A Wild Weekend (Pt. 01)

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Three teachers have a fun weekend.
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A Wild Weekend (Part 1)


It was Monday. Pam lay back in her bed thinking of what had happened over the previous weekend. It was early, her husband John had already headed off to work. She needed to take a shower and dress for her job as a teacher at a local elementary school. But her thoughts kept returning to her wild weekend. Her weekend of new experiences that she hoped to recreate someday. She still had not told John about them, but she felt in her heart of hearts that he would not mind. She was just a bit trepidious. No, that was not accurate, she was very nervous about sharing with him.

The elementary school that Pam worked at shut down early on the previous Thursday so that she, and other teachers, could go to a conference that would run through the weekend. There were classes on that Friday, along with a couple of meetings with teachers to go over new policies on Saturday. On Sunday she planned to drive home sometime in the afternoon.

As expected the seminar classes on Friday were not the most exciting classes she had ever attended. Pam managed to stay awake through most of them, but in truth, she went on this little mini vacation to have a chance to go out and have a little fun. During the second of those classes, she sat next to a young teacher and for some reason, they hit it off. Maybe it was their collective sense of humor, but at any rate, Pam liked her.

Pam reminisced about that previous Friday morning. It was just before seven, she and John generally rose very early. He had just come from the shower and Pam was leaning on the door jam to their bedroom admiring his body. "Looking good, mister."

"What's gotten into you this morning Pam?"

"Oh..., I have just been thinking about my weekend. How I might pick up some stud and bring him back to my hotel room."

Pam's husband, John, smiled at her. "Suuure. You always say stuff like that and never follow through. But, just in case you do, I want to hear all about it, okay?"

"Would you like to hear about your wife being humped by some stud? Maybe some big black stud?"

"That's a big dream. Big being the operative word." They both laughed, but neither expected anything to happen. They both dressed after eating a light breakfast and John left first for work, kissing her at the door. A few minutes later she headed to her car and then off for the thirty-mile drive to the hotel she would be staying in for the weekend.

Pam is fifty years old and attractive. On the slim side with smallish breasts that are very sensitive when she becomes aroused. Her nipples were like little buttons that when touched, when sucked, turned her pussy into a hot trench in need of attention. Long dark and luscious brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a patrician nose. Long sexy legs, she stands about five feet six inches tall and most men upon seeing her take a second look. Even at fifty, she is very attractive. John always knew that all he had to do was give her a few drinks and she would be completely compliant. He also wondered what would happen if some other man got her drunk the way he had on occasion.

Chapter One: Pen, Britney & Missy

Her name was Penelope, but of course, everyone called her Pen. Pam had told Pen her room number if she wanted to go out that evening, but being much older than Pen she did not expect her to stop by. Pen is on the short side at five feet three inches tall. Half Japanese from her father, and Caucasian from her mother's side. Extremely pretty, the mix had brought out the best in her. Although short, Pen has incredible legs. Muscular and strong legs that any man would lust after. She loved to show them off, wearing skirts most of the time.

Pen has a nice body, smallish breasts, a trim and sexy waist, and an incredible round ass with wide and sexy hips. Pen had booked a room with a close friend of hers as each teacher, though they received a discount, still had to pay for the room they stayed in. Staying with a friend they could split the cost. Aside from that, Pen is bisexual, and her friend Britney is a lesbian. They had not spoken about it, but Britney at least hoped to have some fun with her friend that weekend.

Pen ran into Pam that morning at the hotel restaurant having breakfast. They had not talked much, but Pen had a feeling that they might hit it off. Maybe as more than friends. She'd already decided that she wanted to knock on Pam's door and ask her out for a drink later that evening. With both her and Britney. "Yeah, I saw her," Donna said. They had come to their room early that afternoon, Friday's classes finishing early. The pair were talking, deciding what to do for the evening. "You just like tall women?" They both laughed. "How do you even know she is into women?"

A big smile on her face she replied, "I don't, but I would sure like to find out if she is."

"Shit, Pen. I was hoping to pick up some hottie tonight and bring her back to our room."

"We'll see. Let's invite Pam to come with us to the bar for a drink. What do you say?"

"Okay, but don't be surprised if she is not interested. When she says she is not into girls, we can at least try to find some other girl afterward. I mean, too pretty young things like us should be able to find a couple of hot ladies to take care of us." Again they laughed.

