Aaron's Summer of '77 Ch. 03


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"He's lucky I didn't punch him in the face at the time! Questioning my only daughter's virginity and having the nerve to say that to my face." I told him right then and there that Ariana was my child and a virgin and how dare he make such a comment to me! Me! An upstanding member of his Parish for over twenty years at that point and a long-time member of the choir as well! When I think of all the money I put into his collection plate over the years...and at times when we could ill afford it too...well, for him to say something like that to 'me!"

"My faith in the Catholic Church was sorely tested back then, Iva. And I refuse to believe that our boy, Aaron is an affront in the eyes of God and will burn forever in Hell!"

"Uh, Richard, Ariana had more to say to me during our little chat this morning. I think I'd better help you here to fill in a couple of missing pieces from what Nick and Ariana haven't said to you."

"Go on, Iva."

"Ariana told me that Nick and his friend Paul at the Mall saw Aaron leave work one night recently with what they labelled, a known homosexual. It must have been that friend he's been hanging around with who works in the women's wear department of Woolco, Robert Pierce. You remember him, don't you, Richard? When Aaron first started working for Nick, he and Robert started to have lunch together and he's been over here a couple of times. Then Ariana proceeded to tell me that Nick and Paul were both testing Aaron to find out whether he was gay, by standing around him and rubbing their crotches to see if he would stare at them and proposition them!"


"I'm not done quite yet, Richard."

"You mean to tell me there's more?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Ariana said to me that if we sent Aaron off to college and paid for his expenses, he wouldn't last through the first semester, that he would be wasting our money and we would be encouraging and supporting a deviant lifestyle because she and Nick knew he was a 'homosexual'!"

"I can't hear any more of this! I am disgusted! A sister turning against her brother this way. This is wrong and goes against everything we taught that girl! That is, before she married that damned Nick! Aaron can't know about any of this!"

"I agree, Richard. We'll handle Ariana and Nick together and of course, support Aaron here. But, you need to know, I promised Ariana last week that Aaron could continue to work for Nick right up to when he has to start school, That was of course, before she called me today. I told Aaron this and he is expecting to go up to the Mall tomorrow afternoon to help Nick. How can we let him go now, knowing that Nick and that fat friend of his, Paul from the Radio Shack have been tormenting him and being so crude and ignorant? It just makes me physically sick to think that a brother-in-law would even think about trying to entice a family member into propositioning them or someone they know over money!"

Richard pauses for a long moment and reflects on what Iva has just said to him and then says, "Iva, Aaron is going to have to learn how to face ignorant and cruel people and stand up for himself sooner rather than later. We're going to let him continue to work there for the next month. I'll keep an eye on him and if Nick says or does anything more to bait Aaron in any way, he'll be answering to me. I have a sneaking suspicion that Nick is a coward beneath that smug façade. I'll cut him off completely to help Ariana regain some control in their marriage and tell him exactly what I think of him if he makes one more stupid, wrong move until Aaron heads off in September. I've been looking for an excuse to give Nick a piece of my mind for a long, long time now. Trust me, Iva, if it wasn't for those two little grandchildren he somehow managed to produce, I swear that Nick would be out on the street for the crap he's handed Ariana and this family from the time they married!"

"OK, Richard, but on another subject, what are we going to do about this Adam Blanchard business?"

"For the moment, absolutely nothing, Iva. I'm not going to get into a long discussion with you about this tonight. This will be a conversation we save for another time and place. I have a lot of thoughts on the matter and I want to hear yours as well. I think you and I should go out for dinner, just the two of us this weekend or next and get everything we're thinking and feeling out in the open between us. But, for the moment, Aaron is happy and Adam seems to be a good young man. We could be having to cope with much worse, Iva. You know that, as well as I do."

"I have a thought here, Iva. His Mother, Delphine is a smart and intuitive woman. Maybe you and she could go out and have lunch together sometime. I'd like to hear what she has to say about Adam and what seems to be developing here between our two boys. But for now, let's just try to keep Aaron focused on September as best we can, shall we, honey? And who knows? Things may well sort themselves out either before or soon after he leaves home here. After all, Ottawa and Brockville are miles apart in more ways than one, honey."

