Abby Comes for a Visit


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When we decided to take a break for dinner, neither of us had enough energy to cook. We opted for pizza. I lived in a rural town about forty minutes from my job. The town was relatively wealthy but had few commercial establishments and no pizza shop. None of the pizza shops in neighboring towns delivered this far out. We had to go out.

I decided to take my pickup, a 1955 Chevy that looked like it hadn't been washed or waxed its entire life. I hadn't expended much effort on the exterior since I bought it the summer before my senior year in high school. It was a mechanical disaster when I bought it. The engine had to be rebuilt. It needed tires, brakes, an exhaust system, shocks and springs.

The body was solid. But it had character. The original white paint was severely faded and there were several areas of primer where I had repaired surface rust. There were still a few small patches of surface rust on the bumpers but none was left on any body panels or in the bed. The interior had been scrupulously maintained. I had reupholstered the bench seat after college. Almost everything else in the interior was original and still worked, even the clock. The electrical system had been upgraded to a 12-volt system, seat belts installed, and a more modern radio with an FM band replaced the old AM radio.

Erin didn't particularly care for the truck. Abby took to it immediately. She particularly liked the bench seat. She showed me how much she liked it by giving me a blow job while I made my way between towns on back roads to the pizza shop.

After eating, we turned on a Red Sox game, catching the top of the fourth inning. They were at home and pounding a hapless Mets pitching staff for fourteen runs in light rain. The game was called in the eighth inning after a torrential downpour showed no sign of letting up after an hour.

Erin called earlier than discussed. She told me things were going well enough that they would be back early Wednesday afternoon. Erin teased me about keeping up with Abby. I assured her I was doing my best but was also looking forward to her return.

'It will be good to have you home again,' I told her. 'I miss you.'

'You're getting on with Abby, OK?' she asked.

'Sure. She's great.' I remained silent for a moment. 'But I married you. I miss you.'

'You're sweet. I miss you, too,' she said. 'Save something for me tomorrow night. I'm feeling neglected since my work intruded on our weekend.'

'You're not jealous? You set this up. It wasn't my idea.'

Erin giggled. 'No. I'm not jealous. I know Abby has been all over you. But you still miss me.'

We exchanged an 'I love you' and said good night.

I went to bed while Abby talked to her mother on the phone. I drifted off to sleep quickly but woke when I felt the bed shaking. I rolled over to see Abby thrashing around as she furiously worked a small vibrator between her legs. No wonder she was so tight, I thought.

She was so into what she was doing that she must have forgot someone was in bed with her. I lifted my head and tried to suck on the hard nipple closest to me. But the motions of her body made it impossible to latch on.

She looked over at me quizzically, which I interpreted as 'Are you going to fuck me or just watch?' I tossed the sheet off and showed the erection I had developed immediately upon realizing what she was doing. Abby dropped the vibrator and was on top of me in a flash. No foreplay. No teasing. She was ready to go.

She guided my cock to her opening and impaled herself. I slid into her effortlessly, though she was still a tight fit. Abby planted her hands in the middle of my chest and started riding my cock, rising and falling rapidly. She had already been close to orgasm when I woke. Getting her off wasn't going to take much effort.

Abby soon had her first orgasm. But she never slowed. She continued to rise and fall rapidly, crashing into me each time she came down on my cock. I reached up and cupped her breasts, helping to support her upper body. She moved her hands from my chest to the bed alongside my ribs. She leaned forward, transferring some of her weight from her hips and legs to my hands. Abby used her hips instead of her legs now to rise and fall on my cock. I felt her vaginal walls gripping my cock as a series of spasms heralded another orgasm.

Again, she didn't slow down but just kept going. Her breathing was labored, punctuated by occasional gasps as she tried to gulp enough oxygen to support the energy she was expending. Sometimes when she inhaled, there was series of little catches. Even autonomic bodily functions were being overwhelmed.

When I began to feel the sensations that signaled my own orgasm, I began thrusting up into her to meet the downward crash. Abby opened her eyes wide. He lips formed an exaggerated oval and a strangled cry came out. When I next pushed my cock up into her, she began to shudder. I watched individual muscles on her body twitching independently of adjacent muscles. I withdrew from her rapidly, thrust back into her and erupted, spewing semen into her again. Abby howled as another orgasm sent jolts of electricity through her nervous system.

