Aaron's Summer of '77 Ch. 18


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"I want you to be as happy as I am Mom. You deserve that... as well as what's in your hand right now. Now go on ahead and plan some fantastic honeymoon somewhere with Bast and prove to me that 'happily ever after' is not just some stupid thing they say in bedtime stories."

"We'll discuss the money situation in greater detail when I've gotten over the shock of this, and we've both had a chance to think and plan sensibly. What I 'will' do for now is plan that holiday in France that Bast and I wanted to go on, once we got married. His parents were from the west coast of France in Normandy close to Caen from a village called Bénouville. They fled France during World War Two and Bast has always wanted to go back there some day."

"I know that place Mom! There was a famous battle there during the Normandy invasion in World War Two and there is a really beautiful chateau there. Aaron and I were talking about that place a while back. It's in one of his books on architecture and was designed by a famous 18th century French architect called 'LeDoux'. I think Aaron said he was named 'Claude Nicholas LeDoux'. Aaron told me he wanted to go see it someday. I think he said it was a Hospital now or something like that."

Delphine looks at Adam and smiles. "I think with you and your History and Aaron and his Architecture, the both of you are going to be together for a long, long time. You're obviously well-matched. I'm so happy."

"Thanks Mom. I think so too."

The much anticipated and long awaited message confirmation from Riku finally arrived with respect to Adam the cat. I should mention at this point that the 'much anticipated' part in this sentence is attributable solely to that of Adam 'senior'... the one who 'isn't' neutered.

"OK Aaron. Sorry honey, but I've had to put the kitty litter box in the bathroom here 'til we move. But it's in the far corner and you won't be stepping in it or anything, once little Adam is here."

Jeez' I swear he's just like a first-time, newborn father with that cat. He's already bought five different coloured collars for it and matching food and water bowls and a scratching post and the damned thing isn't even through the front door yet.

"Remember what I told you Adam. I'm not allowed to have pets in this place. It's in my lease. So for the rest of the time we're here, you're going to have to be very careful about not letting him out to roam the hallways here."

"Ahhh... honey, it's OK. We're only gonna' be here for a little while longer. And just look at this cute little harness I got for him... "

Oh God!

Several days later and Adam is out at Uplands Airport anxiously awaiting the arrival of his namesake. Eventually an animal cage is brought to him in the cargo pick-up area of the airport and Adam 'junior' and Adam 'senior' are reunited.

"Heya' little buddy! I'll getcha' outta' that cage and into the travel crate I bought for ya' in just a sec'. Here... I've got a cute little orange collar with your name tag and license on it. We'll put that on first and then head home."

"Driving back from the airport, Adam 'junior' gets to sit in the front seat while Adam 'senior' drives the Aaron sex-mobile down the Airport Parkway on his way home to Argyle.

"Now remember what I told you Adam. You gotta' be a good boy for Aaron. He likes dogs and has never had a cat before. And you just gotta' stay away from his school assignments and not poop or pee anywhere you're not supposed to. You got that little buddy?"

Adam junior stares balefully back at Adam senior and promptly coughs up a hairball on the front seat.


"So this is Adam, eh Adam?" I say as the wire mesh cage is surreptitiously smuggled into the apartment. Well, he is kind of cute. His fur is beautiful and he has really nice eyes." Then I bend down to get a closer look at him. Suddenly a paw comes out with claws fully extended and all I hear is a loud MEOWWW as 'little' Adam tries to eviscerate me.

"Just remember what I said to you Adam. He has to stay away from my drafting board and my assignments and he is not sleeping on the bed with us. You got him his own little kitty bed there and that's where he's going to sleep. That is non-negotiable. And the first time he draws blood from me, he goes right back to Riku and Riku can serve him up as an entrée in his restaurant. You got that?"

"Ummm yeah... honey. Aaron, he'll be just fine once he gets settled. You won't even know he's around, I promise."

The next morning I look over at my drafting board only to see two tiny little cat stools sitting on top of my drafting assignment for Gordon that is due later that day. In addition, the smell of cat urine seems to be mysteriously emanating from the red bokhara rug in front of the fireplace.

"Adam! He's left two turds on my assignment and he pee'd on my rug!"

"Ahhh honey... I'm sorry. I'll clean it up. Is your drafting gonna' be OK I hope?"

"When I get home after class later today 'big' Adam, you let 'little' Adam know he and I are going to have some ground rules set up from now on around here. You got that?"

"Uhhh... yes Aaron."

Later that afternoon I'm back from class and heading in the front door. As I open the door, I can see Adam sitting cross-legged on the floor with little Adam sitting in his lap and purring away loudly.

"Now Adam. We've discussed this already little buddy and I thought we came to an agreement. You just can't be pooping and peeing on Aaron's stuff. I thought we understood this between us when I brought ya' back home from the airport. "

I can't help but smile to myself.

"Adam. He's a cat. Do you really think he's understanding what you are telling him right now?"

