Abducted by Horny Aliens Ch. 02

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Chloe is fucked in front of the alien research group.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/06/2023
Created 07/13/2023
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I woke up wondering where the hell I was. Then I remembered. I was on an alien spaceship, as ridiculous as that seemed it was horrifically true. Initially, my mind tried to tell me that last night had been a bizarre dream. Then I remembered everything. The aliens needed to breed me to save their race. I'd tried to escape and one of the little blue aliens had caught me and had his way with me. And I had liked it.

Whatever had filled me with such fervent lust and desire last night was gone and I lay in bed trying not to vomit at the memory of our interspecies romp.

The door to my tiny room slid open and one of the aliens stepped in. It wasn't the one who'd fucked me -- Grabanimo -- it was the other one, the main one who'd done most of the talking. I didn't know his name.

"Good Earth-morning," he said, as he stepped into my room.

"Don't you have mornings on your planet?" I asked, sitting up and wrapping the sheet around my naked body. They hadn't given me any clothes to wear.

"We do, however, on my planet, it is not morning currently," he said. Grabanimo was the horny alien, this guy was the nerdy one.

"Let me go," I said simply, hoping that there was some sort of kindness I could appeal to.

He blinked coldly. "That is impossible. As I stated last night, you have matched my species in terms of compatibility. You will remain here for the foreseeable future."

"Listen, buddy," I said hotly, snarling at him. "I am not some farm animal that you can lock up and breed. I'm a human being. I have rights."

The alien was unfazed by my outburst. He simply blinked once in that cold, detached way, and then replied. "My name is not buddy, my name is Keldon. As I have stated previously, you do not have rights on this ship. You are now the property of the Angira race, it is your duty to breed."

My mouth fell open. I was stumped by the blunt way he stated my situation. He didn't dress it up at all.

"Listen here," I stated firmly, "I am not a possession and I am not a broodmare."

He blinked again and I wanted to punch him in his big, stupid eyes. "This conversation is pointless. You have no say in the matter and you know that to be true. You will now accompany me to the laboratory. My team is waiting and I will not be late."

"I'm not going anywhere without something to wear," I said, refusing to move. The only way he was going to get me to leave naked was if he dragged me kicking and screaming. Thinking back to Grabanimo's strength last night, I realized that was a very real possibility.

Keldon turned and left the room, returning a moment later with a simple white gown. I pulled it over my body. The thin material hung just below my knees and it clung to my body in a way that left nothing to the imagination. Still, it was better than nothing.

I followed Keldon through the ship towards what I presumed was the medical lab. Every so often another little blue alien would pass us, giving me a look of intrigue as they passed. Some of them wore the same outfit as Keldon and Grabanimo but in different colors. Some were dressed in black, and I saw one dressed in yellow. I assumed the colors denoted their job position.

The lab was larger than the room I'd woken up in last night. It smelled slightly metallic, and bright white lights illuminated every corner of the room. I was daunted to see Grabanimo waiting inside without about seven other aliens. All of them wore the grey outfits and many of them had little tablets clutched in their chubby fingers.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is my research team," Keldon said. He took me by the arm and pulled me into the center of the room.

As soon as my feet touched the silver circle in the middle of the floor, two metal restraints snapped around my ankles, holding me in place.

"Hey!" I protested.

Two more restraints came down from the ceiling and seized my arms, pulling them up. The floor restraints slid sideways on an unseen conveyer belt, spreading my legs. In a matter of seconds, I was held in a starfish pose.

"Let me out of this!" I shouted.

"You will remain silent or I will restrain your mouth," Keldon told me. He turned his attention to the other aliens who were watching. "As you can see Subject 004 has moderate aggression levels. It is unclear if this is due to her detainment or natural for her. Since we know that her genetics make her a viable host for offspring, the pertinent question is whether or not this aggression will be passed down to any potential infants."

Several of the aliens began tapping on their tablets, making notes of what he'd said. I noticed he'd called me 004 which implied they'd experimented on 3 other humans before me. I wondered what had happened to them. Maybe they were still on the ship somewhere.

"Perhaps we might give her something to nullify her aggression?" one of the aliens said, staring at me like I was a zoo animal.

