Aaron's Rod


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Diving into the pool, I felt my top pull completely away. I'd never been in the water in this bikini before, but flimsy as it was, I wasn't too surprised. I pulled it together, knowing it wouldn't stay that way long, and swam over to where Aaron was sitting with two other guys, one of whom was a very tall, athletic looking black man.

I looked back to see if Bryan was looking(he was)and asked one of the guys there to help me out of the pool. I suppose I was disappointed that it wasn't Aaron who volunteered, if I'm to be honest, especially since it was the black guy who lifted me out, and he got treated to the large handful of the wet, bare tit that could have been Aaron's. His hand looked so black on my white breast. Still, I knew Bryan would be in very aroused if he saw that, and that was what I wanted, after all.

I covered up, but not very quickly, thanked the black guy, and said "Hi, good to see you again" to Aaron. I liked that he was getting a good look at the body he had so completely violated last night. I watched the wet skimpy top slip to the edge and just slightly beyond my hardening nipples...and did nothing to fix it. I desperately wanted him to see and appreciate what he had last night.

I loved the attention I was getting from the other guys around the pool, especially since I could justify it by saying I was doing it all for Bryan. I hoped he saw the black guy put his hand way up my thigh and leave it there momentarily or the one who stroked my thong-clad ass as I was getting up to leave them.

"You happy, honey?" I said to Bryan when I strolled back to the bar where, with Pattie's encouragement, he was drinking his third or fourth vodka. He just gave me this big, huge grin. I guess he was.

Pattie handed me the special drink she had made for me, a vodka and cranberry with the unmistakable aftertaste of Ecstasy. I knew I shouldn't do this, but this time I was prepared for its effects and I was certain I could control myself. And I have to admit, I just loved the feeling I got from it, and I was going to make sure that Bryan got all the benefit of it later in bed. I owed him that, at least. I drank the vodka down quickly and made no objection when Pattie took my glass and with a knowing smirk went to refill it.

I kissed Bryan sexily and asked for my sarong. He said, no, he liked what he was looking at. I could tell from his speech that he was getting rather drunk and I suspected that Pattie was encouraging it. I didn't know why, but, frankly, I didn't interfere. I was getting a little high myself, and it wasn't entirely from the booze! I loved the way guys were looking at me, and I left the sarong off. I was going to give Bryan everything he wanted tonight.

Pattie continued to feed Bryan drinks the rest of the evening. She kept my

"special" drink filled, too. She flirted with him outrageously, and I played along, pretending to be jealous. Bryan loved it, especially since I had agreed to stay in the bikini. I was getting a ton of attention. Even some of the women commented on what a hot body I was. I'm sure Bryan felt like a stud. That is until he started to get sick. I was suddenly just so mad at somebody. This meant I had to go home, and it was way too early, barely past 10:00.

I managed to get him home and into bed where he promptly passed out. I was so disappointed I thought I would cry. About a half hour later the phone rang. It was Troy checking up on his "friend" Bryan. When I told him that he was asleep, he encouraged me to come on back to the party. They were just starting to dance and needed partners. I knew that would be just so wrong, and sadly declined. Ten minutes later the door bell rang. It was Aaron. I nearly fainted.

Without a word, he walked over to me and began to kiss me, working his silken tongue clear to the back of my throat. He unwrapped the sarong and with one quick pull, he literally tore the flimsy bikini top from my body and began to caress my breasts.

"Aaron, no! Please don't do this," I moaned between breaths. "This isn't right. I should have stopped you last night."

"I'm going to fuck you now, Candy," Aaron stated simply but powerfully. He had either heard nothing I said or was paying it no attention. "And then I'm taking you back to the party. But first, I'm going to fuck you."

I could hardly breath, my heart was beating so fast. "Right here?" I managed to whisper.

"Yes, right here. The idea of fucking you with your husband in the next room turns me on. Much like last night."

I tried to object, but ended up saying nothing at all. I couldn't. The Ecstasy had done its work again. My heart was pounding. My eyes glistened. I could hardly breathe. I whimpered "no, no, no," but offered no resistance when he picked me up and carried me to the kitchen table, where he sat me down and effortlessly pulled my bikini bottom off.