"Ummm... yeah honey. I know he understands.

"Well then let's see if he understands this. Little Adam... one more gift for me on my drafting board and you're up for adoption. You got that cat?"

Adam 'junior' stretches and yawns as Adam 'senior' continues to scratch the back of his neck...


It's Monday morning, July 17th, 1978.

"Hey honey?"

"Yes Adam?" I'm sitting at the open counter bar in the kitchen in the new condo wearing my bathrobe and quietly finishing my first cup of coffee before having to face the day.

"Do ya' know where my second brown shoe went to? I wanna' wear them with my blue dress pants when I head into Asticou for language training this morning."

"Uhhh no... no idea. Sorry"

Two minutes later...

Hey honey?"

"Yes Adam?"

"None of my socks match in the drawer. It's like, I've got one of each. Where'd all the other ones go to?"

"Must be in the wash Adam. Or maybe little Adam was playing with them. I don't know."

"Hey honey?"

"Yes Adam?"

"Where's all my underwear? There isn't any in the drawer here?"

"Must be all in the laundry then with the socks."

"Fuck! I'll have to go free-ballin' today then. Shit!"

Another couple of minutes...

"Ummm... Aaron?"

"Yes Adam?" I'm trying to read the newspaper now while finishing up my coffee.

"You don't happen to know where my brown belt is do ya' baby?"

"Nope. No idea, sorry. Probably where you last left it."

Another minute passes...

"Uhhh... Aaron?"

"Yes Adam?"

"My employee pass to get into the building... have ya' seen it honey?"

"I think I saw it under some of my stuff over there on the coffee table."

Then thirty seconds after that...

"Aaron baby. Where the hell is my wallet?"

"Last time I saw it, it was on the dresser in there."

"Jeezus fuck... am gonna' hafta' take the car today to make it to class. The bus'll never get me over to Hull on time before they start this morning."

Another minute passes...


"Yes, Adam?"

"Where the fuck are my car keys?"

"Right here on the counter Adam. I can see the Superman fob thing just under the corner of the newspaper here."

"Fuck... gotta' rush or I'm gonna' be late baby. Will talk to you later, OK?"


He gives me a quick kiss and then heads out the door and down in the elevator to the parking garage. The 'Aaron Sex machine' is sitting there just waiting for him.

He hops in, slouches down... legs spread wide in his driver's seat with his foot planted firmly on the gas and his left arm slung over his steering wheel. Then he tries to start his beloved 440 hemi 'Richard Petty' blue Magnum Charger.

It won't start.

A look of complete shock and utter disbelief is on his face. There he is all by himself sitting there rubbing his hand through his hair and thinking to himself... Fuck! Aaron's never gonna' let me live this down if I can't get this thing to start for me. It was runnin' just fine yesterday. What the hell?"

Then suddenly a light bulb goes off and it starts to dawn on him that someone maybe doesn't want him going in to Asticou today. First the shoes, then the socks, then the wallet and then like absolutely no underwear at all in the drawer and having to go full commando... all too coincidental. His 'King Kong' dong is starting to tent inside his pants, as he sits there and ponders the possibilities.

He slowly smiles to himself, then heads back upstairs to find me still sitting at the counter, calmly reading the newspaper.

He gives me a suspicious, questioning look and then says to me, "Ummm, Aaron, you're reading the editorial section upside down there. Uhhh, honey... baby... Aaron... my car won't start for me down in the garage. It was runnin' just fine yesterday for me. I just don't get it. It's almost like it kinda' doesn't want me to leave today. And now I just don't know how the fuck I'm gonna' make it out to Asticou with no wheels this morning. Ummm... babe... you wouldn't happen to know anything about that now wouldya' cookie honey?"

"Adam... what day is today?" I reply, while putting down the newspaper and giving him a sly little smile.

"Dunno' honey. What day is it?"

"It's one year to the day you first picked me up in your old Bonneville back in Brockville and introduced me to your... big, hairy 'King Kong' dong."

He stares at me dumbfounded and with a look of complete shock.

"Oh shit Aaron! I forgot!"

"That's OK Adam. I didn't." Then I reach into a drawer and pull out the distributor cap from his Charger.

"Uhhh... I think you're going to be spending the entire day in bed with me today Sasq' man. Happy Anniversary Adam."

"Ahhh... Aaron. Happy Anniversary baby! What a year it's been eh?"

His pants are off in record time and lying on the floor, as he heads boned up and bare-assed into the bedroom. He turns around and gives me one of his dirty grins, laughs and growls, "Get you're tight, little buns in here right now ya' horny, kinky, perverted, sexy little twink!"

"You mean 'your' little twink, don't you Sasq'?"

"Only if you know how to put that thing back properly on my car Aaron."

I'm laughing my head off, and say to him, "Love you Adam."

"Love you too kid. Now get your tight, little boy butt in here... "

The End

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