"A good suggestion," said Keldon. "Our studies so far have confirmed that Earthling Humans have far higher and more volatile hormones than our own species. Therefore, the medication that we use to nullify hormones in Angirans might be less effective. However, it is definitely worthy of exploration."

"I'm not a fucking lab rat," I snarled, struggling pointlessly against the restraints.

"The anatomy of the Earthling female is both similar and different to our own females." Keldon stepped over to me and with one smooth hand movement, he tore my gown off my body exposing my naked flesh to the research group.

"Noooo!" I cried, tugging at the restraints. My tits jiggled as I did so.

An interested murmur passed through the group.

"Remain still or you will be restrained further and it will be very uncomfortable," Keldon warned me.

Glaring at him, I could see in his eyes that he was not bluffing. I stopped struggling and went still, trying to ignore the gathered aliens who were staring at my naked body.

"Earthling females have breasts, however as you can see Earthling breasts are considerably larger than Angiran breasts. These Earthling breasts are 3 times larger than the largest Angiran breasts. However, there is more variety in the size of Earthling breasts whereas the Angiran breast size is relatively standardized."

Keldon place a hand under one of my breasts and pushed it up before letting it bounce down into its natural position. The aliens made little noises of excitement. "As you can see the Earthling breast is far more firm and does not droop until later on in the lifespan. Come and feel for yourselves."

"No, please," I said, begging him not to let an entire group of aliens grope me. Keldon ignored me completely and the aliens formed a line in front of me. Each of them stared at my breasts eagerly.

The first one passed Keldon his small black tablet and then placed his hand on my breast, massaging it. My face burned with shame as the alien groped me. When he was finished he took his tablet back and walked away.

The next alien stepped up to take his place. He placed both of his huge hands over my breasts, squeezing them roughly. His eyes were glued to my boobs, not even bothering to look up at me. I was little more than an animal to them.

"The Angiran female breasts produce milk from puberty to death, however, if you try to extract milk from our subject you will find yourself unable," said Keldon.

The alien who was currently groping me tried just that.

"Oww!" I yelled as he rubbed and squeezed my nipples savagely.

He ignored my protests and tried harder to force milk out of me. The alien increased his grip harder and harder until the pressure was almost unbearable and then suddenly he wrapped his lips around my nipple and sucked with the force of a vacuum cleaner.

"You're right," he said, drawing back and looking at my boobs like they were defective.

"I suspect Earthlings produce milk only after they have produced offspring like some of the other species we have studied," Keldon said.

Grabanimo gave me a knowing smile. I had told him that women only lactated when we had children but he hadn't passed that information on to Keldon. He must not want Keldon to know what he'd done last night. Maybe I could use that to my advantage.

The next alien was far gentler. His gropes were more of a loving caress and despite my unwilling participation, I started to enjoy his touch. I tried desperately to hide any signs that I liked his touch and thankfully, he stepped away after only a minute.

When all the aliens had finished groping me, they returned to their group formation a few feet away. Keldon continued his presentation.

"Now, onto the vagina," he said.

A table rose up from the floor and my restraints suddenly released me. Before I had a chance to act, Keldon and Grabanimo had their hands on me and dragged me toward the table. My attempts at fighting them were fruitless, they were simply too strong.

They hoisted me up onto the metal table and after spreading my arms and legs, I was restrained once more. To say it was humiliating would have been an understatement. I was lying on a table naked with my legs spread for the whole group to see my exposed vagina.

"This is what an Earthling vagina looks like." Keldon placed his hand on my pelvis just above my mound and I blushed. "This Earthling is hairless but that is because she has removed her pubic hair via the process of waxing. Why she has done this, I do not know. I suspect it is some kind of Earthling mating ritual."

The group twittered among themselves and began tapping their tablets. At any point, Keldon could have asked me to confirm his theories but he obviously saw me as so far beneath him that he couldn't trust what I said. To him asking me questions would be like me asking a dog questions.

"Unlike the Angiran vagina, the Earthling possesses more than just a simple hole. As you can see, there is far more going on."

I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut as Keldon described my anatomy to his team. Every now and then he touched me to indicate the exact part of my genitalia he was describing. It was the most dehumanizing experience of my life.

"The clitoris is an essential part of the mating ritual for Earthlings. Females are encouraged to touch and stimulate their clits when they feel horny. This then causes the release of oxytocin which helps them to achieve orgasm."

