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She had been married and divorced twice, with no kids either time. She worked in an insurance office in downtown Cleveland. Abby and I started seeing each other on a regular basis. The sex was great and it was nice being with someone again. It wasn't long before we decided to get married.

I had the salvage business incorporated so no one could get their hands on it. Abby brought nearly four hundred thousand dollars into the marriage and hoped that I wouldn't mind having a pre-nupt also. She told me she thought we would be together for life but unfortunately she had been married twice before.

Needless to say, I didn't mind. It fact it protected my assets as well. I knew she built her savings from money from her exes. I really did care for her a lot but not sure I'd call it love. There were always too many unanswered questions about people for me to totally trust them.

My first wife, Beth, agreed to let me see my kids from my first marriage after getting out of prison. It made me feel good that they still called me Dad and I was in their lives. I was now helping put both of them through college.

Life for me was going quite well. The business was doing great. Al and Joe became my best friends and I could see my off spring quite often. I was married to a beautiful woman and the sex was great. Things couldn't have been much better.

A couple of months earlier Abby seemed to act a bit strange. I thought it might be some kind of woman thing and let it go. I did keep my eyes open even though I had no reason to believe she would cheat on me.

I mentioned to her that me and my friends, Joe and Al were going fishing for a few days. There would be no way to get hold of us seeing none of us were taking cell phones. We've made the fishing trip the last six years so it wasn't anything new. Just some time away with the guys.

I did tell her that if she had a true emergency she could always call the Coast Guard. Up until now it never happened.

Chapter 2

The Detective was talking with his equipment operator. They were hoping to get a trace on the number that had called. They knew they were connected more than long enough. "Did we get a fix on the phone?"

"Yes Sir, but not a good one. The caller used a Trac phone which can be bought just about anywhere. They are disposable. You can add minutes if you like on them. I traced the number but that just told us it was bought at a Wal*Mart store. Could have come from anywhere. The tower that picked up the call was in downtown Cleveland."

"Can we narrow it down?" asked the detective.

"Not really, only to about a five mile radius of downtown Cleveland. Hardly much to go on sir."

"Send two men over to the motel and see if we can find out anything. Mrs. Bell, we'll need the name of your motel and your room number. Maybe someone saw something or even a hall monitor might have picked up something. See if Larry Bell's car is still in the parking lot."

Abby gave the officer the information he requested along with the make of his vehicle. Again she was worried and asked about the ransom.

I went ahead and spoke up. "I'm not giving him a fucking nickel. You want his fucking cock so bad, use your own money to pay his ransom. By the way, I think we should notify Cora, seeing it's her husband who was abducted."

"No, we can't call her," said Abby.

"On the contrary, Mrs. Bell. We need to talk to her and see what she might know," said detective Able. "Besides it's her husband and she deserves to know he has been abducted."

"Detective, let me call her. I'll ask her to come to the house and you can question her here," I requested.

"Fine, but get her here as soon as possible," said Detective Able.

"Hello, Cora, Terry here. Is there any chance you can come to our house? It's something important we need to discuss with you," I asked Cora.

"Does this have something to do with Larry? He was supposed to be in Pittsburg and he's not there. Do you know where he is?" asked Cora.

"No, I don't know where he's at. A Detective is at our house and needs to talk to you but not over a phone, so please hurry over here," I asked.


Cora was there within fifteen minutes. I met her at the door and took her hand as she entered the living room. "What's going on? Where's Larry? Is he all right?"

"Mrs. Bell...." said Detective Able.

"Just call me Cora since there are two Mrs. Bells here. Where is Abby anyway? Is she here?"

"She stepped into the bathroom. Cora, can you tell me what you meant when you said your husband wasn't in Pittsburg?" asked Detective Able.

"Do you know where he's at? Why isn't someone telling me anything?" Cora was getting shaky.

I spoke out. "Cora, Larry has been abducted. Listen please! The people who abducted him thought he was me but took Larry by mistake. He's alive but they are asking a ransom."

