A Wounded Dove Ch. 02


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"I can tell you've lost weight, how is the new routine going?" Brian asked.

"I'm trying my best and liking how it feels, but I got a long way to go." Jen replied.

"I know you can do it. One day you will look in the mirror and say that's one sexy lady."

"Ha, ha Brian, I'm not sure about that, but it is a nice thought."

Other people started to notice the change in Jen also and she liked this. Passengers smiled at her more and there was even this one pilot Greg who took a liking to her. They would run into each other at the hotel bar and he would buy her a drink or sometimes ask if she wanted company for dinner. It never went beyond that at first. He was recently divorced and this was something Jen understood. She knew that it took some time to heal and be ready to accept someone else in your life. Jen also knew that she was just starting to gain more self-confidence and didn't want to rush into a relationship with the first man who expressed interest. Brian had been different as he knew her before and had always accepted her just as she was. Jen could see that Greg noticed a slight hesitance in her, but he never asked why. There was an unspoken understanding that they were just friends for now, but that this could change in the future. They would have nice chats and laugh and it started to become routine. Greg would kiss her softly on the cheek at the end of evening. Sometimes Greg would be off for vacation or temporarily be flying another route, and Jen would look around the bar sadly, wondering where he was.

Brian picked up on a difference in Jen and wondered if maybe she had taken an interest in someone. He figured that she would tell him when she was ready. Brian was also busy preparing for graduate school. He had found out he was accepted to NYU to study counseling and would soon be commuting into the city each day. He toyed with moving closer to the school, but the rents were ridiculous. Plus he liked his apartment and now it held even more memories. Brian was getting together supplies, applying for grants, etc. He would still see his friend Melissa from time to time and during a lunch one day they talked.

"So that annual summer party is happening soon at the club; are you coming this year?" Melissa asked.

"I forget you still get invited to that. I haven't been in years, you know."

"Yeah, but your parent's joined up again, or at least for golf, right?"

"That they did, so I guess I could come."

"Cool, it will be like old times, plus you can meet this guy I've been seeing."

"Sure sounds good."

"Will you be bringing anyone?" she asked with a certain look.

"I just might, but you will have to wait and see." he said with a certain smile.

Jen came back to the apartment from a flight and for once got in at a decent hour. She let Brian know she planned to fix a nice dinner. Brian had been working late and came home to a tasty meal.

"This is a nice surprise," he said.

"Well, I finally got home early enough and felt it was overdue." she said with a smile.

"Plus, there is something you want to talk to me about, no?"

"There you go again seeing inside of me. It still gets me."

"Don't be worried, you know you can tell me anything," he said reassuringly.

"Well, you know how hard I have been working, and your support has been amazing. You are wonderful to me, and remind me of my worth."

"You have so much worth and so much beauty and I just want you to remember that."

"I do and now I think I may have found someone else who sees that as well."

"Wow that is great for you, as long as he is a true gentleman."

"He is. His name is Greg and he is a pilot. All we do is talk and share meals," she said trying to judge his response.

"For now that is, but who knows what will come next. No matter what, you don't have to feel guilty. I mean Jen we both knew this thing between us wasn't forever," he said.

"Yeah I guess I did know that. It has been so nice, but would never work long term."

"I feel like we were fated to have this time, but can you imagine what our family and friends would say?" He asked.

"Melissa might understand. I think she knew there was a fondness back in the day."

"Maybe, but my mother would be another story," Brian said with a look.

"Oh my, I can just imagine her reaction. I know how she expects all of her children to keep up the family image. I am sure fooling around with me doesn't help."

"Not in her mind it doesn't, but I would happily put her in her place, if I thought it necessary. You however need to see where this goes with this Greg guy."

That night the two of them came together for the last time. They kissed and lingered in the sensations of each-others' bodies one last time. This time Jen allowed herself to be on top again for the first time since that summer. She rocked herself back and forth not at all ashamed of him looking up at her body. Brian caressed her breasts and sucked her nipples. He grabbed her ass and pulled her into him as he matched his thrusts to her rocking. They would speed up and then slow down dragging out the experience for as long as possible. Eventually they felt the heat building inside of them and they experienced their releases. Jen lay down wrapped up in his arms and stayed there all night. It was a bittersweet night as she knew they would soon be moving on with their lives.