It was true, Britney is also attractive which is what had drawn Pen to her in the first place. Britney stands about five feet seven inches tall. Dishwater brown hair that hung down to the middle of her back. When they first met, Britney had been a few pounds overweight, but now she weighed less than one hundred and forty pounds. The pretty young woman has brown eyes, a narrow and pretty face, long legs, D-size breasts, and a nice ass that she loved to shake for the guys in who she had no interest in.

That afternoon they ran into Pam in the lobby of the hotel. After some talk, they all decided to go to the local mall to do some window shopping. It was as they were walking down a portion of the mall, that Pen noticed a lingerie shop and with a big grin on her face said, "Come on, let's go check it out."

Neither lady argued, and in fact, it was Pam who said, "Now this is right up my alley. I love lingerie." The two younger ladies laughed as they all entered the shop. The three women acted like kids in a candy store, perusing the various outfits. "Damn, I love this stuff," Britney said, " I just can't afford it."

Pam responded, "Well..., this one is on me. My husband makes very good money, so why don't you two pick out a couple or three outfits and I will pay for them? Okay?"

Pen then said, "Ah, I..., but I can't do that. I know we are poor, but at least I like to pay my way. Thanks anyway, Pam." As she said this Britney nodded her head yes agreeing with her.

Pam just looked at them, aware that she should not push too hard with the two younger women. But, she wanted to help them out. Just as she was about to say more she spotted a cat outfit. Gray in color, it came with a headband and attached cat ears, a lace collar, and a cat tail attached to a butt plug. Also a pair of gray matching very short shorts that had a hole in the back for the tail. For some reason, Pam was immediately attracted to it. Pam did not want to give away her interest to the other young women, afraid of what they might think. She knew her husband would love it so she decided on a whim to purchase it. She had watched carefully which outfits the girls admired the most. They were mostly done perusing the shop and were getting ready to leave. "I'll meet you guys at the food court in a few. I want to buy some things."

As they departed, a very pretty young woman entered the shop. She could not be more than eighteen or nineteen, and Pam noticed her right off. Long legs, she was a couple of inches taller than Pam with long blond hair and a look of innocence about her. Green eyes that shone in the bright lights of the place with the smile of a Goddess. She walked over to the young lady who was working in the place and they had a short conversation. The young girl had a look of sadness on her face as she exited the shop. Pam purchased not just three outfits for herself, but also three each that Pen and Britney were admiring. She would surprise them later. She wondered about the young, attractive woman.

The three women finished their food and the two younger women headed back to the hotel. Later, that evening, the trio of ladies met at the hotel restaurant and the ladies joked and laughed through dinner, enjoying each other's company. The two younger women were a bit surprised about how friendly and modern the older woman Pam was. They even hinted to her that the young women were into women, and she did not blink an eye.

They had just received their dessert when Pen said, "Well..., Pam, I don't know how to ask this." Pam gave her a questioning look and then said, "Okay, I will be direct. We want to go back to my room, mine and Britney's room, and well. We wondered if you were into girls at all?"

Pam blushed profusely at the suggestion. But she did have slightly carnal thoughts about the two younger women. She was just a bit unsure how to broach the subject they had brought up. "I..., well, ladies. I have never been... I have never been with a woman. Let alone two women."

It was Britney who responded, "Well. Unless I am reading you wrong... Is there some interest there? I mean about having sex with a woman?"

"I..., I'm not sure. I mean I have thought about it. But, well, I am just not sure."

Pen interjected at this point placing a hand on Britney's arm. "Let's talk about this later. May I suggest we all walk over to the bar and have a drink."

Pam looked at Pen and responded. "A glass of wine for me, but sure. Let's."

The trio of ladies headed to the bar to have a drink. They managed to get a waitress's attention and ordered their drinks. Pen ordered a whiskey sour, Britney ordered a vodka and grapefruit juice and Pam ordered a glass of red wine. Once the drinks were brought to them the ladies talked of this and that, avoiding the subject that hung over the conversation. As they were talking, Pam noticed the young woman she had seen at the lingerie shop earlier in the day, at the bar. On a whim, she excused herself from the table and walked to the bar. She stood next to the young woman who seemed a bit down in the dumps. Finally, she spoke to her, "So..., I saw you in the mall earlier today. You seemed a bit down. Is everything okay?"