"My God, I can't believe this! Why would anyone abduct Larry or even you Terry? It doesn't make sense."

"Cora, we need you to tell us everything you can that happened in the last few days," said the detective. "We talked to your husband for a few seconds and know he's alive. We are trying to find out where he is being held."

Cora was a bit nervous but said she would tell them everything she could remember.

"Well, lately I have been wondering if Larry has been cheating on me. He was to go to Pittsburg for two days for one of his shows. He goes to a lot of home remodeling shows. He gave me his motel and room number and said he was sharing a room with another salesman to help cut costs. He has done this many times. This time he seemed a bit different or nervous."

"What makes you think he might have been cheating?" asked the detective.

"He's been more distant lately. You know, too tired to make love. He's also been gone more than usual. Usually one day shows. I needed to know for sure so I was going to have him followed to Pittsburg.

"He left yesterday morning and said he would be gone for two nights. He even called me when he said he had arrived. What he didn't know was I gave his motel and room number to a Private Investigator. I know it was wrong but I needed to know if he was cheating on me. It cost me a thousand dollars but would be worth it to find out that my husband was faithful to me.

"The PI called me this morning and said there was no Larry Bell there. He was registered at the motel and the PI even talked to the other man in the room and he told my PI that Larry did pay for half the room but said he had another engagement, but he didn't know where. He stopped by my office this morning and refunded me five hundred dollars. He said it didn't feel like he earned it since he never saw Larry."

Abby had walked into the room, her eyes all red as though she had been crying. Cora went up to her to give her a hug but Abby held her hands up.

"What's going on? What's the matter, Abby? First you say my husband is being held for ransom and now my best friend is crying and doesn't want me near her. What aren't you people telling me? Terry, you never lie to me, what's going on?"

I handed Cora a beer and told her to sit down. I told her the whole story and about the abduction where they took Larry from the motel room thinking it was me. "The reason they thought it was me is because my fucking wife was doing that with your husband."

"What? Larry and Abby are having an affair?" Looking at Abby Cora said, "You two-faced bitch! When I told you that I thought Larry might be having an affair you comforted me and told me he wouldn't do that to me. Now I find out it's you having the affair with him." Cora started crying.

I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. After she regained her composure the detective asked if there was anything she could add?

'Add?' I thought. 'Was he fucking kidding or what?'

"He's been gambling a lot and has lost a lot of money. I don't know if that would have anything to do with it since they wanted Terry," replied Cora.

The detective asked me is there anyone who I think would try and abduct me. Any enemies or anyone who knew I would have ready cash available.

"That's just it," I said. "I'm worth a lot of money, or at least my business is, but I don't have anywhere near that kind of cash that I could tap quickly. I would need time to sell mutual funds and stock. No way that I would be able to get over say a hundred thousand quickly.

"As far as anyone trying to get money, maybe my asshole brother set this up himself. Since he's sleeping with Abby he probably knows she has a few hundred thousand she could get at quickly."

Abby yelled out. "He'd do no such thing. He loves me and we were going away together. He has never asked me for anything. You're just jealous of him; you have always been."

"You fucking slut-whore!" screamed Cora. "You can have the asshole. I've spent enough on him. He even took money from my account. I should have pressed charges. After his return I want nothing more to do with him."

Detective Able could see things were getting out of hand. He asked everyone to just take it easy for now. "We still have to find the abductors and Larry Bell. Mrs. Bell," looking at Abby. "We need to find a way to get three hundred thousand dollars. Your husband has made it abundantly clear he isn't going to help. Are you able to get that kind of money together?

"Cora, it is your husband. Do you have that kind of available funds?"

Cora looked over at me. "What should I do Terry? I have a couple of hundred thousand but it's all I have left. He is my husband until I file for divorce."

"Don't waste a fucking dime on him. He doesn't deserve it. He's used you and spent your money for years now. He wants Abby, let her use her finances to bail his ass out."

"It would take almost all I have," replied Abby. "You two are horrible! He's your brother and your husband Cora. Don't you care at all?"