I nearly died when he knelt down, spread my legs, and began to kiss my pussy and probe my clit with his tongue. No one had ever done the things he did to me there that night on my kitchen table. He sucked my clitoris into his mouth and very gently, very delicately placed it between his teeth, biting down ever so slightly. The sensation was simply overwhelming. I was thrashing around and moaning like a mad whore. His tongue meticulously explored the inside of my cunt and I couldn't help but push my vulva harder into his exquisite face.

When he stood up and removed his pants, I saw really for the first time the superb instrument that had so thrilled and filled me the night before. I could do little but gasp. Still, I had the sense to try to stop him again. I tried to squirm away, but he caught me by the legs and pulled me back towards him. I suddenly panicked. Bill was in the next room and I could not let this happen. But he was too strong. I looked down again at his cock. It was so long and so hard, so very obviously manly. And oh my God, so obviously ready to penetrate and so certain to please.

He whispered in my ear how much he appreciated the clean smoothness of my soon-to-be-his pussy. While he prepared me to be fucked, opening my legs completely and adjusting the position of my ass, I made one last effort to get away, but all I ended up doing was wriggling myself right onto his cock. Feeling his powerful pleasure tool edging into my vagina and his massive cock head parting my labia, I completely surrendered. I found myself suddenly brought literally to tears of gratitude. I began to weep and moan "Oh, thank you, Aaron, thank you, thank you," as each exquisite inch of his delicious rod slipped deeper into my loosening womb. "God, how I want you," I moaned like whore I knew I would be for him.

Suddenly, however, we both heard the bedroom door open and Bryan stumble into the bathroom. Aaron looked quizzically at me, arching his eyebrow as if to ask

"Well?" I hoped the light was dim enough so that Bryan wouldn't see when he came back out, but it really didn't matter now. I was too deep into Aaron's entrancing use of my body. I simply shook my head and whispered "Don't stop!"

It was obviously the answer he wanted. He began to drive his bulging cock harder and harder and deeper and deeper into my body. The climax I could sense coming would be unimaginably, I knew. Somewhere in the midst of this incredible climax, in between Aaron's grunts and my own low moans, I know I heard Bryan pause and stumble back into the bedroom. Aaron didn't hesitate a second. He continued his invasion of my aching cunt. I don't know if Bryan saw or sensed what was happening to his wife. It wouldn't have mattered. There's no way I could have interrupted that ferociously enticing assault on my perfectly prepared pussy.

When I came down slightly from my climax, Aaron slowed his rhythm and asked me if I had ever been "fucked in the ass."

"No," I answered sort of questioningly.

Aaron smiled and said, "Good. A virgin ass."

He pulled out of me and repositioned my ass to receive his glistening love rod. For some reason, frightened though I was at what was about to happen, I was deeply impressed that he didn't ask if it was okay to fuck me anally. Not that I would have refused, but I liked his confidence, liked that he would do whatever he pleased to me and never ask. We both knew that, in truth, I was his bitch now, not Bryan's. Sadly, I would gratefully do for him what I could never do for Bryan.

Aaron's first rending of my ass was more difficult than I had thought. He had to struggle to penetrate me at first, (promising that when he had me fully opened he'd make sure that someone kept me that way for when he came back to visit!) His first full thrust also hurt much more than I had anticipated. Even biting my lip, I couldn't help but cry out in pain. Aaron laughed and paid no attention. He was so manly and so in control. I was his fuck meat, little more than that. And it thrilled me so that I was absolutely delirious!

He repositioned my ass, and simply drove harder and deeper. He knew it didn't really matter if it hurt. I certainly wasn't going to say no to him about anything, and he would have paid no attention if I had. He was fucking me for his pleasure, not mine. Ironically, that gave me intense gratification.

"I'm going to finish up in your mouth, Babe," he grunted between piercing stabs deep into my ass. "I don't want cum dripping out your ass while we're partying," he laughed.

Sadly, I was just beginning to enjoy the sensation of Aaron's cock tearing into my ass when he abruptly pulled out, ordering me to open my mouth.