We crashed our groins together several more times before I melted into the mattress and Abby collapsed into my chest, her knees under her upper torso on either side of my chest. We fell asleep immediately, exhausted from our exertions that day.

We slept until about seven on Tuesday. We started the day like normal people -- morning hygiene, breakfast and cleanup, checking email. Abby turned on the TV and found NESN while I loaded the dishwasher. I heard her curse loudly and asked what was wrong.

'The Sox number one starting pitcher left the game in the second last night with a sore shoulder. Early reports say he's probably done for the season. Likely a rotator cuff tear.' Abby answered. She changed the channel in disgust, settling for local news.

I paid some bills. Cleaned the garage a bit. Ran the lawn mower and cleaned the pool. Abby sat quietly on the patio in the shade, listening to music on her phone and reading.

After lunch, Abby turned the TV on again. I went out to the patio and called Terry at work. I told her I was feeling much better and asked if I was needed at work. I knew what she would tell me but I wanted to cover my ass in case I ran into her husband at the marina in Milford where Erin and I kept our sailboat and where Terry's husband had a forty-eight-foot sport fishing boat. He bought the boat after retiring from his job as VP of arbitrage at a large bank and spent as much time on it as he could.

Terry sounded a little exasperated that I had called her.

'Didn't I tell you to take the week off?' she asked, obviously annoyed.

I winced. 'I'm sorry I bothered you, Terry. I know you're busy but I wanted to check. I'm thinking about taking the sailboat to Martha's Vineyard and wanted to be sure there weren't any problems. Once we're out on the water, you could call but I wouldn't be able to get home in a timely manner.'

Terry's tone changed from annoyed to relieved. 'Curt, I think that's a wonderful idea. Take Erin and spend a few days on the water. The weather is supposed to be ideal. You've been too wound up. If you hadn't got sick, I'd have probably have sent you home this week at the first sign of stress. Let me get back to work and you go back to whatever you've been doing. Whatever it is, you sound much more relaxed.'

She hung up without another word. Terry was always direct. And she never wasted time on lengthy goodbyes. In fact, most phone conversations with her ended without a goodbye or talk-to-you-later. It took new people a while to get used to her manner. But I knew of no one unhappy to be working for her.

I went back inside and found Abby watching the news. And talking to herself. It was clear she had already concluded the new president wasn't to her liking. She cursed a blue streak at the latest White House scandal.

I picked up the remote and turned off the television. Abby turned and looked at me in surprise.

'You're not going to let that moron ruin your first few days home? Let it go for now. There's plenty of time to get pissed off later. Besides, there's better ways to spend the afternoon.' I told her.

'What should we do?' she asked.

'I just got off the phone with my boss.' I told her. 'She said I should return to whatever it was I'd been doing. She said I sounded much more relaxed than I was last week.'

Abby had a blank look on her face for a moment. Then a smile grew as she realized what I was talking about. She didn't waste another moment. She got off the couch and took my hand, leading the way to the bedroom.

'So, What has Erin told you about me?' she asked.

'Not much. Well, quite a bit, actually. You were in high school together for two years in Springfield. You were friends but not close. You both went to NYU where you got to be close and roomed together for three years. You went to grad school in Boston. She went to law school in Cambridge. You shared an apartment until Erin finished law school and joined the firm where she works now. You still had a year left to complete your PhD. You did post-doctoral work at Stanford and eventually were offered an associate professorship at Columbia. You both dated some of the same guys over the years. And apparently shared them, too. Though I didn't know that until I read it in the text message.'

By this time, we were in the bedroom. Abby maneuvered so I had my back to the bed. She looked at me with a smile that suggested she had some mischief in mind. Abby grabbed the shorts I was wearing and pulled them down as she dropped to her haunches.

Abby gently massaged my sac with one hand and caressed my still limp, but thickening dick with the other. 'So, she never told you?' she asked.

'Told me what?' I asked curiously.

'I have something of an oral fixation,' she told me.

'No, why would she tell me about your sex life? Most women like oral sex, both giving and receiving. That's not so unusual.' I told her.

