Abby Learns the Game Ch. 03


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"Did you like being with those men?" I asked, wanting to hear her words.

"Yes..." she moaned.

"You looked so hot," I grunted, as I worked my body.

"It felt good," she answered, no longer acting coy.

I didn't want Steve with you," I told her.

"Why?" she asked between sighs.

"I don't know... too sure of himself I guess," I replied.

"He's a good kisser," she responded and a little smile passed over her face.

"I think you liked the cocks...Frank and Jim's better," I pushed.

"Mmmmm..." she moaned in response.

The next morning, we re-visited the decision over coffee, and although we went back and forth several times we eventually landed on the same spot. Along the way, Abby continued to position her participation as an accommodation for me but deep down she knew I knew that wasn't the case. However, I didn't try to debate the point, deciding to let her use the shield if she felt it necessary.

"How are we going to do this?" I asked as the discussion ebbed.

"I'll talk to Clemmy," she replied after a moment.

After our discussion, the days ticked by and my wife offered no update concerning her interaction, or lack thereof, with Clemmy. I decided to stay remain silent so that she had some opportunity to change her mind. Finally, almost two weeks later, she announced that she had spoken with the older woman and received an invitation to a gathering the following Friday at their home.

"Okay, I guess...that's fine. Remember, I fly in mid-day Friday," I replied, reminding her of an upcoming business trip.

"Are you going into work when you get back?" she asked.

"Doubtful. Probably straight home," I replied.

"Okay, then I think it will be okay. In fact, I'll take off a bit early and we can get an early dinner and a drink," she suggested, and I sensed she wanted some time to connect with me before we entered the sexual den, so I nodded my assent.

Paraphrasing Burns, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry" and that was certainly how my flight home Friday turned out. Weather severely impacted the flight schedules of most of the eastern half of the country and I found myself in the airport impatiently dealing with constant updates concerning the expected departure time. When it was clear I would be quite late, I tried to call Abby, but she didn't answer so I left a voicemail.

"Sounds horrible, do you want to cancel tonight?" she asked when we connected thirty minutes later.

"No, I should be home by six and we aren't expected until eight, so it should be okay," I advised, and after some further chit-chat, we ended the call.

The plane did board at the promised time, but the overall congestion created a very long departure queue. I continued to text Abby with info and finally provided her the option to just meet at our host's house. We took off before she replied, so I wasn't going to know her answer until I arrived, although I thought it unlikely, she would go without me. While the three hours in the air were uneventful, when we got close, we entered a holding pattern that lasted over an hour before we were able to land.

I had resigned myself to missing the function and spending the evening at home, so when I got a signal, I was surprised to discover Abby had agreed to meet me at the gathering. I was already almost an hour late and knew it would take another hour to get there so I tried to call her, but she didn't answer.

It was indeed an hour later when my taxi pulled into the driveway of the handsome home, and since there were only four cars, including ours, parked in the drive, I assumed it was a small gathering. Ringing and knocking on the door brought no response, and thinking about the last visit, I wondered if everyone was outside. So, I went to the side, after placing my things behind some bushes by the door.

I had to climb over a brick wall, which took some effort in my coat and tie, but a few minutes later I arrived at the pool. The only light illuminating the area came from inside the house, but it was enough to enable me to spot two figures sitting close together in the spa. The noise from the bubbles masked my sounds which enable me to approach undetected until I could make out Steve, from the previous encounter, next to an attractive brunette I didn't recognize.

"Excuse me?" I said, deciding to announce my presence.

Both heads spun around, and for a few seconds they showed a look of surprise and fear, but I could see the man finally recognized me and his expression softened.

"Hey, are you?" he asked.

"I'm good. Long day with lousy travel, but still doing good," I answered.

"Everyone else is inside. In the back," he stated as if anticipating my next question.

With that, I left them and entered the house through the patio door. There were numerous glasses scattered around the living room indicating that everyone must have had drinks, but there was no sign of my wife or anyone else for that matter, so I slowly made my way down the hall where I knew the bedrooms were located.