The next day they were both up early and preparing for a day of work.

"I think it is time for me to find my own place again," Jen said.

"If that's what you want, but you don't have to be in any hurry," Brian replied.

"That's sweet Brian, thanks."

"Plus there is something I want you to do with me before you move out."

"I hope it's not trying anal sex, I don't know if I am into that," Jen said kind of half joking and half serious.

"Ha Jen, no, not that," Brian said gasping from laughter and surprise. "But you do have a great ass," he added, giving her butt a pat.

"Thank you and I think I can actually say I believe you. I have worked hard for it. So what is it then?"

"I want you to go with me to the annual club summer party back home, next weekend."

"I don't know Brian. I haven't seen any of those people since the divorce. It would be weird."

"Jen, don't you think it's time? I mean you are a new person now. It's time for your big reveal," Brian said with a smile.

"My big reveal? You talk like I'm a recently discovered celebrity or something."

"Well what I mean is, you look great, you are confident, and it is time to show that off. After the party you can move if you wish."

"I guess you are right."

"Plus don't you want to put on some tight dress and taunt Scott."

"Oh yes I do! He won't believe his eyes."

Time passed with their routines and soon enough the day of the party was upon them. Brian picked out a summery button down shirt, a nice tie, and some slacks. Jen had treated herself to a nice dress from a store in the city. It was sparkly blue, accentuated her dark eyes, showed some leg, a little cleavage, and hugged her in all the right places. It was a dress she would not have dared to wear in the past. She put it on and fixed her hair and makeup, all the while convincing herself she was ready for this. She walked out of the bathroom and did a twirl for Brian who was waiting.

"Wow! You look stunning," he said.

"You don't think it is too much?" she asked.

"Not at all, you are beautiful, you now know it, and it is time for everyone to see it," he said taking her hand as they walked to the car.

They drove to the party and talked about how they would tell people they had ran into each other recently and been reconnecting as friends. When they got there they walked up the hill to the tent.

"Brian, over here," Melissa called.

"Hey Melissa," Brian said giving her a hug.

"What a nice surprise to see you two walk in together. Plus you look amazing Jen, so glad to see that," Melissa commented.

"Thanks Melissa. We ran into each other a while back," Jen said.

"Yeah, we have been hanging out, you know for old time sakes." Brian said.

"Glad to see you are friends again," Melissa said. "Oh and this is Chris my boyfriend."

"I have heard so much about you Brian, almost makes me worry," Chris said.

"No competition here man, I'm more like a brother, but you still have to take good care of her, or we will have a problem," Brian said.

"I can handle that," Chris said.

"I'm going to say hello to some people," Jen said heading off.

Jen talked to different people, catching up and filling them in on what she has been doing. She left out the part of how she had been getting her groove back so to speak. She didn't see how it was anyone's business.

"I guess I better find my parents," Brian said walking on.

He found them and they chatted.

"Hey mom and dad"

"Hey there son, good to see you," his father said.

"Yes, nice to see you, and I noticed you came in with Jen," his mother said.

He gave the story of running into Jen at the airport and how they had been catching up recently. He noticed his mother's expressions as if she was trying to determine if that is all they had been doing. Brian had the suspicion that she always thought there may have been something between them that summer.

After the both of them had mingled and eaten some food they took to the dance floor. Jen danced with Brian some and they also just danced sort of in groups with different people. Then out of the corner of her eye Jen noticed Scott across the dance floor looking at her. She could see that he definitely noticed her new look and it gave her satisfaction that he might have some regret.

"Why do you keep looking at your ex-wife?" Scott's girlfriend Cheryl asked.

"I didn't expect her to be here," Scott said.

"Well these people are her friends too, no? So what's the big deal?" Cheryl asked obviously annoyed.

"It's not a big deal," Scott said turning his attention back to Cheryl.

At the end of the night Brian found Jen.

"My parents want me to stay in town for the night," he said.

"That's good. Some old friends invited me to stay the night and have brunch tomorrow," Jen said.

"Ok well, have a nice time and I'll see you whenever you get back to the apartment, he said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Yawn inducing.

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