My face was burning with shame, but if Keldon noticed he did not let on.

"Grabanimo, would you please demonstrate?" Keldon said.

"What?" I raised my head and stared at my captors. "No way!"

"Silence or I will cover your mouth," Keldon warned again.

Grabanimo approached quickly, his lips stretched in a lascivious grin. He stopped at my side and placed a cold hand on my thigh. His long fingers gripped my flesh and squeezed. Images of last night flooded my mind and I tried to flush them out. Then Grabanimo moved his hand up my leg until he reached my crotch. His hand was gently stroking my outer lips and I couldn't help but turn my head to the side as a small whimper slipped out. For an alien, he sure knew what he was doing.

"From our previous experiments we have learned that the clitoris must be coaxed out from the clitoral covering," said Keldon, pointing to my clit as Grabanimo rubbed me to arousal.

I let out a quiet moan and closed my shamed eyes as I felt warmth spread through my pussy. Grabanimo's fingers found my clitoris and pinched it gently. I gasped as he gently massaged my nub and then pulled on it just enough to send a burst of tingles through me. Despite my embarrassment and shame, I couldn't stop myself from getting turned on. He pinched my clit again and this time a bolt of electrifying pleasure shot through me. My back arched with the intensity of the feeling, my pussy moistening with feverish arousal and a guttural moan escaped my lips.

The audience chattered with excitement and I tried my best to block them out. It was humiliating beyond belief to be taken by the throes of passion in front of them like this.

"As you can see, the Earthling cannot deny her desires. The clitoris acts as a button to trigger arousal. Once the vaginal passage is suitably moist -- as you can see it is -- the Earthling is ready to be mounted."

Grabanimo pushed down his pants and his gigantic cock sprung into view. As soon as I laid eyes on it I felt the distant echoes of the lust I'd felt last night.

"As we know from our experiments with the other Earthling subjects, Angiran semen has an enchanting effect on the Earthlings. Once the semen enters their body they become far more pliable and lust-driven. Grabanimo, if you could please demonstrate," said Keldon.

Now, last night made sense. After Grabanimo had come inside me I'd turned into a bitch in heat. It was his cum. I felt stupid for not realizing that before.

Grabanimo stroked his cock quickly as he walked over to my head.

"No," I pleaded, realizing what he was about to do. I could not be reduced to a horny slut in front of all these aliens. This experience had been humiliating enough.

Grabanimo kneeled down and grabbed my head. I pushed against his grip but he was stronger than me. I tried to clamp my lips shut but he was faster than me and as the cockhead reached my bottom lip it slipped between my parted lips and found its way into my mouth. His pre-cum touched my tongue and made my body tremble and, despite all my efforts, I started to suck on his cock.

"Mmm," I mumbled as his big dick filled my mouth.

Grabanimo then forced more of his cock into my hungry mouth, making it stretch to accommodate his girth. He held my head still and pumped it between his powerful hands like a child's toy.

"That's right, Earthling. Take it," he grunted in pleasure.

He suddenly yanked out of my mouth, milky strings of saliva connected my lips with his cock for a fleeting moment. Pinned in place, I stared up at him as he placed his hand on the base of his cock and he slapped me on the cheek with it. My face stung from the sudden impact. Grabanimo slapped me again, this time on the other cheek and I released a throaty moan.

"Take it!" he yelled as he slapped me one more time, making my eyes water. The audience chattered and I heard one of the aliens make an appreciative comment in a breathless tone.

Grabanimo grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled back sharply. His cock was right at my face and I knew what he wanted now.

"Do you want it?" he asked me, his voice filled with desire.

I nodded, and despite the uncontrollable desire ravaging my mind, I could still feel the embarrassment of being watched.

"Go on then, Earthling whore," he said.

I took my place in this play properly and willingly started to suck his cock, sucking as hard as I could while he pushed his shaft into my mouth and down my throat. This was not the same alien I had fucked last night. He was different now that we weren't alone. This was an alien who had hunted me, trapped me, and was abusing me in front of an audience of aliens. And I lapped it up.