"I knew there was some good reason I married you, Richard. Years ago, at the time I thought it was just purely physical, and being that it was 1947 and right after the end of the war. That, and of course getting pregnant with Ariana and then having to marry you for the sake of my reputation. But, there are many layers to you and I've come to love them all over the years."

"I just liked your legs and 'tush, Iva. The rest came later, honey!" he says and laughs.

"Sure as hell glad he didn't wanna' go out to really take a good look at my old Bonneville, cookie!" Adam says to me, as he heads down Pearl Street on our way to the restaurant. "Am having conflicting thoughts here about whether I'm more hungry or horny at the moment. What about you, Aaron, cookie?"

"Yes and yes!" I say.

Adam laughs and then says, "We're gonna' take a little detour and head down to Blockhouse Island, baby. Have you ever watched the submarine races down there just after dark, babe?"

" Uh, if they're submarines, then wouldn't they be under the water, Adam?"

"You're startin' to catch on there, Aaron!"

Once we get there, he pulls his old car into a parking spot facing west into the fading sunset on the St. Lawrence River and kills the engine. Then he looks carefully around at any other cars and pulls me over to him and starts kissing me, while taking my hand and rubbing his hairy pube basket with it until I spot a pre-cum stain starting to seep through the denim.

"Just hadta' do that, cookie! If I'd had to sit across from ya' with a big, fuckin hard-on' in the restaurant, we both woulda 'gotten kicked outta' there for sure! Now, let's head on over to El Paso's and chew on something else besides each other!"

El Paso Restaurant is just across from where the new Post Office was built in the late 'sixties. A block away is the Public Library and St. Francis Xavier Church is right around the corner. Dad I used to go to El Paso every Sunday after Church and have cinnamon toast. That's a favorite, special memory of mine. Down the street from El Paso's is Manoll's Fish and Chips, where they still wrap them in newspaper. It's still the best place in town for fresh-cut french fries.

"Hiya Louie! Looks like a quiet night for ya' here this evening. Have you got a table for two for a medium combination and a bottle of red Chianti?" says Adam.

"Uh, I assume your young friend there has some ID on him for the wine, Adam?"

"Yes Louie, do you need to see it?" I say.

"Nah, kid. Just so long as you have it and Adam says you're over eighteen, then it's all OK with me."

"He's legal, Louie. It's all good. You know his Mom and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Christie from the Hospital."

"Oh, yes! That's good then. Take a table and I'll be back to take your order in a couple of minutes."

"At the window or in the back, Aaron? Which do ya' prefer?"

"How about in the back, Adam. I'd really like to talk and get to know you better, if that's OK with you."

"Tonight's all about you, Aaron baby. Whatever ya' like, cookie." Adam leads the way to a table and Louie brings over the wine and a couple of glasses, "A medium combo, Louie please," says Adam.

"So, what great mysteries do ya' wanna' know about me there, Aaron?"

"Well, Adam, when did you first realize you liked boys rather than girls?"

"Jeezus, baby! You go right for the knockout punch, dontcha', babe? Why not just start out by asking me where I went to school and what my birthday is?" he says laughingly.

"OK, so when is your birthday?"

"October 19th. Same day. Every year."

"What year, Adam?"

"1951, cookie."

"Where did you go to school?"

"Ummm, in Brockville. Hello?" he says laughingly.

"Aaron, cookie, I'm not so great with twenty questions. So just relax and I'll tell ya' a little bit about me, while you drink some more wine there. Will that work for ya'?"

"Yes Adam. Sounds good to me,"

"Like I told ya' already, it's just my Mom and me here in town. She lives over on Broadway Crescent and that's where I grew up and went to school. First to Commonwealth on Pearl Street and then to Brockville Collegiate, further down Pearl and across from Victoria Park. Mom has an older sister out in Victoria, B.C. But she hasn't seen her in years and that's about all we have left in the way of family."