I found them all in the master bedroom where I encountered a shocking, yet exciting scene. My wife was on the large bed with her legs spread wide, and Sally had her head buried in her pussy, while Clemmy fondled her breasts and kissed her mouth. Around the bed stood Frank, Luther, and a man I guessed was the husband of the woman outside. All were naked with partially erect cocks and Frank slowly tugged on his. A low whine came from my wife, occasionally interrupted by a gasp or moan, and her body squirmed from the sensations she received.

Frank spotted me, and without attempting to shield his nudity, closed the distance to the doorway.

"Damn hard day of travel I hear," he said in a low voice.

" did this start?" I asked, truly stunned by what I was witnessing.

"I think Clemmy and Sally had a plan. They left with Abby to look at something in the bedroom and when they didn't come back, we found them going at it," he snickered.

"So, nothing know..." I stammered.

"No, we were just socializing before they started, he answered, correctly surmising I wanted to know what I had missed.

"Let it out, baby...give it up," I heard Luther call out.

Looking around Frank, I could see that the large black man had moved closer to the bed and had started pulling on his cock. It was a good length, but it was his girth that made me take notice, and at the end was a plump head that was dark purple.

"Why don't you get out of your things," our host suggested.

With a nod and a last look towards the bed, I headed towards the bedroom where we had left our things the last time. I was down to my slacks when the door suddenly open and Clemmy entered, still naked and sporting a big smile.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it," she said and moved close for a hug.

"Rough day," I replied.

"Well, hurry up and we'll make it better, she giggled, and then added, "Let's get you a drink.

When my clothes were off, the older woman took my dick into her hand and fondled it softly while tilting her head up for a kiss. After we broke, she led me to the bar and poured me a large glass of wine and a smaller one for herself.

"Are you still talking with Abby?" I asked after several sips.

"Oh, of course," she smiled.

"Well? What is she saying?" I probed.

"Honey, why do you think Luther's here? She's been fantasizing about him since the night in the bar," she explained with a strange smile.

"So, you're conspiring against me?" I said, thinking I should feel irritated but unable to hold back a grin.

"I told her I'd get Luther for her but you were mine," she laughed.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she moved very close and tickled my balls with her fingernails. Suddenly, it seemed very awkward to be standing naked with a woman other than my wife and it left me momentarily speechless. Unperturbed by the silence, Clemmy worked on me until I sported a full erection.

"I want to check on Abby," I managed to force out.

She gave me a pretend pouty face and then said, "You want to watch. I know your type."

"I need to check on her...she doesn't even know I'm here," I said, defensively.

"I bet Luther is already with her. Can you take that?" she asked with a mischievous smile as her hand squeezed my shaft.

"Stop it, Clemmy," I laughed, knowing she was trying to get to me.

"Come on then," she laughed and pulled on my dick to get me to follow.

My wife's excited sounds along with the rapid squeaking of the bed informed us she was taking a cock before we reached the door. Arriving at the entrance, we could see Luther on the bed energetically fucking my wife in the missionary position. His large body hid much of her but she had her legs spread lewdly and her arms wrapped around the man's thick neck. Although the black man exerted heavy grunts, her cries dominated the room.

"Oh, baby...oh, baby...oh, baby..." my wife squealed excitedly in perfect time with the heavy thrusts of her lover.

The man's broad ass rapidly slamming against my wife mesmerized me and it took some time before I noticed Sally on her knees, eagerly sucking the cock of the unknown man who sat in a chair. Looking him over more closely, he looked to be around forty and had a swarthy appearance with a thick matting of hair covering his entire body.

"That's Erdogan. He and his wife Selen are friends of Steve and Sally," Clemmy explained when she spotted my gaze, and after I nodded to her, she said, "C'mon now. My turn."

"Where's Frank?" I asked as we ascended some stairs.

"Probably looking for Selen. He has the hots for her," she giggled.

Seconds later, we arrived at a beautiful bedroom that I knew was the master suite. Together, we climbed onto the large bed and before we had even settled, Clemmy's hand had found my dick. She pulled on it several times as she smiled at me and then lowered her body and inhaled it into her soft mouth. Within seconds, I became fully erect and I sprawled across the pillows, enjoying her efforts, and when she started to tickle beneath my balls with her nails, my back arched and a fresh wave of arousal swept through me.

"Damn, Clemmy. That feels good," I groaned.