I wanted so much to please him that I encouraged him to do anything he wanted, and I ended up with him trying to force his way down my throat. I gagged and nearly threw up, embarrassing myself totally. I managed to recover just in time to receive Aaron's first gush of warm cum spurting into my open mouth. My mouth filled so quickly I couldn't swallow quickly enough to keep the last of his ejaculation from spraying over my face. He made sure no cum was left unswallowed.

Finished with me, he told me to go find something sexy to wear, something that would show everybody what "I got" while we danced. "We'll go show these rubes some stuff, huh, Babe."

"Okay," I excitedly answered, hardly thinking at all of the consequences. "Let me go change." Right then, I belonged to him. I was his bitch. Totally!

"Something sexy now, way sexy! I'm going to want to fuck you again tonight and I want to watch Troy fuck you, too."

I wasn't sure if he was serious about Troy, but deep down I knew that if he wanted that, he would get it. If so, I hoped both would finish in my mouth. I was already worried about being pregnant from the night before.

What I really responded to at that moment, though, was Aaron's offer to dance with me. I remembered how exciting that had been…and what it had led to. More so than I ever had with Bryan, I wanted to be so sexy for Aaron when we walked back in to the party and even more so when we danced. I was Aaron's girl tonight and I desperately wanted him to be proud of me. He deserved the best and I would show them all what a fine body Aaron had draped around him.

I knew just the dress I wanted. It was a sheer little backless V-neck that Bryan had bought me from Frederick's last year. I had never worn it for him. It was just too outrageously sexy. The halter top leaves the sides of my breasts dramatically exposed and the short little full skirt comes literally just barely to the bottom of my ass. I would wear for Aaron!

I went back into the bedroom and quietly rummaged around until I found it. I felt like such a whore standing there in the bedroom with the taste of Aaron's cum still in my mouth. But I also had the memory of Aaron's enchanting cock filling me with unbearable pleasure. I found the dress and the shoes I wanted and went into the bathroom to change. No panties, of course. I was sure Aaron wouldn't want that! The shoes I picked out were very similar to the ones I had worn the evening before at the club, except the heel was a little higher. Looking in the mirror, I was very pleased. The very short full skirt would present no impediment to his hands. The little dress covered virtually nothing. I was positive this is pretty much what Aaron had in mind by "sexy." I knew I was right when, walking back to the front room, I reached up on tip toes to kiss him. He crushed me to him, his hands all over my body. I can't describe the bolt of passion that surged through me.

He stepped back, turned me around, nodding in approval. I nearly fainted in delight. He smiled and asked me how to get me out of the dress quickly.

"It's easy," I laughed, "Just untie the halter top."

A instant latter, the little sundress lay puddled around my feet and I was in his arms again, this time pushing my tongue into his mouth.

"Let's go," he said, pulling me towards the front door.

"You want me to go naked?" I giggled, slightly resisting.

"That's right, Baby. I want to show off that gorgeous body when we dance."

I reached down and grabbed the dress, but I let him lead me out the door and on to the porch completely nude. In fact, we were half way up Pattie and Troy's driveway before I could laughingly convince him to stop and let me slip the dress on. I loved walking nude with him, I really did. It was exciting and dangerous, and I loved the way he didn't even care. When a car drove by and honked, all he did was cup one of my tits and wave at the driver!

At the door, I did ask him to please retie the halter, but he tied it so loose that the top hardly covered my tits at all. He ordered me not to retie it. God, he was masterful! He walked me back into the party with the back of my dress hiked up and his hand all over my naked ass.

The party was in full swing. Everybody was happy I was back. Aaron led me out on to the patio dance floor where we were going to "show the rubes." I don't think I have never danced better. The crowd shouted encouragement, maybe because when Aaron twirled me my skirt left nothing at all to the imagination, or maybe, I preferred to believe, because we danced so well together. When we finally sat down to rest, most of the women were looking daggers at me, but their husbands' eyes were saying something else!

We had a few more drinks, and got lots of compliments (from the guys) about our dancing. We both were feeling very excited, me remarkably so. I couldn't wait to get out on the patio to dance again. Finally, Aaron grabbed my hand and led me out to dance, but this time he whispered in my ear that he wanted me to take the dress off while I danced. I can hardly believe this, but I did it!