The young woman gave Pam a look but finally replied, "Not that it's any of your business, but I am fine." She then turned away staring into the glass of booze in front of her.

"Hey, I did not mean to pry. I was just concerned about..., never mind. You are right, it's none of my business. But, if you would like, you could join me and my friends at the table over there." She nodded her head at Britney and Pen. "I mean..., we don't bite." The young woman looked at Pam, then her friends, and nodded her head yes. "Good, come on, let's join the ladies."

Pam escorted the young woman over to their table. Before sitting she said, "I'm sorry. I forgot to get your name. I'm Pam, this young woman on the left is Penelope or Pen, and this is Britney." She motioned for the young woman to sit next to Britney in the middle, Pen at the other end, and she would sit at the close end.

As she sat she said, "My name is Willow. I hate that name so my friends just call me Missy. I'm sorry, I have been in a foul mood." She was looking at Pam as she said the last. "My..., well I am bisexual. My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. You saw me talking to her today, Pam. I did not mean to bite your head off."

It was Britney who responded, "It's okay. We get it. Let's all just enjoy a drink and forget about our troubles."

Pen laughed and responded, "Yes, Britney knows all about it. She has been dumped by more ladies than I can count on two hands."

"Hey!" Britney exclaimed and punched Pen in the arm. All four of the ladies laughed at Britney's and Pen's antics.

Pam then said, "Well we will try to make your evening a bit more enjoyable there Missy. Let me buy another round."

Pen then replied, "On one condition. You have to drink something stronger than a glass of wine Pam."

Britney smiled nodded her head yes and looked at Pam. Pam then said, "Okay, I will order a Gin and tonic and whatever you ladies are drinking."

The four ladies began to talk of this and that. Pen and Missy kept talking about sex, especially with women, and Britney laughed a lot at the comments. As the evening wore on, all three of the ladies became a bit tipsy, Pam no less than the younger ladies. After the fourth drink, it was Pen who finally suggested they retire to a room. It was decided to go to Pen's and Britney's room to continue drinking. Pen had made it obvious she wanted it to be more than just drinking and laughter.

The room has a small table and two chairs. Two queen-sized beds, a bar which Pam generously agreed to pay for whatever they drank. Pam was getting a bit sloshy sitting at the table across from Pen. Britney was sitting at the head of the far bed, while Missy sat on the side of the bed facing away from where Pam and Pen were sitting. Pam noticed when Britney made a motion inviting Missy to her. Missy moved up to her side and got very close. In just a second, the two were kissing and Pam could not help but watch them. Her attention on the two girls caused Pen whose back was to the bed, to turn around and look at the two women.

As they watched the two ladies on the bed, Pen moved over to the closest bed. She sat back against the headboard and smiled over at Pam. Pam was nervous, but just drunk enough that her inhibitions were lowered. As she moved to Pen, the other two ladies quickly undressed on the opposite bed. Pam, taller than Pen, sat up next to her, very nervous. It was Pen who spoke as Britney climbed between Missy's legs, the beautiful young woman now completely naked. "Can I kiss you, Pam?" Nervously Pam nodded her head yes as the pretty young woman leaned close and brought her lips to her waiting mouth. "It's okay, kiss me, Pam."

The two women began to kiss. The longer the kiss the more passionate it became. Pen reached down and began to unbutton Pam's blouse and she let her, nervous, but excited. Quickly she was down to her bra and Pen motioned for her to turn around. As this happened she glanced over and watched as Britney was giving oral attention to Missy. "Oh..., God Britney. You are so good at that. So fucking good. Yes, eat my pussy."

Pam turned around and Pen quickly undid her bra. She kissed her on the shoulder from behind, running her tongue up her neck. Pam moaned against the mouth kissing her sensually on the neck. "Nice, Pen. Very nice."

Britney then looked up from where she was and climbed off of the bed. Naked, she went to the other bed. Quickly all three ladies were undressed. "Lay back Pam, I want to taste you," Britney said climbing onto the bed.

From the next bed Missy said, "Dang...," but before she could continue Pen interrupted.

"Pam has never been with a woman. We are just making sure she has fun, Missy."