"It was real tough for her and me when my Dad left. I don't remember that much about him anymore. Just that he and Mom yelled a lot at each other and she cried whenever he stormed outta' the house on her. Most of the rest, I've managed to block outta' my memory. He disappeared in 1965, when I was fourteen and she got a divorce from him in 1972. She had grounds for abandonment by then...desertion after seven years. I was twenty-one by then. The last time either of us heard anything about him, he was supposed to be still out in Edmonton and that's about all we wanted to know."

"Am I allowed to ask you questions here too Aaron? Or is this going to be the 'Adam Blanchard Monologue'?"

"Of course you can ask me questions, Adam. What do you want to know?"

"Well, for a start, baby, when did 'you' first realize 'you' liked boys rather than girls? Bwah, hah, hah, hah!"

"Oh! That's an easy one to answer, Adam. The very first time I saw you behind the counter in Fullerton's!"

"Real smooth, cookie. And the right answer too!"

"Seriously though, Aaron. How are you feeling about leaving Brockville and heading up to Ottawa to start college in September?"

"I was being serious with my first answer about boys and girls, Adam!"

"Yeah, right," he says.

"But, as for Algonquin and the Interior Design Program, I have to admit, it's been a big decision to go back to school. And I'm really scared to fail, because I don't think there's any turning back once I move up to Ottawa."

"You do realize how lucky you are for your parents to be giving you this opportunity, dontcha' babe? My Mom got me through high school and then one year of pharmacy assistant training before money started to run short. I had to drop outta' the program at the end of 1970 and it was old Mrs. Fullerton who stepped in to hire me at Fullerton's. And I've been there with her ever since. That was back in '72. Five years ago."

"Have you ever wanted to go back to finish your training, Adam?" I ask.

"I keep on hoping for something to happen, cookie. There's gotta' be something more ahead for me than where I am just now. Gotta' admit though, meeting you has made me think things might be turnin' around and there's more to life than just a dead-end job and a shitbox old car that costs more to keep on the road than what it's worth. Let's finish the wine here and pizza, babe. Louis is lookin' kinda' sleepy over in the corner there and I think I maybe wanna' take ya' on back to my place for a while. Would ya' like to see my little place above Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson's garage, Aaron?"

"Sure, Adam. Let's go. Whenever you're ready there."

"Cookie, you're 'drunk'!"

"Am not, Adam!" I slur.

"Aaron! You practically fell 'up' the stairs, getting into my apartment in those platform shoes of yours and now you're laid out on my bed, spread-eagle. Like how in the fuck am I gonna' explain this one to your Mom and Dad?"

"Didn't fall 'up' the stairs! Fell 'off' my shoes, Adam! Nice and comfy bed. Smells just like you. Mind if I get under the covers and put a pillow over my head?"

"Fuck, Aaron! You sure are a cheap drunk. Am makin' you some coffee right now. Get your butt outta' my bed, before I come in there and pull ya' outta' there right now!"

"Nope! You're going to have to come in to get me, Adam! Hah, hah, hah!"

" Jeezus fuckin' Christ, cookie. Your Dad's never gonna' forgive me for gettin' ya' drunk, baby!"

"Is the room supposed to be spinning around like this, Adam?"

" Fuckin' fuck, fuck, fuck! Don't you get sick in my bed, Aaron! This really isn't funny, babe!"

"I'm going to sleep now, Adam. Wake me up in the morning. 'Nite, Adam."

Adam stands over me with his hands on his hips and then rubs his hand through his hair in total and complete frustration and exasperation. "Think, Adam! Think!" he says to himself.

"Whoever this is on the phone, it's 11:30 at night! You'd better be dying, or you soon will be if this is a wrong number!"

"Uh, Mr. Christie sir, it's Adam Blanchard calling."

"Adam! What's wrong? Where is Aaron? Why haven't you brought him home yet? I have to drop Iva off at the Hospital in ten minutes to start her shift! Did your car break down again? Are you two stuck somewhere? Did you have an accident? Is Aaron OK? Are you OK? Adam! Talk to me! Adam, where is Aaron?"