Her eyes looked up at me but her head never stopped bobbing and she continued for a few more minutes before stopping.

"I need you in me," she announced as she climbed onto my body.

Together, we groaned loudly as my shaft entered her wet hole and after pausing for a moment, she started to roll her hips sensually.

"I won't last long," I warned her.

"That's why I like young men. They recover fast," she giggled.

As I feared, I managed to last only a few minutes before the tingling sensation in my groin let me know I was getting close. Less than a minute later, I lifted my hips, raising the older woman's body, as I blasted my semen into her depths, and then collapsed back onto the bed.

Clemmy began to shower my face with soft kisses and when I had regained my breath, I told her, "Jesus, you killed me."

"You'll be okay," she smiled, and then added, "Think of pretty Abby getting fucked downstairs."

I gave her a dirty look but when I felt my dick stirring, I realized she knew exactly what she was doing. Slowly, it grew within her and when it reached acceptable hardness, I flipped the mature woman onto her back, shoved it back inside, and immediately started to fuck her with fast strokes.

"You're so bad," I said.

"Come on, baby...fuck me good," she encouraged.

Now able to concentrate, I took her with a strong, consistent movement, and it didn't take long for the first signs of her approaching climax to appear. Her eyes lost focus, her mouth slacked, and her legs, which had been against my side, widened. At the same time, a cascade of sexual joined her heavy breathing. It took another minute, but when it arrived, she filled the room with her cries.

"Oh, God. Oh, fuck me...fuck me good. Don't stop, don't stop... Fuck, oh fuck..." she declared.

"Take it, Clemmy..." I said in encouragement.

"Yes... Oh, yes..." she groaned.

When I felt her body go limp, I slowed and eventually came to a full stop. She had her eyes squeezed shut while panting heavily, and a feeling of connection swept through me that made me lean down and kiss her passionately.

"You're amazing," I whispered, feeling a true connection.

She responded by pulling me down for another kiss and then holding my head against her bosom. After a few minutes, I fell to her side and we stayed in each other's arms while she recovered.

"You're mine," she declared as she turned so we were face to face.

"What's that mean?" I asked.

"You don't get to be with anyone else tonight," she said.

"Oh, really?" I laughed.

"Yes," she replied as she kissed me again.

"How did you get Abby to let...get in bed with you and Sally?" I asked.

"We pushed her on the bed and took her clothes off," the woman laughed.

Sally is very bi and I can be on occasion. Sweet little Abby didn't fight. Well, not too much," she laughed.

"That's predatory! It sounds pre-planned," I responded, chuckling as well.

"Yes! We were ready for her. Sally has been drooling over her since the night in the tent and Steve is still angry about being cut off," she answered.

"Yeah, well...something about him strikes me the wrong way," I said defensively.

"I understand. He can be cocky," she replied.

"Did Abby really tell you she had an interest in Luther?" I asked.

My question brought a fresh wave of laughter from the woman before she said, "Honey, she's been lusting after him. Every time we talk, she asks about him."

"I guess he made an impression," I replied thinking back to the times at the club.

"A big impression. She especially likes his kisses," she answered.

"I don't think she should talk to you anymore," I teased.

"Ha! That train has left the station," she fired back.

We went silent for a few minutes as our hands wandered each other's bodies before I announced, "I better go check on her."

"No, baby. Stay here. There's no need," she replied.

Sensing something was up, I asked, "Why? What's going on?"

For a moment, she gave me a strange look and then said, "They all want her. She's the new girl...the prize. And...I think...I mean I suspect she feels the same."

"That's four men down there," I countered.

"She'll be fine. Well, fine tonight...sore tomorrow," she giggled.

I opened my mouth to reply but at that moment the door to the bedroom opened and Abby stepped inside. Wrapped in a sheet, looking disheveled, she moved towards us and climbed next to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried about what may have transpired.

"Everybody left me," she answered as she snuggled closer showing no concern about Clemmy's presence.

"What do you mean, honey?" the older woman asked with concern in her voice.

"I was in bed and when I woke up everyone was gone," she replied.

"You were asleep?" Clemmy asked but before my wife could respond, she added, "After Luther?"

"Yeah..." Abby answered sheepishly.