'I don't just enjoy it,' she told me with a sly smile. 'I can get off from sucking cock. I've had my most intense orgasms just from sucking a hard cock. That's why I had such a short fuse after I sucked you off the first time. I like eating pussy, too. Though the only one I've ever had my mouth on or my tongue in is Erin's,' she continued.

My dick hardened immediately. It threatened to explode from the pressure building in it. Erin really got off when my head was between her legs. Licking, sucking, probing with my tongue and fingers. But at that moment, the picture and sound track in my head was of my wife in the throes of ecstasy with Abby's head between her legs. It was as vivid as an Imax movie.

Abby stopped the film. 'Sit down. If you stand, your legs will give out. I don't want you to fall on me,' Abby said matter-of-factly.

'Yeah, right,' I laughed. "You forget, you've already sucked my cock. It was great. But you expect I won't be able to stand when I get off? C'mon, Abby.'

'Humor my little fantasy,' she smiled.

I sat down. Abby stood again and did a slow strip. I enjoyed the show and couldn't help but admire her slinky, slithery movements as she seductively shed her clothes. First, she unbuttoned her shirt and shrugged it off. She kicked it toward me as soon as it hit the floor. Her shorts were next. She unbuttoned the waist and slowly pulled down the zipper.

After turning her back to me, she arched her back and swayed her hips while pushing the shorts off her hips. Once they were off her hips, they fell to the floor. She stepped out of them and kicked them away. With her back still to me, she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She shrugged the straps off her shoulders but held the cups to her chest.

When Abby turned back to me, she slowly slid the bra away from her breasts and tossed it aside. The nipples were hard and erect. The areola had contracted into dark brown ovals under little red-brown balls. She stepped toward me and bent forward to kiss me. Her lips barely brushed mine. She ran a hand along my shoulder and down my arm, then took my hand, placed it between her legs, and guided it back and forth, following the cleft in her lips.

'What do you feel?' she asked in a soft whisper.

I was confused by the question but answered anyway. 'I feel the smooth silk of your panties. And your warmth.' I responded.

'It's just warm? Not hot?' she asked.

'Not hot. Warm.'

'Anything else?' she asked.

I was still confused and my face must have shown it.

'Are my panties wet?' she asked.

'No. A little damp, maybe.' I responded, still confused.

'Exactly,' she said as she dropped to her knees. She smiled up at me as she took my cock in hand and softly ran her fingertips along its length.

My cock was still hard, though the initial urgency was gone. Abby teased me with both hands while she gazed at me silently, a sly smile barely visible on her lips. She raised herself up and tucked her shirt between her legs and under her buttocks. I briefly wondered why but didn't really care.

Abby leaned forward and licked the length of the underside of my shaft, starting at its base. When she reached the head, she ran her tongue around where the glans bordered the shaft. When the glans was wet, she kissed the tip and then sucked on one side of that border. My cock twitched and I felt the pressure growing again. She gently moved around the circumference at the bottom of the glans, sucking a spot for a moment and then moving along a fraction of an inch before sucking again.

I reached for her head just as she took the entire head of my cock in her mouth. She sucked gently, applying suction for just a moment, then releasing it. During the period between sucking, she ran her tongue around the head. The sensation generated by the smooth underside of her tongue contrasted with sensation of the coarser texture of the top of her tongue. Abby's hands didn't stray far from where she planted them on the inside of my thighs. Occasionally, a hand moved up and played with my testicles, the nails on her fingertips generating an electric tingle wherever they went.

Abby's head began bobbing up and down, taking more of my cock into the warm liquid depths of her mouth. She now held my testicles in one hand gently teasing and tickling while the fingertips of the other hand played with the pubic hair above my cock.

The suction Abby was applying to my cock was intensified by the way she was swishing the saliva in her mouth around my cockhead. I was rapidly approaching release. The sensations of Abby gently scratching my sac with her fingertips, playing with my pubic hair, the wet, warm suction she was applying in combination with the vibration that resonated through my cock when she began to groan was soon too much.