He pushed my head back and forth while I sucked on him, his hands on my shoulders for leverage. His cockhead bumped against the entrance to my throat and I gagged each time it did. It felt like he was touching the back of my mouth, going so far down that it tickled my tummy, and my wet cunt clenched with delight. For all the shame and anger I felt at being abused like this I couldn't help but feel horny.

"That will do, you've demonstrated my point," Keldon said.

With a disgruntled look, Grabanimo backed away and his dick fell out of my mouth with a wet pop. I immediately felt empty without it and pulled against my restraints, hungry to have his cock once again.

"As you can see, she is now consumed by lust. I shall remove her restraints. She will make no attempt to escape even though the door is open," Keldon said.

The restraints on my wrists and ankles vanished, freeing me from the table. I rolled to my feet but my legs were weak and I fell to my hands and knees. My eyes clocked the open door. The exit from this horrible lab. Then I looked back at Grabanimo's rampant erection.

It wasn't like there was any way of escaping the ship anyway.

I licked my lips and began crawling seductively across the floor, that huge member firmly in my sight. My breasts swayed as I made my way to my goal.

"Oh my," one of the audience members said as they muttered to their companion.

"You see?" said Keldon. "The Earthling desires only sexual release."

I crawled towards the alien cock with its glistening head. I reached it, leaning closer and closer until the tip was brushing my lips. He gripped his cock and jerked himself off, slapping my face.

"Where do you want it?" Grabanimo asked.

Silently, I turned around, and stuck my ass in the air, presenting my eager holes to him. I wiggled my tush invitingly at him and looked back over my shoulder lustily. I'd never behaved this way for any man and yet here I was doing it for an alien.

"Please," I whispered.

He let out a pleased growl and positioned himself behind me, his big hands grabbing my hips and pulling them towards him. I bent down lower so that my ass was raised up higher and his hard dick pressed against my folds, the purplish tip pressing at my entrance. It slid inside of me easily, aided by the copious amounts of juices pouring from my quivering love hole.

"Aaahhhh," I moaned as he filled me up.

He gripped my hips tighter making me yelp. Then he yanked my hips hard making me squeal. He began pounding into me with an animal fury, making my breasts jiggle and my throat make noises of pleasure I didn't even know I was capable of. He rammed his cock in and out quickly, slapping his strong balls against me on every thrust. In seconds he had me screaming in delight.

"Oh fuck yes! Fuck... Yes," I babbled like a lunatic. "Fuck me! Harder!" I no longer cared that we had an audience. All I cared about was the ecstasy he was filling me with.

Grabanimo slammed his cock as far into me as possible, filling me up with his alien meat.

"Aaahhh yes! Oh, fuck me! Fill me with your cum!" I screamed.

The alien humped faster, his massive cock drilling into my pussy as if his life depended on it. Then, with one last hard thrust, he grunted and I felt his hot seed spurt into me. His hands gripped my hips even tighter as he emptied his huge ball sack deep inside of my cunt. His cum made it feel even wetter than it already did and I moaned with delight.

When Grabanimo had finished he pulled out of me with a deep 'plop' and I wiggled my ass at him, my pussy gaped wide to show off his wonderful work. Grabanimo smiled and walked over to me, his cock hovering above my head. I knew what I wanted and I pulled myself onto my knees so I could lick his dick clean. I swirled my tongue over his head and licked the sticky juices off his shaft.

"That was entirely unnecessary," Keldon said when I'd finished. "However, it does demonstrate the power of our semen in the Earthling system. Subject 004 has been utilized enough for today. She will be taken back to her room and this afternoon we will test to see if any seeds have been deposited within her."

"What? No, it's not over?" I asked. I hadn't been fully satisfied yet and there were still 7 more aliens who hadn't fucked me. 8 if I counted Keldon, but he gave me eunuch vibes if I was being honest.

"We will not contaminate the semen already inside you. It would interfere with the study," he said.

I looked at the other aliens and saw that they all looked disappointed too. Clearly they'd been hoping to follow Grabanimo. My pussy ached with longing. I just needed one orgasm and I'd be satisfied. But it was not to be.

Keldon showed me back to my room and the door slid shut behind him. I curled up naked on my bed and closed my eyes so I could relive what had just happened. I reached down and began to rub my still-wet pussy. Until they took me back to the lab the memory would have to suffice.