A Wounded Dove Ch. 03


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The next semester and a half kept the both of them busy. Brian tried to not sign up for too many of Katherine's classes as he didn't want anyone to uncover their relationship. Some of them were requirements so he had no choice. The two of them were always professional and no one was the wiser. He was also so smart that he earned his good grades and favoritism never played a role. He also did another internship and Katherine tasked him with teaching the first timers about how he gained people's trust and did home visits. Katherine's brother Sam came into town for a few days on business and they all got together for dinner.

"So, you are the younger guy that has charmed his way into my sister's heart?" Sam asked in an inquisitive, but almost funny tone.

"He isn't that much younger," Katherine said annoyed.

"I think it could be a good thing. I mean maybe you can teach her to have some fun and remember that having a personal life is just as important as her career," Sam said.

"All work and no play make Jack a dull boy," Brian said with a grin.

"Yes! A classic quote from a classic movie and book; I like this guy Katherine," Sam commented.

"Not that I needed your approval, but I'm glad," Katherine said taking Brian's hand in hers under the table.

It was a month or so later when Katherine's mother came for a long weekend visit from Florida. Her father had passed away some years ago and her mother never remarried. After meeting her mother Brian could tell this example of love and hurt is why Katherine had been guarded. Her mother was very quiet and reserved, but over the course of those few days she warmed some to Brian and his calming presence. "He seems like a sweet man," she said many times.

Shortly after her mother left, Katherine asked Brian:

"So when are we going to meet some of your family? I mean we met mine."

"Well, my sister called me the other day. She is coming in a few days before graduation so we can hang out. That is the soonest she can get off work. I thought we could all go out and even invite Melissa and Chris."

"Sounds like fun. So your sister knows about us?"

"Yes, I have talked to her some about us."

"Good, so what about your parents? I mean they aren't that far away."

"I thought we would just wait until graduation for that. Let them meet you in person."

"Are you worried they won't like me?"

"That's just the thing, it wouldn't even be you."

"It would be the situation and my being your professor."

"But if we wait until graduation," Brian started to say.

"Then that supposedly taboo context is gone," Katherine quickly reasoned.

"Exactly, so you get it, right?"

"I do, but it still feels cowardly."

"It's not that, it is just that it forces them to look past that and get to know you."

The weeks passed and Brian could hardly believe graduation would be here by the end of the week. Both he and Katherine had been so busy and only had brief phone conversations. Brian only had tests that last week when his sister Laura came into town. Brian called Katherine and Melissa and plans were made for a casual meal and some pool at the bar near Katherine's place. It had a nice atmosphere, good food, and reasonably priced drinks.

"This is a funky and cool place," Laura said when they entered.

"Yes, it has a good vibe, which we like, and it isn't far from Katherine's apartment."

They ordered some beers and soon after Melissa and Chris walked in.

"Brian, Laura! Great to see you guys again," Melissa said.

"Same goes for me," Chris said. "I met your sister one time when she came through your hometown," he added.

"Where's Katherine?" Melissa asked.

"She just texted me; she is finishing up a stack of papers to grade and will be here shortly," Brian said.

They talked and the friends reminisced about old times while Chris tried to follow all of the stories. "We will have to hang out more so you we can make new memories that include all of us," Melissa said. Then Katherine walked in the door and Brian waved catching her attention.

"Hey there sweetie," Brian said, giving her a kiss.

"Melissa, Chris, nice to see you again," Katherine said.

"You too and it sounds like you deserve a break for the night," Melissa said.

"This is my sister Laura," Brian said.

"Wow! I mean Brian said you were nice to look at, but I didn't know he could land a woman of your caliber," Laura commented.

"Thank you for the compliment," Katherine said with a smile.

"She is more than just her beauty," Brian said.

"Of course, I mean you wouldn't have stuck around otherwise," Laura chuckled.

They ordered some food and the conversation continued and shifted to talking of Brian and Laura's parents.

"So what's the deal with your parents?" Katherine asked Laura.

"What do you mean?" Laura asked.

"I mean what can I expect this weekend when they are surprised by my existence?"

"Maybe you can explain it to her. You were always better about not caring what they thought," Brian said.