I turned around and asked Aaron to untie me, and then I very slowly danced my way out of it. When the skirt cleared my hips and I kicked it away, I really went wild, dancing like a mad woman. I never saw the dress again.

The next thing I knew I had, I think, four guys dancing with me. None of them touched me, though, which I thought was strange, but I could hear them all talking about my body, especially my tits and my shaved pussy. Somewhat later (I don't know how long), somebody (I don't know who) walked me back to the cabana area, sat me on a bar stool, and started feeding me drinks. Truthfully, I don't remember much of that and hardly any of what happened afterwards. It's all just a bunch of hazy, unconnected images.

I remember feeling a pair of very large hands encircle my tiny waist, lift me off the chair, and push my head down towards the bar. Looking down I saw an enormous black cock just beginning to disappear into my tight, white pussy. I remember hearing a guy say, "Look, Clay's fucking her" and dimly recollect hearing a neighborhood woman I saw standing next to Pattie say, "Surely, he's not going to put that whole thing in her!" and Pattie reply, "That whore? Of course he is!" And I guess he did just that, lifting me off of the ground with each hard stroke. I recall hearing people in the crowd urging

"Clay" to fuck me. I have this vague image of being dragged to a lounge chair and being

"partied" by a number of guys.

Somewhere in the middle of this I vaguely recall Pattie coming up with an big spoon in her hand and having one of the guys scrap cum out of my cunt and feed it to me, and then being flipped over and dragged tits down over to the garden hose and cleaned inside and out.

That was most of what I can remember. Troy says that a few guys who came late to the party fucked me after that. I'll take his word for it. The one dominate memory I have is wondering when Aaron would do me. Troy said he used my mouth. I don't even remember. That hurts so much.

The last thing I recollect is being walked home by two black guys that apparently nobody knew. One bent me over the porch railing (with the porch light on!) and fucked me viciously alternating strokes between my ass and cunt. When he finished with me, the other took me into the foyer, which also had the lights on, and had me kneel down in front of him with the door wide open while he fucked me in the mouth.

Thank God, I had the sense not to go straight to bed, but stumbled into the bathroom. What a shock. I had cum on my hair and on my face, and cum mixed with blood running down my thigh. My tits were all scratched up, I guess from being dragged across the patio, and I had bruises everywhere. I managed to take a shower and put on a long, ugly cotton nightgown and slip quietly into bed.

I don't think Bryan ever knew anything, though he told me he had a weird dream about me fucking a guy in the hall. I slept in that awful nightgown for nearly two weeks, pretending to be not feeling well. Bill was all excited when I missed my period and thought that's probably why I had been "sick" those weeks. I was terrified, as you can imagine. I had no idea whatsoever who the father might be, and knew that we could easily be surprised by a very black baby. Luckily, I miscarried three and a half months later. I never saw Aaron again.

There's a a part three to this story, but I'm tired now, and besides, Travis is coming to fuck me any minute now.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Jersey’s the anus of the US. I’d rather be from Mississippi. At least they speak understandable American

FluidswallowerFluidswallower6 months ago

Extremely HOT!!!! A total turn on!!! Love your delicious imagination!! Thanks for a great read! BTW, I'm from Jersey too, South Jersey,

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Bryan came home after surgery the next week, he had, had gender reassignment surgery. He told his wife he'd been waiting because he didn't have the money, but thanked her cause he had gotten enough from selling her whore ass to Troy, Aaron, and the black guy. She was blown away that he thought she was a whore but felt somewhat prideful that he was able to get enough for surgery from just having sex 4 times, he said yeah well normally no one would pay that much just to screw a whore, but there was special circumstances. "Special circumstances?" She asked, yeah said Bryan "all three of those guys have AIDS". ..... just had to throw the proper ending on your story to properly show the level of karma your disgusting characters are at,

BiAussieCuckoldBiAussieCuckold11 months ago

Fantastic, more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still hoping this author writes more - consider this story one of the best on entire website! Well written, good pace & best of all believable. So many stories never happen but with a little imagination this could. Please write more

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