"Uh, well, sir...it's like this. Aaron doesn't drink much, does he?"

"What the hell kind of a question is that to be asking me at this hour of the night? Where are you calling from, Adam? What exactly is going on?"

"Well, Mr. Christie. You know he had a beer before we headed out to El Paso's."

"Yes, and?"

"Well, sir, we had a bottle of wine with pizza and then he asked to see my place here above Mr. and Mrs. Nicolson's garage, my apartment."

"Yes, yes, Adam. Skip the saga. Where are you both now? Are you both safe? Are you at your place now? Is he alright?"

"Uh, well, Mr. Christie, sir, he kinda' fell up the stairs here in those disco platform shoes of his and then proceeded to deny he'd had too much wine and beer to drink this evening. Then he climbed onto my bed and told me to wake him up in the morning."

"Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah! Boy oh boy! I wished I could have seen that, Adam! The kid's as big a lush as his Mom!"

"I'm really sorry, sir I let this happen. I think I can carry him back down the stairs here and load him into the car and bring him home. I feel real bad about this, Mr. Christie. I hope you're not angry at me for letting him get drunk."

"I'm actually finding this whole story to be hilarious, Adam! How's about we let him sleep it off there and then he can make his way home himself in the morning. It'll teach him to be a bit more careful hopefully with his liquor in the future. Just dump him on your sofa there and go to bed and don't give this a second thought. I remember doing much worse myself when I was his age. He's growing up and will have to learn how to deal with the ramifications of his behaviour and actions when he moves to Ottawa. Let this be a lesson for him he hopefully won't soon forget. Can you cope with him for a night there, Adam?"

"That's not a problem at all, sir."

"Adam, I told you to stop calling me sir! Now just make sure he doesn't wind up shoeless or worse, out on the street there and we'll forget this ever happened. And one thing more, not a word to his Mother about this. You got that, Adam?"

"Yes Mr. Christie, I do. And thanks. I'm really sorry about this."

"Ahhh, forget about it, Adam! We all have to do these things to in order to learn from them. I'll bet you got drunk at his age as well. I'll be laughing to myself about this tomorrow when I see how badly hung-over he is! Maybe I'll make him mow the lawn first thing when he comes in the door! You can take care of him until he stumbles home here tomorrow morning! Hah, hah, hah! Later, Adam. Sleep 'tight.' Aaron certainly will be! Hah, hah, hah, hah!"

"Jeezus, Adam! You're sure not gonna' get much sleep tonight, man, are ya?" Adam says to himself, once off the phone with Mr. Christie. He walks into the bedroom to find me lying sprawled cross-wise across the entire bed with my head under a pillow. "Fuckin' fuck!" he murmurs to himself. My dong's gettin' hard here just thinkin' about hopping in there with you, baby. But, that's just not gonna' happen tonight though. Not with ya' passed-out. I won't take advantage of you that way, cookie.

"Time to get those clothes offa' ya' though."

"First, the disco shoes offa' my quilt." One...two...the shoes come off and he tosses them onto the floor.

"Next, that tee shirt." It lands on the floor on top of the shoes.

"Socks next." They land in a heap beside the shirt and shoes.

"And now those sexy, tight, white jeans, babe." Adam leans over the bed to undo my belt and starts to unzip my pants. "Holy fuckin' fuck! He's wearin' my Superman underwear!" Adam says to himself and starts to laugh. Twenty seconds of a world 'olympic record' moment later, Adam is completely naked in bed beside me, hard as a rock with his big, hairy cock shoved up tight against my butt and with his arm tightly wrapped protectively around me.

"Sleep tight, cookie. Not exactly sure how much sleep I'm gonna' get here. But, I don't give a fuck about that at the moment. Spooning with you is gonna' be just what my dong is lookin' for tonite! Sleep can wait for you, Adam!" he says to himself, and nestles as closely as possible to me as he smiles and falls into a sleepy, dreamy haze.

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