"So here is how it will be. Our mother will make some fuss. She won't like the supposed wrongness of the situation. She will think that it reflects poorly on the family image that Brian is fraternizing with a professor," Laura said with a chuckle.

"But that professor/student relationship is over now," Melissa said chiming in.

"Yes, and that will soften the impact, but word may still spread around the town, and you know how she likes to gossip, but not be on the receiving end."

"But after a while she will get over herself and come around," Brian said.

"That she will, especially after she sees how smart you are," Laura added.

"What about your father?" Katherine asked.

"Dear old dad will be fine. Our mom will want him to be upset like her, but he won't stay that way long. He will see the happiness between you two and that will likely be enough."

"Yeah I guess he is usually good like that," Brian said.

"And does his acceptance affect your mother?" Katherine asked.

"I think over time it does. It is always there countering any negative energy she has, and she starts to come around," Brian said.

"Is there any advice you can give me?" Katherine asked.

"Based on what Brian says, it sounds like you know people and how they think. So just be yourself and have conviction about this relationship," Laura said.

They finished eating and started some games of pool. They took turns, playing in teams, and once everyone realized how good Katherine was they all wanted to be on her team. That week Katherine got together with Brian and Laura a few more times. They met at Brian's place once and cooked a nice meal. Then they went to a museum exhibit another evening. She liked Laura's laid back nature and how quick she was to accept her. She only hoped that their parents would not make things difficult.

Soon enough it was graduation weekend and all that came with that. Brian's parents came in to the city that Friday. They had friends who offered them a place to stay. The family gathered at a nice restaurant for dinner. All that Brian had told them was where to meet and that he would be bringing a friend along. Laura waited at the door while Brian and Katherine sat at the table.

"Laura, it's great to see you," they both said. "When did you get in?"

"Actually been here a few days just hanging with Brian. Our table is this way."

"Congratulations Brian!" They both said giving him a hug.

"Thanks guys. I'm just excited that it is all over; it has been a busy 2 years," Brian answered. "This is Katherine," he added placing his hand on her back lovingly. "These are my parents, Sally and Jack."

"So nice to finally meet you both," Katherine said smiling and offering her hand.

"Very nice to meet you too," Jack said shaking Katherine's hand firmly.

Like father like son, Katherine thought to herself. She noticed that the two of them had similar builds and smiles, but Jack wasn't quite as slim as Brian.

"It is a surprise to meet you for the first time at this big event," Sally commented.

"She means a pleasant one," Laura chimed in trying to ease a bit of tension.

"Yes of course," Jack said.

They all took their seats and decided on some food and Katherine insisted on buying a bottle of wine for the table. Then the conversation continued:

"So how did the two of you meet?" Jack asked.

"Well, I first saw Katherine when she gave a talk on a newer therapy technique. She was riveting," Brian said.

"Yes, but I feel like we didn't truly meet until Brian applied for a space in my pilot internship program. I was very impressed being that he was a first year student."

"So you are his teacher?" Sally said with a certain tone and look.

"No, she isn't," Brian said in defense.

"I am not sure I understand," Sally said.

"What he means is that tomorrow he graduates and none of that will matter," Laura said trying to have some influence.

"Yes that is what I meant. Plus we are both adults and we set clear ground rules when we started getting close," Brian said. "But there was something about her and I knew I had to take a chance."

"I insisted on it, and he agreed. He is such a gentlemen and always very professional as am I. I thought long and hard before we started anything," Katherine said.

"Well, I raised him right," Sally said, calming some.

"We raised both of them right," Jack added. "So let's talk and get to know this woman who cares for our son.

"You did and thus you should be able to trust our judgement," Laura added. "You can obviously see she is a beautiful woman, but she is also smart, and plays a mean game of pool," she added.

They enjoyed their meal and made lighter conversation about Katherine's work at the university and the therapy she does on the side. Then they switched to talking of Brian and his career plans. Brian said that he had been offered a promotion at his job to be the leader of the ACTT team since that person had left the agency. He said he planned to take the job while he studied to take the test to become a licensed counselor, and then he was thinking of working in the school system. "We have also discussed him helping with my private practice and taking on more clients. Not too many, but some and see how it goes," Katherine said.

The night progressed and soon everyone was saying their goodbyes and talking of the plans for the next day at graduation.