"Oh..., Okay," Missy said and sat back on the bed. While this happened Britney sort of pushed Pam's hips down. She wrapped her arms around her thighs and brought her face to Pam's pussy. Everyone in the room could smell that Pam was ready for some action.

Now understanding the situation, Missy climbed onto the bed on Pam's right side. She lowered her head and began to suck on the very hard nipple on her smallish breast. On her right Pen surrounded her face with her hand, pulling her face to hers. She kissed her, their tongues probing each other's mouths as Britney stuck her tongue in Pam's slit, gently probing her pussy. Pam moaned into the kiss and all the attention she was receiving from the three young women. She had felt nothing like it. In the back of her mind, she wondered if she wanted to do this again.

Missy lifted her mouth from Pam's breast, "Mmm, you taste good Pam." She then slid upwards as Pen and she broke their kiss. Missy did the same maneuver. She grasped Pam's face and turned it toward her on her right. She brought her lips to Pam's lips and kissed her just as Britney slipped two fingers into Pam's very wet pussy.

Pam could not help herself, she began to clench those fingers in her pussy, moving her hips up and down against them. She turned her face away from the mouth, the tongue, that was probing hers. "Oh..., ladies. F-fuck I am going to cum." As she said this Britney began to suck on her clit, her fingers moving faster in and out of Pam's pussy. "Oh, yes, Britney. I..., I am going to make a mess on your face. Fuck..., here I g-go. Oh God, here I cum. Yes, h-here I cum." Pam began to jerk up and down, Britney licking up her cum as it released from her pussy. Spray after spray of her cum being lapped up, enjoying the sensation of her tongue licking up her juices after she released her clit from her mouth. Fingers hooked, she rubbed her G-spot increasing her pleasure as her climax peaked.

Finally, she finished and fell back to the bed. "What an orgasm," she commented. "Jesus that was hot." As she said this Britney once again grasped Missy's hand and dragged her to the other bed. She lay back her head facing the bottom of the bed, "On top, baby. Let's sixty-nine..." Missy grinned and climbed into place on top of Britney. The pair immediately went at each other, the sounds of slurping noises filling the room.

Pam sort of sat up at the head of the Bed. Pen kissed her quickly and then climbed onto the other bed where Missy's ass was up in the air, Britney licking her pussy from underneath. "Come here, Pam. Let's lick some ass."

Pam blushed but moved to the bed. Missy lifted her head, her mouth, from Britney's pussy. "Yes, lick my ass ladies." Pen moved to the opposite side of the bed. She used her hands to spread Missy's ass cheeks and then began to lick her tiny hole. Up and down, a half dozen times she licked her crack as Britney licked her pussy. Then, she stuck her tongue in that small hole and probed, Missy moaning in response.

Pen moved back, "Your turn Pam. Lick her ass, probe her hole. It's a real turn-on." Pam nervously, gingerly probed her ass. The taste was salty, and strange but not unpleasant. She then licked each side of Britney's crack next to the hole over and over. The more she did it, the more she enjoyed it. The smell, the taste of her. The taste of her ass, the way she shuddered with each time she manipulated her tiny asshole.

Pen then grabbed Pam and pushed her over to the other bed. "Stay..., one sec." She moved to a suitcase that must be hers. In a moment she pulled out a strap and a dildo. She quickly put them on and climbed on the bed. Pen grabbed Pam's thighs and pushed her legs back. She put the fake cock against her opening. "I am going to fuck you, Pam. Are you ready for me to fuck you?" Pen was sort of squatting, pointing the cock, placing it against her opening. Pam did not answer with words but nodded her head yes, wanting Pen to fuck her. Pen grinned and then pushed the rather large fake cock into her body.

"Oh..., yes. F-fuck yes Pen. Oh, God." Pen grinned, pushing the cock into her, and leaned slightly forward. "Oh, yes. Yes Pen. F-fuck me."

Pen leaned onto Pam, her arms at her side. Shorter than Pam, she moved forward as much as she could. Pen leaned down and began to suck on her left tit, then her right as she pumped the fake cock in and out of her. "You are so hot, Pam. So very hot." Pen then leaned forward and still pumping brought her face to Pam's. It was a bit awkward the height difference making it hard to kiss. But somehow they managed, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. "Do you want me to do you doggy, Pam?" Again Pam did not answer with words but merely nodded her head yes.