I'll still have a couple of interesting videos to share if I feel like it. Maybe that will control the vindictive bitch in her. So, I'm gonna let her get dressed, take her car, and go find some place to curl up and cry for awhile. But Lynn, don't try the ATM or credit cards. They won't work for you. You probably have a few bucks in your purse, and here's another quarter for a two-bit whore."



Paul remained friends with Anita, but mostly at a distance. Sometimes they call on each other when they're feeling low. Neither wants to jump into another relationship, having been burned so badly.

One thing that really hurt Paul in the whole affair was his rough treatment of Lynn. That was not the real Paul. He had practically raped her that Monday, and he struck her twice. He likened it to war, where good men are capable of real cruelty, but he swore he would never be in that position again. On the other hand, he never gave a second thought to destroying Buddy's face.

Anita's insurance paid for basic repairs to Buddy's face. She didn't spring for extensive reconstructive surgery. After she cut him loose, with a little more money than the prenup required, he found it very difficult to attract women. His depression deepened over the next few months, and he eventually dropped out of sight.

Lynn took the offered settlement, which was reasonable. She begged her sister for help and moved in with her. She is still trying to figure out how she could have calculated so wrong. She gets ill every time she sees nature shows about predators and prey. She cringes when she hears the terms 'alpha dog' or 'pecking order'. Sometimes she has nightmares about what happened that night with Buddy and Paul. Sometimes, she really misses Paul.

He doesn't miss her at all.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

RobbyD is correct. nixrox is missin a few rox from a load....

Robby_DRobby_Dabout 1 year ago

I have to disagree with nixrox. Predators must be dealt with, and bullies won't change their spots. Buddy had no doubt ruined other lives. I was very content with the ending and gave the story 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She was psychologically and systematically destroying him. Not only for sick FEMDOM ideology but for sadistic pleasure. If she thought she could get away with inflicting physical pain she likely would have. The radical fem program ID dedicated to men's destruction. So, in this case, slapping the hell out of her would be just. Taken a step further she could be told to Ccept HIS divorce terms, which would not cripple him, or face future repeats of that day visited in a clandestine and at times when she'd least expected. She's an animal using her gender to protect her from the consequence of her acts.

HE is just plain stupid for putting up with her for 10 years. The author, portraying him thus, is beyond credible.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

good start with over hearing her phone call and the plan to catch them. don't see the need for the hasp and lock. weak ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hate Paul offering a good division of assets. Offer nothing and tell her the tapes stay secret in exchange. Once the divorce is final just say you lied just like she did and make the tape available to everyone they know.

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