"Would you and Laura like to come to my place for a drink and to wind down?" Katherine asked.

"Sounds like a plan," Brian said looking to Laura for confirmation.

"Fine by me," she said.

They hopped on the subway and soon were at Katherine's place.

"So that was kind of tense," Katherine said as she slumped onto the couch.

"Yes a little, but I think it went as good as could have expected," Brian commented.

"I agree, and you handled our mother very well," Laura said.

"Well, your advice was good. She tries to portray this aura of superiority, but deep down she knows she isn't any better than me or any of us. So as long as I stay strong she won't get to me."

"Wow that is spot on!" Laura said with a stunned look.

"I told you she was good at reading people," Brian said proudly.

They talked for a while longer and then Brian kissed Katherine goodnight and he and Laura started the journey back to his apartment. The next morning they made their way to the university. Brian found his classmates and Laura found their parents. The ceremony proceeded and eventually Brian walked across the stage, received his piece of paper, and was free. He then maneuvered through the crowd to find his family.

"So proud of you son," his mother and father said.

"Good job bro!" Laura said.

"So will Katherine be joining us for lunch?" Jack asked.

"No, she is busy congratulating people and doing other duties," Brian said. "She will meet us for dinner tonight. I made reservations at that Italian place in my town. It is on your way home."

"And probably doesn't think it appropriate to be seen with us," Sally quipped.

Brian and Laura looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, not wanting to even respond. "How about we eat?" Jack said changing the subject. They ate and talked and then decided to head to Central Park for a stroll before parting ways. Sally and Jack went back to their friend's place to pack up. Brian and Laura went back to Brian's to relax before dinner. They talked about how to keep the dinner meal light and friendly. Then Brian's phone rang:

"Hey honey, what's the plan for tonight?" Katherine asked.

"Dinner at 7:00 at the Italian place near here," Brian said.

"Oh do you think we can get some of that amazing eggplant?"

"I am sure we can. So when can you get here?"

"I can take a 6:00 train and be there around 6:30."

"Sounds great and see you soon."

They picked up Katherine at the train and made it to the restaurant. They enjoyed a nice meal and Mario came out with a couple of Tiramisu cakes on the house, and said he was happy to see Katherine was still around. Then it was time to go and Sally begrudgingly gave Katherine a hug and said they would get together again sometime. Brian invited Katherine back to his place. Laura packed up her stuff and said she planned to stay with an old friend in the city and was heading out the next day.

With the apartment to themselves the lovers came together again. They had a lot to celebrate. They didn't need to hide their relationship anymore and had a life to start building. They took their time and it felt different and deeper. There was this true intimacy that had been developing between them and it added another level to their relationship. Brian felt the warmth of the connection that he hadn't felt in a while. Being inside of Katherine felt like coming home. He loved gently touching her body and pulling her close as he pumped his hard dick in and out of her. Katherine also felt the change in their intimate times. She was more relaxed and adventurous. She liked trying new positions and putting her body on display. She felt for the first time in a long time secure in a relationship. She felt that there was a bond and also a commitment to make it work. She enjoyed the way Brian looked at her so full of love and lust. It made her feel sexy and desirable. That night she felt especially frisky. She got on her hands and knees and wiggled her tight round ass in Brian's face.

"Would you like to try putting it in here?" Katherine asked.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes I am. Just be gentle about it," she said. "Oh and use some of this," she added tossing him some lube.

Brian made sure she was quite moist and then he slid himself inside. He was sure to be slow and gentle, knowing that while it was an amazing sensation for him, it could be a mixture of pleasure and pain for Katherine. That is how it was for her. She initially gasped at the feeling of his stiff cock inside of her. It filled her and made her pulsate. It was a sensation she hadn't experienced before and took some getting used to. As he moved slowly back and forth she started to settle into it all. The sensations of pleasure started and she found herself feeling overwhelmed. After a few minutes of a slow rhythm Brian tightened up and burst inside of her. Katherine felt the heat rise in his cock and her body. She clamped around him so tightly that they were like one being. She had this feeling of euphoria as Brian released himself inside of her and they fell down on the bed together. As they lay there together neither of them knew exactly what the future would have in store for them, but they knew whatever it was they would experience it together.

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