I spoke. "He's an asshole that fucked my wife and cheated on a far better woman. You want to save his fucking ass, then go for it. Personally, I don't give a shit anymore. Cora, I'll be ahead of you on the filing line in Divorce Court Monday. Please bring the coffee, black with sugar for me." Cora didn't say anything but did have tears in her eyes.

Detective Able sent two officers with Abby to go get the ransom money. It was most of what she had left from her savings. Since we got married I paid for everything. She did buy a few personal items for herself and now I suspect gave Larry some money or bought him gifts..

When they arrived back with a satchel of money I stood up and said that I was leaving.

"You can't go," said the detective.

"Why not? Either you arrest me, or I'm leaving and going to go back fishing with my friends. I will be nice enough to take my cell phone in case you need to call me about a funeral." I knew it was a horrible thing to say but at that moment I didn't care.

Cora told them she couldn't stay there at the house because of Abby. She would be going to her home and the detective told her he would have security watching her place till the ordeal was over. He would keep her updated on what was happening.

I looked over at Abby. "I'm going to stay at the cabin for a couple of extra days. As soon as you get your lover back I'll expect you to be moved out of my house. Remember the pre-nupt you wanted? The house is mine."

Detective Able wasn't sure what to do with me. He had no reason to hold me and me being there sure didn't help things. His main concern was getting the hostage back safely. He walked me to my car and told me to watch for anything suspicious. After all I supposedly was the initial target.

I told him I really didn't think I was but thanks for being concerned. I got in my car and headed back to the cabin. A few hours later Al and Joe returned to the cabin. They stopped in town and returned with fresh pizza and more beer. I told them everything that went on.


The next morning around eight o'clock I was in my boat and headed out to fish. As I went by the Coast Guard I pulled my very loud fog horn and waved to them. Something told me that they were told to keep an eye out for my boat. I was just making it easy for them. Al was doing the driving.

It was around noon when we headed back to the cabin. We made sure we blew the fog horn again in front of the Coast Guard. We didn't want to make their job of watching us any harder than necessary. Around three o'clock a car pulled up in my driveway. Al and Joe were both just leaving. Al in my car and Joe in his own.

It was Detective Able and two other detectives, all in suits.

"You sure don't look dressed for camping or fishing, so I guess you're here on business."

"Where are your friends going?" asked Detective Able.

"I told them I was going to lease the cabin for a couple of more days and they were welcome to stay. They asked if they could bring their wives and kids out to stay for a couple of days. Of course I said yes and they went to get them. I think they will love it out here. We all came here in Joe's car so I loaned mine to Al to get his family. So, why are you here? Where you able to save my wonderful prick of a brother?"

"I thought I'd come out and tell you what took place this morning. We were able to find your brother. He was pretty shaken up but he'll be all right. I think you were wrong thinking he was part of this abduction."

"I've known him my whole life and he has always been about women and money. I'll stand behind my assumption that he is involved." I told the Detective. "Would you guys like a beer or soda?"

"A coke would be nice. We're on duty so we can't have a beer. All right if we look around the cabin?"

"Go for it. It's kind of messy since we didn't clean up after breakfast this morning. I'll have to straighten it some before the guys get back here with their wives." I laughed.

The two other detectives kind of looked around and Able told me what went on after I left the day before and that morning. I didn't ask but I guess he wanted to gauge my thoughts.

His detectives came back from the motel and no one had seen anything. They said a man asked what room the Bells were in and he told him. The desk clerk said he didn't get a good look at him and they had people backed-up waiting to check out.

It seems that Larry and Abby had a room on the first floor with a hallway entrance and a glass door wall entrance to the outside near the pool. They figured that Larry was abducted and taken out the back way. They asked a number of guests but no one noticed anything. Larry's car was still parked in the motel lot.

He must have left quickly because most all his stuff was still there, even his wallet but there with no money in it. His credit cards were missing also so that maybe if the abductors tried to use them they might catch them.

The other two detectives came and sat with us. I actually got up and got some chips and dip. I went and got each guy another beverage and me a beer. "It looks like you're going to be here awhile if you're going to tell me what went on this morning. You guys might as well have something to snack on. Sorry, don't have any donuts."