A shuddering jolt ran up my spine and an overpowering tingling started at the back of my sac and rapidly led the way up my shaft as the first shot of cum launched from the end of my cock. I gasped from the intensity of my orgasm. Abby continued to groan as she bobbed her head up and down. The vibrations intensified the sensations that accompanied each successive ejaculation.

I thought the room might begin to spin. Abby's hips were writhing and rotating between my feet like she did when she had an orgasm while my cock was inside her. Had she just had an orgasm? The question dissolved into an ethereal fantasy as the sensations accompanying each ejaculation eliminated any possibility of rational thought.

As I came down I realized three things. I was gasping for breath. Abby was still sucking my still hard cock. And the amount of hot liquid I felt gushing around my cock as she sucked had increased. It felt much more viscous and slippery.

Abby held my testicles firmly now. It didn't hurt but there was some urgency in the way she held my nuts and gently rolled them between her fingers and the palm of her hand. Her head was bobbing up and down my shaft rapidly. The suction being applied had intensified. The hand not holding my sac was still playing in my pubic hair. I briefly marveled at her ability to suck my cock vigorously while so gently massaging my testicles and tangling her fingers in my pubic hair.

Abby began moaning continuously after a few more minutes. The vibrations that were now accompanying the sensations generated by her sucking triggered something. I couldn't believe I was about to go off again. But the signs were unmistakable. And unavoidable. Pins and needles traveled up and down my spine. A tingling sensation again began at the back of my sac. It spread more slowly this time but it did spread. The sensation grew until my sac almost felt like it was on fire. The pressure in my cock grew to bursting and then it did. The fire in my balls shot up my cock. It felt like my cock had the pressure of a firehose pushing through it.

Abby screamed when I began emptying semen into her mouth again. She sucked hard as each jet emerged, somehow still screaming. The vibrations resonated throughout my whole body. Abby's whole body was shaking, shuddering, writhing, and twitching. But still she sucked. And still semen pumped from my cock.

This time, room did begin to spin. An explosion of red, blue, green, yellow, orange and blinding white stars burst and spun in my vision. I tried to reach for Abby's head for something to hold on to but fell backwards onto the bed, unable to remain sitting upright. My vision remained clouded by flashing colors as my body alternated between shaking and stiffening.

When my vision cleared, I was still gasping for breath. I felt a weight on my abdomen. I lifted my head and looked down to see Abby smiling widely, her lips curled but closed. I tried to sit up but my gross motor controls failed me. I couldn't quite coordinate my thoughts into movement.

I lifted my head again to find Abby still smiling at me. Her hands were on top of each other on my abdomen, her chin resting on top of her hands. She lifted her head slightly and slid her hands to my side. Her grin grew larger as she opened her mouth. A steady flow of thick white fluid ran out of her mouth, down her chin to pool on my quivering abdominal muscles. She closed her mouth again and stuck her tongue out at me like a little school girl tormenting a male classmate. Globs of thick white cum still coated her tongue. When she pulled her tongue back in, the globs ran down her chin and joined the pool already on my abdomen. She swallowed and stood.

Abby hooked her thumbs in the waist band of the panties she still wore, peeled them off, stepped out of them and tossed them onto my abdomen. They were soaked. I was surprised they didn't land with a splat.

'I'm going to take a shower,' she said with a giggle. 'Join me if you can muster the ability to move.' She was still giggling as she sashayed toward the bathroom, swaying her hips enticingly.

It took a moment but I managed to pull together the wherewithal to wobble across the bedroom to join her in the shower. I stepped on the shirt she had stuffed under her when she got situated between my legs. It was almost as wet as her panties.

She didn't say it. I did. 'You warned me. I'm sorry I didn't believe you.'

Abby just grinned.

'How many times?' I asked.

'I don't know,' she responded. 'When I get into it, I lose track,' she told me. 'It's really intense when it happens. I wish I knew what triggers it. But somehow, I always know going in that it's going to happen.'

'How?' I asked, curiously.

'I don't know,' she said. 'It's just a sense I get.'

'When did you know this time?' I asked.

'When I took your hand to lead you to the bedroom,' she responded with a smile. 'Yesterday was incredible, but that was unbelievable. I haven't had an orgasm that intense since I don't know when. It's been too long, though.'