Her admission made our hostess laugh loudly and then she said, "Oh, honey...he put you out. It must have been amazing."

"Yeah..." she acknowledged after a few seconds.

"Abby, they just gave you some time to recover," she explained.

"They left me," she said once more, acting purposefully needy.

As the words left her mouth, her hand reached for my dick that had become hard from listening to the interaction. However, as soon as she touched it, Clemmy's hand brushed it away.

"Uh uh...he's mine. You have a bunch of men downstairs to play with," she scolded her.

"He's my husband," Abby declared.

"Maybe, but tonight he's mine. Now go play with the others," she replied.

"Clemmy!" she responded.

"Shoo...go on..." the older woman answered.

"I need to go to the bathroom," my wife said in defeat.

"There is one behind you. Go clean up and then go downstairs," Clemmy said adamantly.

Surprisingly, my wife accepted the demand and after giving me a lingering look she turned and entered the bathroom.

"Damn, you're tough," I chuckled, having found their exchange very entertaining.

"I told you that you were mine. As soon as she cleans Luther off her, she has to go," she declared.

"Luther?" I asked naively.

"Oh, yeah. He cums buckets. She's probably dripping right now," the woman said.

Soon, we heard the toilet flush and a few seconds later Abby appeared but she only stopped to look towards the bed for a moment before she turned and left, closing the door behind her.

"I feel guilty," I teased referring to my wife's forced departure.

"The only thing you should feel guilty about is not being inside me," she replied.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she rose to her knees and after positioning several pillows she draped her waist across them which put her ass in an elevated position. The message was clear and without speaking I moved behind her and fed my dick into her glistening slit.

"Better?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she sighed.

We started slow, merely enjoying the sensual feeling of the connection, but after a few minutes, Clemmy began to exhibit signs of heightened arousal so I increased the pace. She responded well to the change, letting loose with little squeals, so I continued to monitor her state and each time I suspected she was ready, I fucked her harder. Near the end, my hands gripped her hips tightly as I pounded mercilessly into her squishing slit. Her climax forced her to cry out and it seemed to linger as she writhed and whimpered beneath me. Finally, when she became still, I fell to her side and pulled her from her perch. Stroking her hair softly, I listened to her contented sighs until just minutes later, she fell asleep.

For a few minutes, I contemplated all that had occurred, and deciding to check on Abby, I pulled slowly away, covered Clemmy with a blanket, and quietly left the room. The room she had used with Luther was empty so I started down the hall but reluctant to open any closed doors, I soon arrived at the entertainment area. Sally stood behind the bar in a robe mixing a drink and through the windows, I could see my wife in the tub with Steve and Erdogan.

"Hi there," I said to the attractive woman.

"Hi," she replied happily and then asked, "Is Clemmy finished with you?"

"She's resting," I answered as I stepped towards the bar and followed with, "Where's Frank?"

"He's with Selen. Luther was with them too but he left," she explained.

"Going back outside?" I asked when she finished preparing the cups in front of her and placed them on a small tray.

"Just to deliver. It got too hot," she replied, and as she stepped towards the door, she added, "Be right back."

Sally set the tray next to the tub and started speaking to the trio. When I saw my wife looking towards the house, I guessed she had informed her of my presence but she remained with the two men.

"Your wife would like a word," the woman offered playfully when she returned.

"Hmmm...okay," I responded and stepped towards the door.

I nodded to the two men as I approached and then my wife said, "Are you finished...with Clemmy?"

"She resting," I replied wanting to leave the impression I had outlasted her.

"Do you want to go?" she followed.

"Are you ready?" I replied tossing it back to her.

"In a few minutes," she answered as a smile appeared on her face.

"I'm going back inside then," I declared and as I stepped away, I realized no one had invited me to stay.

Sally seated on a bar stool smiled as I approached and said, "Welcome back."

"I felt a bit unwanted," I laughed.

"Of course, you were," she agreed and as soon as I sat, she rested her hand on my arm.

The simple act calmed me as I had no idea how to interact with a woman in the swinging environment. On our prior visit, we followed a script within the tent...the circle, and the bell, and tonight Clemmy had claimed me as soon as she spotted me. Now, I knew the attractive woman had an interest if I cared to go with it.