The detectives were nice enough and they did thank me for the chips and dip. I also put out some pretzels. I sat back down and let Detective Able continue telling me his story.

He said the abductor did call at nine this morning. He explained that he wanted the lawyer, which Able pretended to be, to drop off the money. The section of town where he was to take the money and where Larry would be was a dangerous area and Abby would not have been safe there.

"So my dear wife took her own savings to pay the ransom on my asshole brother, her lover," I asked.

"Yes, she did. But, we do get the money back in over eighty percent of the cases," said Able.

"So you got Larry home safe and her money back. A good day's work for you."

"We did get Mr. Bell back but we lost the money trail. I'll try and explain what all went down. We thought we were looking for run of the mill kidnappers but these people had a plan. We were caught off guard," replied Able.

"You keep saying they, so you're sure there was more than one person involved?" I asked.

"According to your brother there was a knock on the door minutes after your wife left the motel. He thought she probably forgot something and opened the door. Two men in head masks and hoodies knocked him down and injected him with a knockout drug. The next thing he knew he woke up in what appeared to be a vault or enclosed room with no windows.

"The room was dark, dirty and pretty much empty. There was a bucket for him to use as a toilet and they left six bottles of water but no food. He said he tried yelling but no one answered. There was an old mattress on the floor. I know you think he set this up but I can't see him doing this to himself," said Able.

Detective Able continued on with his story. He was told to take the suitcase of money to an abandoned strip mall, which has been closed for years. I knew the area and it looked like a war zone.

There was an old car parked in one of the old garages. It was an abandoned green Chevy. He was to put the suitcase in the trunk of the vehicle, which had a key in it. Lock the trunk and take the key with him.

The abductors said they had another key to the trunk. Afterwards he was to leave the premises quickly and after the abductors came and checked out the suitcase to make sure there were no dye packs to ruin the money or any type of following devices, they would call the Bells' house and tell them where they could find Larry. Able said he told the guy that the terms weren't acceptable, but was quickly told if the money wasn't there by ten o'clock Larry would die and hung up the phone.

"We argued with the man on the phone but he said that was it or Larry dies. We didn't like the idea but we figured we could keep an eye on the building and the vehicle and see who might come and get the suitcase and we had no choice and went along. As they say, 'Always follow the money trail,'" said Able.

I was interested in how this played out. "So, how did you rescue asshole Larry and not get the money?"

"I did like I was told and put the suitcase in the trunk of the old green Chevy. I quickly left and headed back to be with your wife to wait for the call to come in. Jim and Bob (he pointed to two detectives) were hidden across the street from the mall. They had binoculars and watched the building and car the whole time.

"We waited till noon and no one showed up. I was getting worried that something went wrong. I did have a device sewn in the lining of the suitcase and it showed it was still in the trunk of the car. About a half hour later Mrs. Bell got a call that the money was right and gave us a location to where we could find your bother Larry. He was two buildings down from the garage.

"He was in an old loan office or bank vault. The main locking mechanism had been removed but someone welded a big padlock on the door. There would be no way Larry could have gotten out. Jim used a sledge hammer and kept hitting the lock till it finally broke. Larry was sitting there in the dark in just his underwear. He had drunk five of the six bottles of water and did his best to use the bucket in the dark to relieve himself .

"We questioned him over and over and he had no idea who abducted him. All he could remember was two men in masks. He said they were really pissed when they had the wrong Bell. When they let him talk on the phone he had a sack over his head. Other than that one time he had been alone. That's why I don't believed he would have put himself through this."

"So, what happened to Abby's money? Didn't you just say your device showed it was still in the trunk?" I asked.

"This is unbelievable. While Jim went to find Larry, Bob went back in and opened the trunk of the green car. The suitcase was still there but all the money was removed. The old junker had a false bottom in the trunk. Underneath the vehicle we found a sewer lid had been removed and someone took the money from underneath the trunk and escaped out through the sewer system.